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Lep pri teh črnuhih mi je blazno všeč, kako se na soncu preliva barva v rjavo

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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Kako je muc?

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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Silver, palce gor za dobroto do ptičkov!

In za dobre fotke seveda tudi

(Vrabčka sta zelo lepa. Kaj je tisti drugi ptiček pa tudi jaz nimam pojma.)


Midva sva jim tudi natresla nekaj za zobati,

gledam jih pa žal bolj malo, saj se držim le bolj na toplem (brrr zzzzima).

... Say what you mean

And mean what you say ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Priden silver! :)

Pa veš kaj, kot vidim je dosti dreves s koreninami izrilo iz zemlje, tako da jih lahko vsaj v pravem času odžagaš, da bo ok les.

(se mi zdi da tako nekako

... Say what you mean

And mean what you say ...

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Silver, a se da to polomljeno drevje obrezat, al ga je treba odrezat?


Verjetn se da a ne, sam, kdo bo plezal po drevju, je čist prenevarno rajtam

Čutim, da čutiš, da čutim, kar čutiš
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Dve pomladni


Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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Tole je bilo pa skoraj luštno videt, vsaj med vso ostalo navlako... med drugim dve kozji koži

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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... ampak jaz bi osliiiičko

... Say what you mean

And mean what you say ...

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Kok je luštna a pa maš lahko samo eno?

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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Lej jo .... Rozi


Uh, res je lepa!

Če bi že imela urejeno zanjo bi jo kar posvojila!

... Say what you mean

And mean what you say ...

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Lansko leto sem nad jezerom nad Kamnisko bistrico videl celo druzino. Imas pa lahko tud samo eno, samo potem rabi druzbo in menda so nekolko bolj glasni.

Ta Rozi je prav posebna, verjetno je iz filma "Back to the Future".



skotena oktobra 2014, rjave barve, izredno prijazna, vajena ljudi. Ne grize in ne brca. Primerna za otroke
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Na, Aeval, en kup osličkov






Pa še ene malo bližje:

joj luštni in tok kosmati!

da bi se človk kar malo pomufal obnje

If the sun shines in your soul, what does it matter if it rains outside.
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