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Vse kar je objavil/a *glas*

  1. Sledi globalno sprejetje kriptovalut, ki bo trajalo naslednjih nekaj let.. To pomeni tudi, da je ta trg komaj v infaltilni fazi razvoja in pravi razvoj (projektov in vrednosti) šele komaj prihaja.. Bitcoin in Ethereum sta že dobila SEC approval, kar je tudi predpogoj, da kripto trg gre v proces globalne adopcije. In ne samo to, prihodnost se bo premikala v smer tokenizacije in bo tudi to kar so danes delnice in druge uporabne vrednote, bo vse to počasi tokenizirano.. Kar pomeni kripto trg, bo trg prihodnosti, vse ostalo pa bo postalo del kripto trga.. Coinbase Custody is Officially Open For BusinessLast week, Coinbase Custody accepted its first deposit. Today, we’re proud to announce that we’re officially open for business. Over the coming weeks, we’ll continue on-boarding a set of world-class clients that includes leading crypto hedge funds, exchanges and ICO teams. Coinbase Custody’s mission is to make digital currency investment accessible to every eligible financial institution and hedge fund in the world. We’ll achieve this by striving to become the most trusted and easiest-to-use crypto custody service available. Coinbase Custody is a combination of Coinbase’s battle-tested cold storage for crypto assets, an institutional-grade broker-dealer and its reporting services, and a comprehensive client coverage program. Which CryptoCurrencies Are Securities?
  2. Razsvetljenje. Tudi to, čeprav to se zgodi na poti do.. Na koncu se dogaja nekaj čisto izven teh konceptov "o zavesti".. Ob realizaciji ni nobenega bitja več.. ko in če se odločiš vrniti in poustvariti nazaj vso realnost, se nazaj po korakih in ravneh vse poustvarja nazaj v obstoj.. Dokaj hitro izza Izvora je ta raven kjer se razdeliš v neskončno točk zavesti in tukaj gledaš iz tisočerih pogledov hkrati in si tudi obstoj med temi točkami, toraj si vse točke zavesti in tudi proces izmenjav med njimi.. In te točke zavesti na malo gostejši ravni dobijo svoje zgodbe, svoje poti in se informirajo z osebnimi vsebinami.. Če se odločiš spustiti vse do sem nazaj, lahko potem tem "točkam zavesti" ki jim določene vsebine povzročajo težave in jim ne dovolijo spustiti nazaj v njih, izvorno ljubezen, moč, inteligenco, itd, jim lahko pomagaš, da jim to zopet uspe.. Kaj pa lahko ponudiš nekomu drugemu, razen poti do samega Sebe ali do Boga v njemu?
  3. Vedno ko si sestavljaš svojo naslednjo "širšo sliko", so odgovori od nekoga drugega, ki je to sliko že videl najlažji. Sploh če mu iskreno pokažeš sliko kje se sedaj nahajaš (š čem se ubadaš in kaj je tvoj trenuten "problem" ipd), tako dovoliš, da on vidi kje se nahajaš in ti lahko nato pokaže smer k temu, k čemu naslednje potuješ.. Drugače pa itak lahko vse sam najdeš, tudi če ne sprašuješ nobenega in če ne iščeš fizičnega mojstra, učitelja ipd, izven sebe.. ker je itak vse to v tebi. Tako da odločitev, kje iskati, je na tebi, falit (tako na dolgi rok gledno) ne moreš, saj se vse na koncu zaključi v Izvoru, ker to je kot stična točka od kod vse izvira in se nato vrača nazaj v to, ampak to poteka pravkar sočasno.. zato pa je ta "občutek" večnosti, ki tukaj nastane in prevzame realnost bivanja trajno in veš, da izven tega nikdar ni nič obstajalo.. tak je tudi občutek, ko prvič vstopiš v to točko samega Sebe.. lahko pa se od tukaj premikaš kamorkoli do kogarkoli, ki je v to točko že vstopil ali pa še ne.. lahko mu pomagaš na poti do sebe (če je ta želja v njemu) ali pa mu dovoliš nadaljuje svojo izbiro ločenosti, če si tega še ne želi.. Pri vseh ljudeh tudi ni glavni problem, da ne bi znali pokazati tega kar so.. So recimo tudi taki, ki so na tej njihovi trenutni osebni poti (od Izvora, nazaj do Izvora), popolnoma pozabili kdo so, kje so, kaj se dogaja in ti nikakor ne morejo videti svoje Celotne slike in zato so potem preobsedeni s "samim sabo", to pomeni s tistim delčkom, ki jih je trenutno obsedel in v njih, in ko ta majhen delček ne dovoli, da se vzpostavi ravnovesje v njih, še z ostalimi deli celotnega Sebe.. Na svoji osebni poti, ki jo živijo, ne vedo da je bistvo vsega Izvor iz katerega se vse to kar živimo, čutimo dojemamo (pravkar) pojavlja in sočasno izginja nazaja v Njega... Dokler ne živiš iz te točke, tako dolgo, si "v času", si na poti od-do, in na takih poteh se lahko dogaja pač marsikaj.. No saj poglej človeška bitja na Zemlji.. To zelo lepo prikazuje kakšna postane življenjska izkušnja, ko se zatakneš na tej poti od-do, ko pozabiš kaj/kdo si, ko s tvojo realnostjo upravlja vse drugo izven tebe, le ti še ne.. Vse je ali nad tabo ali pod tabo, kar pomeni da si sam zelo omejen.. In taka pot ni več prijetna ampak bolj in bolj naporna in mučna.. Ker je stik z izvorom pač prekinjen.. Ko ga nazaj vzpostaviš, se tudi ta pot (če ostaneš na njej) spremeni in potovanje je prijetno, izpolnjeno s smislom, navdihom in ostalimi izvornimi "čustvi", saj imaš nato tudi dostop do Izvora, tudi med potekom te (in ostalih poti), če se odločiš za njih na tak način.. Če kaj od tega razumeš, ti to lahko to odgovori na vprašanje, ki si ga nekje v sebi postavljaš in tukaj ven lahko dobiš tudi odgovor na to, kar te zanima v najglobljem delu sebe.. Ko odgovor(e) najdeš, si boš lažje sestavil tudi sliko.. Včasih ti slike ni dovoljeno sestaviti, ker moraš najprej doživeti izkušnjo "tega", včasih pa si sliko lahko prej sestaviš tudi prej in nato le še čakaš na realizacijo tega in se tudi tako zgodi.. Ampak ko pride do doživetja tega, se to vseeno ne sklada s to pravo sliko, ki si si jo sestavil poprej, ker ne moreš na prejšnji ravni obstoja kjer sestavljaš, sliko novih realnost, kako bi lahko izgledala naslednja raven obstoja.. ker izkušnja "tega" te v vsakem primeru preseneti in te odnese iz čevlljev.. vedno in na vsaki točki.. In če bi to, kar sestavljaš lahko poprej že "pravilno" sestavil, bi bil že na cilju pričakovanega in potem tega ne bi rabil več sestavljati.. A vidiš paradoks, ki tukaj nastane? In če se nato celo zatakneš v ta paradoks in nato sam sebe tiščiš le še v ta paradox, potem tudi tvoja lastna osebna post postaja paradoks.. Ampak tudi če nadaljuješ skozi nesmisel paradoksa in tega ne prenehaš, pravtako prideš na enako točko Izvora in Vira ne moreš faliti.. Zagotovo! Sem sprobal sem že vse načine in vse izbire in Vir se vedno samorealizira, skozi tebe, skozi vsakega, in skozi vse kar je.. Da ti odgovarjam, na tisto zgoraj, ki se nanaša na prejšnji post in prejšnjo objavo, bi le zavleklo debato in potem bi mene na osebni ravni začelo to utrujati in bi potem tudi osebni ravni dovoli njen glas in se nato umaknil od brezplodnih debat..
  4. Odgovori na vse to so (lahko) zelo preprosti MGD. Ampak daj prvo povej kaj je sploh tvoj namen, da vse to sprašuješ: 1. A sprašuješ vsa ta vprašanja zato, ker sam nimaš odgovorov na njih in si se obrnil na mene, ker jaz jih imam? 2. A sprašuješ vprašanja zato, ker bi se preko njih rad nekako prebil do mene, potem pa mi probal prodati svojo ideologijo? ali ...
  5. Ko to realiziraš v sebi, potem to ni več odvisno od "njih" ali katerikoli drugih okoliščin, vsaj ne na ta način kot praviš.. Ampak med procesom te realizacije tudi drugi postanejo kot del tebe.. celice istega bitja, ki tudi hrepenijo po temu (nezavedno ali že na zavedni ravni).. in to jim potem lahko ponudiš, ker to že imaš.. To opisujem zdaj jaz.. Agleški zapis pa je le citat nekoga drugega, ki pa dokaj rezonira z mano..
  6. Ja stari sistemi so še vedno zaznamovani z ureditvijo, ki je najbolj podobna piramidi. In v "piramidi" vedno vse štima, saj deluje na način, da vrh piramide rabi spodnje plasti in spodnje plasti rabijo vrh.. Ali pogledano drugače: piramida kot lik ima tri stične točke in zato piramida energetsko deluje podobno kot stol s tremi nogami, če se le ena noga izmakne, se forma sesuje.. In piamida ima tri stične točke in dokler jih vsi, ki so del piramide vzdržujejo, se ta forma vzdržuje pri življenju.. In če bi tisti v spodnjih plasteh piramide želeli izstopiti, bi seveda s tem sesuli piramidno ureditev družbe.. Ampak ne želijo, saj jim odgovarja, da breme odgovornosti lahko nosi nekdo drug, oni pa se lahko le pritožujejo kako slabo tisti zgoraj upravljajo.. Jaz in tudi že mnogi drugi nismo del teg piramidnega sistema, saj sem/smo izven teh ureditev in lahko to opazujemo bolj kot zanimivost. In šele od zunaj dobiš res celosten uvid kako vse to deluje, saj če si del tega, je tvoj pogled vedno še malo moten.. Tako da tisti na vrhu so vbistvo enako odvisni od tistih spodaj kot so tisti spodaj odvisni od tistih zgoraj.. In ta medsebojna soodvisnost pač vzdržuje to ureditev, ker je pač še dovolj osebkov, ki jim taka ureditev še odgovarja.. Mnogi ostali pa živijo že izven nje in si vzporedno ustvarjajo nove oblike bivanja in nove oblike sodelovanja, sobivanja, izražanja.. in vse kar tako ustvarjamo nosi izrazito drugačno kvaliteto, kot so kvalitete, ki izhajajo iz soodvisnih struktur. Čustvena nihanja določajo gibanje celotne življenjske energije in na vseh življenjskih področjih, na enak način (kot kažejo ti grafi) in tako to poteka tudi na osebnih področjih na identičen način.. saj ima veliko ljudi v sebi še vzgibe, ki so vzrok za taka nihanja - torej: pohlep, strah, želja po okoriščanju na račun drugih, vse oblike odvisnosti od raznih prepričanj in tudi čustvenih stanj, itd... In lahko pogledaš grafe cen; žita, koruze, zlata, Dolarja, nepremičnin, vseh delnic in v karkoli ljudje pač investicijsko vlagajo svojo energijo in boš videla(a) enake vzorce; BTC graf je recimo še najbolj podoben grafu ZLATA, mogoče ga tudi zato eni imenujejo digitalno zlato: ZLATO: BITCOIN: A take drastične vzpone in padce grafa ne določa ta vrednota, v katero se vlaga ali se z njo trguje, ampak te vzpone in padce določajo ljudje in njihovi načini upravljanja z lastnimi čustvi in nasploh s svojo življenjsko energijo.. Saj tako kot niha cena nekega grafa, kamor te mase ljudi vlagajo, enako tem ljudem nihajo energije tudi na njihovih osebnih življenjskih področjih: finance, zdravje, odnosi, sreča, radost, raven življenjske energije in vse ostalo kar je s tem povezano.. In ne more se na investicijskih trgih izrisati nič druga, kot to kar ljudje izrisujejo na osebnih grafih in grafu svoje življenjske energije. In ljudje tako upravljajo (nihajo) s svojo čustveno energijo, saj ta nihanja v njih povzročajo strahovi, pohlep in vse raznorazne odvisnosti, ki iz tega izhajajo in vse to definira njih, njihovo osebno pot in nato posledično tudi kolektivno pot, ki se izrisuje na investicijskih trgih.. In zato ni važna dobrina v katero se vlaga, saj grafe rišejo le čustva udeležencev: Nepremičnine: Ta balon je tudi odgovoren za finančni zlom 2008, poglej zgoraj in vidiš, da pok tega balona potegne za sabo kasneje vse ostalo, saj kriza nato nastane šele 2008.. ta ekstremen nepremičninski balon pa je začel spuščati 2007.. Dotcom balon: En zelo zanimiv je tulipanov balon , ki se je v 18 stoletju dogajal po vsej evropi. In je nastala manija okrog tulipanov: In tako dalje.. Tako da danes če želiš biti finančno stabilen (tudi ko si že finančno neodvisen), je vseeno zdravo, da imaš vpogled v balone, ki jih ustvarjajo neozaveščene mase ljudi, sploh če ne želiš biti nihan, gor in dol z njimi (in zaradi njih).. podobno kot so nihani oni iz lastnih notranjih vzgibov/razlogov, ki sem jih že zgoraj omenil.. Tako da dandanes če želiš s svojo energijo podpirati napredne tehnologije, unikatne ideje in stvari, ki delujejo v smeri evolucije, je zelo koristno, če znaš opazovati širšo sliko in celotno dinamiko čustvenega trga, ki ga ustvarjajo ti moteči faktorji zaradi, sodelovanja nezrelosti večine udeležencev in njihovega nezrelega, neekonomičnega in nezdravega upravljanja z lastno energijo.. saj to vpliva na vse česar se dotaknejo..
  7. June was the first month of Elipay testing at selected stores in the BTC City shopping center (in Ljubljana), with the vision to change it into crypto-friendly Bitcoin City slowly becoming a reality. Our big thanks go to our testers, who now have an exclusive (and highly dynamic!) group on Telegram. We are working very hard to make Elipay the best product possible for our future customers, based on “the latest technologies for the simplest shopping” motto. We have also made a short video on what its use will look like: Community update - Eligma at major events in New York:
  8. "Realizing that there is only one consciousness, I vow to help to awaken every being in the universe. To awaken one’s true self one must awaken all beings. There are innumerable sentient beings in the universeI vow to help them all to awaken. My Imperfections are inexhaustibleI vow to overcome them all. The Dharma is unknowableI vow to know it. The way of awakening is unattainableI vow to attain it."
  9. Dva različna pogleda na milenijsko generacijo priljubljen milenijski: ali malo drugačen: Sam(a) se odloči kaj je bolj pravilna razlaga, oziroma predvsem opazi kje se v zgodbi najdeš sam(a).. ?!
  10. "Kvantni računalnik" ali naprava za lene duše, za pomoč pri vpogledih v njim neznana polja.. Recimo oseba ne zna vstopati v univerzalno (akashic) polje in taka oseba si nato s svojim omejenim umom ustvari napravo, ki bi ji lahko z vpogledi dostopala tja kamor sam(a) ne zmore dostopati.. Kar je seveda misija nemogoče; zadeva se edino malo zaplete in zaplet ki sledi, bo nekaterim nato njihovo energijo/karmo malo pospešil, kar pa (iz mojega pogleda) tudi ni slabo..
  11. ... Zavestni del se ponavadi ukvarja z le ozkim delom celotne realnosti, čeprav zase misli, da je "vse kar obstaja", medtem pa podzavestni del kreira neljube dogodke, nagaja, spodtika, nastavlja saboterje in druga nesrečna naključja.. Vseeno pa sočasno obstaja tudi velik nadzavedni del samega sebe, ki pa hkrati ustvarja boljšo podlago in majhna okna priložnosti, kjer lahko spreminjaš/spremeniš vse te stare vsebine, jih ugledaš v pravi luči in stopiš dalje od njih (ali jih spremeniš).. In na koncu vidiš, da so vsa "naključja" ljuba in neljuba tvoja lastna vsebina, ki kreira tvojo osebno izkušnjo realnosti. Vsak pa se sam sproti odloči s kakšno žlico bo zajemal to, kar se odvija pred njim/njo. Vsak si zajame namreč le toliko, kolikor lahko prebavi, ostalo pa si ponavadi pušča za kdaj kasneje, zato pa se stvari pri drugih ne da pospešiti ali jih prisiliti da se naj spremenijo ali ugledajo kaj več.. A se to vseeno dogaja, počasi, vstrajno in neizbežno, vse do tja in še dlje od (do sedaj) največjih sanj/vizij čistega navdiha..
  12. Vsebine, ki jih pri sebi še nisi ozavestil/a in delujejo nezavedno, ustvarjajo v tebi mehanizme premikov, ki nato ustvarjajo dogodke v tvojem življenju, za katere ljudje ponavadi rečejo, da je to pač delo "usode". A usoda je le celotno polje delovanja vsebin iz nezavednega. Ko ozavestiš podzavedno/nadzavedno postaneš sam sebi usoda...
  13. To kar opisuješ je samo fizikalni pojav, ki izpolni kozmične zakone, ki so v ozadju in se pač morajo izvesti.. Tako da izvorni problem ni v svetlobi kot taki. Vse kar ima svoj začetek ima tudi svoj konec in oblike, ki se rojevajo tudi umirajo.. oblike pač morajo končati nižjo formo in tudi če bi jih dal v temo, bi se starale in razkrajale.. razen če bitje pač preidej v stanje, ki presega staranje in umiranje, ter preide v drugo trajnejšo obliko obstoja..
  14. Bita nižjih ravni obstoja ubije ja, ne pa vseh oblik in vseh bitij, saj obstajajo različne ravni obstoja in bivanja..
  15. Glede investicijskega pogleda na vlaganje v kriptovalute in Bitcoin, se zopet počasi bliža točka idealnega vstopa v kriptovalute.. Lanski čustveni cikel počasi zaključuje celotni cikel in počasi se bo začel nov cikel, ki se bo lahko imenoval, "cikel globalnega sprejetja/integracije".. Točka 7 ima sicer iz mojega pogleda nivo komaj na 5000usd, amak pustimo malenkosti..
  16. V tem videu se Mobi zelo odpre za dostop do njegovega info polja in pokaže kako dejansko teče njegovo življenje.. (avto brez voznika, on pa sedi na zadnjem sedežu..) nato tudi na vsaki točki videa ubesedi delčke (negativnih) programov njegove podzavesti, ki potem spreminjajo smer vožnje avta in tudi vplivajo na pritegovanje dogodkov iz okolice.. Zelo odprt video za vpogled v podzavestne programe avtorja in tudi dostop do njegove duše.. Pogledaj in napiši kaj vidiš..
  17. NASA Video Appears To Show A Gigantic Object Coming Out Of The Sun A NASA video shows a gigantic shape emerging from the sun. The event was spotted on, a website launched by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) to give regular people access to images and data from the sun. Archived images go back as far as 15 years. The video clearly depicts a massive object exiting the sun and moving away quickly. It is shaped like a butterfly and manages to maintain a consistent structure as it moves away from the sun. Whilst some have speculated that it a normal solar ejection of some sort, such as a flare, it does not seem to match any known patterns consistent with a flare or any other usual solar activity. Is our Sun a stargate?The object is expansive, estimated to be as much as 100 times the size of Earth. The video has led some to suggest that the sun itself may, in fact, be a portal between dimensions and realities, or perhaps just our own reality and it acts as a “Stargate”. This idea was introduced by a man named Corey Goode. He claims to have been working on classified and secret space programs for many years, and that those programs have been in operation for even longer than his employment- such as the Warden Space Program thought to have begun in the 1980’s. Darren Perks, an investigative researcher with Huffington post was informed by the Department of Defence that “Solar Warden” was indeed a program but had been shut down. Other theorists have pointed to the findings of Gary Mckinnon who gained access to Air Force Space Command and believes he read information suggesting an extraterrestrial presence in “Solar Warden”. Whatever the explanation behind the strange butterfly emission is, the video itself is real. Perhaps in the future, more light will be shed on its origin and if it has any connection to alien life outside our solar system.
  18. Singularity NET, platforma za umetne inteligence po svetu in seveda slavna Sophia..
  19. Proces kreacije: utelesi občutke tega kar želiš imeti, nato vedi da to (kar želiš imeti) imaš sedaj.. HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness Demanifestacija tumorja (na 5-ti minuti):
  20. Pred osmimi leti je bil opravljen prvi realni nakup z bitcoini, 10.000 bitcoinov za dve pici.. Najdražji pici vseh časov. In kaj si naroči Satoshi za nadev? Ananas in jalapenos-e.
  21. Vedno aktualni Neal Donald Walsch; tokrat v intervjuju z Zvezdano:
  22. Sedaj pa astrologi poskakujejo in napovedujejo menjavo dob.. Toraj napovedujejo da so na vrsti konkretni premiki iz stare paradigme v novo.. Predvsem spremembe v finančnem sistemu, novi izumi, nove oblike poslovanja itd. Toraj prihod desetletja konkretnih korenitih sprememb, ki bodo tudi fizično spreminjale obstoječo družbo/sistem in premikale to kar se do sedaj še ni dalo premakniti..
  23. WHAT A SHAMAN SEES IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL The Shamanic View of Mental Illness In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé. Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born. What those in the West view as mental illness, the Dagara people regard as “good news from the other world.” The person going through the crisis has been chosen as a medium for a message to the community that needs to be communicated from the spirit realm. “Mental disorder, behavioral disorder of all kinds, signal the fact that two obviously incompatible energies have merged into the same field,” says Dr. Somé. These disturbances result when the person does not get assistance in dealing with the presence of the energy from the spirit realm. One of the things Dr. Somé encountered when he first came to the United States in 1980 for graduate study was how this country deals with mental illness. When a fellow student was sent to a mental institute due to “nervous depression,” Dr. Somé went to visit him. “I was so shocked. That was the first time I was brought face to face with what is done here to people exhibiting the same symptoms I’ve seen in my village.” What struck Dr. Somé was that the attention given to such symptoms was based on pathology, on the idea that the condition is something that needs to stop. This was in complete opposition to the way his culture views such a situation. As he looked around the stark ward at the patients, some in straitjackets, some zoned out on medications, others screaming, he observed to himself, “So this is how the healers who are attempting to be born are treated in this culture. What a loss! What a loss that a person who is finally being aligned with a power from the other world is just being wasted.” Another way to say this, which may make more sense to the Western mind, is that we in the West are not trained in how to deal or even taught to acknowledge the existence of psychic phenomena, the spiritual world. In fact, psychic abilities are denigrated. When energies from the spiritual world emerge in a Western psyche, that individual is completely unequipped to integrate them or even recognize what is happening. The result can be terrifying. Without the proper context for and assistance in dealing with the breakthrough from another level of reality, for all practical purposes, the person is insane. Heavy dosing with anti-psychotic drugs compounds the problem and prevents the integration that could lead to soul development and growth in the individual who has received these energies. On the mental ward, Dr Somé saw a lot of “beings” hanging around the patients, “entities” that are invisible to most people but that shamans and psychics are able to see. “They were causing the crisis in these people,” he says. It appeared to him that these beings were trying to get the medications and their effects out of the bodies of the people the beings were trying to merge with, and were increasing the patients’ pain in the process. “The beings were acting almost like some kind of excavator in the energy field of people. They were really fierce about that. The people they were doing that to were just screaming and yelling,” he said. He couldn’t stay in that environment and had to leave. In the Dagara tradition, the community helps the person reconcile the energies of both worlds–”the world of the spirit that he or she is merged with, and the village and community.” That person is able then to serve as a bridge between the worlds and help the living with information and healing they need. Thus, the spiritual crisis ends with the birth of another healer. “The other world’s relationship with our world is one of sponsorship,” Dr. Somé explains. “More often than not, the knowledge and skills that arise from this kind of merger are a knowledge or a skill that is provided directly from the other world.” The beings who were increasing the pain of the inmates on the mental hospital ward were actually attempting to merge with the inmates in order to get messages through to this world. The people they had chosen to merge with were getting no assistance in learning how to be a bridge between the worlds and the beings’ attempts to merge were thwarted. The result was the sustaining of the initial disorder of energy and the aborting of the birth of a healer. “The Western culture has consistently ignored the birth of the healer,” states Dr. Somé. “Consequently, there will be a tendency from the other world to keep trying as many people as possible in an attempt to get somebody’s attention. They have to try harder.” The spirits are drawn to people whose senses have not been anesthetized. “The sensitivity is pretty much read as an invitation to come in,” he notes. Those who develop so-called mental disorders are those who are sensitive, which is viewed in Western culture as oversensitivity. Indigenous cultures don’t see it that way and, as a result, sensitive people don’t experience themselves as overly sensitive. In the West, “it is the overload of the culture they’re in that is just wrecking them,” observes Dr. Somé. The frenetic pace, the bombardment of the senses, and the violent energy that characterize Western culture can overwhelm sensitive people. Schizophrenia and Foreign Energy With schizophrenia, there is a special “receptivity to a flow of images and information, which cannot be controlled,” stated Dr. Somé. “When this kind of rush occurs at a time that is not personally chosen, and particularly when it comes with images that are scary and contradictory, the person goes into a frenzy.” What is required in this situation is first to separate the person’s energy from the extraneous foreign energies, by using shamanic practice (what is known as a “sweep”) to clear the latter out of the individual’s aura. With the clearing of their energy field, the person no longer picks up a flood of information and so no longer has a reason to be scared and disturbed, explains Dr. Somé. Then it is possible to help the person align with the energy of the spirit being attempting to come through from the other world and give birth to the healer. The blockage of that emergence is what creates problems. “The energy of the healer is a high-voltage energy,” he observes. “When it is blocked, it just burns up the person. It’s like a short-circuit. Fuses are blowing. This is why it can be really scary, and I understand why this culture prefers to confine these people. Here they are yelling and screaming, and they’re put into a straitjacket. That’s a sad image.” Again, the shamanic approach is to work on aligning the energies so there is no blockage, “fuses” aren’t blowing, and the person can become the healer they are meant to be. It needs to be noted at this point, however, that not all of the spirit beings that enter a person’s energetic field are there for the purposes of promoting healing. There are negative energies as well, which are undesirable presences in the aura. In those cases, the shamanic approach is to remove them from the aura, rather than work to align the discordant energies Alex: Crazy in the USA, Healer in Africa To test his belief that the shamanic view of mental illness holds true in the Western world as well as in indigenous cultures, Dr. Somé took a mental patient back to Africa with him, to his village. “I was prompted by my own curiosity to find out whether there’s truth in the universality that mental illness could be connected with an alignment with a being from another world,” says Dr. Somé. Alex was an 18-year-old American who had suffered a psychotic break when he was 14. He had hallucinations, was suicidal, and went through cycles of dangerously severe depression. He was in a mental hospital and had been given a lot of drugs, but nothing was helping. “The parents had done everything–unsuccessfully,” says Dr. Somé. “They didn’t know what else to do.” With their permission, Dr. Somé took their son to Africa. “After eight months there, Alex had become quite normal, Dr. Somé reports. He was even able to participate with healers in the business of healing; sitting with them all day long and helping them, assisting them in what they were doing with their clients . . . . He spent about four years in my village.” Alex stayed by choice, not because he needed more healing. He felt, “much safer in the village than in America.” To bring his energy and that of the being from the spiritual realm into alignment, Alex went through a shamanic ritual designed for that purpose, although it was slightly different from the one used with the Dagara people. “He wasn’t born in the village, so something else applied. But the result was similar, even though the ritual was not literally the same,” explains Dr. Somé. The fact that aligning the energy worked to heal Alex demonstrated to Dr. Somé that the connection between other beings and mental illness is indeed universal. After the ritual, Alex began to share the messages that the spirit being had for this world. Unfortunately, the people he was talking to didn’t speak English (Dr. Somé was away at that point). The whole experience led, however, to Alex’s going to college to study psychology. He returned to the United States after four years because “he discovered that all the things that he needed to do had been done, and he could then move on with his life.” The last that Dr. Somé heard was that Alex was in graduate school in psychology at Harvard. No one had thought he would ever be able to complete undergraduate studies, much less get an advanced degree. Dr. Somé sums up what Alex’s mental illness was all about: “He was reaching out. It was an emergency call. His job and his purpose was to be a healer. He said no one was paying attention to that.” After seeing how well the shamanic approach worked for Alex, Dr. Somé concluded that spirit beings are just as much an issue in the West as in his community in Africa. “Yet the question still remains, the answer to this problem must be found here, instead of having to go all the way overseas to seek the answer. There has to be a way in which a little bit of attention beyond the pathology of this whole experience leads to the possibility of coming up with the proper ritual to help people. Longing for Spiritual Connection A common thread that Dr. Somé has noticed in “mental” disorders in the West is “a very ancient ancestral energy that has been placed in stasis, that finally is coming out in the person.” His job then is to trace it back, to go back in time to discover what that spirit is. In most cases, the spirit is connected to nature, especially with mountains or big rivers, he says. In the case of mountains, as an example to explain the phenomenon, “it’s a spirit of the mountain that is walking side by side with the person and, as a result, creating a time-space distortion that is affecting the person caught in it.” What is needed is a merger or alignment of the two energies, “so the person and the mountain spirit become one.” Again, the shaman conducts a specific ritual to bring about this alignment. Dr. Somé believes that he encounters this situation so often in the United States because “most of the fabric of this country is made up of the energy of the machine, and the result of that is the disconnection and the severing of the past. You can run from the past, but you can’t hide from it.” The ancestral spirit of the natural world comes visiting. “It’s not so much what the spirit wants as it is what the person wants,” he says. “The spirit sees in us a call for something grand, something that will make life meaningful, and so the spirit is responding to that.” That call, which we don’t even know we are making, reflects “a strong longing for a profound connection, a connection that transcends materialism and possession of things and moves into a tangible cosmic dimension. Most of this longing is unconscious, but for spirits, conscious or unconscious doesn’t make any difference.” They respond to either. As part of the ritual to merge the mountain and human energy, those who are receiving the “mountain energy” are sent to a mountain area of their choice, where they pick up a stone that calls to them. They bring that stone back for the rest of the ritual and then keep it as a companion; some even carry it around with them. “The presence of the stone does a lot in tuning the perceptive ability of the person,” notes Dr. Somé. “They receive all kinds of information that they can make use of, so it’s like they get some tangible guidance from the other world as to how to live their life.” When it is the “river energy,” those being called go to the river and, after speaking to the river spirit, find a water stone to bring back for the same kind of ritual as with the mountain spirit. “People think something extraordinary must be done in an extraordinary situation like this,” he says. That’s not usually the case. Sometimes it is as simple as carrying a stone. A Sacred Ritual Approach to Mental Illness One of the gifts a shaman can bring to the Western world is to help people rediscover ritual, which is so sadly lacking. “The abandonment of ritual can be devastating. From the spiritual view, ritual is inevitable and necessary if one is to live,” Dr. Somé writes in Ritual: Power, Healing, and Community. “To say that ritual is needed in the industrialized world is an understatement. We have seen in my own people that it is probably impossible to live a sane life without it.” Dr. Somé did not feel that the rituals from his traditional village could simply be transferred to the West, so over his years of shamanic work here, he has designed rituals that meet the very different needs of this culture. Although the rituals change according to the individual or the group involved, he finds that there is a need for certain rituals in general. One of these involves helping people discover that their distress is coming from the fact that they are “called by beings from the other world to cooperate with them in doing healing work.” Ritual allows them to move out of the distress and accept that calling. Another ritual need relates to initiation. In indigenous cultures all over the world, young people are initiated into adulthood when they reach a certain age. The lack of such initiation in the West is part of the crisis that people are in here, says Dr. Somé. He urges communities to bring together “the creative juices of people who have had this kind of experience, in an attempt to come up with some kind of an alternative ritual that would at least begin to put a dent in this kind of crisis.” Another ritual that repeatedly speaks to the needs of those coming to him for help entails making a bonfire, and then putting into the bonfire “items that are symbolic of issues carried inside the individuals . . . It might be the issues of anger and frustration against an ancestor who has left a legacy of murder and enslavement or anything, things that the descendant has to live with,” he explains. “If these are approached as things that are blocking the human imagination, the person’s life purpose, and even the person’s view of life as something that can improve, then it makes sense to begin thinking in terms of how to turn that blockage into a roadway that can lead to something more creative and more fulfilling.” The example of issues with an ancestors touches on rituals designed by Dr. Somé that address a serious dysfunction in Western society and in the process “trigger enlightenment” in participants. These are ancestral rituals, and the dysfunction they are aimed at is the mass turning-of-the-back on ancestors. Some of the spirits trying to come through, as described earlier, may be “ancestors who want to merge with a descendant in an attempt to heal what they weren’t able to do while in their physical body.” “Unless the relationship between the living and the dead is in balance, chaos ensues,” he says. “The Dagara believe that, if such an imbalance exists, it is the duty of the living to heal their ancestors. If these ancestors are not healed, their sick energy will haunt the souls and psyches of those who are responsible for helping them.” The rituals focus on healing the relationship with our ancestors, both specific issues of an individual ancestor and the larger cultural issues contained in our past. Dr. Somé has seen extraordinary healing occur at these rituals. Taking a sacred ritual approach to mental illness rather than regarding the person as a pathological case gives the person affected–and indeed the community at large–the opportunity to begin looking at it from that vantage point too, which leads to “a whole plethora of opportunities and ritual initiative that can be very, very beneficial to everyone present,” states. Dr. Somé.
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