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Vse kar je objavil/a SmartyMan

  1. Sweet Dreams Lyrics by Eurythmics Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused I wanna use you and abuse you I wanna know what's inside you (Whispering) Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Movin' on! Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused I'm gonna use you and abuse you I'm gonna know what's inside Gonna use you and abuse you I'm gonna know what's inside you
  2. Ich krieg von dir niemals genug Du bist in jedem atemzug Alles dreht sich nur um dich Warum ausgerechnet ich Zähl die stunden, die sekunden Doch die zeit scheint still zu stehn Hab mich geschunden, gewunden Lass mich gehn Was willst du noch Willst du meine tage zählen Warum mußt du mich Mit meiner sehnsucht quälen Deine hölle brennt in mir Du bist mein überlebenselixier Ich bin zerrissen Wann kommst du meine wunden kssen Out of the dark Hörst du die stunde, die dir sagt Into the light I give up and close my eyes Out of the dark Hörst du die stunde, die dir sagt Into the light I give up and you waste your tears To the night Ich bin bereit, denn es ist zeit Fr unseren pakt ber die ewigkeit Du bist schon da, ganz nah Ich kann dich spren Lass mich verfhren, lass mich entfhren Heute nacht zum letzten mal Ergeben deiner macht Reich mir die hand Mein leben, nenn mir den preis Ich schenk dir gestern, heut und morgen Dann schließt sich der kreis, kein weg zurck Das weiße licht kommt näher, stck fr stck Will mich ergehen Muß ich denn sterben Um zu leben Out of the dark Hörst du die stunde, die dir sagt Into the light I give up and close my eyes Out of the dark Hörst du die stunden die dir sagt Into the light I give up and you waste your tears To the night
  3. JA ne bit zamerljiv, to se strinjam ... tudi priznat svoje napake..... In osebno se mi zdi neumno karkoli govort okoli o nekom, s katerim so zadevice samo 'vajine' najmanj pa ce nimam recimo kaj dobrega povedat oz. mi kaj ni bilo vsec; da bi pa trosil in siril slabe zadevice, ali pa jih celo potenciral..... Ker je zelo velio takih, kateri ti v bistvu sploh ne dajo niti najmanjše možnosti, da pa se je neka oseba spremenila, ali da razmišlja drugače...enostavno so v svojih vzorcih da je nekdo tak in to je enivej...saj v končni fazi potem s takimi ljudmi niti nimas kaj skupaj za pocet ali pa se druzit... Je pa lahko na zacetku bolj tezko, ali pa 'nerodno' v kakih situacijah, ker te gledajo tako, kot jim je nekdo rekel, da si, čeprav nisi
  4. Ja par strani nazaj, pa je tako res dobro napisano, da si nisem mogel kaj in komentirat.... ja oni drugi je pa govedar ponavadi še tako, da oni prvi kaj prevec te zadeve potencira, da potem tisti oz. druga stran niti nima moznosti povedati svoje lai pa se jo sploh ne poslusaj....saj je jasno 'napad' prvega v takih primerih v vecini res ucinkovita obramba Ampak sem siguren, da se vse tudi vrne, ce tako delujes
  5. Kako dobro je tole napisano Pa kako res, je tud, da dostikrat ni tako in je za vse za nazaj kriv samo eden in pa jasno je najbolj 'črn'
  6. SmartyMan


    No fino tole pol, k jest tud šizim na čapalinke
  7. SmartyMan


    Aha torej so potem vabljeni vsi, tud bl tanovi....Like Me For Example
  8. SmartyMan


    A to tukaj samo levi hodite na čapalinke
  9. Zanimivo, da se tako odločajo nekateri, kateri in somo tisti, ki imajo kaj jest........
  10. Shakira feat. Carlos Santana - Illegal Who would have thought That you could hurt me The way you've done it? So deliberate, so determined And since you have been gone I bite my nails for days and hours And question my own questions on and on So tell me now, tell me now Why you're so far away When I'm still so close You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"You said you would love me until you die And as far as I know you're still alive, baby You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart I tried so hard to be attentive To all you wanted Always supportive, always patient What did I do wrong? I'm wondering for days and hours It's here, it isn't here where you belong Anyhow, anyhow I wish you both all the best I hope you get along But you don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" You said you would love me until you die And as far as I know you're still alive, baby You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" You said you would love me until you die And as far as I know you're still alive, baby You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart Open heart Open heart It should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart Open heart Open heart It should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart
  11. Tudi sam imam v večini take izkušnje iz tujine S tem napisanim se kar strinjam ja
  12. THX Ne vsem, ampak nekaterim in tistim sem že .......kako pa kdo kaj 'vzame' pa je takoali tako odvisno od nas samih....
  13. Sem povedal in to mi je sedaj dovolj .....itak pa je od vsakega posameznika odvisno, kako vzame te zadeve.......jaz sem dal to ven, ker sem vam z moje strani to vam moral povedati.....
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