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Vse kar je objavil/a angelit

  1. angelit


    glede zaveta, ki vas je zapustu. tudi jaz grem. nekdo celo toži nosorogu, da se mi je utrgalo. no comment. utrgalo - ne bi bla tuki lepo se imej folk utrgan s foruma, jaz mam druge . lp
  2. angelit


    Zaveta... če sem še normalna se bo pojavu...
  3. sva gledali oddajo o vesolju oz kvantna fizika ali karkoli... pač v vakumu je vse živo... lolicine bolhe npr... ok se hecam... mam pa sojino mleko njami.. lp:/
  4. Greva na big foot mamo... sem vabla frendico ki je oboževalka zraven.. samo ma opravke naslednji dan... buhuhuhuuuuu
  5. danes sem kuhala z mami... in pol jedla kosilo... ribice pa to... en dan pregrehe... boljše kot pregreha s čipsi... jaz bi zelenjavni kebab:/ samo ne bo nič , frendica pravi, da bo počla... karma
  6. Silica, jaz nisem kura- če bi bila ti v moji postelji mmm... bi celo noč igrale zmajčke... na netu... Sem pri frendici... zdaj dela toast... mogoče jo zvabim kam v lajf :D Just kidding... prevč peroksida.. drugače vse preživela.. se beremo alpa ignor no prob lpjček
  7. Da uresničim ta življenjski plan... če ne bom pa sigurno šla byby... v onstranstvo. Komaj čakam! Bi šla takoj. Mi je že brezveze. Razen če začnem kot nosorog predavat, da folk dobi kaj od mene. Če ne to je brezveze... rabim, da folk dobi Kaj od mene... en smisel lajfa. če ga že jaz nimam, ker mi ni... nič do tega d<a tukaj bluzim.
  8. martha harbour... ko se mi je to rolalo prvič sem bila v Brightonu ... na obali, spala na klopci kot klošar... takrat sem ostala sama, ker sem bila v top skupini za angleščino... in sem morala komunicirat... pol pridem domov in no comment... komaj preživela ta leta socialne fobije... nič ni tako kot v brixhamu... slovenšćina mi je mimo:) je pa Bled super, skoz sanjam da grem na bled res
  9. Silica, se vidimo na kresovanju kje... mam fleše... kdo ve kakšne plane ma vesolje za skromne nas..
  10. V glavnem se gre za masažo, pride en tip... samo je malo čuden... (( če to preživim. je moja edina stranka do zdaj, ki je zvenela en tolko normalno. drugih nisem sprejela. sem dala oglas za masažo starejših... samo ne vem. bova z E. naredili verjetno oglase za masažo classico po feelingu, tu okoli in se lotle. ona je tip, ki ne obdrži nobene službe, in ničesar... samo je moj tip. lih kontra pravzaprav, kot vsi ... ona je v izy s folkom... kot vsi :/ jaz nisem... jaz sem v krču, strahu, zadregi... se tresem, mi blokira živce... vse hudo.. in pol še občutljiva na vse skupaj... tko, da ni zabavno :/ karma.
  11. Smo bile do zdaj na kafetu ona je tudi bluzič... dvojčica... jaz sem vaga...smo odpuljeni... se boljše počutim po čveku :9
  12. pride E. she is a life saviour... thank you God. God.. you know what... please ...groza... še tarotala sem si... gre za change ... moram. so let it be very easy... and STUPID:D
  13. With the fire from the fireworks up above me With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand You run for cover in the temple of love You run for another but still the same For the wind will blow my name across this land In the temple of love you hide together Believing pain and fear outside But someone near you rides the weather And the tears he cried will rain on walls As wide as lovers eyes In the temple of love: Shine like thunder In the temple of love: Cry like rain In the temple of love: Hear my calling In the temple of love: Hear my name And the devil in black dress watches over My guardian angel walks away Life is short and love is always over in the morning Black wind come carry me far away With the sunlight died and night above me With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain inside You run for cover in the temple of love You run for another it's all the same For the wind will blow and throw your walls aside With the fire from the fireworks up above With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain You run for cover in the temple of love I shine like thunder cry like rain And the temple grows old and strong But the wind blows longer cold and long And the temple of love will fall before This black wind calls my name to you no more In the black sky thunder sweeping Underground and over water Sounds of crying weeping will not save Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar All your prayers must seem as nothing Ninety-six below the wave When stone is dust and only air remains In the temple of love: Shine like thunder In the temple of love: Cry like rain In the temple of love: Hear the calling And the temple of love is falling Down In the temple of love: Shine like thunder In the temple of love: Cry like rain In the temple of love: Hear my calling In the temple of love: Hear my name In the black sky thunder sweeping Underground and over water Sounds of crying weeping will not save Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar All your prayers must seem as nothing Ninety-six below the wave When stone is dust and only air remains the only haven you can trust And the devil in black dress watches over My guardian angel walks away Life is short and love is always over in the morning Black wind come carry me far away With the fire from the fireworks up above With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain you You run for cover in the temple of love I shine like thunder cry like rain And the temple grows old and strong But the wind blows longer cold and long And the temple of love will fall before This black wind calls my name to you no more In the temple of love you hide together Believing pain and fear outside But someone near you rides the weather And the tears he cried will rain on walls As wide as lovers eyes In the temple of love: Shine like thunder In the temple of love: Cry like rain In the temple of love: Hear the calling And the temple of love is falling Down
  14. pridni ste <3 ... nisem sama v najbolj skritih kotičkih teme... deep down inside... glasov se je nabralo zdaj. ne vem kam jih vtaknit. najboljše v rit .. jutri mam eno sranje za dat skozi. karma lpjček en tudi priden
  15. Bog bo že pomagal! !!!! We love you! Drži se! to se ti zdi samo, da sam jamr... vsak gleda s svojega kota objave... in si misliš, da so vsi bolj happy. Jaz sem pa v p*raznini... God help us.
  16. angelit

    Fotke (3)

    Wejki wejki... kakšno fotko? Religija popolnosti tle ne velja... Ker smo že vsi popolni... oz the best of us...
  17. Hold me Like you held on to life When all fears came alive and entombed me Love me Like you love the sun Scorching the blood in my vampire heart I'll be the thorns on every rose You've been sent by hope (You'll grow cold) I am the nightmare waking you up From the dream of a dream of love (Just like before) Let me weep you this poem as Heaven's gates close Paint you my soul, scarred and alone Waiting for your kiss to take me back home Hold me Like you held on to life When all fears came alive and entombed me Love me Like you love the sun Scorching the blood in my vampire heart Hold me Like you held on to life When all fears came alive and entombed me Love me Like you love the sun Scorching the blood in my vampire heart Hold me (Like you held on to life) Like you held on to life (When all fears came alive and entombed me) My vampire heart Love me (Like you love the sun) Like you love the sun (Scorching the blood in my) My vampire hear taki bomo mi če bomo jedli pizze... :/ you know... gulp
  18. Živio:) se ne dam. ustvarila bom lastno religijo popolnosti, v smislu, da vedno daš od sebe svoj maximum in se tega držiš. Vse da se spravim iz te groze zdaj. V glavnem M (ta frend) je zaspal bil na moji postelji. pred tem sva pa plesala:(( bog pomagi. vse kar napišem zveni utrgano. Samo ne vem zakaj bi se skrila v mišjo luknjo nam da zmeditiram stran, in odmolim proč vse težave. Sej lih v zapor te ne spravijo, ker nekaj pišeš na forumu. :// Nema predaje.
  19. V glavnem. Please spravte M z moje postelje. Ta je vtrgan. Nema više k meni
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