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:sori: jst pa to kar v Pesem počutja piš hm bom pa tuki v nadaljne x:px :palec:


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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xDDx da ne bom vedno sam "cmerave pisala" ..eto ena od Dragojevića xDDx




(Z. Runjić – J. Fiamengo – Z. Runjić)


Ovo van je štorija o Nadalini,

more biti da vi znate Nadalinu, a?

Sva puca od lipote,

a jema je da van pravo rečen ča i vidit

smantala bi ona i većega muškardina

a di neće ovakega karonju ka ča san ja

a najskoli kad pere noge u dvoru;



Kad Nadalina noge toča

srid dvora u maštilu,

jo, ke beleca, ke finoća,

inšempja mladost cilu!

Svi gledaju u noge bile

uz bačve, karatile,

jer slaja je od zrileg voća

kad Nadalina noge toča!


Nadalina, Nadalina,

da si moja, Nadalina!

Jemala bi muškardina

Nadalina, Nadalina!


Jo, da mi je onoga slatkoga od fešte,

rožadi, galetini, mandulati, torte, krokanti

ni ništa slaje od slatkoga

more bit da je samo slaja Nadalina

cili dvor zamiriše i poludi

kad ona pravi slatko;



Kad Nadalina misi slako

u dane isprid fešte

jo, da je vidit bar na kratko,

ča skriva ispod vešte

jer slaka je ka cukar fini

dok leti po kužini

i rado bi je jema svako

kad Nadalina misi slako!


Jaja se, to cili svit zna,

moredu spravjat na mali milijun način:

i u šorbulu i na joko i sirova,

a može ih se i u tvrdo i u meko,

i u gusto i u ritko,

i sa svon mogućon spizon mutit,

al’ kad Nadalina muti jaja

kadi špatije

to je prava fešta od jaja;



Kad Nadalina muti jaja

zamuti pamet svima

i svakin danon sve je slaja

ka gucaj dobreg vina!

Na sebi jema sve na rige

iz ćaćine butige

i svi je želu, bez retaja

kada Nadalina muti jaja!


Aj, ča vaja poć leć,

finila je i ova,

al’ kad Nadalina greje leć,

to pari ka da cvit počiva u cviću;

Ma da mi je koji put vidit

kako se ono uvučije u posteju

i kako sva zamiriši

noć zasvitli, cvrčci počnu pismu

Nadalina, Nadalina!


Kad Nadalina gasi gasi sviću

kraj otvorenih škura

jer lito je i sve u cviću

a malo noćni ura.

Pod ponistru tad momci stanu

i naprave galamu

da poželu jon pismon sriću

kad Nadalina gasi sviću!


Nadalina, Nadalina,

bi’ ćeš moja



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Ana Dežman...Ni bilo zaman


Šli smo za svetlobo,

šli za vonjem žita,

trudni romarji skozi čas.


Prečili kalne reke

in zapuščena polja,

šli čez temni les, pusti kras.


Slišali smo sanje,

bel utrip srca,

nismo pozabili želja.


Nismo se predalim

ni bilo zaman,

slepo noč zamenjal je dan.


Ker tam na obzorju varen dom stoji,

jablana in lipa,

v njeni krošnji ptica poje si,

in pravi nam: ni bilo zaman.


Šli smo za otroci,

vonjem rožmarina,

trudni od strahu in skrbi.


Prestopili gore,

in bredli močvirja,

snežne meteže brez poti.


Slišali smo sanje,

bel utrip srca,

nismo pozabili želja,

nismo se predali,

ni bilo zaman,

slepo noč zamenjal je dan.


Ker tam na obzorju varen dom stoji,

jablana in lipa,

v njeni krošnji ptica poje si,

in pravi nam: ni bilo zaman.


Čutili smo moč,

skrivnostni spev daljav,

veter se je z nami igral.


Puščavi odtis

za naše dediče,

čakali, da mine gorje,

ker tam na obzorju veren dom stoji,

jablana in lipa,

v njeni krošnji ptica poje si,

in pravi nam: ni bilo zaman.



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Po beli preprogi Anika Horvat


belo nebo seje snežni prah,

drevje ga lovi na gole veje

vse je negibno in nem je zrak

še čas se je ujel

u mehke niti bele preje


po beli preprogi

odpelji me s sanmi

naj biserni kristali

spletejo se z mojimi lasmi

tesno naj tvoja roka me oklepa

da me ljubiš

da sem lepa

tiho komaj slišno reci mi


po beli preprogi

odpelji me s sanmi

naj sanje uveni

naj me lesketanje oslepi

snežinke se topijo mi na dlani

stisni me močneje k sebi

dolgo zdaj za naju naj sneži


dolgo zdaj za naju naj sneži...


zgubiva se v vrtinec

belih zvezd

daleč od obljudenih poti

za nama sneg skrije naj sledi

daleč od obljudenih poti


po beli preprogi...



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Rime Of The Ancient Mariner-Iron Maiden


Hear the rime of the Ancient Mariner

See his eye as he stops one of three

Mesmerises one of the wedding guests

Stay here and listen to the nightmares

of the Sea


And the music plays on, as the bride passes by

Caught by his spell and

the Mariner tells his tale.


Driven south to the land of the snow and ice

To a place where nobody's been

Through the snow fog flies on the albatross

Hailed in God's name,

hoping good luck it brings.


And the ship sails on, back to the North

Through the fog and ice and

the albatross follows on


The mariner kills the bird of good omen

His shipmates cry against what he's done

But when the fog clears, they justify him

And make themselves a part of the crime.


Sailing on and on and North across the sea

Sailing on and on and North 'till all is calm


The albatross begins with its vengeance

A terrible curse a thirst has begun

His shipmates blame bad luck on the Mariner

About his neck, the dead bird is hung.


And the curse goes on and on at sea

And the curse goes on and on for them and me.


"Day after day, day after day,

we stuck nor breath nor motion

As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean

Water, water everywhere and

all the boards did shrink

Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."




There, calls the mariner

there comes a ship over the line

But how can she sail with no wind

in her sails and no tide.


See... onward she comes

Onwards she nears, out of the sun

See... she has no crew

She has no life, wait but there's two


Death and she Life in Death,

they throw their dice for the crew

She wins the Mariner and he belongs to her now.

Then ... crew one by one

They drop down dead, two hundred men

She... She, Life in Death.

She lets him live, her chosen one.



"One after one by the star dogged moon,

too quick for groan or sigh

Each turned his face with a ghastly pang

and cursed me with his eye

Four times fifty living men

(and I heard nor sigh nor groan),

With heavy thump, a lifeless lump,

they dropped down one by one."




The curse it lives on in their eyes

The Mariner he wished he'd die

Along with the sea creatures

But they lived on, so did he.


And by the light of moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

With heart he blesses them

God's creatures all of them too.


Then the spell starts to break

The albatross falls from his neck

Sinks down like lead into the Sea

Then down in falls comes the rain.


Hear the groans od the long dead seamen

See them stir and they start to rise

Bodies lifted by good spirits

None of them speak

and they're lifeless in their eyes


And revenge is still sought, penance starts again

Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.


Now the curse is finally lifted

And the Mariner sights his home

Spirits go from the long dead bodies

Form their own light and

the Mariner's left alone


And then a boat came sailing towards him

It was a joy he could not believe

The Pilot's boat, his son and the hermit

Penance of life will fall onto Him.


And the ship it sinks like lead into the sea

And the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins


The Mariner's bound to tell of his story

To tell his tale wherever he goes

To teach God's word by his own example

That we must love all things that God made.


And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man

And the tale goes on and on and on.

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Vrime da se pomirim sa svitom


Medju ljudima za koje ne pitam

odavno neko postoji

kome ne praštam a trebao bih


Otkad stavljam križ

kraj njenog imena

vodi me bis kroz godine

a jedva se sičam zbog čega je



Več je vrime da se pomirim sa svitom

i tiho, k'o da zaronim na dah

u svemu sad mogu nači nešto lipo, lipo

i reči živote dobar ti dan


Na te grane ja više ne smim past

na njenu dušu prišit

sve sto nisamo dospili


Koliko krivih rici pobigne kroz zube

a ko če ih stič

ka i perje baceno u vjetar

ne moš pokupit, a učim se kupit


U svemu sad moram nači

nesto lipo

i reci živote - dobar ti dan



U svemu sad mogu nači

nesto lipo, lipo

i reci živote - dobar ti dan


Medju ljudima o tome ne pričam

al znaju mi s lica pročitati

kome ne praštam a trebao bih.

Dokler diham, upam.
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  • 2 months later...



samotarji so

svetloba jih boli

hranijo se z žagovino mraka

živijo v stolpih iz črvojedine


brezdomci so

stisnjeni pod kamni

v razpokah in špranjah

sprešani od teže

ki se vali čeznje


včasih švigajo gor gor v tišino

gor gor v mraz

včasih jim bela kri drhti v pesmi brez glasu



na vršičku samote

tam pod dežjem noči

se vzpnejo in zakličejo klic tišinast


iz drugega srca jim odgovori drug klic

potem cvetejo klici

v razkosanih globočinah

globoko dol pod črnim nebom

hitro se prižigajo

tiho odcvetajo


živijo z želom

namerjenim v lastno srce



Dane Zajc

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Ljubim trhle, razpadle stvari,

usahle cvetove,

mrak, ki po krvi diši

in votlo vriskanje sove.

Potuhnjene tihe korake

in stoke, ki hropejo v noč

človeka, ki nič več ne čaka,

ki suho zakašljal je v noč.

Ljubim vse bolno in gnilo,

temo in nemirni strah,

ubijanja mračno silo

in groze ledeni dah.

Vse kar je kot moja duša,

kar se več smejati ne zna,

kar v kotu stoji in posluša,

kdaj se ta trenutek konča.


Dane Zajc

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Andrea Bocelli con Giorgia: Vivo per lei xsrcx


Vivo per lei da quando sai

La prima volta l'ho incontrata

Non mi ricordo come ma

Mi é entrata dentro e c'é restata

Vivo per lei perché mi fa

Vibrare forte l'anima

Vivo per lei e non è un peso


Vivo per lei anchio lo sai

E tu non esserne geloso,

Lei di tutti quelli che

Hanno un bisogno sempre acceso,

Come uno stereo in camera,

Di chi da solo e adesso sa,

Che unche per lui, per questo

Io vivo per lei.

è una musa che ci invita

A sfiorarla con le dita,

Atraverso un pianoforte

La morte lontana,

Io vivo per lei.

Vivo per lei che spesso sa

Essere dolce e sensuale,

A volte picchia in testa ma

un pugno che non fa mai male.

Vivo per lei lo so mi fa

Girare di citta in citta,

Soffrire un po' ma almeno io vivo


è un dolore quando parte.

Vivo per lei dentro gli hotels.

Con piacere estremo cresce.

Vivo per lei nel vortice.

Attraverso la mia voce

Si espande e amore produce.


Vivo per lei nientaltro ho

E quanti altri incontrer

Che come me hanno scritto in viso:

Io vivo per lei.


Io vivo per lei

Sopra un palco o contro ad un muro...

Vivo per lei al limite.

... anche in un domani duro.

Vivo per lei al margine.

Ogni giorno

Una conquista,

La protagonista

Sar sempre lei.

Vivo per lei perch oramai

Io non ho altra via duscita,

Perch la musica lo sai

Davvero non lho mai tradita.

Vivo per lei perch mi da

Pause e note in libert

Ci fosse unaltra vita la vivo,

La vivo per lei.

Vivo per lei la musica.

Io vivo per lei.

Vivo per lei unica.

Io vivo per lei.

Io vivo per lei.

Io vivo

Per lei.

In al' veš, da ti ga vnemaš,

ti mu pevski ogenj daš,

al' se smel bo razodeti

vsaj pozneje, sam ne ve.


(F. Prešeren)

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  • 3 weeks later...


The Beatles


To lead a better life, I need my love to be here


Here, making each day of the year

Changing my life with a wave of her hand

Nobody can deny that there's something there


There, running my hands through her hair

Both of us thinking how good it can be

Someone is speaking but she doesn't know he's there


I want her everywhere

And if she's beside me I know I need never care

But to love her is to meet her everywhere

Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies

Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there


I want her everywhere

And if she's beside me I know I need never care

But to love her is to meet her everywhere

Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies

Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there


To be there and everywhere

Here, there and everywhere

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  • 3 weeks later...

Diana Krall


Why should I care?


Was there something more i could have done?

Or was i not meant to be the one?

Where's the life i thought we would share?

And should i care?


And will someone else get more of you?

Will she go to sleep more sure of you?

Will she wake up knowing you're still there?

And why should i care?


There's always one to turn and walk away

And one who just wants to stay

But who said that love is always fair?

And why should i care?


Should i leave you alone here in the dark?

Holding my broken heart

While a promise still hangs in the air

Why should i care?

There is

One Mind,

One Truth,

One Source in the Universe,

and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

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Tale je meni všeč od nekdaj...


Wish You Were Here




So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,

blue skies from pain.

Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?

A smile from a veil?

Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?

Hot ashes for trees?

Hot air for a cool breeze?

Cold comfort for change?

And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,

Running over the same old ground.

What have we found? The same old fears.

Wish you were here.

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
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lepi zajcki

pisani piscancki




odojki igravi

pavi bahavi




cesn in vin

nastane obara za vecn spomin.



PA kaj vas zelenjava zanima,,,

se z mesom ne rima,,, :vragec:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hinder--> Lips of an angel



Honey why you calling me so late?

It's kinda hard to talk right now.

Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?

I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud


Well, my girl's in the next room

Sometimes I wish she was you

I guess we never really moved on

It's really good to hear your voice say my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak


And I never wanna say goodbye

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel


It's funny that you're calling me tonight

And, yes, I've dreamt of you too

And does he know you're talking to me

Will it start a fight

No I don't think she has a clue


Well my girl's in the next room

Sometimes I wish she was you

I guess we never really moved on

It's really good to hear your voice say my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak


And I never wanna say goodbye

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel


It's really good to hear your voice say my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak


And I never wanna say goodbye

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel


And I never wanna say goodbye

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel


Honey why you calling me so late?




Seether&Amy Lee --> Broken


I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain


‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away


You've gone away, you don't feel me anymore


The worst is over now and we can breathe again

I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away

There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain


‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open

And I don’t feel like I am strong enough



Saliva --> Always

I hear, a voice say "Don't be so blind"

It's telling me all these things

That you would probably hide

Am I, your one and only desire

Am I the reason you breathe

Or am I the reason you cry?


Always, always, always, always, always, always,

I just can't live without you...


I love you

I hate you

I can't get around you.

I breathe you

I taste you

I can't live without you.

I just can't take anymore

This life of solitude

I guess that I'm out the door

And now I'm done with you.


(Done with you, done with you, done with you, done with you, done with you)


I feel, like you don't want me around

I guess I'll pack all my things

I guess I'll see you around

It's all, been bottled up until now

As I walk out your door

All I can hear is the sound


Always, always, always, always, always, always,

I just can't live without you...


I love you

I hate you

I can't get around you.

I breathe you

I taste you

I can't live without you.

I just can't take anymore

This life of solitude

I guess that I'm out the door

And now I'm done with you.


I love you

I hate you

I can't live without you.


I left my head around your heart,

Why would you tear my world apart?


Always, always, always, always.


I see, the blood all over your hands

Does it make you feel, more like a man

Was it all, just a part of your plan

The pistol's shakin' in my hands

And all I hear is the sound.


I love you

I hate you

I can't get around you.

I breathe you

I taste you

I can't live without you.

I just can't take anymore

This life of solitude

I guess that i'm out the door

And now i'm done with you.


I love you

I hate you

I can't get around you.

I love you

I hate you

I can't live without you.

I just can't take anymore

This life of solitude

I pick myself off the floor,

And now i'm done with you.






Zrak ----> Za njo


nekoč je bla ljubezen,dolgo čutla sva isto

imela skupne poti, cilji spremenili so bistvo..

zakai se je to zgodilo?

hočem nazai stare čase,

tvojo toplino,tvoje srce najraje zakleno bi vase

v svojem odsevu kažem poraze,

moja duša spominja na razbite vaze tukaj kažem vam dokaze.

Iščem stvarnost in slike brezupno delam premike,

krilim po zraku ko iščem tvoje dotike.

Ignoriram čustva ker več mi pomeni mnenje drugih ljudi

kdai začnem razmišlat svojo glavo to me skrbi,

da prepozno bom ujel ta val popolnega življenja,

hočem ustavrit resničnost iz tega hrepenenja

res nočem povzročat trenja,temveč si želim pokazat

da nisi bla le predmet poželenja,bila si sredina-simbol

mojega hotenja.Že ob misli na tebe se mi izpolnila je želja,

a časi so minili kot je minila ta ljubezen,

7 mesecev užitkov pol naenkrat postal sem trezen,

čeprav za vse sem sam kriv se kopam v bolečini ker od

najine zveze so ostali le še spomini.

Zakai sem te pustil to ostal bo le vprašaj.. z roko v roki

na sprehodih to zame bil je raj, čeprav te ni ob meni pred

sabo vidim tvoj obraz slišim te ko govoriš mi te besede na glas:


I will not make the same mistake that u did..

when I let myself cause my heart so much misery..

I will not brake the way u did it fell so hard

i´ve learned in heartway so never let it get so far..


ne prenesem tega da v drugem objemu se skrivaš,

lažna čustva gojiš med tem ko prava prikrivaš.

Poznaš resnico v sebi da tvoje srce namenjeno je meni

jaz čakam na pravi trenutek to verjemi,

nikol ne bi spustil tvoje roke, objel bi te nežno in te primil za boke..

potisnil k sebi ter poljubil tvoje ustnice sladke naj me tvoj objem za vedno popelje v oblake..

jebeš sanje one samo ustvarjajo praznino, delajo korake najprej a vse v sivino..

upaj na to da slabi cajti kmalu bojo mimo, preganjam jih na vse načine tudi z rimo

povej mi kako se jih prežene, kako naj vrnem trenutke ko bla si del mene..

hočem vrnit spomine ko vrtim v glavi si slike a s5 sem na istem ko v prazno delam premike:


I will not make the same mistake that u did..

when I let myself cause my heart so much misery..

I will not brake the way u did it fell so hard

i´ve learned in heartway so never let it get so far

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away


‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open

And I don’t feel like I am strong enough

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away


‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone


You've gone away, you don't feel me anymore

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Eros Ramazzotti - Un'altra Te


Un' altra te

dove la trovo io

un'altra che

sorprenda me

Un' altra te

un guaio simile..

chissà se c'è

un'altra te

con gli stessi tuoi discorsi

quelle tue espressioni

che in un altro viso cogliere non so

con quegli sguardi sempre attenti

ai miei spostamenti

quando dal tuo spazio me ne uscivo un pò

con la stessa fantasia

la capacità

di tenere i ritmi indiavolati

degli umori miei

un'altra come te

ma nemmeno se la invento c'è

mi sembra chiaro che

sono ancora impantanato con te

ed è sempre più


E mi manca ogni sera la tua

gelosia anche se poi era forse più la mia

E mi mancano i miei occhi che sono

rimasti li dove io li avevo appoggiati

quindi su di te

mi sembra chiaro

che un'altra come te

ma nemmeno se la invento c'è

mi sembra chiaro che

sono ancora impantanato con te

ed è sempre più evidente..


Nek&Laura - Pausini Sei Solo Tu


Perchè mi piaci in ogni modo

da ogni lato o prospettiva tu

perchè se manchi stringe un nodo

e il respiro non mi ritorna più.

Perchè non chiedi mai perdono

ma se mi abbracci non ti stancheresti mai

e poi sai fare morire un uomo

con l'innocenza del pudore che non hai.










Perchè sei bella che mi fai male

ma non ti importa o forse neanche tu lo sai

e poi la sera vuoi fare l'amore

ogni volta come fosse l'ultima.








tutto il resto è invisibile

cancellato ormai conquistato

dagli occhi tuoi

dagli occhi tuoi

quel che resta poi

quel che resta sei

sei solo tu

sei solo tu

nei giorni miei

sempre più

sei dentro me

sei solo tu

sei solo

a dirmi che

solo tu

sei dentro me


perchè mi piaci in ogni modo

da ogni lato o prospettiva tu

sei solo tu

perchè se manchi stringe un nodo

e sono questo ora anch'io per te

sei solo tu

sei solo

nei giorni miei

sempre più

sei dentro me

sei solo tu

sei solo

e dimmi che

tutto il resto non conta

il resto non conta

ora non conta

tutto il resto sei solo tu

honor and respect
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, girl

I’d be in trouble if you left me now

‘Cause I don’t know where to look for love

I just don’t know how


Oh, girl

How I depend on you

To give me love when I need it

Right on time you would always be


All my friends call me a fool

They say, “Let the woman take care of you?

So I try to be hip and think like the crowd

But even the crowd can’t help me now, oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...


Oh, girl

Tell me what am I gonna do

I know I’ve got a guilty face

Girl, I feel so out of place, oh, yeah...yeah...

Don’t know where to go, who to see, yeah


Oh, girl

I guess I better go

I can save myself a lot of useless tears

Girl, I’ve gotta get away from here


Oh, girl

Pain will double if you leave me now

‘Cause I don’t know where to look for love

And I don’t, I don’t know how


Oh, yeah



Oh, girl

Why do I love you so, yeah


Better be on my way, I can’t stay


Have you ever seen such a helpless man


Chi Lites - Oh Girl

honor and respect
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  • 4 weeks later...

and in the air the fireflies

our only light in paradise

we'll show the world they were wrong

and teach them all to sing along



and as we lie beneath the stars

we realize how small we are

if they could love like you and me

imagine what the world could be




if everyone cared and nobody cried

if everyone loved and nobody lied

if everyone shared and swallowed their pride

then we'd see the day when nobody died...




ßoDi ło K@r §i... DrUgih J€ ił@k z€ Pr€v€c !!!


life is a strange thing... just when you think you learned how to use it... it's gone...

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Klemen Klemen - Sovražim Maribor

x:o)x A daj no!

Se spomnim tega komada, ja...



The look of love


The look of love is in your eyes

A look your smile can't disguise

The look of love is saying so much more than just words could ever say

And what my heart has heard, well it takes my breath away


I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you

How long I have waited

Waited just to love you, now that I have found you


You've got the

Look of love, it's on your face

A look that time can't erase

Be mine tonight, let this be just the start of so many nights like this

Let's take a lover's vow and then seal it with a kiss


I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you

How long I have waited

Waited just to love you, now that I have found you

Don't ever go

Don't ever go

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
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Counting Crows


I am color...blind. Coffee black and egg white

Pull me out from inside. I am ready. I am ready

I am ready. I am. Taffy stuck, tongue tied

Stuttered shook and uptight. Pull me out from inside

I am ready. I am ready. I am ready. I am...fine


I am covered in skin. No one gets to come in.

Pull me out from inside.

I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding

I am colorblind. Coffee black and egg white

Pull me out from inside. I am ready. I am ready

I am ready. I am...fine. I am.... fine. I am fine


Besedilo samo po sebi ni nič kej posebnega, sam pesem je pa najlepša

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  • 2 weeks later...

A-HA "Hunting High And Low"


Here I am

And within the reach of my hands

She sounds asleep and she's sweeter now

Than the wildest dream could have seen her

And I Watch her slipping away

Though I know I'll be hunting high and low



There's no end to the lengths I'll go to

Hunting high and low


There's no end to lengths I'll go


To find her again

Upon this my dreams are depending

Through the dark

I sense the pounding of her heart

Next to mine

She's the sweetest love I could find

So I guess I'll be hunting high and low



There's no end to the lengths I'll go to

High and Low


Do you know what it means to love you...


I'm hunting high and low

And now she's telling me she's got to

go away

I'll always be hunting high and low

Hungry for you

Watch me tearing myself to pieces

Hunting high and low



There's no end to the lengths I'll go to

Oh, for you I'll be hunting high and


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