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članek Njegove Božanske Milosti Šrila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Gosvami Maharadža, mojega duhovnega učitelja



All Glory to Sree Guru and Gauranga


Bhajan – Rahasya [Ontological mystery of Bhajan (worship)]



It may be possible to easily understand the significance of the word ‘Rahasya’— mystery in this way:-


It is directly perceived that human-being is the best amongst all species of animated beings (living beings) in this world, in consideration of man’s intellectual grasp and capabilities. Minute powers of ‘willing’, ‘doing’ and ‘feeling’ (iccha-kriya-anubhuti) exist in all conscious living beings. Further it is stated in authentic scriptures, all living beings possess minutely in their real self— existence, knowledge and bliss (Sat-Chid-Ananda).


Therefore, the existence of unconscious material things in this world are perceived by the conscious beings, i.e.— matter never comes to say like a conscious being— ‘I am matter’. Conscious beings impart materiality to matter. Matter has got no independent existence of it’s own.


Manifestation of man’s personality is categorical. As much developed consciousness and wisdom will manifest in a man, so much more will be the gravity of his personality. Man without consciousness— a dead body, even if it is retained chemically for a long time, will not be considered as a person. Nobody on earth can get benefit of any specific knowledge directly from the dead body of a renowned personality. Conception of formless, powerless, attributeless entity cannot be comprehended.


It is very often seen that an inexperienced conscious human being is eager to attain specific knowledge from a deserving-experienced-conscious human personality. There is no visible evidence of man’s inclination to attain knowledge from a formless entity.


This material world is always changing and transitory. Material bodies are also mortal. The Transcendental Spiritual Eternal Realm is quite different from this. Why spiritually elevated persons of India substantiated by authentic scriptures, speak about the existence of Transcendental Eternal Spiritual Realm and also existence of Bhagawan (God) and His personal associates? The reason is that Bhagawan (God) and His personal associates or devotees being transcendental, descend in this world out of compassion for the conditioned souls of the world with the purpose of bestowing upon them transcendental actual bliss, i.e. ‘Bhagawat Prema’ (Transcendental Divine Love).


As it is stated above that formless entity, i.e. a non-entity cannot give any material knowledge to any conscious being in this world, like that, except by the grace of Supreme Lord and His personal associates there is no other way to go into that Transcendental Realm and get realization of Transcendental Divine Love.


The above conclusion is substantiated by authentic scriptures regarding the appearance of Supreme Lord in this world every age, in His Transcendental Spiritual Form. Even by Lord’s direction, His personal associates also descend in this world to rescue the fallen souls. Out of compassion they appear and again disappear. Supreme Lord and His personal associates, by their incomprehensible power can appear in this world in such a form so that They are comprehensible to conditioned souls.


If anybody firmly says that Ultimate Reality must be formless, attributeless and powerless, he is also saying so by taking the form of conscious human body. Nobody can give evidence that he has got such knowledge or any knowledge from formless entity. Nothing cannot be the cause of something. Therefore, devoid of consciousness cannot be the cause of consciousness.


yato va imani bhutani jayante yena jatani jivanti

yat prajantyabhisam visanti tatvijijnasasva tad brahma (Taittriya Upanishad (3.1.1) – Bhrigu)


From Whom all the creatures are created; after being created by Whom all are sustained; into Whom all living beings shall ultimately enter— is certainly Brahma. All living beings are from Brahma, in Brahma and by Brahma, so inquiry should be for Brahma. When in the above verse the ablative, instrumental and locative cases and along with these, three case-endings are used for Brahma then how Brahma can be without attributes, i.e. how Brahma can be ‘Nirvishesa’?


Supreme Lord Sri Krishna says in the Gita, ‘Brahmano hi pratishtha aham’— ‘I’ am certainly the foundation or support of Brahma.


The significance of the word ‘Bhagawan’— One Who possesses infinite opulences— mainly sixfold opulences— totality of wealth, totality of power, totality of fame, totality of beauty, totality of knowledge and totality of renunciation, as mentioned in Visnu Purana (6.5.47)—


aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yasasah sriyah

jnana-vairagyayos caiva sad iti bhagam gana

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  • 3 weeks later...

če bi kdo rad še kaj več v tej smeri, vabljen na poslušanje mojega duhovnega učitelja preko interneta. več info na (Video conference)


prav tako vabljen na prvi javni program društva Gokul, v Grosupljem, 30.6.2007 ob 17. uri, v Družbenem domu, Taborska 3, z gostom iz Madžarske, Šrila Bhakti Kamal Tirtha Maharadžem (duhovna glasba, predavanje z naslovom "v iskanju zadovoljstva" in Bogu darovana vegetarijanska sladica).


vabljen tudi na Bhakti joga Forum

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Vsi prisrčno vabljeni na prvi javni program društva GOKUL,

v Grosuplje,

Družbeni dom, Taborska c. 3,

ob 17. uri,

s posebnim gostom iz Madžarske, častnim članom društva GOKUL, Šrila Bhakti Kamal Tirtha Maharadžem.


- duhovna/sveta glasba

- predavanje z naslovom "V iskanju zadovoljstva"

- Bogu darovana vegetarijanska poslastica


Vstop prost!


(reportaža njegovega prejšnega obiska v prostorih društva Gokul tukaj

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