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Pika Pikica

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Vse kar je objavil/a Pika Pikica

  1. Cigička...ful te š men sicer ni tok grozn, ampak nekje tm... :xx!: Po moje je najbolš, da se mal pozanimaš ppr frendih, ker zobar na primorskem je zadost kulturen, nežen in razumevajoč. Greš k njemu in že na vratih začneš jokat in jamrat, da ti da za ziher injekcijo in pol bo kul. Držim pesti ful!
  2. Grem počasi ajat. Lepo pančkite.
  3. "Patience" It's like a conversation, where no-one stops to breathe Is it my imagination, or did God already leave the table? Such destruction, and pure white castles in the sand No time for introduction With all that money changing hands And the satellite says, "Take a look at all we have" But the old man says, "You want my family, for your liberty...I can't do that." Look into the eyes of any patient man Whether they be amber, green or blue, There's a piece of God staring back at you But they see our children, and the old folk fend for themselves They see our broken women On imaginary shelves But the satellite says, "Won't you people look at all we have? Don't you want it? Can't you see the things that you lack?" Children in his arms, he turns his back. Ful so lepa besedila, če se da komu brat.
  4. "Please Send Me Someone (Anselmo's Song)" Some people said, if I could only care for you Some people said, he will never love again Some people said, you can see it in his eyes He keeps it all inside and yet . . . . Some people say, in time, we all teach ourselves to live this way And for a thousand days, I was lost I thought never to be found, Underground And don't you think I'm ready now? So please send me someone to love . . . Please send me someone, someone to love As much as I loved you (The way I loved you, darlin') Please, please send me someone, someone to love Please send me someone Any time, any day, any time, any day now Any time any day, any time, any day now Please, please send me someone Just to hold me now that you're gone Some people say, "I hope you know I'm there for you" Some of the people said - nothing, And nothing was just fine (You know how I get sometimes . . .) And for a thousand days, I was lost I said, "Heaven knows I'm ready to be found", Underground But I think I'm ready now So please send me someone to love Please send me someone, someone to love As much as I loved you Please, please send me someone, someone to love Please send me someone Please send me someone Any time any day any time any day now Any time any day any time any day now Please, please send me someone So say that you will, because the nights are long Without our song to sing Just search the clouds until . . . until So say that you will Show me right from wrong, Without our song to sing Just search the clouds until . . . until And Darlin' darlin' though I can't replace you, there's a space in my heart A space that you left in my heart Just give me something that will pull me back from the blue Oh send me someone like you Darlin' darlin' no I can't replace you, there's a space in my heart A space that you left in my heart Just give me something that will pull me back from the blue Please send me someone to love
  5. Še zdej Georgea Michaela poslušam...ta nov album...patience. kok je hud. "Through" Is that enough? I think it's over See, everything has changed And all this hatred may just make me strong enough To walk away They may chase me to the ends of the earth But I've got you babe And they may strip me of the things that I've worked for But I've had my say So hear me now I've enough of these chains I know they're of my making No one else to blame for where I stand today I've no memory of truth But suddenly the audience is so cruel So God, hey God you know why I'm through Through I guess it's tough, I guess I'm older And everything must change But all this cruelty and money instead of love People, have we no shame? They may chase me to the ends of the earth But I've got you babe And they may take away the things that I've worked for But you'll pull me through It's so clear to me now I've enough of these chains Life is there for the taking What kind of fool would remain in this cheap gilded cage I've no memory of truth But suddenly the audience is so cruel Oh God, I'm sorry I think I'm through I think I'm through I think I'm, I know I'm...
  6. Kako pa veš, da nism v resnic en pohotn star čićo?
  7. George Michael. Najbolši je. Kok me pomiri to.
  8. A je to name letel? Ker pol Jebat ću ti svu familiju po spisku!
  9. KELIS - Caught out there...I hate you so much right now....aaaaaaaaaaa
  10. En komar mi bo žice požru! Lep dan bil...bla na sprehodku z našo lubico, mal sm jo cartala...tok je lušna. Pol sva pa z enim kolegom mal lutala, šla na tortice, pico, pa na grob eno njegovo kolegico ''pogledat''. Kul dan. Mir. (glihkar ratal komarja fentat) No, zdej grem pa neki gledat...k mi nben ne da vislc za rešvt.
  11. Cranberries - Put me down...žalostn komad...dec prtegnen, kaj jo v nč daješ!
  12. Za posrat ste dobri pesniki! Sam študiram, v ker obdobje vas bodo v prihodnosti postavl...postsralizem? Al v srenesanso? Sromantika? Sromoderna? Sralbarok? Damn...tough decision.
  13. Pika Pikica


    U jebemo, sm že hotla popravt v casino, pa s me prov sm mela prav. Juhu...šeeeeeeeeeeeee....
  14. Pika Pikica


    Že vem...butica- Hvala.
  15. Cranberries - Wanted...v bistvu kr vse od njih poslušam...paše...
  16. Jst tud. Da b me bog čez ta velk okn pogledu ...zrihti Samsonajt!
  17. Pika Pikica


    Jst bi ugibala...kakšen namig? Koline? Brzice? Kobila? Petica? Napila? Dobila?
  18. jebemit, če novš šla nasledn tedn ke!!!! REVA JEDNA! (to je men nemenjen, da nov kdo kej mislu)
  19. Preklet hudič...snemam musko in ko jo posnamem, mi pol komadov preskakuje na cd-ju, na računalniku pa nben. Pa sm dala najbl počas snemat,pa spet serje. popenla bom!!!!
  20. Pika Pikica

    samo za norce

    Ti s navin, k mislš da sva midve naivne.
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