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Tenzin Delek Rinpoche caka na usmrtitev


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"Vedno sem spodbujal ljudi, da naj bodo prijazni in skrbni do drugih. Vsakdo ve kaj govorim in kaj delam. Vedno sem dejal, da ne smemo proti drugim dvigniti niti roke. To je greh. Nisem razpečeval pisem ali letakov in nisem podtaknil bomb. Nikoli nisem pomislil na te stvari in nimam nobenega namena škoditi drugim."


Tenzin Delek Rinpoče



V nedeljo 26. januarja 2003 so kitajske oblasti usmrtile tibetanca Lobsanga Dhondupa. Obsojen je bil separatističnih aktivnosti, bombnih napadov in posedovanja orožja. Razen njegovega dovmevnega priznanja in dejstva, da je bil aretiran v bližini ene od bombnih eksplozij, niso oblasti predstavile nobenih dokazov.


Za sodelovanje pri bombnih napadih so obtožili spoštovanega duhovnega učitelja, meniha Tenzin Delek Rinpočeja in ga obsodili na smrt z dvoletnim odlogom izvršitve. Zaprt je neznano kje in njegovo življenje je ogroženo.




Vendar so si kitajske oblasti nedavno premislile in prestavile usmrtitev na APRIL 2004, torej imamo na razpolago slabe 3 mesece - to pomeni BREZ ODLASANJA.


-posljite razglednico:

-posljite pisma poslancem, kitajskemu veleposlaniku v Sloveniji ...

-posljite obvestila prijateljem in znancem

-govorite in pripovedujte o tem

-uporabite domisljijo in socutje



Tibet potrebuje vašo pomoč. Vsaka misel in dejanje je pomembno in ima svojo moč.



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Thanx da si dal sam gor, Khetsun, meni ni zneslo, sploh me ni bilo za racunalnikom do prejle.

Upam, da bo (spet x^x ) odziv in ucinek. :palec:


Si bom sla vse prebrat.



Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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:C: srce me boli ko to prebiram z vsem bitjem sem proti temu in če lahko pomagam na karšen koli način mi sporoči ...svet je ponorel in če bomo izgubljali tako dragocene učitelje kaj nam preostane..dajmo zmigajmo se končno še tako mali doprinos je nekaj...
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Moje danasnje pismo kitajskemu veleposlaniku:



Klemen ****




Your Excellency Mr. Xu Jian,

Embassy of the People's Republic of China

Koblarjeva 3



Your Excellency, I am writing you because I am concerned about the suffering in Tibet. I am concerned because of the death sentence passed to Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, to be executed as soon as April 2004, in spite of that the local Chinese authorities did not provide fair trials and did not present convincing evidence. I expect the government of PR China to prevent this unjustifiable execution and provides transparent treatment, a fair trial and based on facts finds Tenzin Delek Rinpoche not guilty and releases him!

There are many other cases, noted and investigated by Amnesty International and other similar international institutions, which shows the suffering of the native people in Tibet caused by unfair policy making of the government of PR China towards Tibet. Therefore I apply to you as a representative of the government of PR China here in my country Slovenia, to take care of the suffering of the citizens in Tibet and to take the Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's case to your heart.

Destruction of Tibet's environment, misuse of its natural resources, oppression of religion and culture are in opposition to the development and interests of PR China. I call upon the government of China to pursue a peaceful and constructive solution of the Tibetan issue through dialogue with H.H. the Dalai Lama.


Suffering of Tibet is suffering of China.


All the very best,

Yours sincerely,


Klemen ****


Ljubljana, 14. January, 2004

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... ce te prav razumem, pravis, da mu nic ne morejo, ker so be reinkarniral.

Se strinjam, vendar to ne sme biti razlog za naso ne-pomoc oz. lenobo!

Ce zelimo dobro, potem je smiselno drugim pomagat po nasih moceh ...




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Ovo je tvoje pismo divno, Khetsun, i ja moram komentirat :palec:

Svaka čast. Nadam se da me razumiješ - hrvatski. :vio:


Ovdje bi dobro došle svima poznate riječi John Donne-a:


Nijedan čovjek nije Otok, sasvim sam za sebe; svaki je čovjek dio Kontinenta, dio Zemlje; ako More odnese Grudu zemlje - Evrope je manje, kao da je odnijelo kakav Rt, Posjed tvog prijatelja ili tvoj vlastiti; smrt svakog čovjeka smanjuje mene, jer sam obuhvaćen u Čovječanstvu;


I zato nikada ne pitaj kome zvono zvoni; Tebi zvoni.



Na ovom Luninom forumu ima jako puno POZITIVNE energije, a to je ono što nam svima treba. I zato čestitam svima koji vode i drže forum.


x:Xx :8):

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...Nijedan čovjek nije Otok, sasvim sam za sebe; svaki je čovjek dio Kontinenta, dio Zemlje; ako More odnese Grudu zemlje - Evrope je manje, kao da je odnijelo kakav Rt, Posjed tvog prijatelja ili tvoj vlastiti; smrt svakog čovjeka smanjuje mene, jer sam obuhvaćen u Čovječanstvu;


I zato nikada ne pitaj kome zvono zvoni; Tebi zvoni. ...

xyesx :palec: :palec:


... Na ovom Luninom forumu ima jako puno POZITIVNE energije, a to je ono što nam svima treba. I zato čestitam svima koji vode i drže forum.

:8): xsrcx :vio:

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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posljite mail nasemu veleposlaniku na Kitajskem:


Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije

No. 57, Block F, Ya Qu Yuan, King's Garden Villas

18 Xiao Yun Road, Chao Yang district

100600 BEIJING


Tel: 00 86 10 6 468 1154

Fax: 00 86 10 6 468 1040

Elektronska pošta:

g. Vladimir Gašparič, veleposlanik


in fax. nasemu castnemu konzulu:


Konzulat Republike Slovenije

Fu Hing Bldg, 9th Floor

10, Jubilee st.

Hong Kong

PR of China

Tel: 00 852 2 545 21 07

Fax: 00 852 2 543 46 69

g. Bernard C. W. Lau, častni konzul


spodaj je moj primer:



Pozdravljeni g. častni konzul,


Vceraj pred letom dni je bil Tenzin Delek Rinpoche obsojen na smrt na tajnem in zaprtem sojenju.

Izvrsitev sodbe je napovedana za april 2004.


Tenzin Delek Rinpoche je znan in priljubljen med Tibetanci po svoji predanosti in skrbi za javno dobro. Kitajske oblasti so ga obtozile za zlocine, ki jih ni zagresil, zato, ker predstavlja oviro na poti politiki, ki hoce prevzeti popolno kontrolo nad obmocjem Lithang v vzhodnem Tibetu.


Globoko sem zaskrbljen nad porocili, ki govorijo o mucenju in njegovem zdravju v zaporu ter o izvrsitvi sodbe aprila letos.


Prosim Vas, g. Lau, da kot moj predstavnik, predstavnik demokraticne in pravne drzave Slovenije in druzbe, ki ceni in spostuje clovekove pravice, po svojih najboljsih moceh pomagate pri preprecitvi usmrtitve nedolznega cloveka.


S spostovanjem,


Klemen ***

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posljite mail Kitajskemu predsedniku Hu Jintao:



A year ago on the 26th January, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's death sentence was upheld in a secret and closed trial. He could be executed as soon as April 2004.


Tenzin Delek Rinpoche is known and loved by Tibetans for his devotion to the social welfare of his community. He has been framed for crimes he did not commit because he is perceived as a threat to Chinese control over his area of Lithang, eastern Tibet.


I am deeply concerned to hear reports that he is being tortured, and that he could be executed in April 2004.


I urge you to immediately overturn Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's death sentence and release him from prison.

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Students for a Free Tibet:


Often good news is hard to come by in the Tibet movement, and in

the struggle for human rights and social justice everywhere.

Right now however, good news seems to keep coming our way and it

is a direct result of the hard work and efforts of concerned

global citizens like you.


First here you will find an update on the very successful

International Day of Action for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche held on

January 26th, and next, breaking news about a victory that SFT

helped make happen - convincing Australian mining company Sino

Gold to halt its operations Tibet.


1. Day of Action for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche


The International Day of Action for Tenzin Delek was a great

success. In one of the largest coordinated days of action we

have ever held, eighteen embassies and consulates faced

protests, vigils, and political theater, and altogether, more

than twenty cities held events. In San Francisco, two women hung

a banner from the Chinese consulate while another staged a

disturbingly realistic mock hanging; in New York, two people

chained themselves to the doors of the consulate, blockading the

entrance, while as far away as Lagos, Nigeria, SFTers organized

a demonstration at the consulate. 2,235 members of this list

have sent over 14,000 messages to Hu Jintao and Chinese

decisionmakers, with more being sent every hour! And hundreds of

other letters were also signed and faxed to embassies and



The Chinese government has been responding in ways that they

have never responded before. This lets us know that they have

heard our message and are feeling the impact of our collective

actions. We cannot overstate the importance of such recognition

- it signals that they know their abuses in Tibet result in real

and concrete consequences in the international community.


Please see photos and read about what happened that day around

the world at

Also read an AFP news article at:


Thank you to everyone who took part in the day of action. We

know that we made an impact on the Chinese government, and

raised both the profile of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's case around

the world, and the stakes in this case for the Chinese



2. Mining Company Sino Gold Pulls out of Tibet!


On January 27th, Australian mining company Sino Gold announced

that they are pulling out of Tibet, stopping all activity at

their site in eastern Tibet. Sino has been the target of an

intense campaign by the Australia Tibet Council, with a

coalition of environmental and Tibet groups that included SFT.

Sino's statement, made at the end of their annual report,

implies that it is pulling out because there isn't enough gold

on site to justify a mine. According to the Australia Tibet

Council, this is at odds with virtually all previous

announcements and conference presentations - since before Sino

listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in late 2002 - in which

the company talked up the prospects at the site. The Australia

Tibet Council has no doubt that the campaign was a factor

contributing to Sino's decision to pull out. (Please read the

press release below for more information.)


This victory reinforces our message to the Chinese government

that their occupation of Tibet has real economic costs, and also

serves as a warning to western corporations that exploitative

projects in Tibet are more trouble than they are worth.


Good work, everyone!


--Freya, Lhadon, Alma, Han, and the SFT Crew

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