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Lani na ALTERMEDU sem se ustavila na stojnici, kjer je imela Marjetka Novak razstavljene karte. Tako so me pritegnile in rekla sem si, vzemi si eno v roke. Karta, katero sem potegnila, je imela izjemno močno sporočilo ( zame osebno) in še kar nekaj časa sem se spraševala, kako je mogoče, da sem vzela iz kupčka ravno to karto in ne katero drugo. Ker še isti dan se je točno to uresničilo, kar je angelček sporočal. Bila sem kar malo v šoku.


Sicer pa je v življenju tako, da naključij ni in da so vedno razlogi, da dobiš ravno določeno sporočilo in določeno izkušnjo v tistem trenutku, ko jo potrebuješ.


Takrat so mi angelske karte ostale v spominu. Letos sem si jih kupila. Najprej sem si jih vsako jutro povlekla zase....sedaj, če želite , jih tudi za vas.

Zato : Vsako karto, ki jo bom potegnila iz kupa, bo prišla z razlogom.


Vsi vemo, da naše misli kreirajo našo sedanjost in prihodnost.

Prepustimo se jim in naj nas angeli vodijo in blagoslovijo.


ZATO če kdo želi, da povlečem karto iz kupa...kar v vrsto.


Trenutno so "na tapeti":


Klarus xwizardx


Tipka xflowx


Liu x:)x


Ksenia :flowers:


Pujsita xsrcx


Tigrota :flower:


Mystica :detelca:


Zasavka :wub:


Pinka :inlove:


1.323 komentarjev

Recommended Comments

PINKA :inlove:


Zaslužite si najboljše! S svojimi sanjami in željami sezite po zvezdah in ne sklepajte kompromisov.


Uau :2src: :palec: Hvala angelčki :)

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Danes sem pa tole karto potegnila zase:



"Have faith and hope, because there is something positive and new on the horizon that you can't yet see."



Additional Message: "The seeds that you have planted are beginning to sprout results. You may not even be aware of these results, however, since they are in their infancy. Now it is more important than ever to stay positive, and to hold a clear vision of your desire and intention. Avoid skeptics or those with negative mind-sets. Daily action-even if it only consists of baby steps-toward the fruition of your dream is essential. A phone call, a letter, or reading relevant material will keep the energy of your manifestation at a high level. Every day, positively affirm that you have already achieved or exceeded your dream. And most important, ask for angelic assistance every step of the way."




...vem da sem na pravi poti in da mi uspelo....koncert in vse ostalo...

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PINKA :inlove:


Zdaj, ko ste prosili angele za pomoč, se odprite, da boste sprejeli božansko vodstvo in podporo. Zaslužite si nebeško pomoč.

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MENI :love:



"I bring you a message from your deceased loved one: 'I am happy, at peace, and I love you very much. Please don't worry about me."'


Additional Message: "Your heart has been heavy with grief, and I am here to reassure you. I am a guardian angel to your deceased loved one, and I want you to know that there is no reason for you to worry. Your loved one is very happy and has adjusted to the transition very well. There is no anger or upset directed toward you, only love and understanding. You have done nothing wrong, dear one, so please don't blame yourself in any way. You did everything that you could, and your loved one has asked me to share this appreciation with you."


"You and your loved one still share great love between your souls. That love could never die! Although you miss your loved one's physical presence, you have already connected spiritually in your dreams; as well as through feeling, hearing, smelling, or seeing your loved one's essence. Your loved one is as alive as you are-even more alive in many ways. Relieved of Earthly cares or bodily pains, your loved one is freer and happier than ever. As soon as you complete your life's purpose and it is your time to make the transition, you will be reunited in each other's arms. In the meantime, please know that your loved one is with you often, and that the angels surround you continuously."

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KSENIA :flowers:




"New psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view the world and yourself. Allow your spiritual gifts to open-through study, prayer, and meditation."


Additional Message: "It's not your imagination. You really are psychic, and you have connected with the spirit world. These mystical experiences are occurring due to your increased spiritual openness, and because you have asked about your angels and your life's purpose. I am part of a large group of angels assigned to help those of you who have spiritual gifts. We will send you additional Earth helpers in the form of spiritual teachers, books, and classes so that you may further open up to your spiritual abilities."


"Please don't be afraid of your gifts. Although you may have been teased or punished for being psychic in your childhood or past life, we can help you heal any fears that you may have about being psychic or spiritually gifted. Just ask for our help, and it is given. "The earth needs your help right now. We ask that you regularly send the Divine love and light within you toward those who need it most. Simply hold the intention of sending beams of loving energy toward any place, plant, animal, person, or situation, and it is done. We thank you for your Earth angel assistance."

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TIPKA xflowx



"Spend time alone in nature, meditating about your desires and intentions. Ask the angels to help you gain positive perspective."


Additional Message: "Your life has been noisy lately, and you need to escape into a place of natural tranquility. It is time for you to be alone in nature, even if it is for just a brief while. You don't need others' permission to take care of your soul in this way. Simply plan your sojourn, and then follow through on those plans."


"Once you are alone in nature, allow your mind to wander wherever it wants to go. Notice your thoughts and feelings, and perhaps write them down. After a time, speak (aloud or silently) to the nature angels that surround you. Ask them to clear your body and aura of any stress that you may have absorbed. Then, meditate and pray about your desires and intentions. Prayers are amplified by the power of nature, and you will feel very refreshed when you return home."

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"Time-out! You've been so busy taking care of everyone else's needs, but now it's time to stop and take care of yourself."


Additional Message: "Dear one, you've been working very hard! You're very tired now, yet you keep pushing yourself to work more, more, more! I am here to firmly and lovingly take your hand, and tell you to 'Stop!' Cease working for a moment and take a respite. You have certainly earned it, and you will be more efficient and productive after taking this rest."


"You give so much to others that at times like this you become unbalanced. Your inner child yearns for nurturing, and no one is going to give you that loving care but yourself and the angels. So, give yourself permission to take a much-needed time-out. Take a nap, or go play for a while. Please don't delay this guidance. We assure you that your responsibilities will all be met, and you will gather new energy and ideas during your time-out. We will also bring you additional Earthly help, and assist you in delegating work."

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PINKA :inlove:



"Yes, the timing is right for this new venture. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations."


Additional Message: "In answer to your question, yes, this situation is everything that you hoped it would be. It is still a good idea to keep your eyes open and pray for angelic assistance along the way. Even ideal situations require adjustments as you move forward. However, we angels foresee smooth sailing with this decision."


"The opportunity is even more favorable because of the timing. Several pieces of the puzzle have now fallen into place. You have also learned some invaluable lessons that have prepared you. Your patience has paid off, and now it is time for you to reap the rewards. Take bold steps, while listening to the wise guidance of your heart as you move forward fearlessly."

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LIU :flower:




"Have faith and hope, because there is something positive and new on the horizon that you can't yet see."


Additional Message: "The seeds that you have planted are beginning to sprout results. You may not even be aware of these results, however, since they are in their infancy. Now it is more important than ever to stay positive, and to hold a clear vision of your desire and intention. Avoid skeptics or those with negative mind-sets. Daily action-even if it only consists of baby steps-toward the fruition of your dream is essential. A phone call, a letter, or reading relevant material will keep the energy of your manifestation at a high level. Every day, positively affirm that you have already achieved or exceeded your dream. And most important, ask for angelic assistance every step of the way."

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TIGROTA :detelca:



"Your children on Earth and in Heaven are happy and well cared for by God and the angels."


Additional Message: "Your worries about your children have been received as prayers here in Heaven. We understand your concerns, so we surround the souls and bodies of your children with our loving care. This is a time for you to release your children to God, and know that your Creator is their true parent. God is pure love, without judgment or anger. He could never abandon you or your children-nor would He want to!"


"As one of your children's guardian angels, I watch over them ceaselessly. I never tire of keeping my watchful eye upon them, for as I gaze upon your children, I see their Divine light. I see their true perfection, their goodness, and their innocence. I ask that you see your children through my eyes, which will help their love and light to be fully expressed. I love you, I love your children, and your children love you!"

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super hvala (sicer bi rabila prevod ampak se bom potrudila ;))

danes nisem ok (preveč razmišljanja čez noč), upam, da se razpoloženje čez dan popravi

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Ksenia prevod je:



Nova jasnovidna in duhovna izkustva spreminjajo vaš pogled na svet in nase. Dovolite, da se odprejo vaši duhovni darovi - skozi študij , molitev in meditacijo....


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TIPKA xflowx



"Spend time alone in nature, meditating about your desires and intentions. Ask the angels to help you gain positive perspective."


Additional Message: "Your life has been noisy lately, and you need to escape into a place of natural tranquility. It is time for you to be alone in nature, even if it is for just a brief while. You don't need others' permission to take care of your soul in this way. Simply plan your sojourn, and then follow through on those plans."


"Once you are alone in nature, allow your mind to wander wherever it wants to go. Notice your thoughts and feelings, and perhaps write them down. After a time, speak (aloud or silently) to the nature angels that surround you. Ask them to clear your body and aura of any stress that you may have absorbed. Then, meditate and pray about your desires and intentions. Prayers are amplified by the power of nature, and you will feel very refreshed when you return home."

O, to pa je ze resna zadeva, se mi stalno ta angelcek pridruzuje :eek: x:o)x :2src:

bom poskusala spostovati in udejaniti x;)x


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PINKA :inlove:



"Yes, the timing is right for this new venture. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations."


Additional Message: "In answer to your question, yes, this situation is everything that you hoped it would be. It is still a good idea to keep your eyes open and pray for angelic assistance along the way. Even ideal situations require adjustments as you move forward. However, we angels foresee smooth sailing with this decision."


"The opportunity is even more favorable because of the timing. Several pieces of the puzzle have now fallen into place. You have also learned some invaluable lessons that have prepared you. Your patience has paid off, and now it is time for you to reap the rewards. Take bold steps, while listening to the wise guidance of your heart as you move forward fearlessly."


Audente kaj imamo zdaj drugo verzijo??? Men je bila pa prva tako sladka in kratka ;)

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super hvala (sicer bi rabila prevod ampak se bom potrudila ;))

danes nisem ok (preveč razmišljanja čez noč), upam, da se razpoloženje čez dan popravi


vpliv polne lune...tudi jaz sem imela težko noč se bo a ne ;)

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Z vami se, dajem vam pogum za življenske spremembe, ki vam bodo pomagale izvrševati vaše božansko življensko poslanstvo.

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KLARUS :sorcerer:


Odmor! Prezaposleni ste bili s skrbjo za druge. Zdaj je čas, da se ustavite in poskrbite zase.


KSENIA :flowers:



Vaši otroci na Zemlji in v Nebesih so srečni. Bog in angeli jih imamao radi.

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TIPKA xflowx



Da, zdaj je pravi čas za nov podvig. Dober rezultat bo sledil vašim pozitivnim pričakovanjem.


TIGROTA xrosex



Z živalmi vas veže posebna vez. Na vaše ljublenjce na Zemlji in v Nebesih pazimo angeli.

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PUJSITA :flower:


Sem angel obilja. Prejeli boste denar, ki ga potrebujete, in Bog bo poskrbel za to, kako se bo to zgodilo. Zaupajte.



PINKA :inlove:



VArno je, da ste močni. Vi znate biti močni na ljubeč način, ki je dober tako za duge kot tudi za vas.

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Zdaj, ko ste prosili angele za pomoč, se odprite, da boste sprejeli božansko vodstvo in podporo. Zalužite si nebeško pomoč.


LIU xgoldfishx



Sem angel miru. Prinašam vam novo spokojnost in uglajeno pot naprej.



ZASAVKA xwizardx



Zdaj, ko ste prosili angele za pomoč, se odprite, da boste sprejeli božansko vodstvo in podporo. Zalužite si nebeško pomoč.

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ZASAVKA wizard.gif



Zdaj, ko ste prosili angele za pomoč, se odprite, da boste sprejeli božansko vodstvo in podporo. Zalužite si nebeško pomoč.


Krvavo jo rabim - pomoč in podporo, hvala

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