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Astrologija Mayev, Majev


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Self-Existing Moon day 19

Year of the White Planetary Wizard




kin 216: Yellow Galactic Warrior

I Harmonize in order to Question

Modeling Fearlessness

I seal the Output of Intelligence

With the Galactic tone of Integrity

I am guided by the power of Universal Fire




...kaj ne bom čudna...... :vragec: x:Dx x^x x;)x ........

you see things; and you say WHY?

but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT?

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Lunar Moon day 7

Year of the Yellow Spectral Seed




kin 58: White Rhythmic Mirror

I Organize in order to Reflect

Balancing Order

I seal the Matrix of Endlessness

With the Rhythmic tone of Equality

I am guided by my own power doubled

I am a galactic activation portal enter me.


In kaj naj razumem iz tega?

Popravljeno -> pumpkin
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Self-Existing Moon day 22

Year of the Red Galactic Moon


kin 74: White Solar Wizard

I Pulse in order to Enchant

Realizing Receptivity

I seal the Output of Timelessness

With the Solar tone of Intention

I am guided by the power of Heart


There is

One Mind,

One Truth,

One Source in the Universe,

and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

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rojen na/dne:

Galactic Moon day 13

Year of the Blue Lunar Storm

kin 67: Blue Lunar Hand

I Polarize in order to Know

Stabilizing Healing

I seal the Store of Accomplishment

With the Lunar tone of Challenge

I am guided by the power of Self-generation

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tole sem pa žezadnjič enkrat gledala...


Crystal Moon day 11

Year of the Red Crystal Moon




kin 187: Blue Overtone Hand

I Empower in order to Know

Commanding Healing

I seal the Store of Accomplishment

With the Overtone tone of Radiance

I am guided by the power of Vision

Pri duhovnosti ne gre za težnjo po biti duhoven, temveč pomeni biti resnićen.

Spirituality is not about being spiritual. It's about beeing real.

by Tony Samara




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Overtone Moon day 7

Year of the Blue Overtone Storm



kin 97: Red Rhythmic Earth

I Organize in order to Evolve

Balancing Synchronicity

I seal the Matrix of Navigation

With the Rhythmic tone of Equality

I am guided by my own power doubled


Hm... zanimivo! x:)x

Življenje je to, kar se zgodi, medtem ko načrtuješ druge stvari.
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Self-Existing Moon day 28

Year of the Red Crystal Moon


kin 240: Yellow Rhythmic Sun

I Organize in order to Enlighten

Balancing Life

I seal the Matrix of Universal Fire

With the Rhythmic tone of Equality

I am guided by my own power doubled


nč jasn??? x?x

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson
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Kje ste to dobili?

Jaz sem se prebijala korak za korakom in ugotovila le, da sem


BLUE RHYTMIC EAGLE. (decode a birth data)

Besede imajo vrednost.

Kar pa je v besedah vrednega, je misel v njih.

Misel nekaj zasleduje, toda stvari, katere zasleduje, ni mogoce preliti v besede in predati potomcem.

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Rhythmic Moon day 9

Year of the Blue Rhythmic Storm




kin 167: Blue Spectral Hand

I Dissolve in order to Know

Releasing Healing

I seal the Store of Accomplishment

With the Spectral tone of Liberation

I am guided by my own power doubled

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Overtone Moon day 18

Year of the Red Self-Existing Moon


kin 198: White Electric Mirror

I Activate in order to Reflect

Bonding Order

I seal the Matrix of Endlessness

With the Electric tone of Service

I am guided by the power of Spirit



Kje ste to dobili?

Jaz sem se prebijala korak za korakom in ugotovila le, da sem


BLUE RHYTMIC EAGLE. (decode a birth data)





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Hvala, Strelka02, ja saj sem bila na tej strani, pa sem to spregledala

Besede imajo vrednost.

Kar pa je v besedah vrednega, je misel v njih.

Misel nekaj zasleduje, toda stvari, katere zasleduje, ni mogoce preliti v besede in predati potomcem.

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povezave kjer si izracunate so jasno na uvodnem postu teme (zgoraj) ane!! itak! :8): x;)x


sicer pa ce zelite vec o opisih. si prav tako lahko pogledate ostale povezave, prav tako navedene na uvodnem postu (zgoraj), le ce si boste vzeli malo casa in prebrskali spletno stran x;)x





za kukico, ksenio, zame in tiste, katerih znak je modra roka, imamo izgleda planet ZEMLJA:


ZEMLJA - dodana je moč človeka in roke:

RUMENI ČLOVEK - moč svobodne volje

MODRA ROKA - moč uresničitve ali realizacije

Realizacija se nanaša na izpopolnjevanje reda Univerzuma. Posreči se, ko spoznamo lastno svobodno voljo in jo pravilno uporabimo. Takrat se povežemo z božanskim redom.


vir in Copyright Akademija zivljenja >>>


Sicer pa:

Roka VEDENJE - ZNANJE - ZDRAVLJENJE *Danes izrazi svojo srčno željo. Vse Vesolje te podpira pri njeni izpolnitvi.* prinaša zadovoljstvo skozi ustvarjanje.



Vec o tem in drugih znaki, si lahko prebere (copy - paste tekst prikaze se vec teksta x;)x ) tukaj >>>




Letos je leto:


LETO RDEČE MAGNETIČNE LUNE * od 26.07.2006 do 25.07.2007 *


vec o razlagi si lahko pogledate tukaj >>>

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Čarovnik ZAČARATI - PRAVOČASNOST - DOVZETNOST *Tvoja pot naj bo razsvetljena z lučjo, s pogumom in poštenostjo, z resnico in sočutjem.* se zaveda moči vseh prejšnjih trinjastih pečatov. Zato zapre oči in pogleda navznoter, kjer lahko najde vse odgovore :eek:

pa še res je :eek:

There is

One Mind,

One Truth,

One Source in the Universe,

and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

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Crystal Moon day 7

Year of the White Magnetic Wizard







kin 68: Yellow Electric Star

I Activate in order to Beautify

Bonding Art

I seal the Store of Elegance

With the Electric tone of Service

I am guided by the power of Free Will



:eek: xrolleyesx :inocent:




Star Seal No. 8

Beautifiese Elegance


Analog Kin. Like-minded power:




Destiny Kin. Basis of life destiny:




Antipode Kin. Challenge power:



Occult Kin. Hidden power of 7, the unexpected:



Guide Kin. Fifth force outcome power:




Ko tole gledam se zdim samemu sebu hudo naporen xrolleyesx kolk mora šele okolica trpet :vragec:

Kdor išče cilj, bo ostal prazen, ko ga bo našel.

Kdor najde pot, bo cilj vedno nosil v sebi.

Nejc Zaplotnik

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Ohoho (me je onix napotil prejle sem).


*sam nc ne stekam. x:o)x


Solar Moon day 7

Year of the White Planetary Wizard


kin 84: Yellow Rhythmic Seed

I Organize in order to Target

Balancing Awareness

I seal the Input of Flowering

With the Rhythmic tone of Equality

I am guided by my own power doubled


kaj to pomen, kar sem dobila? :8):


in kaj in kje lohk se gledas, k je ful tega tam?

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Klarus x:Ix x:Xx


Marsa, greš pod extended in še enkrat vpišeš datum x;)x pa ti ven vrže to kar sem jaz dodal :inocent: ravno da začnete še malo brskat, zveni zanimivo :palec:


I am guided by my own power doubled

Šefica tle so te pa zadeli v polno x;)x

Kdor išče cilj, bo ostal prazen, ko ga bo našel.

Kdor najde pot, bo cilj vedno nosil v sebi.

Nejc Zaplotnik

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aha, thanx! x:Xx


jp, kar kul tole, ne? x;)x x8Dx



4, targets, flowering


Destiny Kin. Basis of life destiny:


Targets Flowering


Analog Kin. Like-minded power:


Creates Vision


Antipode Kin. Challenge power:


Enchants Timelessness


Occult Kin. Hidden power of 7, the unexpected:


Evolves Navigation


Guide Kin. Fifth force outcome power:


Targets Flowering

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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roka, st. 7.


Destiny Kin. Basis of life destiny: HAND

Analog Kin. Like-minded power: HUMAN

Antipode Kin. Challenge power: EARTH

Occult Kin. Hidden power of 7, the unexpected: WIZARD

Guide Kin. Fifth force outcome power: STORM

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