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'Tretja Luna'


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Baje zhe imamo ta tretjo luno. Gre se za 'spacecraft' objekt.

A se gre za napovedane (Nibiru) obiskovalce? dokaj misteriozno

obnashanje NASA-e. Vech officerjev me je mejlalo z varijanto da

je objekt kar metalen. Prva verzija je bila da nikakor ne more

biti metalen. Mozhno pade na Zemljo. Orbita mu je hecna:


Skratka pozicije (trenutno 4 Rak-a):


2002-Sep-17 18:00 64.1838922 -3.7723743

2002-Sep-18 00:00 65.2444841 -3.7322631


Impakt z primarnim Mesec-om predvidoma march 2003. NASA, Claudio.



Claudio Valentin Solis

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hvala na koledarchku. Je zhe v vporabi;)16/6/1963 prva zhena v vesolju. Cruithne je v konjunkciji z primarno Luno (to je tudi moja natalna pozicija) pa z Jupiterjem in transneptunerjem Chaos. 'Zhenski' asteroidi so kar skupaj: Vesta + Ceres + Juno;

Damocles + Pholus + 1992QB1 + Saturn + Chariklo; Saturn daja resnost Chariklo-u; Luna in Jupiter so v konjunkciji z darkplanet Amor; Pylenor in Qc so zraven Uran-a. (bo uploadano)


nekaj SIMSCAN-ov Cruithne (gre kar v 6 shestico in nikar delech od Rib in Vodnara!). Gre se seveda za TROJAN asteroid planete Zemlja.

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  • 1 month later...


Torej se gre zdej za 'kvazi satelite'. Efemeride za ta tretjo (zdej za res) luno. frishke zdej to sekundo,

pravijo da je na 131 = 11 leva, torej trigon marsikaj kot Quaoar in 2002 TX300.


2003-Nov-03 00:00 131.0349473 -57.7877171

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Vese simulacije na imajo tretjo (in drugo) luno inside (notr dama). Pa she opozorilo: tretja luna

seka ekliptiko samo obchasi! Efemeride so 1600 - 2011 pa vseeno

pridno lahko experimentirate. (Saj eni shtejejo tudi Polaris v

horoskop, cheprav je 90 stopinj od ekliptike in je vmes 1008 zvezd!).


Korado Korlevic me je pravkar obvestil da so te kvazi lune nashi izviri mineralov in da se bojo exploatirale. Torej malo SF-a;) Seveda ih je vech!!! (message board)


Novo: planirajo zhe bazo na tem 'mesecu'!


The third moon (nicked Muad Dib) happens to come across Cruithne (second

moon or quasi sattelite of Earth) and our primary Moon on occasions.


2002 AA29 is thus our third moon. Ephe and examples:

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  • 3 weeks later...

3 lune


Copyright © 2003 Klaudio Zic, vse pravice pridrzhane.




Zdi se da imamo tri lune. Ali pa she vech jih she bomo dobili.

Ne zdi vam se chudno da take blizhje objekte (pravzaprav kvazi-satelite

ali trijane) odkrivamo komaj zdaj?


Cruithne je stara druga luna (trojan). 2002 AA29 je nekaj novega.

2002 AA29 ne bo imel astroloshko karijero ker ga prepogosto najdemo

kar pri severnemu polu. Pogosto dela konjunkcije s zvezdami pa ga je

vndarle mogoche vklopiti v holistichno astrolosho analizo.


Canopus (Alpha Argus) je po longitudi blizo Sirius-u (Alpha Canis

Majoris). Pravzaprav je dalech od Sirijusa proti polu. 2002 AA29

pri Gandhiju je v konjunkciji prav s to zvezdo. V tem primeru ta

tretja luna postane resnichni astroloshki objekt.


Cruithne je malo bolj resnichni astroloshki objekt, pa ne boste po

longitudi zvedali che dela konjunkcije ali pa ne. Dosti chasa `bluzi'

predalech od ekliptike. Vodje imajo ponavadi lepe pozicije Cruithne.

Experimentirati na shamankami in zhenskami nasploh.


Na tem prostoru je nemogoche opisati kaj naj bi bila luna in njen

znachaj. Vsekakor se gre za magijsko silo katera prinacha sanje.




Holistichki horoskopi, O5 techaji.





Slovenski bi lahko bil prvi jezik na katerem se bojo objavile

karakteristike novi objektov, ker sem ih pach sam napisal, oziroma

jih pishem v angleshchini. Objave so za celo planeto na USENET grupi

news:alt.astrology.moderated za Slovenijo

so to


Za primorce pa magar she: news://

news:// (slovenia)

Ta povezava bo mogoche delovala. ines.paranormalno je stara grupa

verjetno zhe od cajta BBS-eva. Slovenci s(m)o je zapustili, v Italiji

se she drzhi (ishchi knp

news:// (slovenia)

news:// (macedonia)






Claudio Valentin Solis

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Muad Dib


Copyright © 2003 Klaudio Zic, vse pravice pridrzhane.


Odlochil sem se za zachasno ime tretje lune `Muad Dib'.


2000 WR106 sem hotel imenovati A'aNQIM (Anakin, ONQIM = titani,

nephilim). To ime mu pashe. Nas nekaj astrologov se ne strinjamo

(strinjava?) z nazivi in vporabljamo kar naprej oznake kot 2001

KX76 za Ixion. Seveda preden se planetoid imenuje ga zhe velik

chasa obravnavamo po `designaciji'.


Ko mu poznash karakter se ne strinjash nujno s imenom. Obshasih

ga imenujemo. Varuna je sluchajno skoraj potrefljeno, saj je

misteriozan, nikoli se ne bo natanchno izvelo kaj je skrito

v Varuni. Ixion je nekakor zoporno vsem. Chaos nima skoraj

nobene zveze z samim asteroidom, Rhadamanthus pa morda.


Tako med imenom in objektom jaz. Quaoar ni she imenovan.

Ko bi `analiza' (pravzaprav yahoo search) imena objekta

bila astrologija, vsi bi bili astrologi. To ni mozhno?





Claudio Valentin Solis

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Third Moon



The Mountain Astrologer's Message Board: General Astrology Topics: Third Moon


By Anonymous on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 06:37 am:


The quasi asteroid trines Quaoar and 2002 TX300.


By Anonymous on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 06:39 am:



Ups, I forgot, it's at 11 leo tropical;)


By DebiFox on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 10:00 pm:



Dear Anonymous Puck/Klaudio:


Thanks for the interesting info. Do you know if Quasi was named for anything - a symbol, etc.?


Also, I know Phil Sedgewick's website has some interp. for some, like 2000FZ53, and 200GM137 and quite a few others, but 2002 TX300 and 2002AA29 I only see your post, etc. It's probably just too soon. I checked out Jonathan Dunn's site (excellent website), as well as the ones you mentioned above. I like this stuff and am interested in learning more. Debi


By Anonymous on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 10:56 am:



It's not called Quasi - that's its description, a quasi-asteroid. It doesn't appear to have aa name yet. Read that link to find out more about it.


By Anonymous on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 05:10 am:



Yes of course Phil is into it! Centaurs and some major transneptuners. Jon is into it, you are at the core! We tend at using the designations instead of names even when the objects are named since it is comparatively easy and delineate the name;) You are in good and competent company. Both astrologers are updated and conscious and I must say ahead of today;) The fz and gm centaurs have company, the 2002 centaurs. Phil has delineated them all! You will find other astrologers along this line like perhaps (counting) 5 of them! We are all aware and warry;) of each other. You've found two of the most updated. Phil works with DSO deep sky objects which I use only casually. He's from Arizona so the skies are too bright;) Love, C


By Anonymous on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 05:20 am:



Just received a message from Korado Korlevic. There are quite a few of those quasi moons and

the reason for researech are their exploit. They

are our FIRST MINES in space! Korado is

on the frontline as concerns NEAR objects (also

Korlevic comet(s) are included in the simscans and reports around Quaoar Antares region for the next years


By DebiFox on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 03:50 pm:



Dear Claudio and other Peoples:


I went back and did some more reading like you suggested and I guess not only are they wanting to mine them they're talking about a space station on one. Geez! They hardly get a chance to be birthed, discovered and named before exploitation. I really like reading about the Centaurs and how it pertains to my chart, etc. Today I've been reading (I know, I know - here she goes with another *tome), Barbara Hand Clow's

'The Pleiadian Agenda' - The asteroids Anubis, Quetzalcoatl, the Galactic Center - all important points in my chart (well, to me anyways). I read it once a year or so ago and now find myself drawn back to it. My North Node is right on the Galactic Center deg. (10th) house. Debi


* re: assemblage points/Castaneda - Have you studied Tensegrity?


By Asphodel on Tuesday, November 05, 2002 - 06:03 am:



Debbi and all,


Thanks for the tip on 'The Pleiadian Agenda'. I have been using Jon Dunn's site and his links for some time,also Sedgewick, among others. Which books cover assemblage points and 'Tensegrity?' I do not know this word. It is of Castaneda lineage? The idea 'assemblage points' suggests the image of matter being an intersection of extended energy planes. The planets, all objects, are intrinsic markers of extensive field forces.


By Anonymous on Wednesday, November 06, 2002 - 11:20 am:



The planets and spirit _are_ assemblage points.

At least from the majikal point. We live inside a perceptual coocoon and those 'points' we see as we see but are in fact collectors of consciousness and focusing point. BTW Moon conjunct Quaoar, good time for love after being away from it for some time P.S. Don't dare miss

Taisha Abelar and Florinda Donner Grau. Taisha wrote a book and ascended, the meaning of ascendant;)


By Anonymous on Wednesday, November 06, 2002 - 11:23 am:



My Mercury is there if you refer to _that_ galactic centre.


By DebiFox on Wednesday, November 06, 2002 - 02:17 pm:



To Claudio and Asphodel,


Synchronization here again! Claudio, posted his messages while I was sitting here looking thru Florinda Donner's books and trying to figure out where my copy of Abelar's book went!! Asphodel, I think you'd really enjoy Donner's book 'Being In-Dreaming' as well as Castaneda's 'The Art of Dreaming'. For more on Tensegrity try Claudio, your mercury is conjunct my North Node in my 11th (I think I mistakenly said 10th before) conj. galactic Centre. It's nice to know we're all in good company, sharing our astrology, views and philosophies as Earth floats thru the Photon Belt. Transiting Saturn has slown me down, but it's useful in helping me detach and regroup.

Claudio, think I'll take your tip re:BTW Mooon conjunct Quaoar - (lucky husband, mine)!


By Anonymous on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 10:50 am:



Thanks for the conjunction;) So Moon conjunct Quaoar _is_ a good omen! P.S. have Quaoar in 6th for finance and 2002 AW197 prominent, if conjunct Sun = GOLD! (e-gold?) Claudio


By DebiFox on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 11:55 am:



To Anonymous 11/11:


So, Dear Puck, (Robin)


Yep, I would agree that Moon conjunct Quaoar is good for warm, loving feelings. Don't know much about 2002AW197's effects as I don't know where it is in my chart, and the printout I got from www.centaurresearchproject didn't list it. I wish for you and your loved ones many blessings of good health and financial prosperity. Although with a large family and expenses it's a tight budget for us, I find the universe always takes care of us, and I am humble and grateful for the blessings it bestows. We are rich in other ways. I'm still looking at the Dalai Lama's chart. I feel so drawn to it.


By Anonymous on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 - 05:49 am:



From: (Kaxanova Zakomo)

Newsgroups: alt.astrology.moderated,alt.astrology,alt.astrology.marketplace,


Subject: 3 Moons Conjunct




The third moon (nicked Muad Dib) happens to come across Cruithne (second

moon or quasi sattelite of Earth) and our primary Moon on occasions.


2002 AA29 is thus our third moon. Ephe and examples:


By Anonymous on Thursday, November 21, 2002 - 12:53 pm:



After the third moon, we have Cruithne the second quasi sattelite

conjunct our primary Moon. Such a time for shamanism!





Claudio Valentin Solis

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  • 4 weeks later...

Infinity Presses & presents


An article by Klaudio Zic


= The Third Moon =


2002 AA29 is our third moon or quasi-sattelite. Cruithne is our

second moon or first Earth's trojan /1/. The two sometimes meet

(such as in Puppis and Vela constellations) and sometimes they

meet our primary Moon. It seems we are discovering more Earth's

companions and plan their exploatation as mining ground. /2//0/


At first sight the `third moon' is an object worth little astrological

attention, due to it's motion. The ecliptic is the main highway /3/

for the planets, centaurs and transneptunes and it is there we expect

a planet, comet or any kind of object to be. 2002 AA29 rarely crosses

this information highway, and when it does it brushes by with speed.


Sometimes 2002 AA29 meets Chariklo /4/ or 2002 TX300 /5/ but this

conjunctions are accidental and short living. What do we deduce from



We must conclude that 2002 AA29 symbolizes cyclical erratic events

and most of all those individuals /6/ whose routine is rarely crossing

mainstream agendas.


People who are so much near us that we forget they exist and remember

them only after they are gone /7/ could fall under the protection of

2002 AA29 .


The morning frost could fall under the 2002 AA29 category. It is

cyclical and hardly important yet vital. A lovely phenomenon.


Things having to do with Earth, mining, the ascendant, Malkuth,

:::, irrigation, swastikas, rotating dragons, compass orientation

could fall under the protection of `sattelite' 2002 AA29.


Strangers in the family, the estranged, refugees, special individuals

must be given attention. Sometimes the closest kin is mysteriousely

estranged. Brothers don't know each other, the father is taciturn

and people don't look each other in the eye. On that line 2002 AA29

could determine the level of ourestrangement and assemblage point

shift. Like e.g. asteroid Midas, 2002 AA29 has a wide declination

span and soars aloof hovering in the circumpolar regions. Thus you

could have `thirdmoon in Draco', so to say. /8/


`Short joy after meeting' can be symbolized by Cruithne 2002 AA29

conjunctions, typicaly `summer loves', flirts, sour grapewines after

a beach party? It is worthless that a study in Cruithne 2002 AA29

behavior could yield interesting data for the erotoastrologer. /9/


August sees 2002 AA29 in Eridanus constellation. The river Po (near

Venice in Italy, Europe will form a lake. This position is passively

good as concerns cronical illness (lymph disorder malfunction and

overproduction, heart disease). The pope seems to defy death and

history. Vaticano undergoes a stable change. New routes and roads

are built. An old musician gives concert in a church. This is just

an example of a possible divination made by observing the 2002 AA29

placement. The skies reflect Earth by definition and we tend to give

antropomorfic character to cold space and pressing infinity.


Klaudio Zic /cruithne


Appendixes and Aditional Notes



As summertime loves happen, Cruithne always meets 2002 AA29 in the

same `spot' (roughly the same area) in Cetus (whale) constellation.


This routine could be used for the benefit of the regulation of

waters on our planet and the whale being.


A/ It is worthless that in a three moon system we could succesfuly

appy any trinary logic, such as T'ai Hsuean Ch'ing's tetragrams.

(Again, see under `Derek Walters').


/0/ By `meet' I mean they closely conjunct (by RA or longitude)

or brush by each other's vicinity. Many examples are simulated

on the site.


/1/ Discovered 1986. `Trojan' defined by Korado Korlevic (Korlevic

comet) of


/2/ Information by Korado Korlevic.


/3/ There are astrologies like the old chinese that are equatorial,

rather than ecliptical. The number of possible slices of the

imagined universal globe is infinite. See also Derek Walters.


/4/ A centaur (or nymph-centauress) currently in Crater constellation.


/5/ One of the newly discovered transneptune giants. The largest is,

however, Quaoar. Varuna and Ixion are getting company and objects

larger than Varuna seem to abound.


/6/ Carlos Castaneda could be a good example. A scene from a film

`Paris Texas' where a desert hermit crosses the path of his

brother and main way not even glancing at him would be illustrative.


/7/ `In the Living Years' and `If I see You in Heaven' to name two

illustrative songs.


/8/ Highly experimentally, perhaps when Midas would meet `thirdmoon'

(nicked Muad Dib), the hobo would get rich and we have the Pauper

becoming King. That's a lovely speculation I want to simulate now.


/9/ Cruithne has been impractically defined as `the secondary use of

the vulva in a shaman woman'. 2002 AA29 could be `vulva' on occasions

and productive soil.


Cassini Lilith has been an abandoned _observed_ phenomenon. It still

has all the erotodemoniac characteristics of it's most accurately

pervert delineations.


This article is © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Quaoar HQ



The HORIZONS online JPL NASA program has been widely used to check

for minor planets positions, as well as to produce the ephemeris.

telnet:// (via browser)

telnet 6775 (via command-line)



Coffieur done? Get a NEW HOROSCOPE!


You have them all the loves in your life awaiting for you at

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The most beloved parts of your NEW HOROSCOPE are the latest

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the lovely centaurs Pholus, Chariklo, Chiron, Hylonome, Nessus,

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years. Dwarf them, trash them, update! Dispose of an old way

of thinking and wake up into this new amber morning glory!


Klaudio Zic, Showroom:


© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

This material may not be reproduced without written permission.




A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions.

Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations

will excell in precision and the predictions will be exact to

the minute. Why most of the charts on earth are miscalculated?

B) "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month

of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC

programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala.

C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris

of any new object. Calculating the horoscope from any object (e.g.

Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation.

Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis.

D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus,

Asbolus, 1994 TA Pylenor, 2000 QC243, 2001 PT13 and others.

E) Giant transneptune objects. Quaoar 2002 LM60 larger than all the

asteroids put together. 2002 AW197 finantial asteroid. 2002 TX300.

Ixion. Varuna. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. WTC terrorist 1992 QB1.

F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets". The Rathke Planets.

G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second

moon' trojan Cruithne, third moon 2002 AA29, Damocles and

damocloids, recent comets, deep space objects, Cassini Lilith,

Amors, Atens, Apollos, Hilda, varunoid supercentaurs, brown dwarfs,

Nibiru; planetary nodes, Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes, Raziel,

Devil's Rose.

H) Stargate. Major stars. Primary direction of a star.

I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary

Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes.

J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix?

What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal

evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas.

Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps.




O5 initiation

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Astrology predictions: the year month day hour minute of the event

Astrology predictions: all the loves in your life: all major affairs

Astrology predictions: relationship progress marriage pregnancy timing

Astrology predictions: timing impregnation in difficult cases

Astrology predictions: career stocks timing gain real estate lottery

Astrology centaureana: Chariklo, Pholus, Hylonome, Asbolus, Nessus

Astrology transneptun: Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna, Chaos, Rhadamanthus


I Ching consulting

I Ching futurechanger

I Ching aspectarian

I Ching solar systems

I Ching transits

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I Ching Nibiru


Thu Nov 28 20:21:28 GMT 2002




Claudio Valentin Solis

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