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Vse kar je objavil/a Mikica

  1. pa še text od pesmi snow(hey oh) Come to decide that the things that I tried were in my life just to get high on. When I sit alone, come get a little known But I need more than myself this time. Step from the road to the sea to the sky, and I do believe that we rely on When I lay it on, come get to play it on All my life to sacrifice. Hey oh... listen what I say oh I got your hey oh, now listen what I say oh When will I know that I really can't go To the well once more - time to decide on. Well it's kiliing me, when will I really see, all that I need to look inside. Come to belive that I better not leave before I get my chance to ride, Well it's killing me, what do I really need - all that I need to look inside. Hey oh... listen what I say oh Come back and hey oh, look at what I say oh The more I see the less I know The more I like to let it go - hey oh, woah... People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow, Finally divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go; Inbetween the cover of another perfect wonder and it's so white as snow, Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go. Ho! Went to descend to ammend for a friend of the channels that had broken down. Now you bring it up, I'm gonna ring it up - just to hear you sing it out. Step from the road to the sea to the sky, And I do belive what we rely on, When I lay it on, come get to play it on All my life to sacrifice Hey oh... Listen what I say oh I got your hey oh... listen what I say oh The more I see, the less I know The more I like to let it go - hey oh woah... People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow. Finally divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go Inbetween the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go. I said hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now. Hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now. People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow, Finaly divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go. People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow... Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go. I said hey oh yeah oh yeah... tell my love now pa še ostali texti k jih najdete tuki: rhcp-TEXTI PESMI Hey yeah yeah... oh yeah.
  2. ta zadnji album je Stadium Arcadium. Tam gor je pesem snow.
  3. Ste že bli na kakem njihovem koncertu? Kaki se vam zdijo??? Ipd. Men so najbolši, letos sem tut bla na njihovem koncertu
  4. Mikica

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Pa še moj muci
  5. 7.12. je bil na dunaju koncert RHCP Blo je najbolš!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Mikica

    zakaj je marsa neumna

    To pa ziher ne more trdit en k ma napisane 3 poste
  7. Mikica


    heh spremen si geslo pa ti ne bojo več težile sošolke...sploh pa tolk sj je ql ja d maš fajno mnenje o seb
  8. Mikica

    Fotke (3) kokr za koga...LOL...k pr nas se moje sošolke kr naprej fotkajo pa je po enem tednu že stara
  9. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    Eto se jz po dolgem cajt s5 z eno na žalost bl staroo fotko tlele oglašam...če bom mela kako novo povem...sam niam lih živcou s slikanjem
  10. Mikica


    MISLIM halo??? jz sn tut stara 14 pa mi prav dol visi ka delajo moje prjatlce itd. Dej mal poglej okol sebe pa boš mogoč opazla d ni ves folk isti!!!!
  11. Mikica


    am ja....sem že tut pomisla na to ko sem bila zelo jezna,...ampak sem pol si nekok dopovedala da je to bv in je potem vse OK. Poznam jih pa kar dost ki pa se režejo-večinoma za to da bi bili ql , zelo malo zaradi resnih problemov.
  12. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    aiwa---> ql full luštna
  13. Mikica

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    jp..... jz sm pr dediju maškom naredla pravi "raj" v eni košari spijo pa na peči.... srčki so sm jim tko lepo postlala da so lahko čez zimo noter... sej so lahko tud poleti sam jim ni kej preveč do tega
  14. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    jp, podpis sm naredla za lunin forum... zej k mam program za animacije pa kr to delam
  15. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    tnx... sm se slikala v moji sobi pa je snežil pa sonce je sijal... LOL ne.... sonce pa sneg
  16. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    ena od danes.... sej sm naredla animacijo k je več slik not sam k se ne da objavit
  17. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    ja sam res marsa.. tko kt ena vzgojiteljica v vrtcu k reče:"ti ti ti fantek, boš mogu vse pojest, da boš zrastu"
  18. Mikica

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    ja sam res prava mačja zvezda komaj čakam, da jo vidim na TV
  19. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    aiwa--> cool dobro ozadje.. pa dobra ti
  20. Mikica

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    hvala vsem sem že mal bolš.. soryte k zganjam cikus zrd tega sam vseen... k se tko navežeš na malo živalco ... ko tega "prebolim" bom verjetn kupla še enga, da moj drugi hrček ne bo tako sam .... drugače pa hvala vsem
  21. Mikica

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    men je pa danes moj hrček umrl... sm ga mela 2,5 let.
  22. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    pr nas v celju tud snežil.... kr lepo spet mal snega videt. Drugač pa nč novga... POČITNCE so in sm bl mal na netu.... Joj, sam k bojo počitncve prehitr minile :xx!:
  23. Mikica

    Fotke (3)

    dobre fotke-vsi! Sončna vila--- zanimiv Lara croft....
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