tantra 16. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 16. februar 2008 Zvočna ozadja za homemade izdelane binaural datoteke (aktualen je wav format do 50 Mb velikosti) za uvoz v Brainwaves Generator program...Sample packs:http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/packsView.phpSource & Homepage: http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/index.phpTreba se registrirat. Registracija je brezplačna.Wav, mp3,flac,aif format datotek (le - te se konvertirajo v wav format z Audacity, ...) je na tej strani v obilju.Naj bodo vaši proizvodi poleg funkcionalnosti vrhunske tudi zvočno všečni;opremljeni z vam všečnim glasbenim ozadjem. )Znalec bo upurabil Audacity, druge programe...Enjoy Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 19. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 19. februar 2008 Fire Inside - Stimulant Very Strong (Notranji ogenj)"Starts very soft so you will igniting inside slowly, as you will be concentrating on the sound may feel like starting to ignite the fire in the depths of his soul is at approximately 15 minutes you will be in a fire Internal all, you can remove at this time all the bad thoughts and feelings that surround him, especially the interior, his soul becomes fire and you will feel completely renovated inside."ša se s slušalkami (binaural beat)Magic Arroyo 80min - slušalke niso potrebne (relax nature music) Audacity si lahko vsak sam datoteke pretvori v višji 320kbps bitrate.... Sourceshttp:// TherapiesBinaural Sound Therapies - use headphones (posluša se s slušalkami) Sound Therapies (slušalke niso potrebne) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 23. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 23. februar 2008 0.1 Hz - Epsilon & 55.0 Hz Kundalini Frequency Binaural Beats Meditation"...Advanced Meditation (not for Beginners),Bitrate:320kbps ; 44 KHz, 79.30 Minutes, 181.5 Mb! Use stereo headphones..."http://tantra41.multiply.com/journal/item/...eats_Meditation Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Tipka 23. februar 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 23. februar 2008 no, jaz na javljanju ...ne poslusam nic, ker nimam casa probat ponovno spect CDjev... te, ki sem sijih uspela, mi bere samo racunalnik ...tu pa tako dolgo ne morem sedeti , ker mi je neudobno in me zebe :xx!: investicij eMp3 ni na vidiku ... je naslednji teden sola smucanja za srednjega, pa v prihodnosti vozicek za najmlajsega, pa neki filtri za teleskop za najstarejsega, tak, da ...sicer pa, ko bom to RABILa, bom zrihtala si pa skrbno shranjujem zapise, ki jih Tantra tako zvesto popa gor Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 24. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 24. februar 2008 Jaz grem "spat" s slušalkam na glavi (sem med budnostjo in spanjem v stanju Pozornosti).Ali pa sem v polsveči - sarvangasani & plugu - halasani, ... (v kakem jogijskem položaju oz. njih kombinatoriki). V polsveči kakih 20 - 40 minut z zaprtimi očmi ...Po kaki uri, dveh, treh "joga nidra spanja - ležanja z zaprtimi očmi, med budnostjo in spanjem". Slušalke snamem, jih dam dol. 1 ura takega stanja naj bi bila ekvivalent 4 uram globokega spanja...Imam slušalke s 6m kabla, regulatorjem - potenciometrom za nastavljanje glasnosti. Dobijo se tudi brezžične slušalke... So pa dražje.Brez potenciometra za nastavljanje glasnosti je sluh nemalokrat v nevarnosti.Nimajo vsi občutka za nastavitev glasnosti, ko producirajo binaural beat sound datoteko, datoteke.Oz. to prepustijo uporabniku. V kolikor ima ustrezne slušalke s potenciometrom.Tiste datoteke, katere sam produciram, oz. druge avtorje prilagodim - modificiram za svoje potrebe, so ustrezno nastavljene glede glasnosti. NISO nevarne za sluh.Mp3 predvajalniki, ustrezne slušalke se dobijo tudi po ugodnih cenah. V kolikor se malo razgleda naokoli.Prihodnji teden dobim Neuro Programmer 2 Pro Version.V kolikor ne, ga kupim s kreditno kartico neposredno od proizvajalca.In naredim nekaj datotek v monaural, isochronic tehnologiji.Kjer slušalke niso potrebne. Se pa preko njih bolje posluša.Tipka pošlji PM, ti sproduciram frekvence po tvojih specifikacijah - naročilu brezplačno. Poljubnedolžine predvajanja. Katerikoli nivo frekvenc (Lambda 200Hz + (Dr. J. Thompson klasifikacija frekvenc), do Epsilon - pod 0.5Hz frekvenc, vse ostale nivoje frekvenc.V binaural beat sound tehnologiji - za zdaj.Kasneje tudi v monaural, isochronic tehnologiji. ! Pure Sound - Tones (brez glasbenega ozadja), ali z glasbenim ozadjem, zvočnimi vibracijiami - mantrami po želji.Glasbenih CDjev - free zaenkrat še ne miksam kompletnih z Audacity, ... Se še moram lotit in naučit.Potem bom "kompleten" na "spodnjem" amaterskem nivoju. )Osnova za delo s frekvencami, so že osvojene prakse - "razne, razne"; kaka od njih. Za delo na sebi(relaksacije, meditacije, molitve, dinamične meditativne prakse v gibanju, ...).In postopen prehod iz alphe, na alpha - theta, theta, delta frekvenčne nivoje. V kolikor funkcionira nekdo na le - teh. Sam teh frekvenc ne uporabljam.Sam uporabljam Lambda 200Hz + (po Dr. J. Thompson klasifikaciji), Hipergamma 100 - 200Hz, Gamma 100Hz, Epsilon pod 0.5Hz frekvence (podoben effect kot lambda frekvence);Si zrelaksiran in istočasno v "akciji" z ohranjeno visoko stopnjo Pozornosti... Brez "omamljenosti" - zrelaksiranosti alpha, alpha - theta, theta, delta nivojev.Lambda, Hipergamma, Gamma, Epsilon so frekvence za dinamične, aktivne ljudi.Managerje, športnike, ... Kot tudi beta frekvence (frekvence naravne budnosti & Pozornosti).Od vseh navedenih nivojev je nekje "univerzalna" tudi Theta 7.83Hz frekvenca (ena od frekvenc Zemlje- Schumannovih frekvenc). Frekvenca "možganskega softweara" naj bi bila po nekaterih virih 40 Hz.Zgornjo 0.1 Hz - Epsilon & 55.0 Hz Kundalini Frequency Binaural Beats Meditation (predhodni post) sem naredil za prijatelje, prijateljice iz Latinsko Ameriških držav ,Ruske prijatelje, druge. Kateri se ukvarjajo s Kundalini praksami. Le - te niso za začetnike...Tudi brez njih se živi čisto dobro. )LPno, jaz na javljanju ...ne poslusam nic, ker nimam casa probat ponovno spect CDjev... te, ki sem sijih uspela, mi bere samo racunalnik ...tu pa tako dolgo ne morem sedeti , ker mi je neudobno in me zebe :xx!: investicij eMp3 ni na vidiku ... je naslednji teden sola smucanja za srednjega, pa v prihodnosti vozicek za najmlajsega, pa neki filtri za teleskop za najstarejsega, tak, da ...sicer pa, ko bom to RABILa, bom zrihtala si pa skrbno shranjujem zapise, ki jih Tantra tako zvesto popa gor Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 24. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 24. februar 2008 Epsilon 0.1 Hz Binaural Beats Meditationhttp://tantra41.multiply.com/journal/item/...eats_Meditation Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Tipka 24. februar 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 24. februar 2008 Jaz grem "spat" s slušalkam na glavi (sem med budnostjo in spanjem v stanju Pozornosti).Imam slušalke s 6m kabla, regulatorjem - potenciometrom za nastavljanje glasnosti. Dobijo se tudi brezžične slušalke... So pa dražje.Brez potenciometra za nastavljanje glasnosti je sluh nemalokrat v nevarnosti.Tipka pošlji PM, ti sproduciram frekvence po tvojih specifikacijah - naročilu brezplačno. Poljubnedolžine predvajanja. Katerikoli nivo frekvenc (Lambda 200Hz + (Dr. J. Thompson klasifikacija frekvenc), do Epsilon - pod 0.5Hz frekvenc, vse ostale nivoje frekvenc.V binaural beat sound tehnologiji - za zdaj.Kasneje tudi v monaural, isochronic tehnologiji. ! Pure Sound - Tones (brez glasbenega ozadja), ali z glasbenim ozadjem, zvočnimi vibracijiami - mantrami po želji.Oooo Tantra , ne morem verjet, ful si prijazen, kaksna lepa gesta ... samo mi ne sine, kaj pomeni PM ...resi me ....glede frekvenc nimam pojma.Rada bi imela nekaj v smislu Holosync, kolikor sem brala.Da postanes " uspesen " po nekaj delih poslusanja.Pa ne v smislu, da bi instant nekam prisla... cutim pac, da imam eno podrocje v zivljenju, ki mu ne morem prebiti zida... pa tak malo mi manjka... saj sem ze ogromno naredila na sebi, tu pa kar stagniram ...Nimam pojma v detalje.Povem ti lahko samo, da sem hipersenzibilna, da me energije hitro zatolcejo, ce so v neskladju z mano.Se mi je zgodilo ze energetsko posilstvo :xx!: ... pa cutim svasta, kar drugi niti slucajno, tak, da kaksne kundalini staff sploh ne pridejo v postev x!x ... drugace pa imam raje zraven sounds kaksno muziko, mi bolj sede...zato mi je holosync vsec, ker zraven slisim dezne kaplje ali neko sumenje morja ali nekaj podobnega ...glede slusalk me zanima,a li so vse slusalke stereo ? se opravicujem taksnemu " blontnemu " vprasanju, samo res ne vem....mam neke navadne, ki pa se jim da nastavit glasnost, ceprav so neudobne...si bom nabavila druge...glede dolzine predvajanja, jaz bi to poslusala pred spanjem, pa me zna zraven zmanjkati ... upam, da se to lahko zgodi ... tu si vzamem edino cas zase, pred spanjem, da kaj preberem in pomeditiram ....Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 24. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 24. februar 2008 "glede slusalk me zanima,a li so vse slusalke stereo ?"Naj bi bile. Ko kupuješ, kupi take, da se da uravnavat glasnost. Dobiš datoteko isochronic (+ binaural hkrati) tehnologije, katera se lahko posluša na zvočnike...Je pa na slušalke višja kakovost.Avtor nisem jaz. Je pa free stuff in dela ok. Enakovreden holosincu.Tipo obvlada.Moram samo še pretvorit v wav format, iz njega v 320 kbps, ...Nastavit ustrezno glasnost, kadar se posluša s slušalkami brez možnosti nastavitve glasnosti zvoka.Uploadat na rapidshare.com, ...Napisat specifikacijo uporabljenih frekvenc, ...Lahko je to zvok čistih frekvenc. Ali opremim z glasbenim ozadjem (ogenj zvok močan, potok, morski valovi, ptiči & amazonski gozd, ...). Izjasni se. Kakšno ozadje - neozadje (zvok čistih frekvenc) hočeš imet.LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Tipka 24. februar 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 24. februar 2008 Lahko je to zvok čistih frekvenc. Ali opremim z glasbenim ozadjem (ogenj zvok močan, potok, morski valovi, ptiči & amazonski gozd, ...). Izjasni se. Kakšno ozadje - neozadje (zvok čistih frekvenc) hočeš imet.LPevo, lahko ozadje, samo ne ogenj, sem sama "ognjena" in bi blo prevec , lahko so morski valovi .... ljubim morje....Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 24. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 24. februar 2008 Dobiš morje.V roku 10.dni max.Ozadje bo umirjeno valovanje morja. Ali damo kak divji ambient, na primer od dzena iz Moskve;Best sounds of naturehttp:// na naredim 2 verzije (divje morje, umirjeno valovanje).LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Tipka 24. februar 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 24. februar 2008 Dobiš morje.V roku 10.dni max.Trenutno opremljam zvočno prostore dveh specialističnih ambulant s koncesijo, eno zobozdravstveno zasebno, s koncesijo.Brezplačno. Za prijatelje. Bomo dal še "isochronic & binaural" datoteko zraven.Ozadje bo umirjeno valovanje morja. Ali damo kak divji ambient, na primer od dzena iz Moskvehttp:// 'Best sounds of nature', na naredim 2 verzije (divje morje, umirjeno valovanje).LPSuper Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 28. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 28. februar 2008 Neuro-Programmer 2 Professional Neuro-Programmer 2 Professional me je zadovoljil. Sem kupil licenco.kdor želi - hoče ima možnost 14 dnevnega preizkušanja (z omejenimi možnostmi,katere ta profesionalni program sicer omogoča). Neuro-Programmer 2 Professional Download - 14 days trial:http://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np/download_pro.php Alternate: FTP Download:ftp://transparentcorp.com//NP2Pro_Install.exe Platform: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista Member's Libraryhttp://www.transparentcorp.com/members/ Headphones NOT Required"Because many of our entrainment methodshttp://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np/entrainment.phpdo not rely on speaker assignments, you can use NP2 without headphones and retain the full effect. In fact, many of the sessions are built for headphone-free use, and will be marked with a speaker icon. This can be particularly useful for Sleep sessions and, the latest phenomenon in brainwave therapy, "Group Entrainment".For more information, visit the Technical FAQhttp://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np...eadphones" Software Buying Guidehttp://www.transparentcorp.com/products/comparison.php Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Alan_New 3. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. marec 2008 Ti binaural beati name sploh ne delujejo, ugotavljam, ali pa sem premalo vztrajen. Poslušam že nekaj tednov beate za induciranje spanja/lucidnih sanj/astralne projekcije, a ni nobenega želenega efekta. Samo živčen postanem od vsega tistega piskanja, šumenja in prasketanja, pa ušesa me bolijo. Citiraj Possible—but highly unlikely. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Alan_New 3. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. marec 2008 Ne vem zakaj bi se mučil... Sej se ne bom več mučil. Pač poskusil sem in spoznal, da ne gre. Citiraj Possible—but highly unlikely. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 3. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. marec 2008 Osebno preferiram - poslušam samo še isochronic tones na zvočnike.NI sevanja slušalk v "glavo".Čeprav naj bi bil učinek tudi pri isochronic tones večji s slušalkami. Je učinek tudi brez slušalk.Treba najti sebi ustrezno/ustrezne frekvence glede na lastne potrebe. In interese.Sam sem se odločil za isochronic tones od 20Hz navzgor.Človeško uho naravno sliši od 20Hz - 20 000Hz. Na teh frekvencah slušalke zame nepotrebne (isochronic tones)! Binaural Beats tehnologije tu ne bom razlagal. Deluje pa malce drugače kot isochronic tonestehnologija: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beatsSam sem se odločil za tako imenovane beta, gamma, hipergamma (po J. Thompsonu lambda frekvence - 200Hz +). Lambda - 200Hz + frekvence in nizka delta frekvence - pod 0.5 Hz (t.i. epsilonfrekvence po J. Thompsonu) podoben učinek. Ko je v sodelovanju z Dalaj Lamo delal preiskave zdolgoletno meditativno izurjenimi tibetanskimi menihi...Za aktivnega z "vipassana" konceptom ozaveščanja & preobraževanja se mi zdijo navedene frekvence ok. Z alpha, theta, delta frekvencam nad 0.5Hz se sam NE ukvarjam.So pa drugače ok. Svoje potrebe & interese naj zase definira vsak sam.Slušalke so mi moteče. Zato sem prešel na isochronic tones tehnologijo.Treba pa se jo navadit. Je močna (treba biti odprt & pretočen - brez blokad v srcu - timusu in v glavi). Binaural Beats - z glasbenim ozadjem (npr. J. Thompson, ...) so bolj prijetni za ušesa (morski valovi, žuborenje potoka, ...). Isochronic tones bolj efektivni. In še slušalk ni treba imet na glavi.Njih sevanje verjeten - dolgoročno gledano, ni v korist.Za več vedenja o posameznih frekvencah, njih rabi si zainteresirani lahko ogleda: "Frequencies List1 – transparentcorp com http://www.transparentcorp.com/members/frequencies.php "Here we have tried to compile a list of frequencies which are applicable to Audio/Visual entrainment. While reading over these frequencies, keep in mind that in many cases they are not set in stone. In fact, different people may respond the same way to slightly different frequencies. For example, people entrain MUCH better to their natural dominant Alpha rhythm. If your dominant alpha rhythm is 9, you may not entrain as well to 10 as the next person. So in light of the inherent uniqueness of people, please keep in mind that these are for the most part just guidelines. In order to compile this list, we have taken a lot from our own research as well as the research of others. We have tried to be as scientific as possible and in doing so we are presenting you with a mere fraction of what other organizations and people will claim. There are many frequency lists on and off the internet. We link to some of them on the bottom of this page. If you decide to look at these other pages, please keep in mind the following, which represent the filters we have applied to this list: * Electromagnetic Fields: While we have for the most part found that Photic (light) stimulation and Audio stimulation yield many of the same effects at similar frequencies, we have not found the same to be true of Electromagnetic Stimulation. Many studies have been done using Electromagnetic fields (which pulsate at certain frequencies), and have yielded many interesting effects. But the frequencies used in these experiments will probably not have the same effects as the same frequencies applied in a different way (by ears or eyes).* CES Devices: The above is also true of CES (Cranial Electro Stimulation) Devices. These may or may not yield the same effects as Audio/Visual entrainment at similar frequencies.* Chakras: Many sites and organizations have claimed to discover frequencies associated with Yoga-based Chakras. Chakras, according to Yoga philosophy, are energy centers that exist in the body along the spinal column. There is very little agreement as to what frequencies stimulate these energy centers and there is even less mainstream agreement as to whether Chakras even exist. If you are a fan of Yogic philosophy, you may want to try some of the associated frequencies, just make sure to remain skeptical if such sites make any medical claims.* Harmonics and DNA Activation: Bio-Harmonics are very real, but they are complex physiological processes that should not be confused with other frequency-based methodologies. Unfortunately, since the discovery of harmonics of biosystems, many organizations have used it to promote their own ideas about frequencies affecting human thought patterns and possibly releasing psychic or "synchronistic" human potential. DNA activation, a trend which has gained steam in the last few years, involves "activating" DNA by applying certain frequencies to the body. To our knowledge, no solid research has been done on this subject. Please exercise skepticism when reading about such things.* Colors: The effects of light-based frequencies are not to be taken lightly. Colors are very, very powerful. But can the frequencies of colors be applied to entrainment? Can they even be applied to the effects of sound frequencies? We have found that for the most part they can't be.* Planets / Astral Bodies: Some organizations use planetary alignments and their associated electromagnetic fields on which to base their frequency listing. There is no evidence, to our knowledge, that the alignment or magnetic fields of astral bodies in our solar system has any effect on our our physiology. There IS evidence that the magnetic field of our own planet and possibly the moon have various effects, but that doesn't mean that every body in our solar system yields the same effects. Another rule of thumb to keep in mind when looking at other products and frequency listings: Don't be fooled by people who put a "Dr." at the beginning of their name. There are dozens of diploma mills out there and there is no law against claiming you are a doctor as long as you don't practice medicine. To make sure you are dealing with a professional, look on their website for a reference to the institute of higher learning they attended and, if they even list it, make sure to Google it to make sure it is not a Diploma Mill (a company which allows you to pay for a degree without learning). And finally, to our frequency listing. As mentioned above, we have tried to be as scientific as possible and only add in the frequencies which pass through our filters and meet our criteria. If you want an unfiltered list, go to the bottom of this page for links. However, please keep the above paragraphs in mind when deciding to apply frequencies not listed here. Audio/Visual Hz Approximate Effect 0.5 - 4 Hz (Delta) Help with Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia (D. Siever), Muscle-Contraction Headaches (G.D. Solomon)4.5 Hz SSC, Shamanic State Of Consciousness (M. Harner, M. Hutchison). Researchers found that during trance-inducing rituals or Tibetan Buddhism chants, certain beats were always present. 4.5 Hz seems to be the best frequency for entering a Shamanic trance.4 - 8 Hz (Theta) Light Sleep, Vivid Imagery, Spiritual / Transformational experiences, Behavior & Attitude change and Increased Creativity (M. Hutchison). Can be used to help people fall sleep.5 - 8 Hz Bringing up repressed memories (D. Siever)6 - 9 Hz Lucid Dreaming (D. Siever)6 - 12 Hz Immune System enhancement (G. J. Schummer, Ph.D., M. Crane, L. Wong, C. Aquirre)7.83 Hz (Schumann Resonance) 7.83 is the Schumann Resonance, or the frequency that electro-magnetic waves travel around the earth's ionosphere. This is probably the most useful known frequency. It stimulates the release of growth hormones (N. Shealy). PET scans show that cerebral blood flow in the back of the brain occurs most at this frequency (P. Fox, M. Raichle). Studies of the most advanced meditators have repeatedly shown 7.8 to be a significant frequency (M. Cade). It is also referred to as the Hypnagogic state. http://www.transparentcorp.com/members/glossary.php More spiritual experiences have been reported using this frequency than any other. Out of body experiences have also been reported. The Harmonics of this frequency also appear to have some of the same effects. ! 31.32 Hz! In particular, growth hormone release is prominent at 31.32 Hz. 8 - 10 Hz Learning new information, Memorization (not comprehension) (M. Hutchison)8 - 12 Hz (Alpha) Relaxation, Help with Anxiety, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) (D. Siever). Alpha sessions can significantly increase blood flow in the brain. Can also produce temporary grogginess. Can be used to decrease depression in SOME people, but not all. It is usually recommended to use Beta frequencies for Depression treatment.8.4 Hz Dissociation, Deep relaxation. Results in Lowered Anxiety, relaxed jaw muscles and can reduce the need for anesthetics (B. Margolis, D. Siever, D. Morse, A. Manns, N. Thomas). Good to use at dentist appointments.10 Hz Pain Control (N. Shealy), Relaxation, Dissociation, Anti-Addiction10 - 22 Hz ADD/ADHD, Increasing IQ and Improving Behavior (J.L Carter, H.L. Russell, 1993, M. Hutchison) (13+ in particular). Can also be used for Sports/Skills Enhancement. 14 Hz was alternated with 22 Hz to improve grades in a college study.10 Hz was alternated with 18 Hz to help with ADD/ADHD and improve cognitive performance.15 - 20 Hz has been used in multiple studies to increase cognitive performance as well. 10 - 15 Hz seems to be best for stability and focus.12 - 15 Hz (SMR) Relaxed Attention, Quieting the Body, Good for reading (Siever, Hutchison). Help with Insomnia, Depression, Concentration, PMS, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety Reduction, Improvements in Immune System15 - 20 Hz Attention, Increase Cognitive Performance, Reduced Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, Learning, Anxiety Reduction (M. Hutchison, D. Siever, Othmer, L. Thompson, Ph.D. and M. Thompson, M.D.)18 Hz Energizing effect (M. Hutchison)18 - 24 Hz Euphoria, can also result in headaches, anxiety20+ Hz Can result in anxiety, headaches22 - 40 Hz Typical activity as "out of body" experiences are occurring or are about to occur, while in Theta (Dr. E. Wilson, http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT(2-1)5.html)31.32 Hz (Schumann Resonance Harmonic) HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Release stimulation (has only been tested using photic stimulation, N. Shealy)http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT (2-1)5.html)30 - 50 Hz Help with Migraines (has only been tested with Photic stimulation, D.J. Anderson)36 - 40 Hz High level information processing. Not much is known or has been studied regarding higher frequencies (Gamma), but it is hypothesized that higher frequencies could be helpful for multi-tasking abilities.40 Hz Energizing, focused effect (M. Hutchison)Modulation between 10 to 60 Hz Mental "Flexing", disentrainment, or breaking out of "stuck" brainwave patterns. ! http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm - This includes nearly every frequency suspected to have an effect on the brain or human physiology. There is also has an excellent Bibliography which lets you, the reader, check the references for validity. This site hasn't applied the same filters as we have in the above listing, though the author does warn the reader to remain skeptical about many of the frequencies. http://lullianarts.net/body.htm - Table of Sound Frequencies in relation to the human body. References are obscure, so be skeptical. http://www.innerx.net/personal/tsmith/Schumann.html ! http://www.cannabinoid.com/boards/message.shtml?9x12787 - Interesting effects of frequencies on plants. Could be scientifically validated, or partially validated - we have not verified this, however. http://members.aol.com/Lambdom3/Chakras.html - Frequencies supposedly associated with Chakras. http://www.crossroadsinstitute.org/eeg.html - Good information about the broader spectrums of brainwaves http://www.electroherbalism.com/Bioelectro...equencyList.htm - Skepticism when viewing, please. http://www.planetware.de/tone/table.html - Information about the planets and their associated frequencies. http://www.lightwithin.com/SomaEnergetics/...Frequencies.htm - Skepticism when viewing, please. http://www.keelynet.com/interact/Arc_7_98-12_98/00000221.htm http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/bwgen...sage/2024" Navedene tehnologije so za odprte, radovedne v meditativnih praksah, športu,v pomoč pri študiju, ...V kolikor jih nekdo uporablja in so mu v korist ok. V kolikor mu niso, jih lahko opusti.Osebni izbor posameznika. Meni so isochronic tones všečni. Jih uporabljam.Mnogi jih ne prenašajo. Enako je z monaural oz. binaural beats zvoki.Zainteresirani naj dobi sebi všečne audio datoteke z všečnim glasbenim ozadjem.Oz. naj jih naredi sam.Osebno imam najraje čiste zvoke frekvenc na ustrezni - primerni glasnosti.LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 4. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 4. marec 2008 Audio/Visual Session List Z nakupom Neuro Programmer 2;za ceno 49$ - Home, oz. 59$ Pro Version (verzija).Se zraven dobi še …veliko audio datotek;glej "Session List" v nadaljevanju teksta spodaj.Kjer piše “Headphone-Free“ pomeni, da slušalke za poslušanje niso potrebne.Gre za isochronic tehnologijo.Za ne previsoko ceno (napram CDjem raznim tovrstnim) se dobi veliko.Poleg tega lahko vsak zainteresirani generira - kreira svoje binaural (slušalke potrebne),monaural, isochronic datoteke (pri monaural, isochronic slušalke niso potrebne - je pa isochronic bolj učinkovit...). Za samodejno ponavljanje se v Neuro Programmerju obkljuka funkcijo "loop".Oz. se datoteko izvozi v wav format, pretvori v mp3 in posluša na predvajalnikih raznih, tudi na mp3 playerjih (bitrate naj bo 320kbps; 41 000 ali 48 000 KHz: http://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np/sessionlist.php NP2 (Neuro Programmer 2) includes over 125 top quality Audio/Visual Sessions, with many more available in the Member's Area after purchase. Despite the similarity of the titles of these sessions, they are each unique in important ways. Over 70 years of brainwave research have provided amazing insights into how different people respond to audio/visual stimulation. What relaxes one person into an astonishingly deep trance may only lightly relax the next person. The sessions in NP2 are each designed for specific personalities and preferences. There is a Wizard included to help you choose the session that will most likely fit you best. And if the Wizard is mistaken, you have plenty more to choose from! There is a profoundly effective session for everyone in NP2. Additionally, there are a number of sessions built to optimize brainwave patterns for specific goals such as the reduction of ADD, Anxiety, Depression of Fibromyalgia. Keep in mind that every session is 100% customizable. For example, if you open a Simple Relax session and decide you would like to use Noise and Tones instead of a background, you can turn the session components on and off at the click of a button. Suppose you also wanted to change the pitch of the Tone - perhaps you prefer something deeper. Easy enough, it can be done on the same screen by simply typing the pitch frequency into a text box. If you open another session and decide you want to use a background sound, but not the default one, you can either choose one from the list of high quality backgrounds included, or choose your own from anywhere on your hard drive (nearly any sound file can be used: MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, etc). Session List: Self-Programming (Relaxation, Receptivity) Sessions [Alpha] Alternating Hypnotic Relax [Alpha] Alternating Relax [Alpha] Dissociative Relax with just Tones [Alpha] Dissociative Relax with Soft Noise [Alpha] Hypnotic Relax [Alpha] Hypnotic Relax 2 [Headphone-Free] [Alpha] Simple Relax [Alpha] Simple Relax 2 [Alpha] Simple Relax 3 [Headphone-Free] [Alpha] Simple Relax 4 [Headphone-Free] [Alpha] Simple Relax with just Tones [Alpha] Simple Relax with Soft Noise [Theta] Alternating Deep Relax [Theta] Alternating Hypnotic Deep Relax [Theta] Deep Dissociative Relax [Theta] Deep Hypnotic Relax [Theta] Deep Hypnotic Relax 2 [Headphone-Free] [Theta] Deep Relax [Theta] Deep Relax 2 [Theta] Deep Relax 3 [Headphone-Free] [Theta] Deep Relax 4 [Headphone-Free] [Theta] Deep Relax with just Tones [Theta] Deep Relax with Noise [Theta] Dissociative Relax with Soft Noise Advanced Alpha Relax Advanced Alpha Relax [Headphone-Free] Advanced Alpha, Dissociative Relax Advanced Theta Deep Relax Advanced Theta Deep Relax [Headphone-Free] Advanced Theta, Dissociative Relax Alpha with Binaural Beats Extended Alpha Relax Extended Alpha Relax 2 [Headphone-Free] Extended Theta Deep Relax Extended Theta Relax 2 [Headphone-Free] Never-ending Alpha Dissociative Relax with Soft Noise Never-ending Alpha Simple Relax Never-ending Alpha Simple Relax with Soft Noise [Headphone-Free] Never-ending Theta Dissociative Deep Relax with Soft Noise Never-ending Theta Simple Relax Never-ending Theta Simple Relax with Soft Noise [Headphone-Free] Short Alpha Dissociative Relax with Soft Noise Short Alpha Simple Relax Short Alpha Simple Relax 2 [Headphone-Free] Short Theta Deep Relax Short Theta Deep Relax 2 [Headphone-Free] Short Theta Dissociative Relax with Soft Noise Theta with Binaural Beats Brainwave Training Sessions [ADD/ADHD] Adult ADD / Learning / Hyperactivity Reduction [ADD/ADHD] Adult ADD / Performance Anxiety / Hyperactivity Help [ADD/ADHD] General ADD / Improving Cognition for Seniors [ADD/ADHD] Headphone-Free [study Helper] Concentration, Focus and Memory [study Helper] Concentration, Focus and Memory [Headphone-Free] [study Helper] Learning / Complex Tasks / Frustration Reduction 10 Minute Relaxation Break 10 Minute Relaxation Break [Headphone-Free] 15 Minute Deeper Relaxation Break 15 Minute Deeper Relaxation Break [Headphone-Free] Accelerated Growth / Healing (hGH Release) Accelerated Growth / Healing (hGH Release) [Headphone-Free] Accelerated Healing / Growth [short] Accelerated Healing / Growth [short] [Headphone-Free] Addiction / Chemical Dependency Reduction Addiction / Chemical Dependency Reduction [Headphone-Free] Anxiety Reduction Anxiety Reduction [Headphone-Free] Athletic Performance / Sports Enhancement Athletic Performance / Sports Enhancement (Dissociative) Athletic Performance / Sports Enhancement [Headphone-Free] Beta Session Beta Session [Headphone-Free] Blood Pressure / Hypertension Reduction Blood Pressure / Hypertension Reduction [Headphone-Free] Creative Focus Creative Focus [Headphone-Free] Creativity / Brain Storming [Headphone-Free] Creativity / Brainstorm Session Delta Session Delta Session (No Ramp) Delta Session [Headphone-Free] Delta Session (No Ramp) [Headphone-Free] Depression Reduction Session Depression, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) [Headphone-Free] Depression, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Reduction Session Energy / Motivation / Chronic Fatigue Session Energy / Motivation / Chronic Fatigue Session [Headphone-Free] Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain Relief Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain Relief [Headphone-Free] Gamma Session Gamma Session [Headphone-Free] Headache / Migraine Relief Headache / Migraine Relief [Headphone-Free] Immune System Enhancement Immune System Enhancement [Headphone-Free] Insomnia Help Insomnia Help (Short) [Dissociative] Insomnia Help (Short) [Headphone-Free] Insomnia Help [Dissociative] Insomnia Help [Headphone-Free] IQ / Intelligence Increase [Comprehensive] IQ / Intelligence Increase [Comprehensive] [Headphone-Free] IQ / Intelligence Increase [simple] IQ / Intelligence Increase [simple] [Headphone-Free] PMS Relief PMS Relief [Headphone-Free] Pre-Exercise Session, Physical Power, Focus Pre-Exercise Session, Physical Power, Focus [Headphone-Free] Pre-Test Performance Anxiety Reduction.nps Schumann Resonance Session (7.83 hz) Schumann Resonance Session (7.83 hz) [Headphone-Free] Sleep Induction Sleep Induction [Headphone-Free] Sleep Induction for Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain Sleep Induction for Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain [Headphone-Free] Sleep Induction for Insomniacs or Chattery Minds Sleep Induction for Insomniacs or Chattery Minds [Headphone-Free] SMR (Sensory Motor Rhythm) Session SMR (Sensory Motor Rhythm) Session [Headphone-Free] Stress Relief (Alpha, Theta, SMR) Stress Relief (Alpha, Theta, SMR) [Headphone-Free] Stress Relief, Dissociative Sub-Delta Session Sub-Delta Session [Headphone-Free] Wake Up Session (Caffeine Replacement) Wake Up Session (Caffeine Replacement) [Headphone-Free] Tools [Editable session templates] Super Learning Template Super Learning Template [Headphone-Free] Professional Version only [Editable session examples] Alternating Relax Example Dissociative Relax Example Hypnotic Relax Example Simple Relax Example Theta Session Example Enjoy "Isochronic" fans. )_________ Kar se z NP2 dobi zraven dodatno brezplačno. Tile tle računajo:http://www.brainpulsation.com/bpmain.html Datoteke so pa zgornje - od NP2, ... Nekatere v popolnem originalu (si nisem vseh niti ogledal,katere tile tle prodajajo). OOBE se da delat tudi v budnem osredotočenem stanju z Gamma Session (Headphone Free) ali drugimi frekvencami različnih nivojev (glej listo frekvenc od "lunarsite":http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm "http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm - This includes nearly every frequency suspected to have an effect on the brain or human physiology. There is also has an excellent Bibliography which lets you, the reader, check the references for validity. This site hasn't applied the same filters as we have in the above listing, though the author does warn the reader to remain skeptical about many of the frequencies."Osebno me OOBE ne zanima.Zanima me izključno Pozornost Zavedanja v mirnosti v "navezi" z gamma (hipper gamma oz. lambda 200Hz +), sub - delta (pod 0.5 Hz) frekvencami. Drugega nič zaenkrat. ) Zvočno ozadje – spremenit,uvozit drugega. Naredit druge “modifikacije“ z izbrano datotekoje vse možno v NP 2. ) Kogar kaj moti, naj pač moteče spremeni. Orodje – NP 2 to vse omogoča naredit hitro in b.p. ) LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 4. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 4. marec 2008 V kolikor ima kdo kake special želje.Sam pa nima motivacije, učljivosti prave.Mu zmiksam poljubno glasbo - katerokoli(elektronika, klasika, pop, instrumental, ...) po njegovih lastnih željah z njemu željenimifrekvencami oz. nivoji možganskih tokov (gamma, beta, alpha, theta, delta, sub delta pod 0.5Hz).Željena - izbrana glasba (žaner) naj bo ustrezna namenu izbrane frekvence, frekvenc:trance, bobni japonski - taiko, inner fire; notranji ogenj - močan na primer lepo dopolnjujejo gamma frekvence. Za subdelta frekvence pod 0.5Hz se izbere kaka bolj umirjena glasba, kak naraven zvok (mehko valovanje morja, mehko žuborenje potoka s ptičjim petjem, murni/škržati. Lahko se izbere kak verski napev, mantra, …). Vsa komunikacija naj teče izključno preko PM.! Vsekakor pa raje vidim, da vsak zase naredi čimveč sam. Da je učljiv.Da sem sam "neobremenjen" - oz. čim manj v zvezi s tem. )Trenutno poslušam Spirit Of The Drums 2007 by Randy Katana (trance) na gamma frekvencah v isochronic tehnologiji na zvočnike. Komforten in zame enostaven program, tale NP2, drugih tovrstnih isochronic orodij drugače še ne poznam. NP2 me trenutno je zadovoljil v celoti.LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 9. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 9. marec 2008 Sej se ne bom več mučil. Pač poskusil sem in spoznal, da ne gre. OOBE, AP, Meditacija & Kontemplacija, relaksacija, ... lahko "laufa" šele, ko se možgani navadijo na določene binaural beat zvoke,monaural zvoke, isochronik tones zvoke.Ko le - ti "prodirajo, prodrejo" vanje. Ko so možgani "odprti & pretočni" brez blokad.Ko se na vsebine v umu gleda nevtralno - nenavezano (se jih ne sprejema, se jih ne zavrača). Ko se jih neobremenjeno opazuje, kako prihajajo in odhajajo. Brez lepljenja na njih. Monaural, isochronic se lahko posluša tudi na zvočnike; ni elektromagnetnega sevanja slušalk).Zase sem si z NP2 zgenereral Subdelta - Epsilon 0.1Hz (od 14.6Hz do 0.1Hz v 12 minutah, nato poljubno dolgo v 0.1Hz; effekt podoben hipper gamma - lambda 200Hz - navzgor). Brez vračanja na 14.6Hz (15Hz) ob zaključku isochronik tones seje.Po seji sem totalno zrelaksiran, grem lahko takoj v aktivnost bilo katero b.p.Treba pa čas, da možgani individualno izbrano frekvenco, frekvence "adaptirajo" - sprejmejo in se začnejo sinhronizirat postopoma nanjo, nanje. Občasno spreminjanje glasnosti predvajanja audio isochronic datoteke je pri temu v korist. Dodatno stimulira možgane.Pomemben je tudi ustrezen izbor glasbenega ozadja. V NP2 se lahko kot glasbeno ozadje dodaja kompleten album. S tem, da posamezne njegove datoteke "zripamo" iz CDja kot eno samo integrirano datoteko, ... Bitrate naj bo minimalno 320kbps; 41 - 48KHz. V kolikor se želi kvaliteto. Že to je bolj "tako - tako" proti izvoženim datotekam, oz. poslušajočim se datotekam v NP2 PRO (Home Version). Tu je bitrate lahko tudi:6100kbp/s; 92kHz, 3.40GB – wav format, pri length: 79.17minutes.Glasbeno ozadje zase - po svoji všečnosti, motivaciji izbrano je pa tole:Fire Inside - Stimulant Very Strong, 79.17 minutes"Starts very soft so you will igniting inside slowly, as you will be concentrating on the sound may feel like starting to ignite the fire in the depths of his soul is at approximately 15 minutes you will be in a fire Internal all, you can remove at this time all the bad thoughts and feelings that surround him, especially the interior, his soul becomes fire and you will feel completely renovated inside." - Sound Therapieshttp:// Sound Therapies (bitrate je bolj "ubogi", deluje pa vse skupaj nekako kljub temu; niso pa te datoteke za audiofile): Sound Therapies Isochronic Tones vs Binaural Beats SoundsIsochronic Tones: posluša se lahko na zvočnike (ni EM sevanja kot pri slušalkah), so bolj efektivni. Treba nekaj več časa, da se jih navadi, "adaptira". Zato pomemben izbor glasbenega ozadja. Morajo se pa Isochronic Tones slišat, da delujejo. Njih glasnost se nastavi ustrezno počutju, razpoloženju posameznika. Kot tudi volumen glasnosti glasbenega ozadja namenu izbranega in hkrati všečnega.Binaural Beats Sounds bolj "prijetni" za večino začetnikov. Potrebne so slušalke, da je sploh kak učinek od njih. So manj učinkoviti kot isochronic tones. Preverjeno iz lastne prakse.Kdor dvomi v njih, si lahko izbere frekvenco, frekvence od 20Hz - 20 000Hz iz liste na "lunarsight", kake druge. Le - te so slišne našim ušesom. )OOBE, AP se da delat v vseh stanjih možganskih. Tako v budnem stanju - v beta frekvenci, frekvencah (kot v gamma, hipergamma - lambda nad 200Hz), alpha, theta, delta in sub-delta - epsilon frekvenci, frekvencah 0.5Hz - 0.1Hz.Sub-delta - epsilon frekvence imajo podoben učinek kot hipergamma - lambda frekvence nad 200Hz. Si zrelaksiran in hkrati totalno buden - v stanju Pozornosti... NISO za začetnika.Izbor frekvence, frekvenc je prepuščen posamezniku. Njegovim potrebam - motivom in interesom. Nobeno frekvenčno polje "ni boljše in ni slabše" v zvezi z izborom.Je pa to "dodaten pripomoček" za nekoga, kateri to hoče. Da se tudi brez. )NI pa to za osebe psihiatrično zdravljene (shizofrenija, ...), obolele na epilepsiji, srčne bolnike (zlasti ne za osebe z vstavljenim srčnim spodbujevalnikom - bypasom).NP2 ima možnost audiostroba/flashinga (barvnih efektov preko očal narejenih v te namene), vstavljanja z mikrofonom narejenih audio posnetkov v monoural, binaural beats oz. isochronic tones datoteke selfmade. Oz. v že zgenerirane datoteke iz nabora že sprogramiranih datotek (dodajanje afirmacij, sugestij, hipnotskih indukcij - hipno seans razno namenskih).Od "high-gamma - lambda do sub-delta - epsilon, raznih datotek za konkretne namene: študij, šport, razna dopolnilna zdravljenja - katera so v dopolnilo zdravniškim tretmanom. Jih pa NE nadomestijo!NISO pa binaural, monoural beats, isochronic tones za vsakogar. V kolker nekomu odgovarjajo ok. V kolker ne, tudi ok. Jih pač ne bo počel. Stvar osebnega izbora. Všečnosti - nevšečnosti.! Pri izvajanju teh praks morajo biti glava - teme glave; srce, telo &um v celoti pretočni in odprti.Kdor NE obvlada osnov relaksacije, meditacije (avtogeni trening, yogo nidra, vipassana ...; oz. ni naravno odprt, sproščen, neobremenjen),naj se prvo nauči le - teh. Da mu bodo binaural, monoural beats, isochronic tones sploh v kako korist.V USA se taka učenja plačujejo z $. Oz. se najde tudi cenovno bolj ugodno. Ob hkratni kvaliteti.Včasih kaj kakovostnega v zvezi s tem, tudi brezplačno.Udeleženci vipassane menda plačajo prispevek po svoji zmožnosti. Presoji o koristnosti/nekoristnosti, ... Prijetno za poslušanje, ali za glasbeno ozadje v NP2 - za "n - število frekvenc, njih območij" bi lahko bilo tudi:Magic Arroyo, 79.17minutes - pri meni, da gre na CD s K3b (Linux) oz. s ashampoo burning studio 6 - free (Windowsi).V originalu 80 min mi ne gre na CD. ) Pa sem datoteko malce skrajšal z NP2. ): is an incredible sound of nature, is the water that runs through the rocks by a arroyuelo forest, a sound of nature to concentrate, to eliminate stress, to meditate, to relax, finally, is a magical sound who can get the most out of your internal and eliminate all negative. The sound can be heard without headphones because it does not contain binaurales waves. This sound consists Series Magnum Naturalishttp:// sound environmental duration of 79.17minutes is the right time to complete an audio CD.File Downloadhttp://www.archive.org/download/Brainwave_...rroyo_80min.mp3Enjoy ) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 10. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 10. marec 2008 Gamma kakovostno zgenerirane binaural beats frekvence za aktivne in ciljno usmerjene;http://avaxsphere.com/music/instrumental/d...ion_system.htmlhttp://avaxsphere.com/music/new_age/jeffre...mind_album.html Binaural Beats: za učinek treba poslušat s slušalkami.Bitrate soliden. Za aktivne (šport, študij, ...). Posluša se z zaprtimi očmi do kake ure dnevno. Sede, leže._________Isochronik datoteke lahko v ozadju igrajo cele dneve. Ni sevanja elektromagnetnega.Ker se posluša lahko na zvočnike.Na trgu kupljivi CDji so nekonkurenčni "selfmade" NP2 isochronic audio datotekam.Ko jih naredi znalec posamezniku po "meri"; potrebah/motivih, interesih, željah.V kolker, jih nekdo ne zna, nima interesa generirat sam.Isochronic tones se lahko z NP2, ... zelo enostavno doda kateremukoli CDju nekomu všečnemu.Uporabnik je tako pri izboru neodvisen od ponudbe, ponujenih žanrov glasbenih datotek.Generira sebi všečne frekvence na sebi všečni glasbeni žanr. ) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 10. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 10. marec 2008 0.1Hz Isochronic Tones; Inner Fire Meditation (Headphones-Free)Fire Element (background)http://tantra41.multiply.com/journal/item/...Headphones-Free Isochronic Tones Advanced Meditation (not for Beginners).For listening to on the Speakers (do not need any headphones).Bitrate 320kbp/s; 48KHz, length 79.17minutesEpsilon (Sub-Delta) Meditation.14.6Hz to 0.1Hz (12 minutes) and stay there. Made by Neuro Programmer 2 Pro;http://www.transparentcorp.com/ Download:Track 01 (99328 KB) – downloadhttp://rapidshare.com/files/98377171/01_In...phone-Free_.mp3 Track 02 (90978 KB) – downloadhttp://rapidshare.com/files/98386905/02_In...phone-Free_.mp3 Or from folder – downloadhttp://rapidshare.com/users/7C8VR9 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 10. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 10. marec 2008 55.0Hz Isochronic Tones; Gamma Kundalini Frequency MeditationWater & others Elements (background)http://tantra41.multiply.com/journal/item/...ency_Meditation Isochronic Tones Advanced Meditation (not for Beginners).For listening to on the Speakers (do not need any headphones).Bitrate 320kbp/s; 48KHz, length: 79.17minutes;14.6Hz to 55.0Hz (9 minutes). Stay there 70.17 minutes;For listening to open the Heart, open the Head. )Made by Neuro Programmer 2 Prohttp://www.transparentcorp.com/ 55.0Hz stimulates the Kundalini ( Tantric Yoga);http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm (click "Frequency page": http://www.lunarsight.com/ ) Download:Track 01 (99328 KB) – downloadhttp://rapidshare.com/files/98428166/01_Ga...phone_Free_.mp3 Track 02 (90978 KB) – downloadhttp://rapidshare.com/files/98465557/02_Ga...phone_Free_.mp3 Or from folder – downloadhttp://rapidshare.com/users/7C8VR9 Za "special" želje (frekvence, glasbeni žanr) PM. ) Enjoy. ) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 11. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 11. marec 2008 Inner Fire Meditation; Isochronic Tones 55.0Hz-Gamma Kundalini FrequencyFire Element (background)http://ednevnik.si/entry.php?w=synergya&e_id=55352 _________V pripravi beta level za osredotočenost na "tukaj in zdaj". Za več sproščenosti,koncentracije, volje in motivacije. Manj utrujenosti,anksioznosti,depresije.V korist pri jutranjem prebujanju, ohranjanju budnosti v fazi utrujenosti, nočnem času...! Za uporabnike isochronic "podporne" tehnologije. ) Enjoy Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Tipka 12. marec 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 12. marec 2008 Oooo Tantra, ful enega materiala za predelat .... [ADD/ADHD] Adult ADD ... zelo zanimivo in vsekakor uporabno pa ves kaj me zanima, lahko recimo predvajas Isochronic zadevo na playerju, recimo na stolpu, pa delas zraven kaj ... recimo peres posodo ( samo primer ... ) ali kaj drugega .. ali moras sedet ali lezat z zaprtimi ocmi ?premisljujem , glede na to, da je tudi pranje posode lahko meditacija... osredotocanje... umirjanje... tukaj in sedaj... pa se nekaj me matra firbec... ce se to poslusa tako, da vsi druzinski clani slisijo a je to v redu ? kaj pa otroci, so tudi lahko" publika"... Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 12. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 12. marec 2008 “Oooo Tantra, ful enega materiala za predelat ....“ Osnova za rabo isochronic tones, ... je odprtost, sproščenost naravna ali priučena (avtogeni trening, vipassana, yoga nidra, chi kung, ...).Sam delam izključno na 1 – 2 skrbno izbranih frekvencah glede na moje potrebe & motive, interese, cilje (0.1Hz, 55Hz). Druge frekvence me sploh ne zanimajo.0.1Hz “tretiram“ s skepso. Čeprav se mi zdi, da “funkcionira“.Bolj “verjamem“ v frekvence od 20Hz – 20KHz. Katere zaznavajo naša ušesa neposredno in znanstveno dokazano. )Tudi frekvence pod 20Hz delujejo. Vendar isto dosegam s frekvencam 20Hz +. Zato jih imam raje.Na začetku so “zoprne“. Ko jih “možgani odprti adaptirajo“, jih sploh več ne “zaznavaš“. Sploh, če je izbrano glasbeno, zvočno ozadje všečno. Glasnost pa ustrezna razpoloženju & počutju.Neuro Programmer 2 se splača imet že zato, ker dobiš zraven kompleten spekter high gamma, beta,alpha, theta, delta, sub-delta (epsilon) frekvenc. Poleg specializiranih frekvenc za točno določene namene – rabo (konkretne indikacije). Katere pa niso zamenjava za zdravniški tretma.Ga pa “podprejo“._________“pa ves kaj me zanima, lahko recimo predvajas Isochronic zadevo na playerju, recimo na stolpu, pa delas zraven kaj ... recimo peres posodo ( samo primer ... ) ali kaj drugega ... ali moras sedet ali lezat z zaprtimi ocmi ?premisljujem , glede na to, da je tudi pranje posode lahko meditacija... osredotocanje... umirjanje... tukaj in sedaj... “ Lahko. ) (ko se vozi avtomobil, upravlja kak stroj gradbeni, kmetijski, v industriji, ... se NE posluša).Sam bi vseeno poslušal High Gamma (Lambda), Gamma,Beta nivo frekvenc. Alpha, Theta, Delta, Sub-Delta (Epsilon) pa NE. Sam imam isochronik tones kot glasbeno ozadje, ne glede na to, kaj počnem.V Neuro Programmer 2 se lahko izbere frekvenčni nivo, frekvence že sprogramirane.Oz. jih napredni uporabnik sprogramira sam. Uvozi katerokoli glasbo (kompleten CD; posamezne datoteke na Cdju se zripa v eno datoteko).In posluša katerokoli glasbo na izbranih frekvencah. Ponoči pa igra NP2 celo noč. Oz. Se ga lahko sprogramira, da ob določeni uri preneha predvajat oz.Da ugasne računalo. Ali ga pa, da v stanje pripravljenosti. Lahko se posluša leže, sede z zaprtimi očmi. Lahko med opravili kot zvok, glasbo v ozadju.Maksimalen bitrate se lahko nastavi na 3000+ kbp/s, 98 000+ Khz (nekaj takega, se mi zdajle ne da gledat pod nastavitvami).Ok je že 320 kbp/s; 41 – 48 Khz._________ „pa se nekaj me matra firbec... ce se to poslusa tako, da vsi druzinski clani slisijo a je to v redu ? kaj pa otroci, so tudi lahko" publika"... Soposlušalcem NE sme povzročat neugodja. Morajo biti za.V nasprotnem se jih sili v nekaj, kar jim ni všeč. Kar ni v redu.Lahko se jim pa razloži, zakaj se gre. Izbere skupno frekvenco (eno do dve) in ok. Če se strinjajo.40Hz je frekvenca za optimalno delovanje možganov, optimalno počutje...;50Hz za športnike...: ! Freq. List; Remarks – yahoo groupshttp://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/bwgen/message/2024oz.:Brainwave Frequency Listing http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm Brainwave Frequency Listing - Glossary http://www.lunarsight.com/glossary.htm#kundalini Frequencies List1 – transparentcorp com:http://www.transparentcorp.com/members/frequencies.phpHere we have tried to compile a list of frequencies which are applicable to Audio/Visual entrainment.While reading over these frequencies, keep in mind that in many cases they are not set in stone. In fact, different people may respond the same way to slightly different frequencies. For example,people entrain MUCH better to their natural dominant Alpha rhythm. If your dominant alpha rhythm is 9, you may not entrain as well to 10 as the next person. So in light of the inherent uniqueness of people, please keep in mind that these are for the most part just guidelines.In order to compile this list, we have taken a lot from our own research as well as the research of others. We have tried to be as scientific as possible and in doing so we are presenting you with a mere fraction of what other organizations and people will claim. There are many frequency lists on and off the internet. We link to some of them on the bottom of this page. If you decide to look at these other pages, please keep in mind the following, which represent the filters we have applied to this list:* Electromagnetic Fields: While we have for the most part found that Photic (light) stimulation and Audio stimulation yield many of the same effects at similar frequencies, we have not found the same to be true of Electromagnetic Stimulation. Many studies have been done using Electromagnetic fields (which pulsate at certain frequencies), and have yielded many interesting effects. But the frequencies used in these experiments will probably not have the same effects as the same frequencies applied in a different way (by ears or eyes).* CES Devices: The above is also true of CES (Cranial Electro Stimulation) Devices. These may or may not yield the same effects as Audio/Visual entrainment at similar frequencies.* Chakras: Many sites and organizations have claimed to discover frequencies associated with Yoga-based Chakras. Chakras, according to Yoga philosophy, are energy centers that exist in the body along the spinal column. There is very little agreement as to what frequencies stimulate these energy centers and there is even less mainstream agreement as to whether Chakras even exist. If you are a fan of Yogic philosophy, you may want to try some of the associated frequencies, just make sure to remain skeptical if such sites make any medical claims.* Harmonics and DNA Activation: Bio-Harmonics are very real, but they are complex physiological processes that should not be confused with other frequency-based methodologies. Unfortunately, since the discovery of harmonics of biosystems, many organizations have used it to promote their own ideas about frequencies affecting human thought patterns and possibly releasing psychic or "synchronistic" human potential. DNA activation, a trend which has gained steam in the last few years, involves "activating" DNA by applying certain frequencies to the body. To our knowledge, no solid research has been done on this subject. Please exercise skepticism when reading about such things.* Colors: The effects of light-based frequencies are not to be taken lightly. Colors are very, very powerful. But can the frequencies of colors be applied to entrainment? Can they even be applied to the effects of sound frequencies? We have found that for the most part they can't be.* Planets / Astral Bodies: Some organizations use planetary alignments and their associated electromagnetic fields on which to base their frequency listing. There is no evidence, to our knowledge, that the alignment or magnetic fields of astral bodies in our solar system has any effect on our our physiology. There IS evidence that the magnetic field of our own planet and possibly the moon have various effects, but that doesn't mean that every body in our solar system yields the same effects.Another rule of thumb to keep in mind when looking at other products and frequency listings: Don't be fooled by people who put a "Dr." at the beginning of their name. There are dozens of diploma mills out there and there is no law against claiming you are a doctor as long as you don't practice medicine. To make sure you are dealing with a professional, look on their website for a reference to the institute of higher learning they attended and, if they even list it, make sure to Google it to make sure it is not a Diploma Mill (a company which allows you to pay for a degree without learning).And finally, to our frequency listing. As mentioned above, we have tried to be as scientific as possible and only add in the frequencies which pass through our filters and meet our criteria. If you want an unfiltered list, go to the bottom of this page for links. However, please keep the above paragraphs in mind when deciding to apply frequencies not listed here.Audio/Visual HzApproximate Effect0.5 - 4 Hz (Delta) Help with Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia (D. Siever), Muscle-Contraction Headaches (G.D. Solomon)4.5 Hz SSC, Shamanic State Of Consciousness (M. Harner, M. Hutchison). Researchers found that during trance-inducing rituals or Tibetan Buddhism chants, certain beats were always present. 4.5 Hz seems to be the best frequency for entering a Shamanic trance.4 - 8 Hz (Theta) Light Sleep, Vivid Imagery, Spiritual / Transformational experiences, Behavior & Attitude change and Increased Creativity (M. Hutchison). Can be used to help people fall sleep.5 - 8 Hz Bringing up repressed memories (D. Siever)6 - 9 Hz Lucid Dreaming (D. Siever)6 - 12 Hz Immune System enhancement (G. J. Schummer, Ph.D., M. Crane, L. Wong, C. Aquirre)7.83 Hz (Schumann Resonance) 7.83 is the Schumann Resonance, or the frequency that electro-magnetic waves travel around the earth's ionosphere. This is probably the most useful known frequency. It stimulates the release of growth hormones (N. Shealy). PET scans show that cerebral blood flow in the back of the brain occurs most at this frequency (P. Fox, M. Raichle). Studies of the most advanced meditators have repeatedly shown 7.8 to be a significant frequency (M. Cade). It is also referred to as the Hypnagogic state. http://www.transparentcorp.com/members/glossary.php More spiritual experiences have been reported using this frequency than any other. Out of body experiences have also been reported. The Harmonics of this frequency also appear to have some of the same effects. ! 31.32 Hz! In particular, growth hormone release is prominent at 31.32 Hz.8 - 10 Hz Learning new information, Memorization (not comprehension) (M. Hutchison)8 - 12 Hz (Alpha) Relaxation, Help with Anxiety, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) (D. Siever). Alpha sessions can significantly increase blood flow in the brain. Can also produce temporary grogginess. Can be used to decrease depression in SOME people, but not all. It is usually recommended to use Beta frequencies for Depression treatment.8.4 Hz Dissociation, Deep relaxation. Results in Lowered Anxiety, relaxed jaw muscles and can reduce the need for anesthetics (B. Margolis, D. Siever, D. Morse, A. Manns, N. Thomas). Good to use at dentist appointments.10 Hz Pain Control (N. Shealy), Relaxation, Dissociation, Anti-Addiction10 - 22 Hz ADD/ADHD, Increasing IQ and Improving Behavior (J.L Carter, H.L. Russell, 1993, M. Hutchison) (13+ in particular). Can also be used for Sports/Skills Enhancement.14 Hz was alternated with 22 Hz to improve grades in a college study.10 Hz was alternated with 18 Hz to help with ADD/ADHD and improve cognitive performance.15 - 20 Hz has been used in multiple studies to increase cognitive performance as well. 10 - 15 Hz seems to be best for stability and focus.12 - 15 Hz (SMR) Relaxed Attention, Quieting the Body, Good for reading (Siever, Hutchison). Help with Insomnia, Depression, Concentration, PMS, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety Reduction, Improvements in Immune System15 - 20 Hz Attention, Increase Cognitive Performance, Reduced Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, Learning, Anxiety Reduction (M. Hutchison, D. Siever, Othmer, L. Thompson, Ph.D. and M. Thompson, M.D.)18 Hz Energizing effect (M. Hutchison)18 - 24 Hz Euphoria, can also result in headaches, anxiety20+ Hz Can result in anxiety, headaches22 - 40 Hz Typical activity as "out of body" experiences are occurring or are about to occur, while in Theta (Dr. E. Wilson, http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT(2-1)5.html)31.32 Hz (Schumann Resonance Harmonic) HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Release stimulation (has only been tested using photic stimulation, N. Shealy)http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT (2-1)5.html)30 - 50 Hz Help with Migraines (has only been tested with Photic stimulation, D.J. Anderson)36 - 40 Hz High level information processing. Not much is known or has been studied regarding higher frequencies (Gamma), but it is hypothesized that higher frequencies could be helpful for multi-tasking abilities.40 Hz Energizing, focused effect (M. Hutchison)Modulation between 10 to 60 Hz Mental "Flexing", disentrainment, or breaking out of "stuck" brainwave patterns.! http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm - This includes nearly every frequency suspected to have an effect on the brain or human physiology. There is also has an excellent Bibliography which lets you, the reader, check the references for validity. This site hasn't applied the same filters as we have in the above listing, though the author does warn the reader to remain skeptical about many of the frequencies.http://lullianarts.net/body.htm - Table of Sound Frequencies in relation to the human body. References are obscure, so be skeptical.http://www.innerx.net/personal/tsmith/Schumann.html ! http://www.cannabinoid.com/boards/message.shtml?9x12787 - Interesting effects of frequencies on plants. Could be scientifically validated, or partially validated - we have not verified this, however.http://members.aol.com/Lambdom3/Chakras.html - Frequencies supposedly associated with Chakras.http://www.crossroadsinstitute.org/eeg.html - Good information about the broader spectrums of brainwaveshttp://www.electroherbalism.com/Bioelectro...equencyList.htm - Skepticism when viewing, please.http://www.planetware.de/tone/table.html - Information about the planets and their associated frequencies.http://www.lightwithin.com/SomaEnergetics/...Frequencies.htm - Skepticism when viewing, please.http://www.keelynet.com/interact/Arc_7_98-12_98/00000221.htm http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/bwgen/message/2024 ! Isochronic vs Binaural Beathttp://www.mindskillsonline.com/binaural.htm The Latest Info On Brainwave Entrainment - Can It Help Us All?http://www.nowpublic.com/the_latest_info_o..._it_help_us_all Isochronic Tones Cdji, drugi – kupljeni ok. Ko znaš delat svoje, jih več NE kupuješ.Zadovolji te le tisto, kar narediš po potrebah, motivih, interesih, ciljih svojih. ) LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 17. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 17. marec 2008 Isochronic Tones 0.1 Hz (Sub-Delta oz. Epsilon); zvečer, ponoči;55 Hz (Gamma); preko dneva - "natrenirano". Pri meni funkcionira b.p. Večina ljudi brez "urjenja in znanja; vedenja o teh zadevah" teh tonov ne prenaša najbolje.Za njih so delavnice v kolikor jih to sploh še zanima. Pa ne pri meni. )Bistveno je, da vsak hoteči zase "najde" ustrezne 1 - 2 frekvence za svoje potrebe.In da jih "možgansko adaptira" iztrenira. Da začne na njih funkcionirat. In da postanejo nemoteče.Nezaznavne postanejo skozi čas, ko se ušesa, možgani navadijo na izbrane isochronic (ali kake druge; monaural, binaural beats) tone. So pa dejansko iz lastnih izkustev mi isochronic tones nekje dejansko še najbolj učinkoviti.Delujejo tudi monaural, binaural beats prav tako. Mogoče nekaj manj "intenzivno". Volumen glasnosti se prilagodi trenutnemu počutju & razpoloženju. Kot tudi izbere všečno glasbeno ozadje. Z ustreznim bitratom od 320kbp/s; 41 000 KHz navzgor (audiofili). Na temule forumu: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=471094&page=75 ,z zanimivimi “linki“ poteka debata že na 75. straneh. Ni kar ni.Klikanje na linke (softwear s …) na lastno odgovornost. Internetna varnost NI zagotovljena. ) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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