Marsa 22. november 2002 Prijavi Deli 22. november 2002 Ti, kul se tole slisi, Intruder... Sploh, ker imam KONCNO!!! nekaj v Tehtnici - zdaj se bom torej koncno skulirala malo (malo morgensen) )))) Marsa Cas ni ovira, temvec sredstvo za uresnicitev moznega. I CHING Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 23. november 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 23. november 2002 Preveril nove parametre. Buddha she vedno Quaoar 28 sco. Nimam probleme. Namrech spremenili so se parametrji. Nove efemeride: Preveril 1776 (U.S.A.), Casanova,Krist (-7), Buddha; vse v redu. Che je napak niso velike. Asteroidi spreminjajo parametre ko vemo vech.Temu pravimo update. Denimo Ceres ni tamo kjer ga vidi astroloshki program star 30 let. Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 26. november 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 26. november 2002 DNS problemchki z Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 29. november 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 29. november 2002 Update. Vechina transneptuna ima delineacije in je seveda v uporabi na Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H -------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- 1 2000 (undefined) Ceres 3.34 2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13 4 2000 (undefined) Vesta 3.20 19308 2002 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50 19521 2002 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90 20000 2002 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70 24835 2002 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80 26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70 28978 2002 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20 38628 2002 2000 EB173 [...unnamed...] 4.70 42301 2002 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 4.20 47171 2002 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.90 50000 2002 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.60 101512 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.20 101879 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.70 131702 2002 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10 144024 2002 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90 158038 2002 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.30 158062 2002 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.40 167191 2002 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70 167213 2002 2001 UQ18 [...unnamed...] 4.90 200050 2002 2002 VE95 [...unnamed...] 4.20 Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 2. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. december 2002 Ni she jasno kdaj je bil nedeljski napad na Basro. Che je to 11 am lokalno, Quaoar je v 10ti hishi. Prve delineacije za Quaoar so bile prav v svezi s vojno, neoptimistichne, seveda. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 2. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. december 2002 Za analize napada (new jihad) porabimo Phaethon = letenje (padel v eridanus (to je tudi ozvezdje),, Icarus = pad, Varuna = jihad, Ixion = anti global; Claudio Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 2. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. december 2002 Quaoar namreč (žal) napoveda vojno! Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 3. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. december 2002 Lunacija s Quaoar: Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 4. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. december 2002 Novi gigantski transneptun (ta hip!) v konjunkciji s Quaoar (in Nova Scorpii chrno luknjo) na 13 strelca. Objekt je na 13 Strijelca. Posebne zahvale NASA JPL staff Korado Korlevic 2002 MP4 I.C. From: Klaudio Zic (view other messages by this author) Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 06:17:50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myself having the new TNO I.C. means: Ancestors meeting in astral domain. Celibacy. Troublemaker. Search Result 1 From: ( Quaoar Lunation This is the only article in this thread View: Original Format Newsgroups: alt.astrology.moderated, alt.astrology, alt.astrology.asianDate: 2002-12-03 18:40:05 PST With Varuna M.C: hope is that after Basra there's no jihad. It is unclear to me if the attack was 11 am local time, if so, Quaoar would be M.C. Claudio http://puck.dhs.orgPost a follow-up to this message Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 4. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. december 2002 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 4. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. december 2002 Novi gigant 2002 GV31 in update za najvechje asteroide (vechinoma transneptunerje): Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H -------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- 1 2000 (undefined) Ceres 3.34 2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13 3 1978 (undefined) Juno 5.33 4 2000 (undefined) Vesta 3.20 10 1994 (undefined) Hygiea 5.43 15 1993 (undefined) Eunomia 5.16 15874 2002 1996 TL66 [...unnamed...] 5.40 19308 2002 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50 19521 2002 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90 20000 2002 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70 24835 2002 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80 26181 2002 1996 GQ21 [...unnamed...] 5.20 26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70 28978 2002 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20 38628 2002 2000 EB173 [...unnamed...] 4.70 42301 2002 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 4.20 47171 2002 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.90 48639 2002 1995 TL8 [...unnamed...] 5.40 50000 2002 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.60 100182 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 4.10 100448 2002 2001 CZ31 [...unnamed...] 5.30 101512 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.20 101879 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.70 102943 2002 1997 CS29 [...unnamed...] 5.20 103874 2002 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 5.10 123187 2002 2000 CJ105 [...unnamed...] 5.40 123191 2002 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 5.00 123192 2002 2000 CO105 [...unnamed...] 5.40 126291 2002 1999 CD158 [...unnamed...] 5.10 127042 2002 2002 PJ149 [...unnamed...] 5.30 127210 2002 2002 PQ145 [...unnamed...] 5.40 131702 2002 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10 143978 2002 2001 YH140 [...unnamed...] 5.10 144024 2002 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90 158038 2002 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.30 158062 2002 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.40 158340 2002 2001 KA77 [...unnamed...] 5.00 167179 2002 2001 QT297 [...unnamed...] 5.30 167184 2002 2001 QY297 [...unnamed...] 5.30 167191 2002 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70 167197 2002 2001 QS322 [...unnamed...] 5.40 167213 2002 2001 UQ18 [...unnamed...] 4.90 192106 2002 2002 GV31 [...unnamed...] 5.30 200050 2002 2002 VE95 [...unnamed...] 4.20 Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 6. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 6. december 2002 Quaoar za Krista je 25 Tehtnice Geocentric Angular Ecliptic Coordinates True Equinox of Date (Corrected for Aberr. & L-time) Date: -7/ 9/16 UT : 0: 0: 0 0 Sun 170 38 43.23 - 0 0 0.45 0.99603367 1 Mercury 186 4 33.21 - 0 40 31.55 1.34309366 2 Venus 140 25 46.41 + 1 4 10.23 1.37407837 4 Mars 118 12 3.68 + 1 13 57.62 2.04592994 5 Jupiter 308 42 59.71 - 1 23 53.27 4.20266467 6 Saturn 334 20 8.98 - 2 27 53.80 8.44715428 7 Uranus 329 5 14.27 - 0 48 32.05 19.14118478 8 Neptune 211 14 39.35 + 1 51 36.44 31.07126859 9 Pluto 157 52 2.66 +16 7 8.54 31.8803078610 Moon 310 58 39.41 - 5 1 33.46 0.40387003 (Gm)11 Ceres 209 34 47.2 + 5 46 1.1 3.6168244 12 Pallas 165 42 11.5 - 2 36 43.4 3.0579594 13 Vesta 273 17 28.4 - 3 9 24.3 1.9369729 14 Quaoar 205 20 29.2 + 5 45 46.2 44.7036196 Date: -7/ 9/17 UT : 0: 0: 0 0 Sun 171 38 19.11 - 0 0 0.45 0.99573666 1 Mercury 187 34 39.98 - 0 47 29.76 1.33486637 2 Venus 141 39 17.91 + 1 6 16.51 1.37932131 4 Mars 118 47 47.48 + 1 14 38.84 2.03879112 5 Jupiter 308 39 5.83 - 1 23 45.66 4.21332132 6 Saturn 334 15 45.10 - 2 27 51.56 8.45193926 7 Uranus 329 3 3.59 - 0 48 31.07 19.14786343 8 Neptune 211 16 28.81 + 1 51 33.94 31.08208184 9 Pluto 157 54 18.23 +16 7 17.79 31.8758140510 Moon 322 55 0.45 - 5 3 15.26 0.40546058 (Gm)11 Ceres 209 57 1.0 + 5 43 53.7 3.6259221 12 Pallas 166 13 50.8 - 2 29 19.0 3.0598865 13 Vesta 273 30 0.1 - 3 10 27.3 1.9501914 14 Quaoar 205 21 48.0 + 5 45 43.0 44.7129005 Date: -7/ 9/18 UT : 0: 0: 0 0 Sun 172 37 56.92 - 0 0 0.43 0.99544192 1 Mercury 189 4 4.51 - 0 54 25.95 1.32616711 2 Venus 142 52 53.32 + 1 8 18.79 1.38452525 4 Mars 119 23 27.67 + 1 15 20.19 2.03159715 5 Jupiter 308 35 22.93 - 1 23 37.81 4.22418813 6 Saturn 334 11 23.66 - 2 27 49.01 8.45701765 7 Uranus 329 0 54.20 - 0 48 30.05 19.15482296 8 Neptune 211 18 19.40 + 1 51 31.49 31.09267447 9 Pluto 157 56 33.32 +16 7 27.54 31.8710555410 Moon 334 48 15.63 - 4 51 46.50 0.40626333 (Gm)11 Ceres 210 19 18.0 + 5 41 47.4 3.6349051 12 Pallas 166 45 25.7 - 2 21 55.3 3.0617219 13 Vesta 273 42 49.9 - 3 11 28.9 1.9634487 14 Quaoar 205 23 7.4 + 5 45 39.9 44.7219415 Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 10. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 10. december 2002 Leibach macht Frei Copyright © 2003 Klaudio Zic, vse pravice pridrzhane. Kaj je novega? Uspelo nam je transneptune (ti giganti prevzemajo vlogo Ceres, Vesta-e in Pallas) izrachunati za shpon let -4500 4500, torej `integrirati' zelo precizno nove (`stabilne') objekte kot so to gigant Quaoar. Seveda lahko izrachunamo tudi ta glavne (in she druge) kentavrje. Gre se za to da NASA nima take mozhnosti, pa seveda niti Swiss Ephemeris. Torej izrachuni na za Buddha-o pa Jezusa so kar planetarni unikat. To je zelo dobro, pomeni da smo she vedno pacemakerji po Dark Planets; Varuna in Ixionu. Eni transneptunerji so si dodatno popestrili delineaciju (opis), pa she seveda niso niti experimentalno v kakshnem programu (to se she bo razvilo), in se pravzaprav nobeden niti ne zaveda njih. Che je nekaj tako veliko kot Quaoar se _morash_ zavedati. Che je vechje kot Vesta ja valjda to vzamesh v oziro. Vsaj tlele mislimo vnaprej. Nekaj novega v 2003 bo O5 trening in chist malo masonerije in kristijanske alternative. Gremo na sveto sexualno varijanto in Quaoar je zraven. Napisi so zhe, idej ne zmanjka, servisa in fotografij iz Benetk bo; raziskovali bomo sexualno alkemijo; ta je pa zastopljena za vsakim vogalom na Benetkah. Nekaj novih simulacij (saj je zhe tega prevech, brishem 100 po 100 Mb) za Lilith je zanimivo pa she tega bo. Luna gre naprej! Klavdij Holistichki horoskopi, O5 techaji. RESURSE ======= /quaoar /reports1 /reports /dance.1 Seveda imaste Nessus Pholus in Chariklo v vashemu horoskopu. Kaj pa Ixion Varuna in Chaos? In predvsem najvechega! QUAOAR. Quaoar je novi objekt velik kot _vsi_ asteroidi skupaj! To je najvechje odkritje po Plutonu kjer se obetajo nova she vechja! Na tem prostoru lahko izvedete za novice in spremembe, kakor tudi za nove kandidate za planete. Slovenski bi lahko bil prvi jezik na katerem se bojo objavile karakteristike novih astroloshkih objektov, kjere zaenkrat opisujem standardno v angleshchini. Objave so za celo planeto na USENET grupi news:alt.astrology.moderated za Slovenijo so to news:// Za primorce pa magar she: news:// news:// (slovenia) Ta povezava bo mogoche delovala. ines.paranormalno je stara grupa verjetno zhe od cajta BBS-eva. Slovenci s(m)o je zapustili, v Italiji se she drzhi (ishchi knp news:// (slovenia) news:// (macedonia) Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 16. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 16. december 2002 Infinity Presses & presents An article by Klaudio Zic = 2002 MS4 Transneptune: Keywords = This article is © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Quaoar HQ /quaoar The main idea of 2002 MS4 seems to be doing things on the spur of the moment. However, this needs an explanation. How do events happen? One could use physics or karma to elaborate an explanation. The sort of event marked by 2002 MS4 happens spontaneousely and _yet_ it is a product of an elaborate series of events, proper timing, decisions made on the spur of the moment, rather wise decisions, I must say. Thus an unexplicable event apparently having nothing to do with our efforts happens as the product of a series of well timed events, a chain of events. Causal logic strings along, as if produceing the uncalculated. Some keywords for this new transneptune. The estimated H = 4.1 at the moment I write this (Quaoar lunation, Dec 4th 2002), so this is a large object, the size of Pallas, but smaller than Varuna: Varuna 43.271856 0.052987 17.1294 97.2854 275.2209 52600.5 83.8067 3.72002MS4 44.862516 0.047481 17.6133 215.7807 229.3647 52460.5 180.0889 4.1Pallas 2.773483 0.229937 34.8425 173.1716 310.3944 52400.5 175.4143 4.132002VE95 39.440037 0.292584 15.7186 198.5096 211.3637 52580.5 359.9517 4.2 I say `at the time I write this', since orbital elements may change (they actually _must_ change), and we had a recent surprise as concerns `a slightly smaller' Quaoar;) Therefore some keywords as to what the object could mean: The end of time Rhytm divine Dreamtime Savior Redeeming Astral catwalk of familiar spirits Embracing the skies and the Earth Abrupt end of a dream The end of an epoch Completely new life and friends Nothing happens as planned God is in the house (meaning upheaval) Swan's song Infinity presses Non linear time as the product of stringing up events in perfect timing Only spontaneous alert exorcises the devil Doing things on the spur of the moment Without lust of result Green Man or Tarot's Fool NEMO (omen) Magister Templi (one without a self) Waking up with the `house on fire' The sleeper must awake I am the one (Neo, Matrix the movie) Controlling a deliberate dream without controling it at all Running away _from_ the pack A drop of refined elyxir falls in the Caldron /4/ Flight to Egypt /3/ (this seems important) The spider saves Mohammed in the cave Looking high and low Astral enemies from which is better to run away _without_ fear Threathening presence of inorganic scouts The three magi visit the Redeemer Haunting spirits of the past Joint forces of `evil' wearing casual pretty juvenile masks A feast in Heaven Bloodbath /0/ An assembly Ancestry Followup Mission completed Troublemaker `Clear your minds!' (master Yoda) Intruder /1/ A stranger popping out of nowhere New kid in town (a kid may be dangerous) Being shown around Having a driver Guitar player Time discreation /2/ Hopeless Bone headed Cult the - of the + Timing no planning Harmony The rhytm of the omniverse If we allow time to exist we usually think it. We think linear time as no other human experiment will. `Primitive' tribal man, animistic fellow and the zen monk don't have that Rolex time at all! The zen monk perhaps makes notice of events stringing along as if happening one after another, but is not aware of a `2 pm' time. There is no 2 pm for him. I'll have to ask a Top End aborgine to report on the rest of real men on this Earth. Malidoma Patrice Some could help. Carlos Castaneda `describes' non-linear time on various occasions and it is not something that the `ratio' can absorb or feel comfortable with at all. The keyword is `dreamtime' since this author feels it is appropriate to equal events performed or witnessed by the astral `double' with non-linear time. Even in `common' dreams there is no such thing as 3:25 am. One note on the delineations: I am aware people will project their hopes for a better time on their favorable new planet and expect the best from the planet itself. Vote, change your mind and that of others instead as the planet in itself could not care less for politics. Around 2/2/2001 the first (and only) delineations of Varuna ever published announced jihad due to Varuna's conjunction(s) with Jupiter in the Gemini (twins) constellation, and the twin towers fell. Ixion was esteemed (anti) global and Ixion ascending shot the man during an antiglobal protest in Genova, Italy. Quaoar predicted bad luck for the agressor and Basra was attacked. In the meantime people might sing vedic hymns to Varuna and shamanize around Quaoar, but this objects, as well as Ixion, were delineated _before_ they were named. And so is 2002 MS4 (not a little object at all!). The language used is not one in daily use, I suppose, but in this moment the object is neither. Klaudio Zic /0/ Bloodbath litteraly as perhaps with a girl that starts bleeding when in a tub, or some occult nonsense with blood. Very slight overtone of danger and almost certain escape in most cases. /1/ This is taken to mean as in the case of a (brown dwarf) like Nibiru (in sitchin theory). The intruding object distorts the planetary ellipses of the solar system it passes by (temporarely) into heartlike shapes. This at least as far as my experience with a gravitational simulator tells to me. /2/ Time neither exists nor it does not exist. /3/ Possibly Jesus initiation into Osiris (Sun, Venus = Ankh, Varuna) cults. Quoting one recent article: "Venus is trine Varuna and the Sun partakes of the aspect. " /4/ Taoist alchemy. Kundalini rises unobstructed and the refined sexual (Scorpion - Snake - white Eagle) energy fills the Tan Tien or Hara. See also Tahuti XIII and :|||:| This article is © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Quaoar HQ /quaoar -------------------------------------------------------------------- The HORIZONS online JPL NASA program has been widely used to check for minor planets positions, as well as to produce the ephemeris. telnet:// (via browser) telnet 6775 (via command-line) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Coffieur done? Get a NEW HOROSCOPE! You have them all the loves in your life awaiting for you at time proper. With O5 you can change and produce events. Some events have been calculated to the minute and you sure do have all your major years scheduled. What possibly can you go for more? Astrological services that are always updated for the latest astronomical discoveries and come in wealthy and detailed `simscan' format, meaning you are able to check for the real position of every major object in your horoscope. Original delineations and unique approach. Wild insights based on solid accuracy. NASA based ephemeris for your own research. Custom made services include megabytes of simscans in gif format. The most beloved parts of your NEW HOROSCOPE are the latest giant discovery Quaoar, as well as Ixion and Varuna transneptunes; the lovely centaurs Pholus, Chariklo, Chiron, Hylonome, Nessus, Asbolus and others; finally you have a precisely calculated nativity with the correct local Moon's position, and even the second moon Cruithne and third moon, too. Trashing time for your old natal chart as your NEW HOROSCOPE gives you the precision and update you craved for the last 15 years. Dwarf them, trash them, update! Dispose of an old way of thinking and wake up into this new amber morning glory! Klaudio Zic, Showroom: © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced without written permission. ASTROLOGICAL TUITION A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions. Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations will excell in precision and the predictions will be exact to the minute. Why most of the charts on earth are miscalculated? "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala. C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris of any new object. Calculating the horoscope from any object (e.g. Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation. Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis. D) Centaur Objects. Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Hylonome, Asbolus, 1994 TA Pylenor, 2000 QC243, 2001 PT13 and others. E) Giant transneptune objects. Quaoar is esteemed as larger than all of the asteroids put together. 2002 AW197 finantial asteroid. 2002 TX300. 2002 VE95. Ixion. Varuna. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. WTC terrorist 1992 QB1. F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets". The Rathke Planets. G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second moon' trojan Cruithne, third moon 2002 AA29, Damocles and damocloids, recent comets, deep space objects, Cassini Lilith, Amors, Atens, Apollos, Hilda, varunoid supercentaurs, brown dwarfs, Nibiru; planetary nodes, Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes, Raziel, Devil's Rose. H) Stargate. Major stars. Primary direction of a star. I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes. J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix? What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas. Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps. 2003 O5 initiation O5 consulting O5 dyads O5 delivery O5 tuition by e-mail O5 futurechanging O5 SnowCrash O5 secret degrees O5 master initiation Astrology predictions: the year month day hour minute of the event Astrology predictions: all the loves in your life: all major affairs Astrology predictions: relationship progress marriage pregnancy timing Astrology predictions: timing impregnation in difficult cases Astrology predictions: career stocks timing gain real estate lottery Astrology centaureana: Chariklo, Pholus, Hylonome, Asbolus, Nessus Astrology transneptun: Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna, Chaos, Rhadamanthus I Ching consulting I Ching futurechanger I Ching aspectarian I Ching solar systems I Ching transits I Ching 360 I Ching tuition I Ching sequencer I Ching talismans I Ching chidakasha I Ching sigils I Ching sabian I Ching tarot I Ching Nibiru ~ Wed Dec 04 21:44:59 GMT 2002 Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 16. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 16. december 2002 Some major transneptunes for Jesus Christ A service by © 2002 Klaudio Zic This data are a gift by Aldo Vitagliano to whom go all my gratitude. He has presented me with special files for his Solex 5 program and freeware. I'm not aware of any other possibility to calculate this! Aldo VitaglianoDipartimento di Chimica,Universitŕ di Napoli "Federico II"via Mezzocannone 4, I-80134 Napoli, ItalyE-mail: Date: -7/ 9/17 13 2001UR16 137 14 23.9 - 0 34 2.9 56.23706614 Varuna 23 34 46.2 - 13 8 55.6 40.41351215 Ixion 191 31 20.9 + 10 28 22.0 48.33418816 2002AW19 48 22 23.7 + 16 52 17.7 52.37436017 Chaos 226 20 51.0 - 4 50 28.0 50.184726 The time is set for sunset of the day when, according to the arabian bible, Joseph went to fetch the midwife. Varuna is at 24 aries, Ixion at 12 virgo, 2002 AW197 at 19 tau. This 19 tau is an interesting position in that it opposes Alpha serpentis (fighting the evil). Thus it is the Christ who fights the snake (Serpens) i.e. Satan. My Cassini Lilith is at 19 tau. 2001 UR163, Chaos and 2002 AW197 form three points of a grand + cross. The second cusp (PORTA INFERNA, the door of hell in occult tradition) is conjunct the North Moon Node and 2002 AW197. Again the anti evil degree is stressed. The North Lunar Node is often the mission. The head of the dragon, draconic Osiris cults? Venus is trine Varuna and the Sun partakes of the aspect. If we take Varuna for `jihad' and Venus NIKH for `V', victory /1/, we have a victorious partisan, indeed. We have found 2002 AW197 present where large amounts of energy passed from hand to hand, like in a big finantial transaction, most remarkably concerning the purchase of Alaska on the part of the U.S.A.. This transneptune is obviousely stressed in the case of Jesus and it is on the second cusp. /2/ I am preparing a large report including Quaoar and some new transneptune giants on . /1/ Speaking about NIKH, today is Saint Nicola(u)s, the victorious. Santa Claus would be `Victor' in latin. Dec 6th 2002 FACIT. /2/ At the time when I did the chart I had adjusted it slightly to an avestan at the M.C. (Proserpina). The objects I use here were of course _not_ discovered at the time! © 2002 Klaudio Zic Appendixes: =========== Tropical longitude positions of the four archangels in Christ's own time. MIKAL (Aldebaran) 11 52' 16" tau GBRIAL (Formalhaut) 5 44' 37" aqu RPhAL (Regulus) 2 03' 44" leo AVRIAL (Antares) 11 52' 51" sco Juan Antonio Revilla's RIYAL program for DOS was used to calculate the star positions for the time when Christ lived. The pentagram ritual and various cross systems can be adjusted to this position and archangels. Solex 5 spreadout Date: -7/ 9/17 0 Sun 172 31 4.48 - 0 0 0.44 0.99547576 1 Mercury 188 53 48.44 - 0 53 38.11 1.32719360 2 Venus 142 44 24.29 + 1 8 4.91 1.38392774 4 Mars 119 20 15.01 + 1 15 15.91 2.03275780 5 Jupiter 308 35 47.94 - 1 23 38.73 4.22292552 6 Saturn 334 11 53.66 - 2 27 49.32 8.45641744 7 Uranus 329 1 9.04 - 0 48 30.17 19.15400662 8 Neptune 211 18 6.60 + 1 51 31.77 31.09146501 9 Pluto 157 56 17.77 + 16 7 26.39 31.8716174210 Ceres 210 16 43.8 + 5 42 1.9 3.63387611 Pallas 166 41 47.6 - 2 22 46.4 3.06151512 Vesta 273 41 20.2 - 3 11 21.9 1.96191913 2001UR16 137 14 23.9 - 0 34 2.9 56.23706614 Varuna 23 34 46.2 - 13 8 55.6 40.41351215 Ixion 191 31 20.9 + 10 28 22.0 48.33418816 2002AW19 48 22 23.7 + 16 52 17.7 52.37436017 Chaos 226 20 51.0 - 4 50 28.0 50.184726 Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 16. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 16. december 2002 Qaoar - a new astrological object © 2002-2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved Quaoar prophecies a true heart. The lack of constancy brings about tribulations. Quarrel ends up and lovers unite from their true hearts. In this time, in Italy, young girls tend to await for TRUE LOVE. Why so? They have seen the effect of the sexual revolution. Their parents married quickly and now often live a boring and alienated marriage/life. Therefore the need for a clear perspective, reliable relationship and true companion. QUAOAR in Love ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the past 200 years Vesta, Ceres and Pallas ruled as the largest asteroids. Varuna, Ixion and 2002 AW197 announced 2002 LM60 (proposed name `Quaoar'), H 1.6, larger than all asteroids put together. Simscans, ephemeris, wheel charts, delineation proposals, examples and fellow transeptuners frequently updated on © 2002-2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved <Quaoar 2002 LM60> <2002 LM60 QUAOAR KEYWORDS> 2002 LM60 provisory keywords ============================ all things are fair in love and war & delineation proposal <LOVE> Quaoar prophecies a true heart. The lack of constancy brings about tribulations. Quarrel ends up and lovers unite from their true heart. In this time, in Italy, young girls tend to await for TRUE LOVE. Why so? They have seen the effect of the sexual revolution. Their parents married quickly and now often live a boring and alienated conjugal life. Therefore the need for a clear perspective, reliable relationship and true companion. Every newly discovered minor planet is expected to deliver. The standard request is the hand of Helen of Troy and a purse full of gold. What else God is for? Useless frozen rotating potatoes in outer space are out of question. Jupiter has been trained to bring good luck (no thunderbolts, please; fireworks) and settled down as resident casino dealer. Venus is always welcome. Nothing seems to undermine humanity's childish chase for `love and money' untill old age makes us chase pills. But even in old age one seeks love. We are told and trained to. Who told us so and why we are useless instead of majikal beings is too far fetched for this rather clumsy and occasionally amusing analysis. We have a new minor planet up there. It is really a big one. Nothing like this happened in the past 200 years. Let us celebrate it and fill it's first delineations with our reflexes, fears, expectances, observances, ideals; and also perhaps _hear_ from Quaoar itself what it has to say in it's noble silence. Klaudio Zic, Oct 16th 2002 This article is © 2002 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. /quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object For personal interpretation mail O5 DisCreation basic formula INTEND your goal. 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE: 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in. 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion. 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation. 5. Allow for the OBSTACLE's SELF-DESTRUCTION. reINTEND your goal. Besides discreating negative astrological effects, O5 delivers on daily basis, working for you as a goal achiever in real time. For best results and personal training mail MONEY The profit is 300 %. Creative transactions + courageuos !nitiative. Quaoar ascending brings attention and money, support and good omens. LOVE <input> <!-- Oct 15th 2002 --> About Quaoar and some extremely feminine horoscopes With Quaoar in a good position and feminine aspects, we plunge into the Return of the Matriachal Queendom. Perhaps we've been born out there first, out in the wilderness and not on this Earth. If Quaoar is to be as feminine as Moon on the Ascendant (Moon Earth conjunction). The 1963 - 1965 generation has a lovely Quaoar Spica Virginis aspect. This conjunction can be hopelessly feminine when supported by other aspects /1/. The 1969 case of Quaoar 1 sco is strikingly sexy. Quaoar at first did not show this part of it's nature, but it might become the popular face of this icy planetoid. Chariklo the centauress had this warming up function in a class of objects called the centaurs, to which her partner Chiron pertains, too. This type of women is a man killer and head hunter. They of course could not care less of their victims, but they finds it charming! Ice melts from time to time, even black ice, but the amazon core steers it's course accordng to some natural (9) strategy. Sqeeze and drop. Back to the basic lessons of animal kingdom, then. This is not Barbie or Disney. This is real life. I'll have the immense pleasure to monitor a special case I know personally very well, indeed. A case of (do I have to say) lovely twins that have an 11 sag ascending sun. Hope this features in the following articles. Namely, Quaoar transits that degree at this time. A case of exceptional beauty, a voluptuous little doll, 1978 brand, caught my attention. She has an exact Venus (10 tau) Quaoar (10 sco) opposition. I leave this note here for the forthcoming erotastrologer. I'm adding an example for the sake of stirring some research. A separating (3 degree) aspect of Mars (Spica) Quaoar 1965 represents an unapproachable or hardly approachable beauty. At the risk of being aware of trying to squeeze cosmetics from a mere icy rock, I suppose `all man in each man' and something human even in God. In that way the prophets could approach God and in the same way, probing like a bunch of Ewoks, we approach giant icy rocks. Keeping the real delineations secret is another thing. The general public would not know how to interpret them. The language in which they are written is too private and perhaps `occult'. Even this short proposal fountains with expressions out of the newspaper world. /1/ To propose some; Moon in Cancer trine Venus, Chariklo conjunct Venus, Venus square Cassini Lilith and/or Neptune, Mars square Saturn (vamp), Scorpio Sun with Sagittarius rising, Venus Spica Jupiter, Cassini Lilith conjunct Uranus. Examples abound. </input> <!-- Oct 15th 2002 --> <input> <!-- Oct 13th 2002 --> Getting married right away. Problems to be expected and solved. Quaoar can help the Astromancer in calculating marriage issues, when the rulers of the ascendant and the descendant do not present themselves in an easy arithmetical fashion. </input> <!-- Oct 13th 2002 --> Never heed what they say. Faith I have and put in you. Every day is something new. And nothing else matters! Fealty, capable of long waiting, firstborn, old fashioned love, never give up on that girl! Sex might suffer because of religious and finantial drawbacks. Missionary posture. <input> <!-- Oct 13th 2002 --> Tao knows neither yin nor yang. Yin is naturally faithful since there is only one partner in sight, Yang. Yinyanging brings about further difficult choices. Let Quaoar be the lord protector of the first love. In time, a temptation is resisted. Truemind is not false. It is true. The original chaos gives birth to the first semblances. Man and woman enmesh. When afflicted, 2002 LM60 gives birth to colonies of slippermen. The husband does not perform well his functions as concerns being out and fighting. He does not deliver what is expected from him in the world outside his family. Marriage is not favored. The mistress will have several lovers. Fealty falsely sworn. The husband might take to booze and die in loneliness. People with afflicted Quaoar might have an overprotective bossy attitude, determined to protect what they have and are behind their strongholds. Klingzor archetype, as opposed to Parzeval. Parzefalus is truemind unintentionally provoking Klingzor's self-castration. The old interplay of truemind (the Moon matrix) and false mind (Sun, ego, los voladeros). This affliction is like the fixed square between Taurus and Leo, hierophant's lust. </input> We kill no indians. There is no devil. Quaoar is good. <input> <!-- Oct 15th 200 --> The transneptunes, being disinteressed in man, exert a powerful long lasting impersonal influence on the affairs of mice and men. The last planet(ary beings) `interested' in (punishing) the fate of man seem(s) to be Saturn(ian beings, ONQIM). The Uranus sphere is hardly attainable even to the few major adepts. The transneptune sphere and mission (if any) is completely hidden even from semigods. Thus some further annotations and keywords concerning little giant 2002 LM60 Quaoar (H 1.6), a recent discovery. Fatality. VIS MAJOR. Temptation. The undercover knowledge of being enslaved by the devil. First step to exorcism. Faithfulness without a choice. Lovers divided by space (time). Fate. Physical life. The mistery of evil. Los voladeros. Time as master over the destiny of mere humans and initiates. Magister Templi. Evil temptation. Cancer. When afflicted 2002 LM60 Quaoar seems worse even than Varuna and yet more mysterious that Varuna. Both will hide their secrets for a long time, while Ixion seems more `cooperative' and/or prone to show off. As with Varuna, when one is having Qoaoar problems, they are hidden. Man ignores the very existance of inorganic beings (devils, los voladeros) and is thus enslaved. Not that being aware of their existance would help him much. His mind wil object such absurd and dreadful propositions, not being his mind at all. Therefore no one will believe in this part of the delineation. Further on when this object becomes an object of war, the mind will be commanded to discard such a proposal (we are the good guys). We kill no indians. There is no devil. Quaoar is good. This also explains the Tarot card having to do with enslave ment. The enslavement is on the mental plane, in that the inorganic installsa mind for the man-slave. We have been implanted such default minds and go around using them and thinking we do the thinking. Zen calls them `little minds', Osho suggests getting rid of them. But it is not so simple to stop thinking even for a split second. People try with orgasm, perhaps drugs, holidays, excitement, but they `just can't shake the Beast'. Attempts at meditation and genuine majik training, as well as aikido gradually remove the false mind or ego. Quaoar might be the very home of los voladeros, however fantastical this proposal even for the initiates. There is a good side to everything and simple minds will rejoice in shamanistic revivals if the proposed name Quaoar will be accepted. I attempted the arduous task of describing the non-human side of this distant icy rock. Why would it have anything to do with humans at all? Just because we name it? Or it suits our post new age business, perhaps soothing everything but perfect mothers or sell pseudoshamanism to us white trash? I'd believe a Navajo, in fact I'm working on it. Navajo astrology would perhaps have Quaoar near the Rabbits Paws constellation. This is highly experimental, though; we are a few days from the discovery and even the orbiral parameters are liable to change. The object is not named yet. But this time is the best to set some first naive delineation. </input> </LOVE> 2002 LM60 `Quaoar' - In Houses - © 2002 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. A Guide in 2002 LM60 Quaoar transneptune in horary & fun astrology. 1. Quaoar in the first house took the hard way of responsability for one's own karma. People rarely assume complete responsability for their thoughts, emotions and deeds and therefore the world is there to play with, hate and put the blame upon. Otherwise there is none. One that seeks HimSelf does not live in the world any more. Silent task performer. The rewards for a work well done is a new task. Mapping the planet. Riding a mare at night in the desert. The karmamechanic. The not-doer. Passively meeting the devil. The clash of opposite forces. A waoman badly in need of a man. Crossing this line brings more and more responsability, a hard working life, self denieal, blood, sweat and tears. Good perhaps only to the spiritual `person', bad for earthly pursuit. Attainment of territory best used for meditation. Unused ground. 2. A mysterious masked man moves at night across the city of bridges. The sky is cloudy. A powerful position. The stalker. Bad for marriage and fealty. Completely new situation. The end and completion of a cycle. PORTA INFERNA. The wand of power. The exorcist. The necromancer. Neuromancer. Astromancer. Music. Rainbow colored night. Not partecipating in the carneval as yet. The dreamer in ensueno. The absurdity of reincarnation. The man that is you. Going about one's own secret paths. Independent. This is the Xakomo Kaxanova position. Possessing a secret not even friars wield, the beloved sneaks around every corner. One wins with every hand and deck. Springfull of fortuna. All hands on decks! The eternal carnival invites your mask, too. 3. The beloved. The womb of the beloved. Breadwinner. Temporarely separated. Sexual life `suffers' rather short restraints. The beautiful. Slight jealousy. The provider. A friendly position. One note: whenever `the womb' is mantioned, it is (like in the case of Cruithne) handled and meant rather as an aditional tool of power women shamans have, than in it's (secondary?) reproductive function. Therefore the womb becomes the re-productive majikal device. Premavatar. The avatar of love. Very beautiful, indeed from the outside as well and very much the more so inside. Soul power and beauty. Possibly immaculate and eternal. Corpse does not rot away easily. Both Christ and Yogananda have this position. 4. Perhaps the worst position, in that it symbolizes finity. The end. Birth and death interlaced, but the accent is on the end. Sometimes a situation having no development and the coming of demons ever after. Every beginning is hard, better not start anything with this position in your horary or event horoscope. 5. A gossiping fellow back in jail soon. A loving relationship causes truouble due to a gossiping young man. He receives money but is thrown to jail. Idle and evil tongues provoke quarrel. This is like Mars in transit squaring the ascendant of a Davison Relationship chart. The house of lust besieged. See also `Quaoar in the 5th majikal house' in the Appendixes. 6. Working afterhours. Partying after a work undone. One orgasm only between you two? Too satisfied to do further hard work? 7. With one's own ego facing him, he makes progress and stirrs sympathy. A work well done. Competence in the matter at hand. Phalus as punisher. Supermodels as phallic symbol (Evangelista). 8. The womb. Woman demasked. Approachable. Some mental confusion. 9. The womb in the centre of an 8. The ideally shaped woman. To watch. Bathing naked for hidden observers. A host of illusions. 10. The woman hand and her idle lover. Sexual favors. The kidnapped lover. Something is yours that was not some time ago. Whose is it? 11. The womb. Two gentlemen cross their swords on a bridge. Friendly contest, rather than fight to death. Fighting for the resources. 12. The magical touch. Incantation. Seduced by the spirit. Casanova. The medium. Masonry. Matriarchate. The ancestress. SVMMVM BONVM. © 2002-2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved You are welcome to visit the Quaoar working laboratory and report. This article is © 2002 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Appendixes ========== 5. This position is perhaps the most favored of all. The majikian abandons any interest in mundane matters. This is the true and lofty Astromancer. Excellent time for astrology matters. Ascent in rank and title. One is welcome by gods. Entering the perfect world. Karma is discreated. The witness technique. Om saksi aham. Nemo. Disinteressed but successful. What a sublime opportunity! Sanyassin or hermit, the dreamer renounces the pleasures of the flesh. The guru is an astrologer, possibly vedic western astrologer and a very good one. He might benefit the world much dissipating his knowledge in shumeran conception astrology. In an early age hemight abandon interest in mental ego centered activities and his aura will grow ever since to full size. The ascent `in rank and title' might in fact be his inititation, such into swami or high (but of course modest) adepthood. Thus renouncing flesh means attaining to love. It is in the 11th house that the astrologer seeks love, while the mysterious 5th is about lust and `holy lust'. Practicing the witness technique such as in jnana yoga is the most sublime effort at ego destruction. One is justly `welcome by gods' as brahmajnana or `Knower of the Knower'. Om saks(h)i aham means `I am the witness of all'. This leads us back to the first lessons ordained by Franz Bardon. The disinteressment is total since the ego is minimal. One is not interessed in `one's own' success. /quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object For personal interpretation mail O5 DisCreation basic formula INTEND your goal. 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE: 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in. 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion. 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation. 5. Allow for the OBSTACLE's SELF-DESTRUCTION. reINTEND your goal. Besides discreating negative astrological effects, O5 delivers on daily basis, working for you as a goal achiever in real time. For best results and personal training mail <WAR> WAR Concerning the contemporary wars (Iraq) it regulates the low flying air crafts and helicopters, even combinations. Disorder, disobedience, yet medals and successful endings, casualties (1/3), the conclusion is far better then the disordered beginning; are the orders good? The war can be lost when this object is active, even if it's unafflicted. Favorable for unexpected inspections enhancing discipline. When and where this object is active, war will surely be. </WAR> TOTEMS Two turtle doves back to back observing the skies. Dragon. M0THERPIECE - Introductionary Keywords for Godmothers - Quaoar Central Ritual Computer. Mothership. Justified & Ancients. Core. Proper intent as correspondence to principles, instead of mere truthful facts. INTENTido. True Aim. Noble purpose. Sincere objectives. Womb. Heartland. Womb as dreaming instrument. Hatching. To be able to rely upon. Reliable. Dependable. Trust I feel and I put in you. The wings of the bird protects the fledglings in their nest. Proper inner feeling of exactness and sincerity as with hens tending their chickens. Truth. Hidden truth. To kiss. Heart to heart. Children depend on their parents. The thighs as dreams memory bank, the body storing innermost memories and intentidoes. Human breed for the inorganic? Body language. True Mind. Mothering 0neself. 0. Dionysian cults of eternity. Wine mysteries. Central Ritual AI. <MAJIK> Quaoar 2002 LM60 This article is © 2002 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. /quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object For personal interpretation mail O5 DisCreation basic formula INTEND your goal. 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE: 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in. 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion. 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation. 5. Allow for the OBSTACLE's SELF-DESTRUCTION. reINTEND your goal. Besides discreating negative astrological effects, O5 delivers on daily basis, working for you as a goal achiever in real time. For best results and personal training mail MAJIK Majikal influence of Quaoar 2002 - 2005 excluding sigils and talismans for travel and good luck on the sea. © 2002-2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved Quaoar influences majikally in threefold ways during the next three years. This is for general reference and cannot be used for talisman and sigil production in this form and as presented. FIRST MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Traveling Astromancer Quaoar protects the traveler. As Coelho's Alchemist, the traveler is likely to return and find his prize besides his old hearth. Gales and hurricanes are warded off using a certain talisman and sigil. Long travel initiated by the current position is likely to meet unwanted drawbacks. A `member of the crew' can oppose the project. Like Crowley in Khaled Khan or Hesse in Journey to the East, a bad star appears and it's demons. PRAESAEPE. One talks the demons away. The company `of the Ring' will have quarrels, all ends well. rescue missions are favored by this first influence. SECOND MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Astronomicon Incantations Ethical majikians will be trained in evocation. Evocation is also a communication with a star-spirit, or a planetary god. ASTRONOMY DOMINE as Pink Floyd would. The astromancer induces a trance and receives and discusses with this second influence. Powerful majik words will dominate every spirit as this initation is received by a highly ethical and balanced adept. THIRD MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Astralogy Astrology is an astral science. In this initiation, the astromamcer learns his way about in the astral kingdom. The incipient student practices lucid dreaming and O5 basics. In this phase, meeting hostile entities assumes dramatical dimensions. FURTHER INFLUENCES - Kabala and Finance - 2004 The two subsequent initiations will be kabala or the use of word and color. Trade and monetary matters, the make of coins, is the next initiation. Like the Euro, a new global currency may well be imminent. First class finantial training, events and gain. One currency to bind 'em all. Finantial domination and the science of creating a large profit. Monopoly. The incipient majikian learns finantioal O5 first. See also 2002 AW197 finantiasteroid below or from webpage </MAJIK> SYMBOLS Pierced heart? Psi. A target with an arrow through the center. A drum on a decorated standard. A square with the middle marked. A waterbird in the form of the greek letter `psi' shielding it's fledglings. 0. Humpty Dumpty. ARTS Visual naive arts. The screen baby. Computer random art. HEALTH Isolated, wrongly accused, falling hazard, sexual denial BUSINESS A big corporation triangulating the competition. A triumvirate is formed as gross capitalism has nowhere to implode. Food industry. Disneyland. Canada. See also <MAJIK> ============================ annotations The current position of 2002 LM60 is 11 sag. 2002-Nov-04 00:00 250.1344145 6.9173345 2002-Dec-24 00:00 251.4032499 6.9195802 2003-Feb-12 00:00 252.3593677 7.0249039 2003-Apr-03 00:00 252.4481925 7.1723898 2003-May-23 00:00 251.7179272 7.2655174 2003-Jul-12 00:00 250.8115323 7.2439266 2003-Aug-31 00:00 250.4823681 7.1332104 2003-Oct-20 00:00 251.0587754 7.0194616 2003-Dec-09 00:00 252.2639556 6.9849017 2004-Jan-28 00:00 253.4062479 7.0600163 (NASA JPL HORIZONS Integrator by Jon Giorgini) This article is © 2002 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. /quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object For personal interpretation mail O5 DisCreation basic formula INTEND your goal. 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE: 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in. 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion. 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation. 5. Allow for the OBSTACLE's SELF-DESTRUCTION. reINTEND your goal. Besides discreating negative astrological effects, O5 delivers on daily basis, working for you as a goal achiever in real time. For best results and personal training mail The zen cook breaks the vase. A scribe holding aloft his broken pen. << 2002 LM60 in aspect with Uranus: protected skies. The eye in the sky. Spy Sattelites. New astr@logy. 2002 LM60 calms down Uranus, bringing peace. >> <input> <!-- Oct 10th 2002 --> The 2002 LM60 Uranus (conjunction) transit for the U.S.A. for this new year (roughly Dec 28th 2002), however, is not a calm series of days. Open conflicts are likely, useless agression and failure of peace treaties (albeit one of the fractions retreats from the major cities). A religious call and speach rings like the Arm(s) of God. The Lord of the Hosts (or warlord) in the Holy Bible. </input> © 2002-2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved Binary wars. IBM launches a new product. Mainframe computing for the masses. The end of all technology. Floods. A book bearing a message of careful armed peace leads the masses to the final resolution, completely dislodging the enemies from their homes. A hard but final decision. This minor (?) planet acts as a Saturn direction or a Jupiter - Saturn clash. It sends a Gemini to punish a Capricorn. Major hacker wars. Breaking in, dislodging, punishing. The display of a symbol of authority and power. Message (of peace) unspoken? Dragon eagle totem. The ink in the well. (the `blood of a poet') Divide and take the right half. (That happened to Germany.) MOTHERPIECE Tiamat? Hague court martial. The country leader waving half of the symbol (coat of arms) of the enemy nation above his head in proclamation. ========================================================= Retrace, recapitulate, relive, retrace one's steps Christ stands (holds the doors) on the door Waiting at the door, ready to go Lethern shoes, this boots are made for walking Moccassine Political triumvirates and long term politics The world made up of three countries only? Puzzle ====== Hidden way wantonly bound connecting revealed devotion of unknown disarray. /2003/tno © 2002, 2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved Simscans, symbol(s), rulership, zones /1/, orbit, aspectarian, delineation, examples, applications, totems, talismans, sigils, incantations, rationale. /1/ Which Earth's LOCATION reflects the position of 2002 LM60? How to check for the charActeristics of this major object? Direct it, if you are an astrologer, and report your findings. Ixion and Chaos included, April 2002 Centaurs/Transneptunes Report © 2002 Klaudio Zic </Quaoar 2002 LM60> This article is © 2002 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. /quaoar 2002 LM60 the new astrological object For personal interpretation mail O5 DisCreation basic formula INTEND your goal. 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE: 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in. 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion. 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation. 5. Allow for the OBSTACLE's SELF-DESTRUCTION. reINTEND your goal. Besides discreating negative astrological effects, O5 delivers on daily basis, working for you as a goal achiever in real time. For best results and personal training mail 2002 LM60 - Quaoar - The greatest discovery since Pluto ! řřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřř About the Author. Klaudio Zic has been delineating 1992 QB1 while most people were unaware of the very existance of the TNO or transneptune objects. Some of the first discoveries were nicked almost as a joke, Smiley and Karla. Astrologers did not dare use them transneptunes or did not have the luck and technical knowledge. 2002 LM60 should give everybody the opportunity to learn. We have still a couple of TNOs to delineate and of course new giants to come. Our competence and methods differ but we hope we work for a common goal! Serenella Venier, Xiomara Oncilota, Franzine Lucette Hans and Celestia Navagero for A.C.A., Oct 15th 2002, Serenissima. Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 16. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 16. december 2002 This article is © 2002 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Quaoar in the 12 Majikal Houses - A Horary Majikian's Manual 1. Quaoar in the first house can be used for kundalini majik, _if_ the practicant knows what he does. On the whole if one can wait for a better time, he is advised to skip the operation. Travel spells are perhaps favored and majikal parties arranged. 2. The Great Work. The 4 women stalkers supporting their Nagual. The untruncated pyramid. He who climbs loses the world below. The progressing airplane seems small. Distant goals seem so vague. In the case of the pyramid, diminishing is progressing. Nothing is at the top. Nothing has a stong basis. Quaoar was labeled `Magister Templi' in one annotation. However, it may rule Binah. Let this degree remain secret for the time being and the purpose of this article. The second house is PORTA INFERNA and in hell even Carlos Castaneda works. Good for material gains connected with one's mission. Treasure charts are futurity blueprints. Measure seven times, then cut. A perfect plan. All goes according to masterplan. 3Jane. Partners split and form their own enterprizes. Go your own way, then. Get rid of old majik tools and procedures, make space for new. 3. Do not rush. At this horary time await. In a hour or two the constellations will warrant a prosperous issue. In the meantime have fun or take a trip. Do not forget to avoid the evil star of Alpha Serpentis, too. /1/ If you must use Quaoar with this position, do avoid 22 sco in the same house or prominent /2/ Quaoar in the third house means evoking spirits of famous deceased persons like Lao Tzu or pao Hsi, probably for an extremely comfortable short time and compressed information. The beloved. The womb of the beloved. Breadwinner. Temporarely separated. Sexual life `suffers' rather short restraints. The beautiful. Slight jealousy. The provider. A friendly position. Premavatar. The avatar of love. Very beautiful, indeed from the outside as well and very much the more so inside. Soul power and beauty. Possibly immaculate and eternal. Corpse does not rot away easily. Love divine. Inorganic travel. Spirit evocation can mean spirits come `in flesh' or seem to have come in flesh. Thus your guru may `visit you' even after he has deceased (in his own way). One example is Star Wars where Anakin Yoda and Obi-Wan reappear to Luke. The Bible hosts and example and the vedas should be full of `darshan's or close apparitions. See also Taisha Abelar and Franz Bardon for more. Both Christ and Yogananda have this position. 4. A good position to help a friend victimized by drugs. Also for those who have nightmares. Sometimes they are the blessed ones but in this case nightmares can be true astral assaults. In war this position is one of vigil. Night attacks expected. Towers are taken. Weaklings and double tongues are dislodged. One does not easily use his majikal weapons. A new lodge and order is proclaimed at this time. Dislodging. Sol in Gemini. Sol in Taurus. When Quaoar is closely conjunct I.C., even the guru is tempted by close joyous temptations that would almost spoil him. In war one is ready to die but does not die. The position is most likely of those born by the sea. As Crowley would in his masterpiece swan song `Khaled Khan': `Restrain yourself and thou shalt be free'. 5. This position is perhaps the most favored of all. The majikian abandons any interest in mundane matters. This is the true and lofty Astromancer. Excellent time for astrology matters. Ascent in rank and title. One is welcome by gods. Entering the perfect world. Karma is discreated. The witness technique. Om saksi aham. Nemo. Disinteressed but successful. What a sublime opportunity! Sanyassin or hermit, the dreamer renounces the pleasures of the flesh. The guru is an astrologer, possibly vedic western astrologer and a very good one. He might benefit the world much dissipating his knowledge in shumeran conception astrology. In an early age hemight abandon interest in mental ego centered activities and his aura will grow ever since to full size. The ascent `in rank and title' might in fact be his inititation, such into swami or high (but of course modest) adepthood. Thus renouncing flesh means attaining to love. It is in the 11th house that the astrologer seeks love, while the mysterious 5th is about lust and `holy lust'. Practicing the witness technique such as in jnana yoga is the most sublime effort at ego destruction. One is justly `welcome by gods' as brahmajnana or `Knower of the Knower'. Om saks(h)i aham means `I am the witness of all'. This leads us back to the first lessons ordained by Franz Bardon. The disinteressment is total since the ego is minimal. One is not interessed in `one's own' success. 6. Toil, fight, responsability, too much opposing forces, too eager to do it right, too much fire. Even if all is well planned and orderly, the excessive amount of zeal leads to dissapointment (like in extreme militant nationalism) and the end is oblivion. Very evil for love majik. Not very good for an attack. Pause. 7. Peace. Natural flow. No need for celibacy. The lower three cakras at work (as in Three of Cups). Perhaps having no wish at all or diminishing one's ambitions and actions. Rest. Giving in. 8. `We love you, CatMother!'. This is Molly's (Neuromancer) position. All is fair in love and war. A divine fiery woman brings about unexpected events. The matter at hand can be divined, though. 9. And there were two. Twin stalkers. Twin dreamers. Twin dragons. Lodges clashing after walking together for some time. Physical fight (Molly breaks her leg). The MatriX has you! Grin and be out of it fast. 3Jane and Molly in apparent fight. Jacob at Peniel. 10. Let the sun shine. Aspiration to the great boss. But the Beast can bite! Be sure of your rank. Towards savikalpa samadhi, but one has still a gross ego on his back. Los Voladeros. There and back, as Tolkien would. Retreat if attacked. Anahata. False Mind. This is the position of a known avatar. Intrigue, avatarship and perhaps a doubt or two to the followers. What is perfect illumination? Authorities see it in Swami Madhavananda, Swami Maheshvarananda, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Narayanananda; but the same authorities could deny an avatarship here and there. This transcends our little delineation but I have found my own provisory delimneation intriguing to say the least about this position for the avatar. We could say the fight against the devil (los voladeros) ends for some and for some it still goes on. The ego can be unshakeable as many adepts and saints witnessed in their own time. This house is now obviousely a powerful placement for Quaoar. Quaoar is shown here in it's esquisitly active spiritual form, not only fighting the ego devil, but also aspiring or attaining to avatarship, therefore transcending flesh and becoming an inorganic being proper, an avatar. Anahata is mentioned and an adventure in Middle Earth. Ego comes and goes but one day it never returns. This has been decribed by Aleister Crowley, too, and in a very lovely and reader friendly fashion. `Be sure of your rank' seems to be the warning. The classic song `Hotel California' states the `just can't kill the beast'. Los Voladeros are crafty fellows and one cannot just stab in the dark and hope for deliverance! 11. Enochian towers. Speak the password. A stable situation. Something is coocking. Sexual tantra. Access Granted. In the Straylight Villa. 12. Use less majikal power or even skip this, or better, do it quickly. O5 CASCADE. Do not demostrate your powers. Do not let anyone look into your Sanctuary. The crypt. The last attack of Los Voladeros. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved /1/ Alpha Serpentis, a traditionally evil horary star. ş UnukalHai 15h44m22s3 6ř25'10" 267ř01'12" 6ř05'28" şş alfSer 22ř06'15" Sco 25n31 27Li19.8 MC 28Sc20 şş _________________________________________________________________________ ş /2/ Such as conjunct a significator. <MAJIK> Quaoar 2002 LM60 MAJIK Majikal influence of Quaoar 2002 - 2005 excluding sigils and talismans for travel and good luck on the sea. Quaoar influences majikally in threefold ways during the next three years. This is for general reference and cannot be used for talisman and sigil production in this form and as presented. FIRST MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Traveling Astromancer Quaoar protects the traveler. As Coelho's Alchemist, the traveler is likely to return and find his prize besides his old hearth. Gales and hurricanes are warded off using a certain talisman and sigil. Long travel initiated by the current position is likely to meet unwanted drawbacks. A `member of the crew' can oppose the project. Like Crowley in Khaled Khan or Hesse in Journey to the East, a bad star appears and it's demons. PRAESAEPE. One talks the demons away. The company `of the Ring' will have quarrels, all ends well. rescue missions are favored by this first influence. SECOND MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Astronomicon Incantations Ethical majikians will be trained in evocation. Evocation is also a communication with a star-spirit, or a planetary god. ASTRONOMY DOMINE as Pink Floyd would. The astromancer induces a trance and receives and discusses with this second influence. Powerful majik words will dominate every spirit as this initation is received by a highly ethical and balanced adept. THIRD MAJIKAL INFLUENCE - Astralogy Astrology is an astral science. In this initiation, the astromamcer learns his way about in the astral kingdom. The incipient student practices lucid dreaming and O5 basics. In this phase, meeting hostile entities assumes dramatical dimensions. FURTHER INFLUENCES - Kabala and Finance - 2004 The two subsequent initiations will be kabala or the use of word and color. Trade and monetary matters, the make of coins, is the next initiation. Like the Euro, a new global currency may well be imminent. First class finantial training, events and gain. One currency to bind 'em all. Finantial domination and the science of creating a large profit. Monopoly. The incipient majikian learns finantioal O5 first. See also 2002 AW197 finantiasteroid below or from webpage </MAJIK> 2002 LM60 the new astrological object Ci piace volare altri. Ma vogliamo soddisfare anche chi resta sempre un po' con i piedi per terra. Fly others, help'em walk. Program * * I Ching * Astr@logy * O5 Majik The busy man at the airport perhaps closed his eyes for a second. You don't know it, but he's just set up the vibration for his interview. Yes he created an event ahead. Perhaps timed it, if he's a `snowcrashing' O5 master. What does this mean? That people can actually create events out of the blue? Which people? Is that legal? In O5 we trust. O5 is a natural active prayer. We just help God tidying up a bit. Suggest a butterfly there, a blue sky here. Everybody imagines mental pictures, sometimes full of emotion. Deliberate imagination upon a clear silver screen begins as fiction factory and ends up materialized, one lives his dream. Life has been meant to. While your kind religious upbringing prepares the soul for self remembering, O5 is just a tool, the hand of man, perhaps touching the Hand of God. It's a nice tool coming from Tibet. Welcome to it! If you are reading this, you are liable to know much about astrology. What about the new and thrilling centaurean astrology? Ever heard about the new gigantic transneptuners? Yes, our knowledge of the solar system improved drastically in the past decan. The most important discoveries in the past 200 years have been made a couple of years ago. I Ching is nothing new, of course. Perhaps the approach may change. If you are an astrologer, you might use it for delineating directions. If you just like to get a host of answers to your questions, you are welcome to. But it would be nice to learn some operative I Ching basics. We are resourceful. Take your time. The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures are © Copyright 1994-2002 Klaudio Zic. for information and eventual further publishing permission. Discreation basic formula INTEND your goal. 1. MERGE with the OBSTACLE: 2. Expand with the OBSTACLE as you breath it in. 3. Exit and LABEL the OBSTACLE for deletion. 4. Disclaim the OBSTACLE as your own now useless creation. 5. Allow for the OBSTACLE's SELF-DESTRUCTION. reINTEND your goal. O5 is available through and the mailing list archives It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by INTENT that my thoughts acquire speed, The dream acquires form, The form pervades certainty. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Dyads/tuition by e-mail: To join O5 mailing list, mail with the message `subscribe puck' in the body of the letter. Astr@logy 2003 Services BASIC 150 $ O5 2 weeks e-mail tuition futurechanger Astr@logy 6 months predictions rock solid ||| I Ching 5 answers BONUS 300 $ O5 4 weeks e-mail tuition cascade Astr@logy 12 months predictions centaurs ||| I Ching 10 answers PREMIER O5 12 weeks e-mail tuition events creation Astr@logy 1 Mb material complete service ||| I Ching 108 answers indulge in asking since 1977 ASTROLOGICAL TUITION /reports A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions. Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations will excell in precision and the prediction will be exact to the minute. Why most of the charts on Earth are miscalculated? "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala. C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris of any object. Calculating the horoscope from any object (e.g. Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation. Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis. D) Centaur Objects. Hylonome, Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus, 1994TA Pylenor, 2000QC243, 2001PT13 and others. E) 2002 LM60 Quaoar. New giant transneptunes. Ixion. 2002 AW197. Varuna. 2002 KX14, 2001 UR163. Chaos. Rhadamanthus. 1992QB1. F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets". G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second moon' trojan Cruithne, Damocles, Cassini Lilith, Amors, Atens, Apollos, Hilda, comets, brown dwarfs, Nibiru; planetary nodes, Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes; Raziel, Devil's Rose. H) Stargate. Major stars. Primary direction of a star. I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes. J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix? What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas. Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps. Klaudio Zic, Personal Astr@loger, I Ching Expert, O5 Futurechanger © 2002 Klaudio Zic * All the loves in one's life * Relationship predictions * Timing love affairs * Marriage, children, compatibility * Surprises, windfalls, lottery * Business issues * Timing your decisions * Life choices * Spiritual guidance * Direct intervention in the structure of the future * Empowerment, motivation, initiation * Manifest what you _really_ want! * Skywatch including centaurs and transneptuners * Exclusive: Dark Planets Pucket Dictionary, a Guide to Some odd words need extra elucidation and here's them do it: voladeros = los voladeros, a Carlos Castaneda hallmark for a sort of private inorganic devil, the flyer ::||:: the real enemy of man that makes man an useless repetitious and predictable being, instead of the majikal infinite being he was born into this world as the voladero feeds upon man's energy and emotional emanation (thus monks train not to have emotions, or observe them in `witness' fashion) /1/ futurity = a possible future, one of the possible futures out of an infinite choice of futures (adventurity is a possible adventure) ming = mind |:| like a shining clear device true mind = the original mind, zen mind, prenatal, true self deedeelike, purposeful, concentrated, meditating, meeting pleasant trinkets of consciousness, unexpected, inner silence, intent, lunar mind false mind = the solar ego, voladero install, default mind, one size fits all, cheap daily mind everybody uses, paranoid, grotesque, hideous, reserved, protective, frenetically on guard, on tiptoe, cunning, baroque, predatory, hungry, contradictory, ill tempered, dexterlike, in fear of being discovered, worried, problem creating, believer, the mark of the beast, uniform, egomaniacal, competing, routine, rat race, hopes and fears, pastoral, binary minded, dies irae dictating, hateful, gothic, dark, unconcentrated, uncaring, heavy, greedy, overambitious, solar mind two minds = man has apparently only the daily idiotical routine mind, the one-size-fits-all mind, with it's ideals of `the purse full of gold and the hand of Helen of Troy' (quoting Crowley), but there is yet another hidden original mind, forgotten perhaps by the age of three, true mind; Osho suggests to get rid of the false (that is daily, the `only one we know') mind sensei = the initiated mind is it's own guru or a combination of sense and guru; it has sensei to meditate now devel = diaboladero, diavoladero, the devil, personal devil, an inorganic being, ruler of this world (of man, the devil has nothing to do with cows), an old form of the word `devil', possibly of mid-eastern origin discreate = to turn the laserbeam spotlight of one's purposeful and concentrated truemind with truewill towards the truly noble object (discreating is a way of saying, deconcentrating on the negativity); to dissolve negativities in the mental, astral and the physical domain (as well as the casual/akasa) intent = intentido, a higher function of true self, the active side of infinity (ananta), 5th attention attention = first attention - karma yoga - physical body environment second attention - bhakti yoga - awake in dreamworld third attention - raja yoga - hells and paradises fourth attention - jnana yoga - transcending false ego fifth attention - sahaja yoga - intentido! astr@logy = helping the rural people for a better planet /1/ search for `voladeros' Chinese called them `thunders' We call them devils `put aside for us' Some have names like in Shakespeare's King Lear Voladeros are inorganic beings from outer space The mind we use most of the time is not ours, it is theirs Our original (zen!) mind is hardly in use One can must discard the false ego and regain true mind Discipline achieves true mind Discipline is defined as the openess to surprise in little things Dee Dee is Dexter's sister in the cartoon and good example of truemind Dexter is too preocupied and self centered, even afraid of being discovered, and thus a negaitive example of false ego! The whole of our civilization fosters the false ego The devil is the ruler of this world of men You can shake off the devil with discipline (controlled folly) Dogma and systems of beliefs are the voladero's installation so that it can keep man under control The best way to control man is to install an alien mind into him `Do not fight evil!' Our Lord Jesus Christ was tempted by the voladero in the desert A winner over the voladero can become an inorganic being himself Untill you become as small children A rich man will never reach devahan The conclusion is that there's nothing genuine for your true mind in places like stock exchange, competitive enterprises, i.e. in the western capitalist world A cult comic, Cry for Dawn, comments this often and delineates © 2002 Klaudio Zic Predictive Astrology - Prices in $ - AMORE LOVE VENERE TRANSITI $ 25 (amori attualizzabili) VENUS TRANSITS AMORI VITA $ 100 (i amori della vita) ALL LOVES IN ONE'S LIFE COPPIA I $ 90 (il oroscopo della coppia) RELATIONSHIP CHART COPPIA II $ 150 (coppia predizioni) RELATIONSHIP PREDICTIONS O5 da $ 80 mensili (magia cambiafuturo) O5 POCKET MAGICK TUITION PIANETA NOSTRADAMO da $ 30 (pianeti speciali) VARUNA DELINEATION PIANETI AMOROSI da $ 60 (pianeti del amore) LOVESEX PLANETS LILIT CASSINI $ 80 (segreti sessuali) TRUE LILIT DELINEATION ASTROLOGIA ASTR@LOGY OROSCOPO BIMBO da $ 45 CHILDREN HOROSCOPE COPPIA PREVISIONI $ 175 RELATIONSHIP PREDICTIONS PREVISIONI UN ANNO $ 125 PREDICTIONS FOR ONE YEAR TRANSITS PREVISIONI VITA $ 285 LONG RANGE PREDICTIONS YEAR MONTH DAY PIANETI SPECIALI da $ 35 CENTAURS TRANSNEPTUNERS DARKPLANETS ANIMALI DOMESTICI da $ 99 PETS HOROSCOPES SYNASTRY PREDICTIONS ~ ~ Thu Oct 17 06:54:49 GMT 2002 Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 16. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 16. december 2002 Quaoar in Finance © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved 1. Quaoar in the first house means solid money and bold succesful enterprise. Go for the best and hit the center. The rise of capital while moving to the central position. This is a wage rising position. Workers asking for a rise should boldly step into the boss office and speak from it's center. Since the boss occupies the main desk which shields him and has drawn the stalker on it's own territory, the stalked in assumes a surprise central position and speaks from his heart. 2. Investing capital overseas. Quaoar in the second house means export import business. The stress is on export. The quick shipping of goods requires no storage facilities. The sea has always been the natural route for a large exportation. Dividing the enterprise into smaller venues is a well known defense attack tactique. Big monopolists can hide splitting their systems = you don't know which trees are really mine and get lost in the forest. What if they are _all_ mine? DIVIDE ET IMPERA as attacking tactics or SPLIT AND COOSE THE BEST for you. This is like a lion tearing a gnu apart and choosing the best flesh first. This position means safe expense. The Vatican cartel. 3. Quaoar in the third house means extra gain. This meaning extends to surprise gain or lucky strike like rewards for a work well done. Since there does not seem to be an immediate connection between the reward and the work, we are inclined to see this position as good fortune. But the third position is not that simple. It requires foresight and help from centaur Asbolus. Shipping in a hurry or a business trip will at best be dissuaded by wise introspection or divination. This is not a time to hurry. We don't have all the parameters at hand and are yet capable to deal with unexpected business. Disposing of a troublemaker will not be easy. My advice would be to be very reasonable and take no big risks. Even divination and Asbolus himself cannot predict all the issues of tis position. Facets of this position include people who did not decide if they do care or not for money at all the `nothing really matters' attitude. Intruders can live without any money or work since they surprise society with their lack of compatibilty. Who shall sow shal reap. Even when he forgot. Thus benefit comes from past good deed. Duty does what it should and does not calculate the result. This looks like special karma. At the time when I was writing these lines, encouraged with the behavior of finantial asteroid 2002 AW197 in the case of Alaska, I dared venture in the middle ages. 1300 is the year. It seems that Quaoar had a long conjunction with 2002 AW197 at that time. This very lines are the example of Quaoar in the third house. One writes for the sake of writing an perhaps profits later when least expected! People will gain at lottery, acquire real estate, get (in)famous, and experience a rise in personal power, money and property. The working man is promoted. Students should persist with their studies to the victorious end. All in all, students prosper; when they discreate a phantom menace. Merchants experience profit. Afflictions still lead to a harmonious issue, but require common sense, social intelligence, an undertaking attitude and plenty of space for improvisation on the spot. Enterprises still young experience unexpected ups and downs. After a time and a transit, a well regulated pattern takes us to safe waters. 4. Quaoar in the fourth house seems to cherish musical industry and show business. In less prudish times, this type of business could be called prostitution. Film stars are sexual symbols and supermodels are phallic symbols. This position is enhanced by centauress Chariklo. This is the position of the problem solvers. Even if solving the problem is to make one relax for a while. Rockefeller who lived under stress and paranoia from his own close co workers, once escaped and got mind cured by a farmer friend. Entertainment as anti stress and possibly source of inspiration? Among the possible delineations, this position might include the propagandistic activities of the black lodges. Since investment is our topic, it seems that a highway is a best investition. Building is favored. Prostituition allures the false mind. Psychobabble is not true learning. The mind is hardly silenced and concentrated in this position. The lower cakra and sexual instincts play a major role in the world of advertising. Show them a good pair of legs and have the `right words' and they buy the product. It is such a manner that advertising stirrs up temporary enthusiasm towards things ephemeral. They all want must have it! Glamor propaganda and show business can even stirr and send people to war. The stimulation is visual, sexual and verbal. One is convinced he fights for his ideals. Glenn Miller and Marylin Monroe enMesh a convincing marshing atmosphere for the typical male to die for his ol'boys cigar Elvis and Southern Comfort, and the japs might as well go to hell. While the japs might have demigods for kings and eternal life, this cotton warrior fights for a drink in the bar. The business of the broker is to attract/divert attention to easy stocks. This is bull-baiting at it's best. Uncle$aming the nation. 5. A mighty finantial concern is investing capital overseas with success. The organization may have a semireligious connotation. A masonic lodge enters business. The primary motives are not gain. Insurance companies. With us your money is safe. Swiss banking. Foundations like money distributing institutions. Large transport companies. Shipping dangerous material. Exporting wine. Helping the nations in dire need. UNICEF? Taking care of the family. Various religious organizations sending missionaries. Daniel Quinn would not agree on this but Quaoar in the fifth house does not seem to be interessed in personal gain. 6. Quaoar in the sixth house is a sure omen of majestic business success and honestly earned riches. Even in a horary or solar return chart, this position is most promising! 7. This position never seems to accomplish anything. The whole affair might stand on rotten legs. Outdated ideas, unfinished projects, too strong opposition, the lack of support, goods, base materials. Time to start something really new and strong. 8. Taking a chance on a risky new enterprise. The total reform means investing in new facilities. Food industry favored. Strong opposition and competition. Disharmony within the enterprise. Good for fashion designers and stylists who aim at shocking the public. Works fine with Chariklo. Good for fast food. Excellent for `usa e getta' use and dispose off objects. Bad for merchandise awaiting too long for shipping. Excellent for Murano glass. This position seems to favor original ideas, possibly turned into mass product and shipped immediately. One example could be the Pokemons. The feel is this is not an easy position for Quaoar. 9. Legal issues. A very hard position. Partners will quarrel. Old karma resurface. In extreme cases lawsuits require even carceration. Interference, jealousy, mafia, physical injury, agressive negotiations. A third party very likely interferes. Industrial espionage, criminal, mangled or old goods sold, lawsuits follow. The market in it's triumphal madness. Stock exchange. Sanctions. War games. Meat industry. Cat food. This position is enhanced with any Sun Mars square. 10. Quaoar in the tenth house has a surprising impact on the horoscope. If this planetoid ever appeared as calm and transparent, it is in this position that it shows it's transforming power. Almost like Pluto, it does not tollerate old positions. It favors violent upheavals instead. Wherever `dislodging' was mentioned, it is this side of Quaoar that acts. Invisible in time to an unattentive observerer, the ever present change acts and with vehemence, too, to the surprise of the monopolist. Something moved in the corner. Tentacles grew in the dark lake. There was a stirring in the reeds. The guardian who ignored it will see his tyrant unhorsed and his reign speeded into oblivion now. The Wheel of Fortune is unfavorable to the tyrant. In political terms this refers to revolutionary change. The Doge of Venice was humiliated by Napoleon. Venetian churches were stripped of their Bons, Tintorettos, Tizians, Tiepolos, Palmas and Strozzis. One loses his political independence and is punished for tyrany. Often the change comes typically from within his enterprise. Quaoar in the tenth house mercilessly announces losing power while being humiliated by the confiscation of one's possessions. It is thus the herald of bancrupcy. I might add that Venice did plunder for at least a couple of hundred of years. This mediteranean transport monopolist loot includes two monumental columns one can observe nowdays in the main square. They were too heavy for Napoleon to take. But don't count on the apparently implicit message and get away with it. Things xhange, will change and Napoleon can still bombard the collumns. Those who gained will lose. It might not be visible now. Wait for some triggering direction and transit and monopolism ends up in one day. This can mean great stock exchange upheavals unrepairable by today's technology. Old rubber on a stalled market does not stand a chance. Old rubber has not the elastic qualities this penetrating planetoid attacks with triumph. This is Quaoar announcing a new aeon. 11. With Quaoar in the eleventh house, whether in a nativity or a horary chart, one is well advized to save his stocks and resources. The eleventh house is of course the one of the money earned by the enterprise. As a rule: do nothing. When unsure, don't act. And when you act, act from slightly behind the scene. Keep what you got, especially real estate. Form a trust, an interest circle, a club; but trust only the oldest friends. Beginnings of big enterprises. Imperial adventures. Ruling a land. The Queen and the country. We're losing droids fast. Only old friends will do, and as a rule only those in which you had and could have confidence at least for the last ten years. Olive oil industry and resources are favored, woman clubs, a long established exchange with a minister, friends few but tried and true. In fact a decrease in social mingling seems favored. Discretion. This is the position of the stalker secretly moving with refined detachment; instead of the lurking, thus obvious unpatient beginner. 12. This last house paradoxally cherishes the former monopolists and successful people in your business. One pilgrims to the tomb of Henry Ford. One lights a candle for Forbes. No need for alarm but this does not seem to be a richly enjoying house party. The conclusion of worldly ambitions. Some quite unnecessary and unproductive regret. The position is obviousely past one's competence, but as one leaves the world, little errors can be pardoned. I note in sheer horror that the person is in favorable position of communication with the other world. Dead persons will yield informations and skelletons will speak. In my oppinion, this position is one of the person tryin to profit from the experiences of deceased businessmen. Occult means can be applied, and in fact I see them working! Copyright © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Claudio Valentin Solis Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 27. december 2002 Avtor Prijavi Deli 27. december 2002 Najvechji asteroidi za 2002: From: Horizons Ephemeris System <>Subject: SRCH3 (1/1) Automated mail xmit by PORT_LOGIN, PID= 27982 Fri Dec 27 06:56:03 2002++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (part 1 of 1) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *******************************************************************************JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2002-Dec-27 06:55:15 Asteroids only parameter search: H < 5.5; Matching small-bodies: Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H -------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- 1 2000 (undefined) Ceres 3.34 2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13 3 1978 (undefined) Juno 5.33 4 2000 (undefined) Vesta 3.20 10 1994 (undefined) Hygiea 5.43 15 1993 (undefined) Eunomia 5.16 15874 2002 1996 TL66 [...unnamed...] 5.40 19308 2002 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50 19521 2002 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90 20000 2002 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70 24835 2002 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80 26181 2002 1996 GQ21 [...unnamed...] 5.20 26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70 28978 2002 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20 38628 2002 2000 EB173 [...unnamed...] 4.70 42301 2002 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 4.20 47171 2002 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.90 48639 2002 1995 TL8 [...unnamed...] 5.40 50000 2002 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.60 100182 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 4.10 100448 2002 2001 CZ31 [...unnamed...] 5.40 101512 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.30 101879 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.70 102943 2002 1997 CS29 [...unnamed...] 5.20 103874 2002 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 5.10 123187 2002 2000 CJ105 [...unnamed...] 5.40 123191 2002 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 5.00 123192 2002 2000 CO105 [...unnamed...] 5.40 126291 2002 1999 CD158 [...unnamed...] 5.10 127042 2002 2002 PJ149 [...unnamed...] 5.30 127210 2002 2002 PQ145 [...unnamed...] 5.40 131702 2002 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.30 143978 2002 2001 YH140 [...unnamed...] 5.10 144024 2002 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90 158038 2002 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60 158062 2002 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.90 158340 2002 2001 KA77 [...unnamed...] 5.00 167179 2002 2001 QT297 [...unnamed...] 5.30 167184 2002 2001 QY297 [...unnamed...] 5.30 167191 2002 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70 167197 2002 2001 QS322 [...unnamed...] 5.40 167213 2002 2001 UQ18 [...unnamed...] 4.90 192106 2002 2002 GV31 [...unnamed...] 5.30 200050 2002 2002 VE95 [...unnamed...] 5.30 (44 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-colon.)******************************************************************************* Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 24. januar 2003 Avtor Prijavi Deli 24. januar 2003 Novice in newsgroup: news:// in Netscape 4.7 priporocheni browserji. news:// /slovenija Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 29. januar 2003 Avtor Prijavi Deli 29. januar 2003 Gandalf in Bush, pa novi transneptunski gigant 2003 AZ84. news:// /slovenija Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 31. januar 2003 Avtor Prijavi Deli 31. januar 2003 tno update /2003AZ84.bush efemeride komaj danes (NASA), gre se za 16 raka (106). news:// /slovenija Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
stu2 3. februar 2003 Prijavi Deli 3. februar 2003 A ni nasa že potrdila obstoj 10 planeta-vsaj tako pravi Mohorič.Si mogoče bral sobotno prilogo dela iz 18.01 2003 kjer avtor Robert G.Bauval razlaga tezo da je bil napad na USA 11 septembra del velikega načrta načrta ki ga je že Aleister Crowley opisal kot da mora satan _aiweis uničiti judovskega Jehovo, da bi se ponovno rodil.Ne vspe mi povezat zakaj je bil BinLaden na spisko plačancev CIA,in da so oni (CIA) naročili napad.HVALA ZA DRAGOCENE PODATKE (iluzija muce Mice je v tarotu opisana kot velika svečenica;5 je pa itak simbol prostozidarjev,pentagram.) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 4. februar 2003 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. februar 2003 Quaoar je nekaj manjshi kot Pluton. Mislish na brown dwarfs? NASA skenira in bom obvestil che je kaj uradnega. 12 planetov seveda po shumeranski. Crowley? Odlichen astrolog. Kjer je to Crowley ... mislim dost je tega pisal, kakshnih 650 ? knjig, traktatov. Kdo je Mohorich? jaz sem ta hip na bavarskem, ne zhivim v Sloveniji. jahweh naj bi bil ENLIL itn. Zanimiiva tema. Eni (zetatalk) imajo koordinate Nibiru-ja. Pravkar predstavljam brown dwarfs (veliko je rachuna, SIMBAD server itn). 93 claudio news:// /slovenija Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 4. februar 2003 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. februar 2003 Ne NASA nima z tem nich. Nekaj chasa nazaj so pa vstanovili 'Delegacijo Sonchnega Sistema' (?), to je uradno. Kjer naj bi bil deseti? Quaora vpade pod 'minor planets', she vedno. Celo Pluto naj bi bil TNO, Neptun ta zadnji. Za desetega nisem slishal. Uradno? NASA? Prav gotovo bi slishal, saj se 'zraven'. Pluto je pravzaprav transneptun (to izhaja iz orbite). Deseti bi moral imeti designacijo, oziroma ime RA/decl; efemeride. Nibiru je neuradno skeniran. Saj vem da nekaj mutijo sem pa tja pa ih ne sprashujem prevech; lep pozdrav , C. news:// /slovenija Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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