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Fula hvala, sm že včeri spila 1L korenčkovega soka . Še mal meditacije (za 3.oko), pa no TNX a lot!
Ja, še neki sm pozabla napisat. Pr 16ih sm bla prvič pr ginkotu. Zarad kile (sam takrat to nism vedla) v dimeljskem predelu - zgledala je tko kt en testit in valda panika kva je zdej to (sm glih začela s seksom in to). Preštudirala vse mogoče poznane in nepoznane spolne bolezni zihr mam kej od tega , klub kondomom? Pa se ni nič ujemalo z nobeno do slej poznano spolno boleznijo , klinc, treba bo h ženskemu dohtarju. In tko pridm jst h dohtarju, smotana kt sm bla, nism povedala za "testis". Pregled se mi je zdel z vsemi tistimi kovinskimi "tiči" in stremeni pravo srdnjeveško ponižanje in mučenje :xx!: . No, po pregledu prav dohtar, da je vse uredu, pa če se doma kej pogovarjamo o sexu? Mislm haloo? Valda da ne . In on tko, da bi blo fajn če doma kej omenim, da sexam . Bolnik! . Me je kr odnesl iz ordinacije No, ta moj testis je bil še zmer tm, kt je bil prej, mene je še zmer mučlo, kaj pa , če jst vseeno neki mam, kr zihr ni normalno in sm šla še h enmu drugmu ginkotu. K je spet ugotovu, da je vse uredu in normalno . Ampak men ni dal mira in sem "vajo" ponovila še 7×, valda zmeri pr drugih ginekologih ( sm obredla vse ZD v LJ in bližnji okolici). To pa zato, ker je blo vse kao normalno, amopak jst sm še zmer mela svoj testis Pr 9. dohtarju, k je bla h sreči ginekologinja, sm ji po pregeldu (valda, spet vse uredu), plaho rekla, da mam jst en testis in če obstaja kaka SPB, katere simptomi so glih testisi? Ona pa, da ga med pregledom ni opazila, da take SPB še niso odkril in kje imam ta testis. Jst vstanem iz mize in valda, zdej je moj jajček prišel do izraza Ona pa, ah, sej to je pa sam kila , to ni nič hudga . Je tok zagrmel (k se mi ja skala odvalila od srca), in me kr odneslo iz ordinacije. V roku 1 mesca, so mi moj jajček zašil (valda veze ). Po tistem sem ginkota zamenala še 2×, zdej mam pa pravga srčka , res profesionalen, ni blema za karkoli, vse lepo razloži (tut tist, kr mu sploh ni treba, ker ni njegovo področje). Tko da, enkat k bo šel v penzijo, bo cel šit , takih ne delajo več
Džizusfakinkrajst triple Nosečnosti me je blo že prej na smrt strah, ampak tale opis z vsemi špikanji in jemanjem krvi...sam še nadroben (po fazah) opis poroda je manjkal, pa bi se onesvestila kar za compom :xx!: Kodrlajsa, men je tut slabo; od misli na vse te igle, špikanja, zatekle nosečniške noge...groza :xx!: Ampak hej, ene jo prou lepo odnesejo , tiste tavesele ziher!
ti to o Medvodah?
jah, sm bla spet firbčna...pa odgovora ni in ni Mogoče pa to pomeni, da je vse tko kt more bit in je brez veze spraševat sej veš: blažena nevednost
Mater tole se tako okusno bere, da se slinim kot kak polž slinar A bi se dal kak recept izvlečt?
A ma kdo kak nasvet, kako razsmraditi hladilnik? Situacija je taka, da je "nekdo" (pa ne jst ) pozabil v zmrzovalnem delu hladilnika (na vikendu) ribe, elektriko pa izklopil. Po 14 dneh groza!! Smo probal vse mogoče: od čiščenja s kisom, z limono, varekino... pol smo v hladilnik zdeval posod s kisom (ok, del vonja je res ostal v kisu, sam večina pa ne)... in pol obupal. Odmontiral hladilnik (vgradni), ga nesli na 14 dnevno prezračevanje...nič! Še zmeri smrdi :xx!: :xx!: za popi.dit Anyone?
Včeri je za koslice blo pečen mlad krompirček s pečenim mladim stročjim fižolom in korenčkom z veeeeeeelik koruze in sezamovo soljo. Večerja: litrca soka iz lubenice Dans bo pa blitva ala špinača pa pire krompir v objemu smetane pol pa hop na rolerje smetano pokurit
Mene so pa pr "šloganju" čist spregledal, smrk,smrk
Če se smem malce pošaliti: evo novi davkoplačevalci in garanti za penzije
Za malčko: breskve, kruh in topljiv sirček Kosilce: musaka in dušeno sladko zelje sladica: košček čokoladne tortice
Ananta, jst sm spraševala za svojga fanta. Verjetno si mislil tale quote zanga? Drgač bi te pa še vprašala, ali se mi v kratkem (recimo v roku 1 leta) v trenutni službi obeta napredovanje, ali je boljše, da jo zamenjam?
Ja, svickar, ti že veš
Včeri mela kumare v omaki+pire krompir za kosilo. Večerjica je bla iz zelene solate z trdo kuhanim jajcem+koruzo Dons za malčko: črna žemljica+nav.jogurt. Kosilce?? Bo pa pečen krompirs pečenim stročjim fižolom t veeeeeeelik česna in še več kumine za sladico pa sveže stisnjen sok iz lubenice (živel sokovnik )
Džizusfakinkrajst mene boli že, če sam berem tole inkvizicijsko torturo :xx!: :xx!: ja, a s čist znoru? se gre s svečo kurit?? x!x a si pol kej crispy?
Cau! Nism vsega sla brat Tkole: za obrvi uporabljam pinceto. za pazduhe uporabljam žiletko, kar navadno, tako, ki je pakirana s 5 drugimi žiletkami skupaj. za bikini predel uporabim depilator - boli ko sam satan, drži pa tudi dolgo - ene 14 dni, nato polnarastek skinem z žiletko, opisano zgoraj. za noge uporabim depilator. Za spodnjo frizurco uporabim kar škarjice za nohte, zato imam spodaj kratko frizurco, včasih skin, včasih špurco ( s pomočjo spet navadne žiletke). Ostalih oblik frizur žal ne morem natrenirat - pa tut ne da se mi Ugotovila sem, da je zame najbolj pomemben tajming puljenja; torej bolečinski prag imam najvišji prve dva dneva menstruacije, tut tretji dan je še ok. Ok, v tem času populim vse, kar liči na kocine (bikini predel, noge, tut obrvi ne uidejo, čeprou obrvi običajno tedensko redno krotim) Veet ipd sranja so samo SRANJA. Vname se vse, kar ni podobno kocini Vsaj meni Aja, uporabljam obični depilator, brez nekih nastavkov za hlajenje, mislim na to, kako mi gre kdo/kaj na živce in kocine kar same od sebe salutirajo preden od/padejo Po depilaciji nič ne mažem, ker sem ugotovila, da se rdečina hitreje pomiri sama od sebe, prej sem se mazala z nekimi hladilnimi losijoni, pa bephantenom, ..mah brez veze. Važno je, da pol kak dan ne grem takoj na sonce, ker dobim pol lisaste noge pa še srbet začne. Edin problem, ki ga pri tem imam je, da se mi te preklete dlake na bikini predelu po depilaciji vraščajo in jih morm ven bezat Sicer ne vse, ampak vsaj tri se vedno najdejo Sm hotla že lasersko depilacijo, pa mi je una, k to izvaja v kozmetičnem rekla, da ni 100% niti po n-obiskih, tko da...fak! Kje je moj Silkepil
Dolgo cajta vztrajala ob beli kavi. Pol se je ta v lokalih nenormalno podražila, prešaltala na kapučino. Obupala ob večnem razlaganju natakarjem, da zame kapučino pomeni gosta mlečna pena na kavi z mlekom. :xx!: Nato preskušala toleranco jezika s kavo z mlekom. Totalno obupala. Zdej pijem čaj. Če me morajo buditi od mrtvih, pa kratek espresso s par zrni sladkorja
Kaj bomo pa danes kuhali?
Cookie je komentiral/a topic od Natasha v Prehrana - recepti, nasveti, napotki
Včeri sm dragemu skuhala čili z mesom; je kar predel od zadovoljstva Kv bi pa dons Ma ena kitajsko kislo pekoča juhica (al pa dve) kar silita v zelodcek Sam, a bom te sreče? -
Definitivno samorog!
Že takoj zjutri zmazala šmorn z rozinami, pa šalco turške kave, dopoldne preživela ob nalivanju z zelenim čajem z aromo jasmina in 0,5l EGO jogurtu, popoldne pa planiram pečen mlad krompir+pečen stročji fižol z veeeeelik kumine in česna (pečenega, jasno). Ma tole popoldansko kombinacijo bi jst skos furala...zraven pa še ajvar ga ni boljšega!
Jst bom pa skledo zelene solate z veeeeeeeelik koruze pa bučnega olja pa čist mal kisa in soli. Zraven pa pečen mlad krompirček z veeeeeelik česna (pečenega, jasno) in še veeeeeeč kumine sladica: mal dimljenega sirčka. njams!
Zdele pomlatla krožnik ješprenja s črnim kruhom. Za sladico pa breskov sok
Ananta, mene pa neki zanima in sicer za mojga fanta; je pred pomembno odločitvijo, vezano na njegov poklic in bodočo službo (ki se mu v zelo kratkem obeta) in včeri mu je neki na mejl prletel v povezavi z astrologijo, bom kr prlimala; a lohk mal tole astrološko razložiš? (aja RD ma 22.12.1980 ob 23.15 se mi zdi) Kdaj so "tisti tapravi" odločilni dnevi? Ful hvala!!!!! Dear Jure, > > Here is the astrological reading which you have asked me for the whole of > 2005. Th first thing which I should tell you is that I have made an > important discovery about your future for 2005. As a matter of fact Jure I > can tell you now that a very important event lies ahead of you during the > coming months and that this event is going to bring you some very good > news on the professional and financial side of things. These events will > take place during an exceptionnel Transit which you will live though > during a period of 56 days. > > Here is exactly what this is all about. > > Over the coming few months Jure the Moon and the planet Pluto will be both > be in exactly the same position that they were in at the precise moment of > your birth (Pluto's position at the moment of your birth was > 203°58'10.8470 and the Moon's was 93°32'29.3905). This will put you in a > very beneficial context indeed and will favor professional changes. There > also seems to be a strong notion of a large sum of money. I can also add > that during this same period Jupiter, the planet of chance, opportunity > and success will be in Sextile in your 10th House. This means that you > will benefit from a very high potential of chance and will enjoy a strong > protection over your destiny during this period of 56 days. > > As I have told you, this astral configuration is set to occur at a very > specific moment and announces some very good news for you concerning your > career, your professional future and also your financial situation. I am > also very happy to announce this news to you today because I know that > this situation is one of your principal concerns at this time. I have very > well understood the context which you are in at the moment and I know that > you have a lot of doubts and questions about your future. You also worry > that this context has now lasted for a long time. > > This is why I am so pleased to be able to announce to you today that very > important changes will be open to you, particularly as far as your > professional and financial situation is concerned. These changes will take > place during this 56 day Transit which I have described to you. I must > insist on the fact that this period will bring you these important > opportunities as I know that you probably tell yourself at this time that > this all seems too good to be true. This is because of the difficult > periods you have lived through so far and you probably feel that you will > not get out of these problems. You will however and this is precisely > because 2005 will bring you some very important changes. This is written > very clearly in your astral skies. This is why I can be so categoric when > I say that 2005 is going to be very decisive for you financially. > > Here is a summary of everything which I have sensed about you. Pay great > attention to what I'm going to tell you now. > > If you do the right thing during this favorable period you'll be able to > get rid of the financial worries you have at the moment and that are > spoiling life for you. 4 elements came through clearly to me: > > 1) During this period you must meet the right people and do the right > things. This means you have to be in the right place at the right time to > solve your concern over your work situation > > 2) You will also have a prime occasion to encounter someone who is going > to be decisive for your professional future. > > 3) You must act on certain precise days to be sure to be successful in > this endeavor. On these days your astral configuration is at its maximum > influential strength > 4) This period of two favorable moons will last for 56 days and represents > a new beginning for you in your work situation and it would really be a > shame to miss it as it isn't likely to come around again in your stars for > a long time. > > 5) This period will mark certain important changes for you on a financial > level and these financial changes will be intimately related to the > professional developments you can expect during this Transit. > > 6) To seize this opportunity you must be aware of certain details > especially what you must do and on which days exactly. I advise you to get > help from somebody competent who will be able to give you the precise > details about these all-important days. > > I have a great deal of other information to tell you but I first want to > let you know that I am entirely at your disposition to produce a second > more detailed reading containing all of the information which you need > concerning all of the professional changes you can expect, when and where > they will take place, who this person is who is going to play such an > important role for you, when and how you are going to meet this person, > how your professional situation will evolve in the long term and what the > consequences will be for your finances. This kind of reading takes up a > lot of time (as it will be between 50 and 80 pages long) and I need your > consent before beginning. I will tell you some more about this report but > in the meantime here are the links where you can ask me for this second > reading: > >> Here is now a little more explanation about what I have just told you Jure > and here is why I can be so sure about what I have indicated to you. As a > native Capricorn the year 2005 is extremely important for you and most > notably because during this year the planet Pluto will have a capitally > important impact on your future and most particularly on your professional > and financial life. I can also say that over the last few years you have > been under the negative influence of the planet Saturn which has slowed > and limited you and your goals, causing a number of problems in your life > and more precisely in your love life as a result of obstacles and stress > in your couple and where a number of tensions, questions and incertitudes > have come from, but that this planet will cease it's negative influence > this year and you will as a result feel much more liberated. > > Finally I can tell you that the Moon and Jupiter will act upon you in a > very favorable manner indeed during the coming months by creating a period > of great chance which will last for the period of two moons (56 days). All > of these favorable elements will charge you with positive energy and will > release a moment of great change and renewal in your finances and the > reason why these 56 days are so very important in particular is because > you will benefit from the combined influence of Pluton, Jupiter and the > Moon as I mentioned above at this precise time. > > I must now warn you about something Jure, you must not under any > circumstances simply wait for these events to happen and wait for these 56 > days to simply take place. If you do stay inactive you will miss this > extremely favorable period and this is very clear to me. In astrology no > simple sign can tell us exactly when and how a certain period may occur, > this must be calculated accurately and I can prove this to you with just a > simple question: do you know in which phase of the Moon is in tonight (the > Full, New or Half Moon and so on) without calculating this event > precisely? No, simply because such an event can not simply be guessed at, > even though you are very much aware that the Moon has a very great > influence over ourselves and our environment (for a quick example just > look at the seas tides). What I would like you to understand by all this > is that if you sit and wait and try to simply guess when this period of 56 > days will take place you will miss it, this period cannot b > e guessed and instead must be calculated. It is for this reason that many > people miss these kind of important opportunities because they do not act > at just the right moment when their configuration is at the most > favorable, just as your planetary configuration will be in a very short > time. > > Moreover, to seize this opportunity you must be aware of certain details > especially what you must do and on which days exactly. I advise you Jure > to get help from somebody competent who will be able to give you the > precise details about these all-important days. > > I hope above all that you take what I've just said very seriously as I'm > absolutely sure of it. You really must have a comprehensive precise report > done which will give you the necessary details for you to be able to take > full advantage of these 56 days. > > As I said Jure, you must also realize that you will not be able to > discover these details on your own: somebody competent must find them out > for you. It doesn't matter WHO helps you (whether it's me or someone else) > as long as they are competent in this domain. Maybe there is an astrologer > among your friends and family or one you've consulted recently that you > can give the reading I sent you to. By studying your configuration they > will understand (as I have) that there is an extremely important period on > its way to you. > > I can't insist enough on this fact. I've been using my gift to help people > for over 20 years now and I've realized that when people aren't happy it > isn't usually because they're unlucky. It's often because they don't seize > a fantastic opportunity when it comes their way quite simply because they > don't know how to. In a few days' time you'll get the opportunity to > improve your financial situation with an incredible opportunity and be > helped to do it. Don't waste any more time! If there's nobody close to you > who can help then I will. For that I need to spend an afternoon > concentrating to develop your reading and provide you with a comprehensive > detailed report that will give you all the details you need. > > I know that this coming period, will bring you the opportunity to change > your life and it will answer the questions you currently have about your > job. You will have the opportunity to find contentment in your > professional life and you will also discover financial comfort. This is > why I do not want you to miss out on this chance to transform your life > entirely, this kind of opportunity will not come around again for a very > long time. I propose to determine all of the information you need not to > miss out no this great opportunity. I will tell you about all of the > changes you can expect, when, how and which opportunities you should > seize, who this person is who is going to play such an important role for > you and how you can act to help evolve your professional situation in the > long term and what exactly the consequences will be on your financial > life. > > Before beginning this reading for you, I simply need you to fill in the > information on the following web-page on the following web-page and as > soon as I receive your complete request I will begin to work on your > report: If you would not like to confide this reading to me and if you would like > instead to take this information to someone closer or more local to you > then of course you may as this has little importance. You must have this > reading done for you Jure as this period of 56 days which awaits you is an > unique event. This period will not come again for a long time and I must > repeat that you will not be able to discover by yourself the details, > dates , times and opportunities which are on their way. A professional > astrologer will be able to answer all your questions and much more.
To je pa tok grozn lepo napisan, da b se človk kr razjoku
Men pa bezeg ful lepo diši; mi sploh ne smrdi po švicu Močan vonj ma pa res Sploh nism vedla, da je flykiller