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Spolnost in duhovnost

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  27. 7. 2016 at 12:09, Pico Della Mirandola pravi:

s svojo energijo delujem v prid Krishni..

tantriki so impersonalisti majavadiji..


ampak še zmer niste odgovoril na vprašanje

kako to da, če je seks res tok zdrav, da so tisti, ki ga konzumirajo v velikih količinah, postarani, zgubani, skratka nikakvi, tudi njih duše niso radostne in potešene kot bi morale biti, ampak si želijo drugih izkustev z drugimi ljudmi,pa tudi sla po ostalih materialijah se poveča

ne bom citiral Bhagavad gite ampak tm jasn piše.


a obstaja kaka zmernost pri tej zadevi?

ja zmernost je potrebna


problem pohote je da te zaveže

da obarva vse tvoje doživljanje, vse tvoje razumevanje, da te lahko odpelje, da ne moreš mirno in jasno odslikovati slik

kot vsako močno čustvo, je tudi poželjenje tisto, ki močno vznemiri naš um


pri transformaciji čustev

je potrebno ločiti objek od čustv

in doživeti čustvo

pa mu ne pustit da te vodi

čutiti in iti dalje


tudi pri pohoti je podobno

odstraniš željeni objekt

in samo čutiš to energijo v sebi

ne pustiš da te slepega pelje

ampak jo ti pelješ

uporabiš jo



nič v naši naravi ni negativnega samega zase

vse je odivsno od namere in uporabe

podobno kot nafta, lahko jo imamo za smrdečo in umazano

lahko jo uporabimo kot gorivo



jeza je lahko silna energija, podpora duhovnega razvoja

samo če se pravočasno ustavimo in jo ne usmerimo na objekt naše jeze

odstranimo objekt

občutimo zgočo energijo v sebi

in z njo nekaj naredimo

meni osebno jo je najlepše uporabiti za meditacijo in razvijanje sočutja

kar je zelo kontradiktorno


enako velja za poželenje


vse kar je intenzivno v naši biti

je težje obvladat in ima tendenco da nas slepe pelje


o vseh užitkih tega življenja se reče, da ne prinesejo kot da bi se hotel odžejati s slano vodo

vendar to ne pomeni, da se njihove energije ne da uporabiti

in ja obstaja en tak način

ni nujno da je to tvoja pot

lahko da je tvoja pot vzdržnost in disciplina

vendar pri taki poti je potrebno biti previden, da nismo pretrdi do sebe

ker če smo pretrdi do sebe

bomo pretrdi tudi do drugih ljudi

in to ne bo več duhovni razvoj

ampak samo razvijamo trdo osebo z močnim samonadzorom


jaz sem za srednjo pot

in za transformacijo

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  27. 7. 2016 at 13:26, Pico Della Mirandola pravi:

zelo pomenljiv je pa sledeči zapis iz BG. poglavje prvo verz 40

O Krishna, kadar v družini prevlada brezbožnost(pri nas v Sloveniji 90% vseh družin) postanejo ženske nečiste, zaradi pokvarjenosti žensk, o Vrišnijev potomec, pa se rojeva nezaželeno potomstvo.


in pol sledi


Porast nezaželenega prebivalstva (šudre psoglavci Ditnerji) zagotovo prinese peklensko življenje (MB propada, Slovenija tut) tako družini, kot tudi tistim ki uničujejo družinsko tradicijo (Mesec, ambasadorka laži Tomić in vsa združena levica). predniki takih izprijenih družin padejo s svojega položaja saj jim nihče več ne daruje hrane in vode.


pa še


Zaradi zlih del tistih ki uničujejo družinsko tradicijo in so tako vzrok rojevanja nezaželenih otrok (kavs tantrikov) propadajo stanovske dejavnosti in dejavnosti namenjene družinski blaginji..


v oklepajih interpretacija Pica della Mirandola prosto po prešerni.

opazuj se kako vidiš svet

svet je ja, se strinjam zunaj ravnotežja

zabava, užitki, beg je postal najpomembnejša stvar

morale ni

strinjam se

sam je bil zunaj ravnotežja tudi prej

ko ženska ni smela izraziti sebe, ko je bila (in še vedno marsikaj je) njena seksualnost nekaj umazanega, čeprav je čist navaden del narave...

samo če gledaš na svet na ta način

se ti ne zdi, da ga tako tudi doživiš, za koga si lahko koristen, če imaš toliko strupenih čustev v sebi

jaz se ne bi toliko ukvarjala z zunanjim svetom, ampak bi začela delati s svojimi čustvi, svojimi strahovi, z lastno negativnostjo

ne bi se bala spolnosti

spolna energija je energija

če jo znaš usmerjati v pozitivno je lahko pozitivna

če je kolikor toliko uravnotežena, prinaša drobne ljubke radosti

če te odnese, je pač treba se naučiti delati s tem, ker ti lahko preveč vznemiri um in škodi tvojim odnosom in tvojemu življenjem



vse je odvisno od namere in uporabe

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  27. 7. 2016 at 5:06, Silvija pravi:

In... a tebi gre?




Če mi nebi šlo, bi verjetno kake pridige bral, vsem "grešnikom", ki si drznejo spolnost doživljati kot svetost..

"če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.."

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  30. 7. 2016 at 20:24, *glas* pravi:



Če mi nebi šlo, bi verjetno kake pridige bral, vsem "grešnikom", ki si drznejo spolnost doživljati kot svetost..

Ja sreča naša...ker če ne bi nam vsem pridigal ...ker smo že tako daleč oz. "visoko"

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  1. 8. 2016 at 7:22, Pico Della Mirandola pravi:

Ugibam iz Maribora al okolice si?


Sem bil že tudi mariborčan ja, a že dolgo ne več.. Originalno nisem klasični Zemljan sploh, sem le na obisku.. Če bo Zemlja šla v smeri kot se kaže, morda celo ostanem, tako za dalj časa mislim.. Da bi pa se imel za Mariborčana, Ljubljančana ali Koprčana pa mi je ideja smešna.. Po vsej obli potujem in se kjerkoli lahko počutim doma, nekje bolj, nekje manj..

"če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.."

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  27. 7. 2016 at 12:09, Pico Della Mirandola pravi:

s svojo energijo delujem v prid Krishni..

tantriki so impersonalisti majavadiji..


ampak še zmer niste odgovoril na vprašanje

kako to da, če je seks res tok zdrav, da so tisti, ki ga konzumirajo v velikih količinah, postarani, zgubani, skratka nikakvi, tudi njih duše niso radostne in potešene kot bi morale biti, ampak si želijo drugih izkustev z drugimi ljudmi,pa tudi sla po ostalih materialijah se poveča

ne bom citiral Bhagavad gite ampak tm jasn piše.


a obstaja kaka zmernost pri tej zadevi?

Ne vem, če je to tako :) Če pa je pa zdaj mogoče imam odgovor na to, zakaj se jaz sploh ne staram :D No, vsaj nekaj dobrega pri vsem skupaj. In kaj je duhovna spolnost tudi vem. Ko spiš zraven ful privlačnega moškega, ki sicer veš, da si mu všeč, zebe te, pa se ne upaš niti objet, da si ne bi kaj mislil. Ker se še ne poznata dolgo :) JBG... samo še ta je 200 km stran od mene, tako da bom še dolog zgledala mlada. Lahko samo gledam. Fotke.

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  3. 8. 2016 at 7:26, *glas* pravi:

Sem bil že tudi mariborčan ja, a že dolgo ne več.. Originalno nisem klasični Zemljan sploh, sem le na obisku.. Če bo Zemlja šla v smeri kot se kaže, morda celo ostanem, tako za dalj časa mislim.. Da bi pa se imel za Mariborčana, Ljubljančana ali Koprčana pa mi je ideja smešna.. Po vsej obli potujem in se kjerkoli lahko počutim doma, nekje bolj, nekje manj..

tole mi je pa tako všeč, da bi vzela kar za svoje

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  3. 8. 2016 at 7:26, *glas* pravi:

Sem bil že tudi mariborčan ja, a že dolgo ne več.. Originalno nisem klasični Zemljan sploh, sem le na obisku.. Če bo Zemlja šla v smeri kot se kaže, morda celo ostanem, tako za dalj časa mislim.. Da bi pa se imel za Mariborčana, Ljubljančana ali Koprčana pa mi je ideja smešna.. Po vsej obli potujem in se kjerkoli lahko počutim doma, nekje bolj, nekje manj..

čista mayavad filozofija...

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  3. 8. 2016 at 17:28, Pico Della Mirandola pravi:

čista mayavad filozofija... kaj je pa to ... ok ... posrfala




manj vem ... bolje se počutim

Popravljeno -> Jeti 1
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  3. 8. 2016 at 13:37, Jeti 1 pravi:

tole mi je pa tako všeč, da bi vzela kar za svoje


To kar začutiš je itak že od nekdaj tvoje.. Tako da si ne rabiš vzeti, saj je bilo že tvoje preden si prebrala..


Obstaja pa veliko ljudi, ki sploh ne vedo kar je njihovo in si tega niti ne upa spoznati, kaj šele izraziti, zato ostajajo le v predalčkih uma in si tam nabirajo "znanja", razlage, kakršnekoli opise, ki začasno pomirijo njihovo stanje, a vse to je vseeno le izraz njihove nezmožnosti se premakniti dalje..

"če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.."

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wow na FB me še kar befrendajo, maybe ne bom več na forumu, ker bom visela na FB, twitterjih in smsjih...


splolnost je sama duhovnost. ne znam razložit, sem imela take fore, da ni za nikamor... med drugim sem morala med enim kao seksom... rajši se odklopit in mislit na recimo bilo koga drugega, da je tega tipa zaobjel duh od bilo koga drugega in da je blo za kaj, če ne bi še obupala... pol ko sem bla jaz za še marsikaj (drugega), je bil tip že preveč namatran (v duhu in povsod) da BI ZMOGEL, KAJ ŠELE DA BI ME VIDEL KOT BOGINJO... SKRATKA... JAZ SEM BLA VEDNO S PODNOM OD PODNA. kar se tiče seksa, pa sprobala marsikaj hvala bogu, vsaj vem... da maybe seks je ena sama duhovnost. believe me... če se rodiš v boginjo seksa že veš al si pa fidžid... ker tip nima pojma... torej mogoče je tantra bejba zame... več na OS:)


edino Ville me je zalizal kot se to pravi, in to... v extra terrestrial world- u


v glavnem pazi komu daješ kredit for it


in v glavnem, glej, da maš vedno več sovdov kot on, da ga lahko skenslaš.


duhovnost za keš. to je danes in. torej? sm na OS:) umrla od srama, ali ipa alive and kicking. cause there is beer, thank you


komentarji zaželeni.

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  3. 8. 2016 at 17:28, Pico Della Mirandola pravi:

čista mayavad filozofija...


  4. 8. 2016 at 9:34, Pico Della Mirandola pravi:

To je pa slika in prilika k te maya zaslepi in mislis da si sam Bog ker si po taksnem ali drugacnem nakljucju ugotovil da si iz istih sestavin kot Bog


A iščeš pot iz te maye, ki te očitno moti? Ča je odgovor ja in če imaš iskren namen, da bi se rad tega osvobodil, potem začni debato v tej smeri in ti lahko pomagam...

Samo v ustrezni temi prosim, kjer je že takšna tematika, ker nimam navade smetiti tem z nepravimi tematikami..

"če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.."

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  • 1 month later...

Eros v tantri

Tisti, ki mislijo, da je orgazem seksualen, niso ničesar razumeli. Ti ne poznajo orgazmičnih izkustev. Orgazem je vedno božanski. Orgazem ni olajšanje, orgazem je praznovanje. Orgazem je stanje, v katerem se jaz – skozi drugega – srečam s celoto. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Tantra uči, da se naši hedonistični porivi, ki temeljijo na uživanju, lahko preobrazijo v duhovno izkustvo. To je koncept, ki je privlačen in hkrati težko sprejemljiv za vse, ki živimo v zahodnih deželah, kjer je močna tradicija krščanstva, ki poudarja svetost trpljenja in odrekanja. Erotiko zamenjujemo s pornografijo, tudi zaradi vpliva cerkve, ki zanika duhovno dimenzijo fizične ljubezni.

Erotični sentiment nosi v sebi seme misticizma. Eros je v bil v stari Grčiji glasnik bogov, kar pomeni, da nam prinaša božanska sporočila. Erotični občutki nastanejo ob radostnem stiku naših čutov z zunanjim svetom. Erotični občutki prebudijo v nas ogenj ljubezni v vseh njenih različicah.

Različni tantrični sistemi, ki izhajajo iz stare Indije, Kitajske, Perzije in Egipta, so zelo kompleksni, saj posegajo na področje znanosti, filozofije, ezoterike, medicine in umetnosti. Vsem pa je skupno to, da spoštujejo potencialno moč erotizma, ki nas lahko popelje v transcendenco.

Orgazmična energija

Swami Anandakapila pravi, da je orgazem za številne edino mistično izkustvo, ki so ga kdaj doživeli. V trenutku orgazma namreč izkušamo enost s svojim ljubljenim, za nekaj trenutkov vstopimo v brezčasje, kjer ni ne preteklosti ne prihodnosti, obstaja samo prisotnost tukaj in zdaj. Naš dih se ustavi, ustavijo se misli in zgodi se joga (združitev) – naš ločeni jaz se zlije s tokom kozmične življenjske energije. Ta trenutni uvid prebudi v nas željo, da bi ga spet ponovili, ne samo zaradi seksualne sprostitve, temveč tudi zaradi resnice, ki jo razodeva.

Zahodnjaki smo zaradi svoje naravnanosti k rezultatom orgazem uvrstili na seznam obveznih dosežkov. Velikokrat je prav to največja ovira, ki nam onemogoča, da bi ga doživeli. Ko orgazem postane namen, postane seks biznis, pravi Osho. Če orgazem iščemo, ga težko doživimo, prav zato, ker ga iščemo. Naš um hoče orgazem, razmišljamo, ali nam bo uspelo, in ta strah paralizira spolno energijo. Ta lahko svobodno teče le, ko smo sproščeni, ko ni strahu, ko si za nič ne prizadevamo in se samo igramo z energijo. In potem se bo zgodilo. Toda ali se zgodi ali ne, ni pomembno. Preprosto pozabite na to.

Če ni prizadevanja, da bi povzročili orgazem z gibi telesa, postanejo naši seksualni centri kanal za zelo intenzivno psihično izmenjavo. Ko si nobeden od partnerjev ne prizadeva, da bi karkoli povzročil, se oba popolnoma predata tistemu, kar v procesu čutita, da bi naredila. (Alan Watts)

Orgazmi, ki jih doživljamo, so po kakovosti zelo različni in zavzemajo zelo širok spekter našega doživljanja z zelo subtilnimi razlikami.

V psihološkem jeziku jih lahko opišemo takole:



Preprosto bi ga opisali kot instinktivno sprostitev napetosti. Obseg naše zavesti ostaja zožen, užitka je malo in opišemo ga lahko le kot praznjenje. Zanj je značilno neselektivno prepuščanje kateremukoli partnerju, poželenje je usmerjeno samo v zadovoljitev spolne potrebe in pozornost je samo na spolnih organih. Psihodinamika obeh partnerjev je siromašna in nerazvita.
Vse nadaljnje ravni orgazma so povezane s transformacijo tega instinktivnega dela znotraj nas, kljub temu pa ne smemo izgubti stika s to primitivno osnovo, saj je posledica tega lahko impotenca ali frigidnost.


Je orgazem, ki je usmerjen vase in zanemarja človeškost partnerja, ta je samo objekt, ki nam prinaša zadovoljitev. Užitek, ki ga čutimo, je majhen in doživljamo ga samo na genitalnem predelu. Identiteta naše zavesti je zožena le na sprejemljivo sliko samega sebe, vse drugo je potisnjeno v podzavest. Ti potisnjeni občutki se prek mehanizma projekcije pripisujejo drugim ljudem. Dela psihoanalitikov potrjujejo, da impotenca in frigidnost nastajata kot posledica blokiranja občutkov znotraj nas (bolečina, jeza, strah). Orgazmična energija se kanalizira k razrešitvi tega notranjega konflikta, zato so poti orgazmičnega sproščanja zožene. Ko so popolnoma zaprte, se pojavi nezmožnost doživljanja orgazma.
Tantra ponuja tehnike, s katerimi zdravimo in ozaveščamo ta potisnjeni material in odpravimo blokade.


Traja nekaj sekund in nam prinaša precej več užitka in zadovoljstva, ki se širi po celem telesu, hkrati z občutkom globoke sprostitve. Izkusimo ga navadno takrat, ko smo zaljubljeni, in poleg fizičnega olajšanja nam prinaša tudi občutek psihološke izpolnitve. Tok energije se vzpostavlja v celem telesu in doživljamo ga kot izmenjavo nežnosti in ljubezni s partnerjem. Lahko ga definiramo kot sposobnost, da se prepustimo toku življenjske energije brez zavor, doživljamo občutek izpolnjenosti, večje ljubezni in odprtosti do partnerja.


Lahko ga označimo kot tantrični orgazem, ki pa se lahko zgodi tudi spontano. Ekstaza naj bi bila najgloblje, najlepše in najmočnejše pozitivno psihološko izkustvo, ki ga kot človeška bitja lahko doživimo. Partnerja čutita veliko medsebojno ljubezen, oboževanje in popolno sprejemanje medsebojne človeškosti. Ekstatični orgazem lahko traja več minut ali ur. Ekstaza je stanje, v katerem dosežemo višjo raven zavesti, in po takem orgazmu lahko ta sprememba traja več dni ali tednov.
Različne tantrične šole opisujejo različne vrste ekstatičnega orgazma in učijo tehnike, s katerimi ga lahko dosežemo. Vsaka višja raven ekstaze pa osvetli neozaveščeni material, ki ga razširitev zavesti, ki jo v ekstazi doživimo, dvigne na površje. To pomeni, da bolj ko smo ozavestili nezavedne vzorce čustvenega odzivanja in delovanja, ki smo jih potisnili v podzavest, bolj ko smo sposobni brezpogojno sprejemati sebe in druge, večja je naša sposobnost za ekstatična doživetja.


Je stanje zavesti, v katerem spoznamo, da smo eno z vsem obstoječim, in dosežemo stanje absoluta ali raven duha. Lahko ga doživimo sami v meditaciji ali pa v maithuni (tantrični spolni obred). To je edino resnično stanje zavesti, v katerem spoznamo, da je vse drugo iluzija.

V jeziku tradicionalne tantre pa bi zgornje opisali takole:

V vsakem spolnem odnosu prebujamo kundalini, ki se dvigne v višje čakre, ko se odpre centralni kanal v hrbtenici, imenovan šušumna. V spolnem odnosu je ženska kanal za energijo Ide, moški pa za energijo Pingale. Če sta v ravnovesju, se kundalini dvigne po šušumni in rezultat so spremenjena stanja zavesti. V spolnosti naša izkušnja torej napreduje v skladu z dvigovanjem kundalini energije iz SPOLNE SLE (kundalini v čakri Mooladhara) v LJUBEZEN (kundalini v čakri Anahata) in končno v DUHOVNO IZKUSTVO (kundalini v čakri Ajna).

Tradicionalna maithuna (tantrični spolni obred), ki se imenuje tudi vira saddhana, je primerna samo za tiste, ki so se soočili z negativnimi silami v svojem umu in znajo pozitivno kanalizirati svoja čustva. V maithuni dovolimo, da KAMA (pozitivni naboj erotične ljubezni) preobrazi našo KARMO (prevladujoča negativna nagnjenja našega uma) in jo kanalizira v pozitivna občutja blaženosti, enosti in miru.


"če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.."

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  • 1 month later...

A topic not many talk about: Sex and the Ascension, Ankh and Egyptian Orgasm

"It was Wilhelm Reich who told us that all the problems in the world are genitally based. That he managed to prove it didn't go over too well with the powers that be. After they incarcerated him for blowing the lid off the function of the orgasm, in 1956, in one of the worst cases of governmentally sanctioned censorship in history, several tons of Reich's publications were burned by the FDA. Less than a year later the free-energy genius died in the Lewisburg PA. Penitentiary of what many claim was an artificially engineered heart attack.
When you look at what's left of his research, it's hard to figure out why they went to such great lengths to suppress it. Reich's discoveries revealed quite simply that the God Force is held in the orgasm, and that our relationship to it, and our sexuality has been distorted by artificial religious and cultural belief patterns that prevent us from accessing that aspect of ourselves. According to Reich, the sexual/spiritual connection disappeared when the church put a lock on our genitals. As a result, what we call our lesser urges have been diverted into channels that are filled with frustration, violence, pornography, pedophilia, and/or the more benign but equally perverse manifestation of no sex at all.
Someone please tell me; why would coming up with the theory that sex serves a spiritual purpose invite a prison sentence, a massive book burning, and a visit from murder incorporated? If God can be found in an orgasm, why have we been sold the notion that the act of making love is sinful, dirty, bad, and/or the work of the Devil? What is it about sex that caused the powers that be to destroy the man who resurrected its secrets and why are those secrets important to us now?
Before we can talk about sex and its relationship to the ascension process we need to erase the blackboard and 86 everything we've been told; original sin, guilt and shame, only for procreation; all of it. Those of us who think we got over that stuff ages ago may be better prepared for this conversation than a recovering Catholic or Born Again Christian, but keep an open mind. Like everything else in this world, there's always more to know about it, and the outer limits of the sexual sphere are certainly no exception.

If we haven't been completely sucked in by our religious programming there's a good chance that we enjoy sex and have a healthy relationship to that aspect of our lives. And unless we're involved in certain Tantric practices, when we have an orgasm, we release that energy into the universe without thinking too much about what it is or where it's going. For most of us, sexual ecstasy feels good, and that's all there is to it; but according to Drunvalo the orgasm is more than just a pleasant, physical sensation:
"Sex, and specifically the orgasm, is more than just something that feels good and allows procreation. There are many other functions, such as the release of dysfunctional energy within the body, which can help to keep one from becoming diseased. There is the function that opens the higher chakras, and under the right conditions allows a person to begin the process of enlightenment. And further, if two people, lovers, practice sacred sex, the entire experience can lead them together into higher consciousness and into worlds beyond this plane."
Who knew? If you're wondering why the Christian traditions are filled with precepts that tell us sex is Lucifer's domain, it's because for over 2000 years that belief system has been controlled by forces whose vested interests are more concerned with keeping humanity asleep than they are with turning us on to the truth. When Wilhelm Reich rediscovered the function of the orgasm he wandered into classified territory, blowing the doors off one of the best kept secrets of all time. Underneath all the Christian admonitions, what we never knew about sex has deterred us from awakening to the fact that beyond serving as a release mechanism, it is one the best ways to connect with Spirit. The following quote tells us a little bit about what happens to our sexual energy when we don't work with it consciously:
"Most people in the world are ignorant about what happens to their sexual energy after they have an orgasm. Usually, the energy moves up the spine and out the top of the head directly into the eighth or the thirteenth chakra (Same chakra, different system). In a few rare cases, the sexual energy is released down the spine into the hidden center, below the feet, the point opposite the one above the head. In either case, the sexual energy — the concentrated life force energy called prana in Hinduism — is dissipated and lost. It is similar to discharging a battery into a ground wire. It is no longer in the battery and so it is gone forever. This is what all the Tantric systems that I am aware of believe, that orgasm brings one a little closer to death because a person loses his or her life-force energy in the orgasm and is made weaker. But the Egyptians found long ago that it does not have to be this way.
All of the ancient spiritual traditions have a Tantric component. Many of them instruct the male to avoid ejaculating. The Hindu, the Tibetan, and the Chinese Taoist Tantra systems all advise the male to withhold the orgasm in a way that moves the life force energy into the higher spiritual centers. The Egyptian Tantra system understood the orgasm to be both healthy and necessary and their way of approaching the sexual mysteries did not include having the male refrain from releasing his sperm.
Within that body of information is a practice that allows one to move the orgasm up the spine, out the back, over the head, and into the heart chakra, in a way that rejuvenates the body, mind, and spirit, and doesn't require the male to contain himself. Known as 'Ankhing' this method of experiencing orgasm returns the life force to the heart center and reinvigorates the Spirit. It was held by the Egyptians to be one of the keys to immortality.
The name of the practice derives from the symbol that we see so often we take it for granted. New Age emporiums are filled with jewelry and spiritual trinkets that capitalize on the power we give to the Ankh. Also known as the Egyptian Cross, the textbooks tell us it is the symbol for eternal life, but they fail to tell us why. When you dig deep enough to find out what it really meant to the ancient Egyptians, eventually you discover that the Ankh is the template for the channel that carries the orgasm up the spine and allows us to move that energy back into the body.
Like every other human feature, all of us come fully equipped with an Ankhing tube. When we become conscious of it and start to use it, it opens up. For those of you who wish to experiment with this practice, included here are the instructions for the Egyptian Orgasm. This information first appeared in an article that was written by Drunvalo for the April 2001 edition of the Spirit of Ma'at Magazine titled, "Ancient Egyptian Sexual Ankhing":

"Here is exactly how to achieve the Ankhing associated with the human orgasm. Whatever you do sexually before the orgasm is completely up to you. I am not here to judge you — and definitely the Egyptians would not, since they believe in knowing all sixty-four sexual modes before you enter the King's Chamber to ascend to the next level of consciousness. This is their idea, but it is important to know that it is not necessary. You can reach the next level of consciousness without knowing this information. However, from their point of view, the idea of Ankhing is of paramount importance in achieving eternal life. You will have to decide for yourself if it is something you wish to practice.
1. The moment you feel the sexual energy about to rise up your spine, take a very deep breath, filling your lungs about 9/10's full; then hold your breath.
2. Allow the sexual energy of the orgasm to come up your spine. But at the moment it reaches the fifth chakra (Located just a couple of finger widths above the sternum), with your will power you must turn the flow of sexual energy 90 degrees out the back of the body. It will then automatically continue inside the Ankh tube. It will slowly turn until it passes through the eighth (Or thirteenth) chakra, one hand-length above the head at 90-degrees to the vertical. It will then continue to curve around until it returns to the fifth chakra, where it began, only this time in front of the body.
Even if you don't understand what was just said it will happen automatically if you get it started out the back of the body at the fifth chakra and it will automatically come back around to the front of the body and reconnect at the fifth chakra. You just have to make it turn 90 degrees so that it begins.
3. It will often slow down as it approaches the point of origin, the fifth chakra. If you can see the energy, it comes to a sharp point. When it approaches the fifth chakra from the front of the body there is sometimes a tremendous jolt as it reconnects with this chakra again. All this takes place while you are holding your first breath.
4. The instant the sexual energy reconnects with its source, the fifth chakra, take in the full breath. You had filled your lungs only 9/10's full, so now you fill your lungs as completely as you can.
5. Now exhale very slowly. The sexual energy will continue on around the Ankh channel as long as you are exhaling. When you reach the bottom of this breath, you will continue to breathe very deeply, but a change happens here.
6. It is here that, if you know the Light Body work of the Mer-Ka-Ba you would begin to breathe from the two poles using the Mer-Ka-Ba breathing (He is referring to the spherical breathing method that we outlined in the Unity Breath). But if you are like most people and don't know this work, then continue to breathe deeply until you feel the relaxation spread throughout your body. Then relax your breath to your normal rate. Feel every cell becoming rejuvenated by this life-force energy. Let this energy reach down into the deepest physical levels of your body structure even past the cellular level. Feel how this beautiful energy surrounds your very being and brings health to your body, mind, and heart.
7. Once the relaxation begins, slow your breath down to a normal shallow breathing.
8. If possible, allow yourself to relax or even sleep for a while afterward.
If you practice this for even one week, I believe you will more than understand. If you practice it continually, it will begin to give health and strength to your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. It will give great strength and power to your Light Body as well.
If for any reason this practice does not feel right, stop and return to normal. It just is not time�
�You can talk about it all day, but if you try it one time, you will understand. However, it is not easy to do it in one test. For the first few times, the sexual energy will often shoot out past the point of the 5th chakra and continue on up and out of the body. So it takes practice. Once it is learned, I doubt seriously if you would ever have an orgasm any other way. It's too powerful and it feels too good. Once your body remembers this experience, it is not likely to revert back to the old way."

Why do we need to know this? What does it have to do with ascension?
We've talked about activating the Mer-Ka-Ba and how important it is to reconnect with the Light Body. By now we understand the importance of meditation and prayer as well. And it's easy to see why deepening the inner connection makes a difference because we know that the heart is the key to the ascension process. But no transformation is complete until we experience it at the cellular level and the Ankhing method of achieving orgasm awakens the God in our cells, allowing the physical vehicle to enlighten itself.
When every cell in the body is awake, it serves to support the wishes of the Spirit and opens the mind in ways that allow the consciousness to expand beyond its limits. It's as if the physical vehicle becomes an active participant in the process, or the embodiment of what we mean when we refer to it as 'The Temple of the Soul'. In restoring the life force energy to the heart center, the Ankhing practice keeps the body enlightened and able to hold the higher frequencies that get beamed into the heart and the mind whenever we go within.
Our preoccupation with sex never had a better excuse to turn its attention away from the programming that has kept it focused on everything but its ultimate purpose. I often wonder what would happen if everyone knew about the Ankhing method. What if, instead of draining the battery with every orgasm, we channeled that energy into our hearts? Would it make a difference? I know one thing; it would definitely make whatever's going on in the bedroom much more interesting.
Which gets us to another thing; the statistics indicate that our love making is on a down swing. With all the wholesale sex pouring out of the media you'd think the opposite would be true, but it isn't that way at all. Is this sexual ennui due to the fact that someone forgot to mention the spiritual component? Did it ever occur to us that there might be one? I have a feeling no one's in the bedroom because without that element pretty much everything loses its meaning.
This is what Wilhelm Reich meant when he said; it is our artificial belief constructs that prevent us from accessing the power inherent in the orgasm. Between religious injunctions that tell us sex is only permissible within the sanctity of marriage and the soft porn blaring off the movie screens, our sexual instincts are completely controlled by a system that has no interest in having anyone know the truth. If you think this is stretching it, ask yourself this; why do they tantalize us with hard core sex and leave us to live with the conflict that surfaces when we shut off the DVD player and have to wrestle with beliefs that make us feel guilty for even watching the show? Within this Catch 22 our head trips have us so confused about sex, unraveling its secrets would seem to be the only way out.
If the life force energy that is rightfully ours has been misappropriated by those who don't want us to connect with it, with the ascension process so near at hand could we take it upon ourselves to reclaim ownership of our Spirit and begin to work with our sexuality in a conscious way? Now that we know a little bit about the Egyptian Orgasm, hopefully we can use that information, along with the heart process, the Mer-Ka-Ba Meditation, the Unity Breath, and our desire to remember how to be alive in this world, as a network of mutually supportive practices that fine tune us for our entrance into the Age of Light. "
Cal Garrison, Spirit of Ma'at

"če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.."

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Še en odličen (dokaj celovit) uvod v tematiko. Tokrat na žalost v angleščini, pa vendar... za tiste, ki jih zanima tematika.


Tekst se dotika večine ezoteričnih "skrivnosti":


Kabale (kabalistične svete trojice);

Velike in male arkane (tarota);

formule YHVH,


Ezoteričnega Prostozidarstva,

Tantre etc, etc, etc...


Mimo grede, danes je skoraj celotna ezoterična knjižnica prevedena tudi v slovenskem jeziku (vključno z vsemi deli, ki jih tekst omenja).


Klik: The Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, the Serpent, and the Fruit


"It's All in Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is..." Lon Milo DuQuette


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Še en odličen (dokaj celovit) uvod v tematiko. Tokrat na žalost v angleščini, pa vendar... za tiste, ki jih zanima tematika. Tekst se dotika večine ezoteričnih "skrivnosti":


Kabale (kabalistične svete trojice);

Velike in male arkane (tarota);

formule YHVH,


Ezoteričnega Prostozidarstva,

Tantre etc, etc, etc...


Mimo grede, danes je skoraj celotna ezoterična knjižnica prevedena tudi v slovenskem jeziku (vključno z vsemi deli, ki jih tekst omenja).


Klik: The Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, the Serpent, and the Fruit

"It's All in Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is..." Lon Milo DuQuette


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