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Pika Pikica

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Vse kar je objavil/a Pika Pikica

  1. Neki me vrat boli, pa zebe me, k psa. Vredi je, čuj. Čutim, da bo kraaaaaasen teden.
  2. Pika Pikica


    O, moja lubika. Kak smo? Zalimani? A s me pogrešala, a ne?
  3. Kr jutr pejt, k to bi pa RES rada čimprej vidla. Bogi Seba, se mu kolca zdej.
  4. Pika Pikica


    A tak si, a? Druge opazuješ pri takih početjih. Te bom Robidi zatožla!
  5. Pika Pikica


    To ne vela....k lupčkanja ne bo, tak da....
  6. Pika Pikica


    Men pa včas sede kidat....tko, mal zastonj telovadbe...če se res fajn oblečeš. Idealno pa je, če to počneš s partnerjem, pa ga pol še mal omavžaš vmes, pa še kej. Zdej grem pa počas res počas, mogoče se vmes še kej Todi oglasi.
  7. Depeche Mode - Home Here is a song from the wrong side of town where I'm bound to the ground by the loneliest sound that pounds from within and is pinning me down Here is a page from the emptiest stage a cage or the heaviest cross ever made a gauge of the deadliest trap ever laid And I thank you for bringing me here for showing me home for singing these tears finally I've found that I belong here The heat and the sickliest sweet smelling sheets that cling to the backs of my knees and my feet I'm drowning in time to a desperate beat And I thank you for bringing me here for showing me home for singing these tears finally I've found that I belong Feels like home I should have known from my first breath God send the only true friend I call mine pretend that I'll make amends the next time befriend the glorious end of the line And I thank you for bringing me here for showing me home for singing these tears finally I've found that I belong here.
  8. Pika Pikica


    Pa kako lohk to primerjaš?
  9. Ja, to pa kr posnem, k bi to tud jst rada vidla.
  10. Depeche Mode - Home...kok je pa to en huuuuuuuuuud komad!!!!
  11. Pika Pikica


    Snegc, pridi. Spet bi se mečkala....
  12. Depeche Mode - Walking in my shoes
  13. Cashy, ti s včasih tok smešn. ej.
  14. Pika Pikica


    kepanje, valjanje po snegu, pa da se lupčkaš z nekom v avtu, zunaj pa snegec pada. Pravljica.
  15. Pika Pikica


    kul, ni panike...sploh prvi snega mmmmmmmmmm pa kuhano vino, lučke, darila.
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