emmzi 11. november 2007 Prijavi Deli 11. november 2007 Nisem našla nobene teme zato jo odpiram. Mene slika tega očesa zelo privlači. Vendar sploh nevem kaj je to Baje naj bi izhajal nekje iz Egipta. To je pa vse kar vem o njem. Aja pa verjetno je kaj povezano s časom? http://www.beautiful-ink.com/sitebuilder/images/eye_of_hours-263x193.jpg L.p. Citiraj "Remember when I told you how myKin is different in some ways?And how you should not fall in loveWith someone like me, anyway...Between the lines, people see signsWhen they feel the sear, every day's fear...And one night their torchesFind the girl without a name...And the one who has herLove is no more safe..." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
unis 11. november 2007 Prijavi Deli 11. november 2007 A nismo o tem že enkrat debatirali?Oh .. What is Eye of Horus.... The Eye was a symbol that signified royal power, yet on the numeration side denoted a decimal system where round off was set to the first 6-terms. The ancients believed this symbol of indestructibility would assist in rebirth, due to their beliefs about the soul. The more recent tradition of freemasonry adopted the symbol in the form of the Eye of Providence and as such it has survived to this day. The Eye of Horus (flanked by Nekhbet and Wadjet) was found under the 12th layer of bandages on Tutankhamun's mummy. Horus was an ancient god in Egyptian mythology who dramatically evolved over the whole of Egyptian history. Early on, he became identified as a sky god, where one of his eyes was the sun, and the other the moon. His weaker eye later became less important in his mythology, and he became more strongly aligned with the sun, particularly when the cult of Thoth, a moon god, arose. As the sun, or rather, with his eye as the sun, his eye had a special meaning, and became a symbol of power when combined with the hieratic aspects of the subject. Originally, Ra held this position, but as Horus gradually became more important, he transformed into a sun god, so Horus became thought of as Ra, or rather Ra-Herakhty ("Ra, who is Horus of the two horizons"). Later Horus-Eye numeration decreased in importance in Egyptian life, with hieratic, demotic and later improvements in Egyptian arithmetic solving the oldest Horus-Eye problem. The oldest Horus-Eye problem was to write any number, like one (1), exactly, without throwing away any piece of the number. It represents a peregrine falcon's eye and the markings round it, including the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye; Ancient Egyptian h-r means "falcon". Citiraj protestno masturbira na marsino sliko. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
emmzi 11. november 2007 Avtor Prijavi Deli 11. november 2007 unis nisem nikjer zasledila hvala za obrazlozitev Citiraj "Remember when I told you how myKin is different in some ways?And how you should not fall in loveWith someone like me, anyway...Between the lines, people see signsWhen they feel the sear, every day's fear...And one night their torchesFind the girl without a name...And the one who has herLove is no more safe..." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Titania 1. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 1. december 2007 pred časom je bil na tv-ju en dokumentarec z enakim naslovom (horovo oko). Gledla sem zadnjih 15 min 3. dela, pa mi je bilo zelo všeč Ve kdo mogoče, kje bi se dalo dobit nešpansko verzijo - ali pa vsaj podnapise. Lp Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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