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Vse kar je objavil/a *glas*

  1. Kako se ustvarjajo covid žarišča po svetu?Najprej se začne virus v medijih.. nato se pa prestrašeni ljudje hodijo testirat.. nato pa..... Amerika "prvi val": potem sledi malo medsebojnega obtoževanja.. to je ponavadi dovolj za člane čredice.. nato pa samo ponoviš štorijo, ko rabiš "drugi val".. Ni to vezano na eno državo, poteka to enako za cel svet.. Recimo Anglija, ista zgodba: in ... ... ...
  2. Počasen odvzem moči/svobode/demokracije prebivalcem sveta..
  3. Uporabniki vsadka lahko tako bolniki, kot tudi delavci različnih podjetij ali pa kar celotno prebivalstvo. Osnovna naloga implantanta bo mobilni aplikaciji pošiljati podatke o zdravju posameznika. V nadaljevanju pa bo aplikacija podvržena nadzoru uporabnikov sistema in njihovim zdravnikom ter zdravstvenim ustanovam pa še raznim agencijam za nadzor nad javnim zdravjem ter tudi raziskovalcem. Nova24, toraj JJ ima pripravljen celoten scenarij.. no ne on, on je samo popolna prodana duša globalizacijskim silam in je le lutka s katero lahko po svoji volji upravljajo entitete, ki imajo ves denar sveta.. svetovne korporacije brez duše.. in še kdo izza teh..
  4. Sem tudi jaz živel in delal v ZDA 4leta, pa nisem opazil, da bi v ZDA bilo bolj obsedeni z razkuževanjem kot pri nas v SLO. Razkuževanj stanovanj, čiščenje tal, mize, pultov z močno kemijo, ki zagotovo pobije vse mikrobe.. ta miselnost razkuževanja je največji virus "sodobne" civilizacije.. Na kitajskem sta morala 2 otroka umreti, med televadbo/tekom z masko, da sedaj razmišljajo, da mogoče otroci ne bodo sili več v telovadbo z maskami.. ali pa bodo raje telovadbo ukinili kot maske, kdo ve..
  5. Senator Scott Jensen - attacked from establishment for telling the truth about Covid-19!/v/svobodni-108-zemljani/QmdQAPtsE5HuPnKeC8F2LrhuD8vt7fM1vLzcXPKfaCT1dD
  6. *glas*


    Drugače ti je google app na telefonu že uturil Covid-19 sledenje.. sem zadnjič objavil video v eni drugi temi.. Jaz sem si uspešno tole že skinil dol in sedaj imam ugasnjeje posodobitve..
  7. *glas*


    Samo če ti oni kupijo telefon.. drugače pa noga v ...
  8. George Carlin - Germs, Immune System
  9. Tale video mogoče komu pomaga razumeti v katerem delu cikla smo.. (obrestne mere so že negativne, denar pa se tiska in tiska že leta) How The Economic Machine Works (by Ray Dalio)
  10. *glas*


    V tole se poglobite še, če vas zanimajo razlogi zakaj se tale kaos trenutno dogaja po vsej obli..
  11. Pripravlja se globalni reset in moje mnenje je, da je to glavni razlog za ustvarjanje te covid plandemije.. ter nato planirano sproženi izgredi, posledično sesutje ekonomije, lokalnega gospodarstva, propad firm, predvsem S.P.-jev.. vse zato, da sedaj lažje ponudijo globalno rešitev.. Ves tale scenarij je bil ustvajen zato, ker se želi uvesti nov sistem! Če bi ga želeli uvesti kar tako (brez poprejšnje panike), bi verjetno naleteli na preveliko nasprotovanje, preveč različnih teženj bi se pojavilo, kar bi razpršilo fokus in zato zadeva ne bi bila sprejeta.. Predvidevam, da želijo uvesti tudi nek UTD (za ljudstvo) in poskrbeli za najnujnejše, da bodo nato lažje vodili svet v smer, ki se jim zdi ustrezen.. Mogoče res v smer: ohranjanja bioraznolikosti, ekologije, trajnostnega bivanja, vzdržne proizvodnje in podobnega kot to omenja princ Charles.. Kaj pravite? Jim damo še eno možnost?? A si jo zaslužijo? A opravljajo svoje delo dovolj dobro? Ali raje adijo, in bo kdo drug ustvaril nov sistem za 21.stoletje? Vseeno sem mišljenja, da bodo s cepivi poskrbeli, da se večina ljudi naredi sterilne in se zato zmanjša prirast človeštva, tako se število prebivalcev ne bo več povečevalo, kvečjemu le še zmanjševalo... Sočasno pa obstajajo seveda druge sile, ki želijo drugačno ureditev in drug začetek, brez teh ljudi, ki so do sedaj vodili svet.. Če kdo spremlja še alternativne vire in pozna Gesara/Nesara gibanje in "reset", ki se ga tam obljublja.. je tole zgoraj nekaj kar je obratno od tistega, kar oni želijo..
  12. *glas*


    Pa za barvanje njegove fasade bi on imel 70.000€ Mu bo ostalo še za en vikend zgradit, ko pobarva fasado..
  13. *glas*

    Politika v čast obrambnim ministrom, počivalškom, SNS sedežem ipd..
  14. Na tej strani so napredni in zelo poglobljeni pogledi na vse sodobne bolezni.. tokrat analiza covid-19: COVID-19 Part IThankfully a friend sent me some links as to what was happening in Wuhan city with a population of more than 11 million people, at the beginning of February which helped me to understand the political climate in that region that might have been responsible for a “ fear of aggression” that affected thousands of people and then became resolved at around the same time. For those of you that recently came across Dr. Hamer’s work but know that some conditions occur in the healing phase of a conflict, this is such a manifestation.. ... The conflict Essentially when an individual has a fear of an aggression against them or their loved ones, they go into a “high alert” or fight or flight situation. In men we call this a “territorial fear” conflict involving an aggression from the outside, and in women it has more to do with their “nest” which we consider the inner territory. Dr. Hamer describes this reaction in the male realm as a response to try to protect his environment from external forces whereas the female reaction mostly has to do with making sure that the nest is protected. It is during this fight or flight situation that specifically the bronchial lining begins to ulcerate. Biologically this is significant because that process allows oxygen to get into the lungs in greater quantities through this ulcerative widening of the tissue to help facilitate the necessary fight or flight response. What happens physically? This “fear of aggression” can last for weeks or months and in some cases years, so when the resolution to the conflict presents itself, the ulcerated bronchial tissue begins to repair creating inflammation in the bronchi and flu like symptoms begin. In most cases we are looking at a fever, but in this case the fever is not from microbial activity, it is because the bronchi are “wired” to the sensory cortex in the cerebrum where fevers are part of the healing process in the majority of conditions controlled by that part of the brain. .. ... How is a virus diagnosed? Before we go there, I need to explain that viruses have never actually been seen under an electron microscope or have been isolated and photographed. Since this “belief system” is very difficult to break down and is never questioned by anyone studying medicine, be it traditional or alternative, I have to refer to the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka a German virologist and biologist who actually discovered the first and only virus that was successfully visualized under a microscope. However it was seen within a sea algae not in a human or animal. What is more important is that he discovered that the sea algae and the virus had a “healthy” relationship and there were no destructive or toxic reactions between the two entities. Dr. Lanka also won a ground breaking argument in the Federal Court in Germany 4 years ago where it was declared by the judge after having seen all the existing scientific evidence that was provided by Dr. Lanka, that the Measles virus has never been proven to exist. As a scientist Dr. Lanka was so sure of the fact that the Measles virus didn’t exist that he offered 100,000 Euros to anyone that could prove otherwise. Subsequently he was taken to court by a medical student who claimed that Dr. Lanka had no evidence of what he was saying and that he owed him 100,000 Euros. Of course the case went to court and Dr. Lanka won. That leaves us with the question of what these images refer to if they are not viruses. The majority of the images in both medical books and on the internet are CGI, this is especially true if they are coloured. However these days technology has found a way to allow colours to be imaged from a photograph taken with an electron microscope. Nonetheless it is not what it is said to represent, be it coloured or in black and white. These images are very convincing especially if they are labeled as Hepatitis, Polio, Measles or HIV etc., but on closer examination it has never been stated that the pictures shown to us are in fact viruses however they are labelled as such to lead us to believe that they are responsible for a “condition” that is hypothesized to be the result of a virus. What is it that they see under and electron microscope? Since a virus has never been visualized under an electron microscope a methodology had to be devised in order to “extract” substances which were supposedly the result of viral activity. Let’s use the example of Polio which was supposedly the first virus identified and then photographed under an electron microscope. What we are shown are in fact “artificial particles” which involves the complex process of suctioning an indifferent mass through a very fine filter into a vacuum which is then photographed. It is not something that is actually seen in the blood or in a tissue sample! This form of research is highly contaminated and yet it is accepted and published in the scientific community. The question is why? Is there an agenda? Continue to Part II ‘Testing for a Virus”
  15. Knjiga o.. link do nje:
  16. Vaš telefon vas že sedaj sledi z aplikacijo "covid-19", ki jo je dodal google kot svojo posodobitev.. V spodnjem videu so na vodila, kako zaustavite to aplikacijo in onemogočite sledenje:
  17. Kaj se zgodi, ko zagrižen kristjan evolvira v trejderja? Nastane en tak hibrid..
  18. "For all you mask wearers (especially those of you who think wearing it outside is NOT stupid ). I know I’m about to burst your “google doctor degree” bubble, but here goes nothing. So Masks? I am OSHA 10&30 certified. I know some of you are too. I don’t really know WHY OSHA hasn’t come forward and stopped the nonsense BUT I want to cover 3 things • N95 masks and masks with exhale ports • surgical masks • filter or cloth masks Okay, so upon further inspection, OSHA says some masks are okay and not okay in certain situations. If you’re working with fumes and aerosol chemicals and you give your employees the wrong masks and they get sick, you can be sued. • N95 masks: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from N95 masks are vented to breath straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to. Conclusion: if you’re in Target and the guy with Covid has a N95 mask, his covid breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Target (because it was designed for already contaminated environments, it’s not filtering your air on the way out). • Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are CLOGGING these masks very, VERY quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask will render it “useless” IF you come in contact with Covid and your mask traps it, YOU become a walking virus dispenser. Everytime you put your mask on you are breathing the germs from EVERYWHERE you went. They should be changed or thrown out every “20-30 minutes in a non sterile environment.” • Cloth masks: I can’t even believe I’m having to explain this, but here it goes. Today, three people pointed to their masks as they walked by me entering Lowe’s. They said “ya gotta wear your mask BRO” I said very clearly “those masks don’t work bro, in fact they MAKE you sicker” they “pshh’d” me. By now hopefully you all know CLOTH masks do not filter anything. You mean the American flag one my aunt made? Yes. The one with sunflowers that looks so cute? Yes. The bandanna, the cut up t-shirt, the scarf ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale, you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks your health, rather than protect it. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden over night. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask. -Ultimate Answer: *N95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person. *The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. It’s filtration works on the exhale, (Like a vacuum bag, it only works one way) but likely stops after 20 minutes, rendering it useless outside of a STERILE ENVIRONMENT (correct Becky, they don’t work in a bar, not even a little bit). *Cloth masks are WORSE than none. It’s equivalent to using a chain link fence to stop mosquitos. The CDC wants us to keep wearing masks. The masks don’t work. They’re being used to provide false comfort and push forward a specific agenda. For the love of God, research each mask’s designed use and purpose, I bet you will find NONE are used in the way of “viral defense.” Just like EVERY Flu season kids, wash your hands. Sanitize your hands. Don’t touch stuff. Sanitize your phone. Don’t touch people. And keep your distance. Why? Because your breath stinks, your deodorant is failing, your shoes are old and stink, that shirts not clean, & I like my space. Trust me I can hear you from here. Lots of reasons to keep your distance and work on body hygiene. But trust me, the masks do not work."
  19. *glas*


    "Danes sem si te vzela za zgled. Bila sem na meji, ker sem sla le v shopping za dekliscino in res rabim nabavit pa oddit oz trgovine kokr hitr se da ...anyway. Leklerk scena na Rudniku. Varnostnik je vpil za mano, sem sla najprej v soncnih ocalah do wcja si umit roke. Potem pa, da bi sla v trgovino. Ni spustil in prevalil odgovornost na “tiste zgorej”. Ok, bom pocakala, da pridejo dol. Da podpisem komercialno pogodbo, ker ogrozat zelijo moje zdravje nosecnice, mojega nerojenega otroka in seveda moje splosno zdravje (astmatik sem sicer navedla). Prisel gospod poslovodja, whatever. In se je kar nabrala vrsta okoli mene na informacijah, ker sem si zelela dialoga. Da bi res zelela podpisat pogodbo on ni zelel, ker da to ni med nama. Da to drzava zahteva od nas. Potem sem seveda zacela s pooblastili zoper telo pa vzporedno zoper emso. Sem ga kar malo zmedla, kako to mislim, za konec sem rekla, ali zeli on meni skodovati z masko ali ne. Je rekel, da seveda ne, samo, da ni natancnega predpisa ........potem zeli da pustim evrcke v trgovini? Ja seveda, da zeli ....aha ...potem pa mi dajte spremljevalca, ali pa me enostavno spusti noter ...ja ne, inspektorji ...sem rekla, da podpiseva midva pogodbo o prevalitvi kazni name. Na cloveka. Ja to se ne da ....sem rekla, ce je prepricananyway. Ucinek. 10 zivcnih nagobnikov okoli mene. Niso vedeli ali naj gledajo v tla ali ne. Aja, ta je bla vmes dobra: ampak mi zelimo dobro za vas. In jst kako to mislite dobro, ja maska ... Sem rekla, kako on ali kdorkoli na tem planetu ve kaj je dobro zame, ce sem ze v stanju zdravega duha in telesa? #slabmarketing #coucing Zakljucek: zaradi vas - clovek - ne vstopam vec v Leklerk, ker ste me vi clovek - odslovili - in mi zeleli skodovati z masko. Zaradi vas - clovek - ste na slabem glasu in soodgovorni, ker podpirate sistemsko delovanje. Nasmeh. In sem sla v Supernovo "
  20. Iluminatom je treba pomagati, ker živijo v zablodi, da so razsvetljeni..
  21. *glas*


    Don't be a sheep..
  22. Saj jaz ne šinfam ega, ego samo igra glavno vlogo v enem od mojih zgornjih postov, kjer je opisan kot superjunak v izrednih okoiščinah.. Avtor vseh postov, (kjer avtorja ne navedem posebno), sem jaz.. tudi tega ja, ki te je pritegnil ja..
  23. Evropska komisija je v sredo predlagala, da se za nujno pospešitev razvoja cepiva proti novemu koronavirusu, začasno sprostijo pravila o preskušanjih zdravil, ki vsebujejo gensko spremenjene organizme. Opozorilo nemške naturopatke Anette Lillinger vsem njenim pacientom, ki se sprašujejo o prihajajočem cepivu proti koronavirusu. ′′ Za vse moje paciente: Nujno bi vas rad opozorila na pomembna vprašanja glede prihajajočega cepljenja proti Covid-19: Zaradi novega načina delovanja prihodnjega cepiva proti koronavirusu, zdravljenje stranskih učinkov v prihodnosti ne bo več mogoče. Prvič v zgodovini cepljenja tako imenovano najnovejšo generacijo MRNA cepiva neposredno posredujejo v genetski material pacienta in s tem spreminjajo posamezen genetski material, kar predstavlja genetsko manipulacijo - nekaj, kar je bilo doslej prepovedano, celo veljalo za kriminalno. Ta intervencija se lahko primerja z gensko manipuliranimi živili, kar je tudi zelo sporno. Tudi če mediji in politiki trenutno trivializirajo problematiko in celo brez pomisleka kličejo k novi vrsti cepljenja, da bi se vrnili v normalno stanje, je takšno cepljenje problematično v smislu zdravja, morale in etike, pa tudi v smislu genetske škode, ki bo za razliko od škode, ki so jo povzročila prejšnja cepljenja, zdaj nepopravljiva. Dragi pacienti, po takšnem cepljenju proti Covid-19, ne boste več mogli zdraviti posledic cepljenja. Živeti boste morali s posledicami, saj jih ne bo več mogoče pozdraviti preprosto z izločanjem toksinov iz človeškega telesa, tako kot ne morete pozdraviti osebe z genetsko okvaro, kot je Downov sindrom ali 21, Klinefelterjev sindrom, Turnerjev sindrom, genetika srčne bolezni, hemofilija, cistična fibroza, rettov sindrom itd. ), ker je genetska okvara enkrat za vselej prisotna! Očitno to pomeni: če po cepljenju razvijete škodljive posledice cepljenja, vam ne jaz ne katerikoli drug terapevt ne bova mogla pomagati, saj bo škoda, ki jo povzroča cepljenje, genetsko nepopravljiva. Po mojem mnenju ta nova cepiva predstavljajo zločin proti človeštvu, ki še nikoli v zgodovini ni bil storjen v tako široki obliki. Tudi dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, izkušen zdravnik, je včeraj dejal: V resnici je to ′′ obetavno cepivo ′′ za veliko večino ljudi dejansko prepovedana genetska manipulacija!"
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