ananta 7. februar 2007 Prijavi Deli 7. februar 2007 Eris in Novi Zodijak Napisano za > Astromatrix, Slovenija - Written for Slovenia, EU. The article is unavailable in English or Italian language. See web site for details. Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. V ta zadnjem obdobju je bilo precej novic kar se dotika solarnega sistema in zodijaka. Eris pa Pluto sta planeti patulji na kar imamo dvakrat manjši zodijak od X zodijaka katerega smo objavili prvega augusta 2005 po najavi odkritja 2003 UB313 Eris. Novice predmevamo v skrajšani obliki saj smo že veliko o tem pisali. Nekaj bo najav dogodkov na planetarnem nivoju sicer apokalipticnega tipa. Ljubitelji Amorove astrologije se bojo veselili popestrenem menuju za Venero saj Venera hodi skozi 21 ozvezdja. * Zodijak ima 22 ozvezdja, ascendentov je pa trenutno 16.* Venera se mudi cez 21 ozvezdja zodijaka. * Imamo torej 21 Venerinih tipov ljudi. Torej vprašanje je kjer je moja Venera?* Kater sem tip? Denimo Venera v Scutum in v Orionu je diskretna, v Hydri je vamp. * Venera je lahko v Corvus, Scutum, Pegasus, Crater, Orion, Hydra itn. * Venera je pogosto v Ophiuchus (saj) so to vse planete, pa tudi Luna!* Venera je veliko bila v Sextans-u v 1969. Glej efemeride!* Jupiter je v Ophiuchus leta 2007, Venera pa bo kmalu v Hydra. * Po obdoblju antikrista z Venero v Hydra imamo obdobje mesije z Venero v Pegasus.* Z Venero v Pegazu bo rasa (NASA) progresirala na Zemljine koorbitale kot Cruithne. Astronomi se nasploh ne zavedajo prevec zodijaka kot takega, tako da samo dva sta živoca astronoma kateri so se vkvarjali z to tematiko. Vse v vsem lahko recem da sem imel trije kolege v tem podrocju pa sem zdaj sam. Gre se za exkluzivne podatke kateri bojo pocasi downloadali tudi v popularne glave v naslednjih 600 let. Rabilo bo vec kot 600 let da se zrihta v red vse kar je »narejeno« poslednjih 2000 let. Cez nekaj kot 650 let namrec se bo pocasi precesija premikala v ozvezdje Aquarius (New Age bo!). Klaudio Zic ponedeljek, februar 05, 2007 05:34:23 CET Venice, Italy SMS-1 +393343182775 SMS-2 +385921023814 SMS-3 Slovenski kmalu spet:) Primeri Venera v Orion, 1990: samo 3-4 dni! 1990-Jul-18 00:00 Tau 1990-Jul-19 00:00 Ori 1990-Jul-20 00:00 Ori 1990-Jul-21 00:00 Gem Vsakega leta Venera je v Ophiuchus! 1990-Nov-24 00:00 Sco 1990-Nov-25 00:00 Oph 1990-Nov-26 00:00 Oph 1990-Nov-27 00:00 Oph 1990-Nov-28 00:00 Oph 1990-Nov-29 00:00 Oph 1990-Nov-30 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-01 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-02 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-03 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-04 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-05 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-06 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-07 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-08 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-09 00:00 Oph 1990-Dec-10 00:00 Sgr Specijalna Cetus II pozicija! Radi bi se spoznal z rojenimi??? 1985-Jun-09 00:00 Psc 1985-Jun-10 00:00 Cet 1985-Jun-11 00:00 Ari Cist nakratko v Cetus. Papeža je Venera v Cetus stala življenja, London je pa z Mars v Cetus zaslišal bombe! Uran je kmalu v Cetus. Celo obdobje smo imenovali The Age of Cetus zato kar je prakticno precesija ta hip v Cetus-u. Eris je trenutno v Cetus, ozvezdju antikrista in hudica. 1970-Mar-15 00:00 Psc 1970-Mar-16 00:00 Cet 1970-Mar-17 00:00 Cet 1970-Mar-18 00:00 Psc Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.The material has been previously published and is available through web site © 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Di che segno di Venere sei? Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. In che segno e la tua Venere? Bada che le possibilità sono ben 21. * Venere visita 21 costellazione zodiacale, nelle quali transita e si sente a casa.* Sono 21 le manifestazioni della dea dell'amore. * Come si manifestano le posizioni speciali di Venere? * Ad esempio Venere in Scutum e discreta ma Venere in Idra e ammaliatrice.* Nell'anno 2007 Venere e nella costellazione dell'anticristo, Idra. * Il Redentore viene prossimamente con Venere in Pegaso. * Quale e il tuo segno della Venere? Klaudio Zic Manda un messaggio SMS con VENERE6 a SMS-1 +393343182775, alternativamente SMS-2 +385921023814 SMS-3 oppure mettici in contatto via inner messaging. lunedì, febbraio 05, 2007 05:34:23 CET Venice, Italy Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.The material has been previously published and is available through web site © 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Our management disclaims any outer comments that could have been made as concern Eris, the 16/22 Astrology System or the RTRRT as ours. Only the copyrighted material by is authoritative as concern zodiacal reformation, the precessed ascendant and instant reality rendering methods. The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools are © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Personal Cosmic Secretary is © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. O5 is © 1987 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. True Mind Distiller and SnowCrash are respectively © 1996 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Cascade is © 1987 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Web site 16/22 Astrology Publications. The Precessed Ascendant and Neptunian Zodiac are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Eris delineation and scientific astrology resources are © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Venus in Special Constellations is © 1995 - 2007 Klaudio Zic. Klaudio Zic can be reached via inner messaging as well as e-mail The Precessed Ascendant and Astronomic Zodiac are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Night and Day 12/24 House System is Copyright © 1999 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The X Zodiac is Copyright © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Eris, Pluto, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Ixion, 2002 AW197, 2002 TX300, Varuna, Typhon, Ceto, Logos and all (H < 6) TNO delineation are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for the dwarf planets is © 2006 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY9 are © 2006 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for comets Wild, C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) and recent centaurs are Copyright © 2004 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic.The astrology of Eris astrology Eris astrology of Eris - Eris natal chart Eris ephemeris predictions horoscope nativity sign publications web www position Eris in Astrology the Astrology of Eris Eris in my natal chart where is Eris in Astrology Eris in the natal horoscope Eris in my nativity Eris web Dwarf Planet Eris in Astrology the Astrology of Eris the dwarf planet what is Eris doing in my nativity How do I determine the position of Eris in my natal chart what is the meaning of Eris in my horoscope Eris in the 12 houses of the horoscope the twelve houses of Eris The Astrology of Eris Eris in my natal chart in aspect, by house in Cetus; Eris publications, Erisian books, Eris in astrology, Eris and the New Zodiac, Eris and the 22/16 Astrology System, Eris and the Night and Day house system, Eris in synastry, Eris in love, Eris in sex, Eris in finance, the financial implications of Eris in Astrology, Eris in conjunction and opposition, 2003 UB313 Eris + Pluto + Neptune + Uranus + Saturn + Jupiter + Mars + Asteroid + Earth + Moon + Venus + Mercury + Sun + comet + dwarf planets Eris predictions 2007 Eris natal chart Eris nativity Eris in your natal chart Eris ephemeris Eris prediction 2007 The Astrology of Eris Erisian astrology Eris in astrology Eris horoscope Eris ephemeris Eris astrology system Eris house system the Astrology of Eris Astrologia Eris Astrologija Eris Eris Astrologie Eris and the X Zodiac Eris chart natal Eris the natal chart has Eris in your horoscope where is Eris in my horoscope Eris astrologer Klaudio Zic Eris astrology publications Eris astrology editions Discordian astrology the Astrology of Discord Discordia in Astrology Eris oroscopo italiano Eris horoskop Eris horoskope Eris ephemerides Where is Eris in my horoscope Cetus II RTRRT real time reality rendering tools O5 Oberon 5 SnowCrash Cascade P.C.S. PCS Personal Cosmic Secretary 16/22 Astrology system Eris in the Night and Day house system Eris in your natal horoscope Klaudio Zic Publications - Suggestions for the Year 2007 Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. "One can discreate that bad transit ahead as well as engineer one's own life according to an intimate plan. We designed the RTRRT especially for the all too worried astrologer, burdened by the new discoveries and distracted by data. We know how you feel; we have been there, too!" Readers should always get something new. We are able to offer outstanding reading as well as study material to advanced astrologers as well as the wizard amateur. Much as we changed the future as well as the past of planetary astrology so we can help you to change some of yours. Our main categories split into divinatory astrology and reality rendering. * 2007 is a great year for astrology and magick with our 22/16 astrology system and the RTRRTools. One is welcome to enjoy one's own true natal horoscope as well as to render one's own reality, independent from the bias of personal fate, right now!* As Venus enters Hydra is the year 2007 we are asked to interpret the omens as well as to inform the general reader as to the 21 zodiacal positions of Venus. The reader will recall that the zodiac has in fact 22 constellations, the 22nd being Moon in Auriga. The new zodiac has 22 constellations while the ascendant set has 16 constellations.* We are able to tell apart the real positions of the planets, thus freeing the astrologer from superstition. One can also discreate that bad transit while engineering a future according to one's own design. In other words we offer freedom for the astrologer.* To be free means freedom from superstition, fate and bad karma but we must first free the whole of the human race from the dark ages of pseudo-astrological rule.* Ten years from now Venus will enter Pegasus. What does this special zodiacal position of Venus mean for the human race especially as concern our space missions?* And finally what is your own position of Venus? Do you have Venus in Corvus or Crater? Perhaps your daughter has Venus in Orion? You can find out your true natal Venus position by consulting the ephemerides as well as by asking us to check it up for you, as sometimes it is tricky to nail that Moon in Orion (WTC) or Mars in Cetus.* This year we have Jupiter in Ophiuchus with Venus in Hydra. How will this positions affect world politics, tectonics and religion? Special publications have been dedicated to the Earth core drilling project, a new religious leader, and a possible antichrist.* Dwarf planets Eris and Pluto have received special attention as they define two historical zodiacs, the P and X zodiac. Can Eris dwell in Canes Venatici while Pluto is in Coma Berenices? How does the X zodiac affect the P zodiac? Where is your own natal Pluto? While it is presently in Serpens Cauda, it could be in Bootes for the '80 generation. How does a Venus in Orion transit affect your natal Saturn in Orion?* Eris is 2003 UB313 in love and war, war and peace; finance and kindergarten. Check our early delineation for 2003 UB313 "Eris" dated Aug 1st 2005. Eris has received our special attention since that date. We take the opportunity to thank the first customer who downloaded a copy of "10th Planet 2003 UB313 and the X zodiac" as early as August 1st, a couple of days after the discovery announcement.* Eris has been variously delineated in the 12 houses of the horoscope as 2003 UB313 for women, kids, pets, in love, finance, at the races, in Las Vegas, at the Big Apple, in the horoscope of Bill Gates, Madonna, Leonardo da Vinci, in magick and afterlife. * While the dwarf planets and centaurs make fascinating reading, our main stress is on the zodiac itself. Many readers will discover their true natal Sun position. There are always surprises even for the pro as e.g. the Sun is in Libra for Sai Baba on Nov 23rd.* Let consumERISm go to your head while you check Eris in Cetus, the dwarf planet that changed the face of astrology, as we know it!* Transneptunian astrology delivers complete delineation for the major transneptunian objects. Check that dwarf planet in your 7th house for an alternative interpretation!* Not only the transneptunian objects but also centaurs, Earth coorbitals, the Apoheles, outer guardians and many other classes of objects received detailed delineation in an astronomic environment, thus free from pseudo-astrologic superstition.* The antichrist may arrive with Venus in Hydra but do we know all the zodiacal positions of Venus? Since Venus spans 21 zodiacal constellations, it offers a variety of interpretations for human behavior. Every time Venus is far from the course of the Sun, the position must mean special behavior. Transgression and black magick thus oppose discretion and true mind in a Venus native. Venus in Hydra is deeply disturbing but Venus in Pegasus, Scutum and Orion are more discrete.* If Venus in Hydra stands for a dark master of the Sith then Venus in Pegasus must oppose him as master Jedi. We see Venus in Cetus as dark force that opposes itself to Venus in Pegasus.* While there is much new astrology stuff to enjoy, we don't want to immerse the reader into the dangerous sea of astrology without hope and anchor as we propose the RTRRT.* The reality rendering tools are simple mental magick that can be performed by anyone while rendering rapid results in the real world. Instant magick has never been so available before!* One can discreate that bad transit ahead as well as engineer one's own life according to an intimate plan. We designed the RTRRT especially for the all too worried astrologer, burdened by the new discoveries and distracted by data. We know how you feel; we have been there, too! Klaudio Zic February 2007. Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.The material has been previously published and is available through web site © 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Our management disclaims any outer comments that could have been made as concern Eris, the 16/22 Astrology System or the RTRRT as ours. Only the copyrighted material by is authoritative as concern zodiacal reformation, the precessed ascendant and instant reality rendering methods. The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools are © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Personal Cosmic Secretary is © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. O5 is © 1987 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. True Mind Distiller and SnowCrash are respectively © 1996 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Cascade is © 1987 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Web site 16/22 Astrology Publications. The Precessed Ascendant and Neptunian Zodiac are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Eris delineation and scientific astrology resources are © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Venus in Special Constellations is © 1995 - 2007 Klaudio Zic. Klaudio Zic can be reached via inner messaging as well as e-mail The Precessed Ascendant and Astronomic Zodiac are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Night and Day 12/24 House System is Copyright © 1999 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The X Zodiac is Copyright © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Eris, Pluto, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Ixion, 2002 AW197, 2002 TX300, Varuna, Typhon, Ceto, Logos and all (H < 6) TNO delineation are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for the dwarf planets is © 2006 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY9 are © 2006 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for comets Wild, C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) and recent centaurs are Copyright © 2004 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic.The astrology of Eris astrology Eris astrology of Eris - Eris natal chart Eris ephemeris predictions horoscope nativity sign publications web www position Eris in Astrology the Astrology of Eris Eris in my natal chart where is Eris in Astrology Eris in the natal horoscope Eris in my nativity Eris web Dwarf Planet Eris in Astrology the Astrology of Eris the dwarf planet what is Eris doing in my nativity How do I determine the position of Eris in my natal chart what is the meaning of Eris in my horoscope Eris in the 12 houses of the horoscope the twelve houses of Eris The Astrology of Eris Eris in my natal chart in aspect, by house in Cetus; Eris publications, Erisian books, Eris in astrology, Eris and the New Zodiac, Eris and the 22/16 Astrology System, Eris and the Night and Day house system, Eris in synastry, Eris in love, Eris in sex, Eris in finance, the financial implications of Eris in Astrology, Eris in conjunction and opposition, 2003 UB313 Eris + Pluto + Neptune + Uranus + Saturn + Jupiter + Mars + Asteroid + Earth + Moon + Venus + Mercury + Sun + comet + dwarf planets Eris predictions 2007 Eris natal chart Eris nativity Eris in your natal chart Eris ephemeris Eris prediction 2007 The Astrology of Eris Erisian astrology Eris in astrology Eris horoscope Eris ephemeris Eris astrology system Eris house system the Astrology of Eris Astrologia Eris Astrologija Eris Eris Astrologie Eris and the X Zodiac Eris chart natal Eris the natal chart has Eris in your horoscope where is Eris in my horoscope Eris astrologer Klaudio Zic Eris astrology publications Eris astrology editions Discordian astrology the Astrology of Discord Discordia in Astrology Eris oroscopo italiano Eris horoskop Eris horoskope Eris ephemerides Where is Eris in my horoscope Cetus II RTRRT real time reality rendering tools O5 Oberon 5 SnowCrash Cascade P.C.S. PCS Personal Cosmic Secretary 16/22 Astrology system Eris in the Night and Day house system Eris in your natal horoscope Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
sedna 12. februar 2007 Prijavi Deli 12. februar 2007 Hm.venerina velika arkana. Mimogrede, pohvale tvoje prijatelju za tarot karte, nekatere so zares neverjetne Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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stepphiesecret 23. januar Prijavi Deli 23. januar On 1/3/2022 at 4:56 AM, ananta said: Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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