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Kratek primer horoskopa: na ascendentu pionirski Monoceros:

Descendent Aquila:

M.C. Phoenix ( teatro La Fenice, Venezia):

I.C. Canes Venatici (hrta sem srechal zrano jutraj):


Seveda ascendent je lako tudi Devica, pa meni ni ratalo da bi imel zodiakalne konstelacije na ta glavnemu "krizhu" +


Sekundarne progresije delujejo ko se planete srechajo. Tle se Luna in Sonce srechata:


Vse objekte,stargates, komete, zvezde itn lahko progresiramo in direktiramo. Tle naj bi se zachela aktivna astrologija.


Malo vajenja engleshchine, lahko? *)+<;)


© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Looking at my chart (actually the whole of the stellar globe),

I conclude four essential points and begin studying my nativity.


The ascendant constellation is Monoceros. That gives me a

pioneering nature. God knows I'm pioneering. I do nothing

else. I have guts to be hated. Tons of. There's Uranus

near the ascendant to make thing worse. Pylenor is (uups

...) 1994 TA is right on the ascendant. Recently I have

interpreted the placement of a totem unicorn without any

hesitation; fungsuey unicorn rotation online. He was to

head West, however (the ascending unicorn is East).


The Monoceros ascendant loves adventure, travel; it is

purposeful, endeavoring, enterprising, headstrong,

persistant, likes change (I am the Book of Change)

and is ambitious. Well, not bad for the Unicorn constellation.

In fact it defines me already. This is far better than being just

a Leo, any leo, or whatever. It feels much better than vedic stuff,

too. I'm finally breathing: Monoceros ascending when they ask.

I'm actually very unicornish, amberan. Ever read `Nine Princes

in Amber'? Roger Zelazny. There's even a newsgroup.


O.K. turn to right. The descendant is Aquila. Besides various

occasions, cults and one my initiation, I happen to have one

on the wall, it was one of my first majikal feats. I had it

in hours. This eagle holds an OYPOBOPOC snake of infinity

(ophic mysteries O0IC). The eagle has landed on my descendant

and is alteregoing. This Eagle constellation is near the Snake.

Objects hover there and we even had (cough) Nibiru there...

This Aquila is more like a gryphon. I am doomed to strong women.


Turn to South. The M.C. is Phoenix. Teatro de la Fenice. Burns,

is reborn. I asked I Ching once what to do of the material. It

was bulky and I had no room for it any more. Room means room.

It occupied a room or two. I burned it. But I keep on writing

about I Ching and divination is like breathing for me. I'm not

even conscious in that I'm divining, it is too natural for me.


Canes Venatici I.C.. Neptune is there. Labradors. Water plus

dogs. I am enamored of labradors and could roll with them all

night long i marshy swamps and swim into deep lakes. Waterdogs.

I guess I'm the ideal dog sitter, well perhaps not ideal...


We have thus assembled the four cardinal points. Four is a great

number but I must close this article in hope that you had .. fun.


Klaudio Zic,

Venice Lagoon


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hja, nimam asc, nikjer blizu... hehe, tako da moram reč da me ne zanima, se mi zdi tako precej abstraktna zadeva, zakaj ne damo not kar vseh ozvezdij ki so a? (v isti ravnini seveda) zagotovo bi jih lahko skupaj spravili vsaj 20, brezveze se trudid z več kot preveč če je že 12 čez glavo dosti...
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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