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Ste že bli na kakem njihovem koncertu?

Kaki se vam zdijo???



Men so najbolši, letos sem tut bla na njihovem koncertu x:Dx x:Dx

*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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:palec: RHCP so ZAKON. xsrcx


Najlepejši x:Dx je pa pevec Anthony(škropijon po horoskopu) x:px ,drugač majo itak najjačo muzko..

Ti trije njihovi komadi so men najboljši:

-Under the Bridge

-Scar Tissue

-Suck my kiss...




Suck My Kiss



Should of been, could of been

Would of been dead

If I didn't get the message

Goin' to my head

I am what I am

Most motherfuckers

Don't give a damn

Aw baby think you can

Be my girl, I'll be your man


Someone full of fun

Do me 'till I'm well done

Little Bo Peep

Cumin' from my stun gun

Beware take care

Most motherfuckers

Have a cold ass stare

Aw baby please be there

Suck my kiss cut me my share



Hit me you can't hurt me suck my kiss

Kiss me please pervert me stick with this

Is she talking dirty

Give to me sweet sacred bliss

Your mouth was made to suck my kiss


Look at me can't you see

All I really want to be

Is free from a world

That hurts me

I need relief

Do you want me girl

To be your theif

Aw baby just for you

I'd steal anything that you want me to



Chicka chicka dee

Do me like a banshee

Low brow is how

Swimming in the sound

Of bow wow wow

Aw baby do me now

Do me here I do allow





xscratchx aja,na njihovem koncertu pa še nisem bla..Pa tud nimam neke pretirane želje,da bi šla..

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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zakaj pa nirvana x:o)x

K so mel zadnji koncert v LJ, pol pa je Cobain se vbil...... :vragec: x:Dx Kaj nardi LJ iz folka xcivx x:Dx


RHCP.......zlo dobri, skor vsi albumi so mi všeč..... :palec: A majo novga? K ta Snow pa mi ni znan, se mi zdi..... :inocent:

Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim.

K. Čapek

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Res maš. Ena izmed kart, ki jih nkol ne bo v moji zbirki. :C: Sn bil zlo razočaran k nism mogu it, še posebej potem k se ubil, pa tko ni blo šans več. K to men tko k da grem na Queene brez Mercurya al pa Doorse brez Morrisona.....No, saj pejpersev začuda še tud nimam, valjda pridejo na vrsto.... x^x :palec:

Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim.

K. Čapek

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K so mel zadnji koncert v LJ, pol pa je Cobain se vbil...... :vragec: x:Dx Kaj nardi LJ iz folka xcivx x:Dx


RHCP.......zlo dobri, skor vsi albumi so mi všeč..... :palec: A majo novga? K ta Snow pa mi ni znan, se mi zdi..... :inocent:



ta zadnji album je Stadium Arcadium. Tam gor je pesem snow. x8Dx

*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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pa še text od pesmi snow(hey oh) :palec:




Come to decide that the things that I tried were in my life just to get high on.

When I sit alone, come get a little known

But I need more than myself this time.

Step from the road to the sea to the sky, and I do believe that we rely on

When I lay it on, come get to play it on

All my life to sacrifice.


Hey oh... listen what I say oh

I got your hey oh, now listen what I say oh


When will I know that I really can't go

To the well once more - time to decide on.

Well it's kiliing me, when will I really see, all that I need to look inside.

Come to belive that I better not leave before I get my chance to ride,

Well it's killing me, what do I really need - all that I need to look inside.


Hey oh... listen what I say oh

Come back and hey oh, look at what I say oh


The more I see the less I know

The more I like to let it go - hey oh, woah...

People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow,

Finally divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go;

Inbetween the cover of another perfect wonder and it's so white as snow,

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go.



Went to descend to ammend for a friend of the channels that had broken down.

Now you bring it up, I'm gonna ring it up - just to hear you sing it out.

Step from the road to the sea to the sky,

And I do belive what we rely on,

When I lay it on, come get to play it on

All my life to sacrifice


Hey oh... Listen what I say oh

I got your hey oh... listen what I say oh


The more I see, the less I know

The more I like to let it go - hey oh woah...

People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow.

Finally divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go

Inbetween the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go.

I said hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now.

Hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now.

People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow,

Finaly divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go.


People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow...

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go.


I said hey oh yeah oh yeah... tell my love now


pa še ostali texti k jih najdete tuki: rhcp-TEXTI PESMI

Hey yeah yeah... oh yeah.

*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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podpisujem, s tem, da bo iz 90ih kot edin bend v zgodovino prišla Nirvana x8Dx

quod scripsi scripsi


:palec: :palec: :palec:


Smo ja začel na novo čas štet... zdej je že nekaj let po N. x;)x Se zadnjič srečam s kolegom iz res mladih let in sediva za mizo kao in mu začne ružit telefon a la Smells like teen spirits x:Dx Nekaterim ostane v krvi x;)x


Ja, RHCP so itak kul, ampak niso tako fatalni... zavedajo se biznisa itd., ni pa kao over the edge, kot je bil npr. Curt

Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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ma ja sj to se tak usi zavedajo x:Dx pač tko je, lol služjo na fanih :inocent:
*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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Vcas sem kar ful shizila na RHCP. :palec: xDDx

anthony kiedis (jp, skorpijon) je res sexy, sam najbolj sem pa shizila na base....

on (anthony) mi je skor mal prevec 'show off'... ceprav ma pa dbest vokal.


'moti me' (v bistvu mi je pa dost vseen x:)x), k po tej eni in isti recepturi zdaj shtepajo pac vse ko0made, so izgubili naboj.

mors nehat k si on top.

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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podpisujem, s tem, da bo iz 90ih kot edin bend v zgodovino prišla Nirvana x8Dx Massive Attack... :palec:

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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  • 3 months later...
Ste že bli na kakem njihovem koncertu?

Kaki se vam zdijo???



Men so najbolši, letos sem tut bla na njihovem koncertu x:Dx x:Dx

O to bi pa jst tud šla. Men so tud zlo hudi. xcivx x:px

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  • 5 months later...

Hello :) No, se se jst pridružujem usem fanom RHCP. Mam eno vprasanje... fuuul si zelim prebrat knjigo od Anthonyja Scar Tissue.. a jo majou kksni knjiznici al pa ej tazga... kupla je lih nebi, usaj dokler je prvic ne preberem.... ce jo je kdo ze prebral nej pove svoje kometnarje :)


Uzivite. :) :palec:

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