cosma 28. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 28. februar 2004 Guys you came so far with this topic talking actually about nothing . Naky I didn't want to do any harm with your worm , but pronunciation is quite similar so as average English speaking person you are doing very well. Those mistakes are made often in written English and more or less we all do them. Free with past tense you always use first **form** of verb. So you can’t say didn’t went or didn’t gone. But Tinka already explained that. God bless you all taa Citiraj Jas te mam tak radaI am feeling very olympic todayIs time the only thing you are waiting for?Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa! Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. Dalai LamaMajhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe) Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Mick 28. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 28. februar 2004 Citiraj Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim. K. Čapek Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Natasha 29. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 cosma pravi: Naky I didn't want to do any harm with your worm , but pronunciation is quite similar so as average English speaking person you are doing very well. I know Cosmy, I know.... I was laughed (a je pravilna oblika - mene cajti matrajo pa še pisava) to myself. Aktualy I'm very enjoying to talk with you. I know I'm not good at that.... as comparing with you ( -v primerjavi z vami)..... You all are very good... Have a sunshine in your heart, and smile on your face and I love you all Read ya! Citiraj Če vam ne uspe prvič, vam gre v povprečju tako kot drugim.M. H. Alderson Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
cosma 29. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 know Cosmy, I know.... I was laughed (a je pravilna oblika - mene cajti matrajo pa še pisava) to myself. Aktualy I'm very enjoying to talk with you. I know I'm not good at that.... as comparing with you ( -v primerjavi z vami)..... You all are very good... I was laughing at myself. Actually I enjoy talking to you. I know I am not good as you are. Or My knowledge isn’t so good compared to yours. Citiraj Jas te mam tak radaI am feeling very olympic todayIs time the only thing you are waiting for?Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa! Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. Dalai LamaMajhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe) Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 29. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 ribica Katja pravi: Hey guys! Free, you use seems only in third person singular (he/she/it). Since people are not any of this you have to use the infinitive. Citat And: I (do?) remember seeing The Buckingham palace and Tesco; ??or: All that I (do) remember is seeing The Buckingham palace and Tesco.. m I right? - (kako se napise 'ali imam prav'?) ?? Both is correct if you ask me. Am I right? I didn't went out yet When you use didn't, the werb is in the infinitive, therefore I didn't go out yet. Maybe we could give privilege to the english language not american, OK!? No can't do..... The thing is, I use both, plus the informal...... so I don't think we should bother ourselves by correcting mistakes of another if that another writes "color" instead of "colour" it that impoirtant? And also, my opinion is, that we should talk about things and not so much correct each other (we may scare some people who are not that good in english so that they will not want to write here for fear of being corrected x!x ) I once had a situation, where an aries didn't understand my informal use of "sneaky" and he was horrified, how can I say such a thing to him and gave me the explanation from our dictionary, which is kleceplazen. He was offended, insulted by me and I didn't mean anything bad.... I had to explain the word from an english-english dictionary, which is done or acting in a secret way (I hate our dictionaries, too little information :xx!: ) But it is true, that aries have a big ego and are easily offended. About yesterday, my boyfriend and I went out and all, but some people didn't show up. So I haven't cleared up my doubts yet..... :xx!: Which bothers me. :o|o: Some other day I guess....... <_< tesco tea bags yeah, let's just talk...but if someone wants to correct others or if a person would like to be corrected...that should also be ok, me thinks! (free-boy, etc... )this thing with the sneaky word is funny...I had the same problem... also-me being tought by a brit, and have spend some 10 years talking and living with british people, have had some major problems with my english in the US...there I was, thinking my english is ok, told by a lot of people that I speak it really well...feeling sort of self-assured (here in europe)..went to Virginia to study for some months, and bang- needed to explain myself over and over and over again...!!!!!!!! crazy people, those americanos.... it is so funny, how they make verbs out of any object...the english ride a bycicle, and the americans bike. and all those short versions of everything made me crazy, too...going to the mall with T.J. or with B.J., honey? don't like his B.O.? can smell him all the way from NYC to LA! Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 29. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 Mick pravi: mick, you sound almost fluent, darling! Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
cosma 29. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 Hehe Tinka, I love cockney but I understand nothing . Still enigma for me. macaroni>ponyKate and Sidney>Steak and Kidneycash and carried>marriedLucy Locket>pocketI suppose>noseGlasgow rangers>strangerscash and carried>marriedIron tank<bankTea leaf>thief Citiraj Jas te mam tak radaI am feeling very olympic todayIs time the only thing you are waiting for?Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa! Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. Dalai LamaMajhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe) Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 29. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 yeah, there's books full of cockney rimes...they are totaly insane, if you ask me!but funny...watching eastenders & only fulls+horses might help Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
pokowc 29. februar 2004 Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 Of all the friends I have ever met, you are the one I won't forget,and if I die before you do, I wil go to heaven and wait for you. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 29. februar 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 29. februar 2004 ribica Katja pravi: Hey guys! Free, you use seems only in third person singular (he/she/it). Since people are not any of this you have to use the infinitive. Citat And: I (do?) remember seeing The Buckingham palace and Tesco; ??or: All that I (do) remember is seeing The Buckingham palace and Tesco.. m I right? - (kako se napise 'ali imam prav'?) ?? Both is correct if you ask me. Am I right? I didn't went out yet When you use didn't, the werb is in the infinitive, therefore I didn't go out yet. Maybe we could give privilege to the english language not american, OK!? No can't do..... The thing is, I use both, plus the informal...... so I don't think we should bother ourselves by correcting mistakes of another if that another writes "color" instead of "colour" it that impoirtant? And also, my opinion is, that we should talk about things and not so much correct each other (we may scare some people who are not that good in english so that they will not want to write here for fear of being corrected x!x ) I once had a situation, where an aries didn't understand my informal use of "sneaky" and he was horrified, how can I say such a thing to him and gave me the explanation from our dictionary, which is kleceplazen. He was offended, insulted by me and I didn't mean anything bad.... I had to explain the word from an english-english dictionary, which is done or acting in a secret way (I hate our dictionaries, too little information :xx!: ) But it is true, that aries have a big ego and are easily offended. About yesterday, my boyfriend and I went out and all, but some people didn't show up. So I haven't cleared up my doubts yet..... :xx!: Which bothers me. :o|o: Some other day I guess....... <_< I know shit about the grammar :xx!: What the .uck means infinitive? So, is it I 'do' remember or without 'do' ?= I remember seeing ...= I do remember seeing ?or both is correct? I think everyone could correct mistakes if they're willing to do so!Personally I'm happy about that - if someone correct my mistakes.or: I'll be happy if someone will correct my mistakes. And I agree that is important to write as much as we can. We're writing here at LNF, so I dont think that someone could be offended by others opinion or knowledge of english!?Being offended by that, sounds like to much self-importat. Title of this topic is 'learn and write english'; so, write as much as you want and correct as mush as you like!!- be free and feel free....., to think, to write, to correct and to learn! Done or acting in a secret way: sneaky indeed Phantom of the Opera thanks wish you all some pleasant dreams!! Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 2. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 ..time for bed Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Volk K.L. 2. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 Aj južvali fil komfortable. Citiraj Ja sam ka mali pao s lipe Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ribica Katja 2. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 What's up guys and girls? I'm sooooo sleepy..... But I have no time to sleep, there are so many things to do.......I don't really want to sleep. Cosma, you are so right. We make many more mistakes in written than in spoken english.... yeah, let's just talk...but if someone wants to correct others or if a person would like to be corrected...that should also be ok, me thinks! (free-boy, etc... ) If I make a mistake feel free to correct me. Free, infinitive = nedolocnik I remember seeing and I do remember seeing is both correct, the difference is only that in the second statement you want to emphasize what you have seen and that you trully have seen it. Or that's the way I understand it. I'll be happy if someone will correct my mistakes. In will sentence you just put it in present simple: I'll be happy if someone corrects my mistakes.(I used to hear this all the time from my teachers because I kept doing the same mistakes) We're writing here at LNF, so I dont think that someone could be offended by others opinion or knowledge of english!?Being offended by that, sounds like to much self-important. I didn't mean it in that way, it's just when you are trying so hard to do something and someone is always inspecting you, that might be unpleasant.... But if we agree who doesn't mind to be corrected then that's no problem. be free and feel free Can I feel you, can I be you......please?!?! Ok, since this is another diary, will anyone else say something about himself or are we just gonna keep talking about corrections? :o|o: I have two more hours left, than I'm heading to a spanish class.....I'm so lazy, I never want to go but when I am there it is great..... Still don't know about those doubts..... I guess I will have to wait a long time before knowing the truth... :o|o: The thing is, if I contact that person, I'm gonna ruin has to happen by chance. I'm still waiting..... Citiraj What you resist, persists. What you can't be with, won't let you be. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
aakhut 2. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 KRAJ BEJBI KRAJ,PUT D FINGER IN JOR AJ... 666 mischief.... Citiraj tut che pisker okol obrnesh pa se nanga vsedesh.....she zmeri sedish na dnu piskra Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 2. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 ribica Katja pravi: What's up guys and girls? I'm sooooo sleepy..... But I have no time to sleep, there are so many things to do.......I don't really want to sleep. Cosma, you are so right. We make many more mistakes in written than in spoken english.... yeah, let's just talk...but if someone wants to correct others or if a person would like to be corrected...that should also be ok, me thinks! (free-boy, etc... ) If I make a mistake feel free to correct me. Free, infinitive = nedolocnik I remember seeing and I do remember seeing is both correct, the difference is only that in the second statement you want to emphasize what you have seen and that you trully have seen it. Or that's the way I understand it. I'll be happy if someone will correct my mistakes. In will sentence you just put it in present simple: I'll be happy if someone corrects my mistakes.(I used to hear this all the time from my teachers because I kept doing the same mistakes) We're writing here at LNF, so I dont think that someone could be offended by others opinion or knowledge of english!?Being offended by that, sounds like to much self-important. I didn't mean it in that way, it's just when you are trying so hard to do something and someone is always inspecting you, that might be unpleasant.... But if we agree who doesn't mind to be corrected then that's no problem. be free and feel free Can I feel you, can I be you......please?!?! Ok, since this is another diary, will anyone else say something about himself or are we just gonna keep talking about corrections? :o|o: I have two more hours left, than I'm heading to a spanish class.....I'm so lazy, I never want to go but when I am there it is great..... Still don't know about those doubts..... I guess I will have to wait a long time before knowing the truth... :o|o: The thing is, if I contact that person, I'm gonna ruin has to happen by chance. I'm still waiting.....yo! We have wery nice and sunny day here in ljubljana!! I have to go to the dentist today but I rather work than sit on that f.cking chair for hours...- Last it was like 3 hours :xx!: but it's ok too, because I could relax and meditate, when she works with my teeths. what the means 'nedolocnik' ?? Yeahm you're right!! I 'do' .. sounds like to emphasize something!! thanks. yes, it's not ok, if I write will 2 times at the same sentence., because it is quite obviouse that 'I'll' already has 'will' torej BO ! thanks!! YES, you can feel me but you can not be me! ..depends on circumstance... and circumstance depends on our willingnes, and willingnes depands on our communication. Maybe you should just let go... to know about your friends..and everything will happened spontaneously, I think.You should be willing to observe the moment consciously and wise; be prepared when the moment of intercourse happened.Then the doubts will gone by them selfs. wish you pleasant day!! Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ribica Katja 2. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 Thanks free. The thing is, I might have lost a friend due to a communication failure.... This is what I'm concerned about. And my doubts are, that that person is not who I thought it was. Maybe that person won't be willing to understand the whole context of my words....this is what I am afraid of.... But on the other hand, if it is like that, screw him Who needs that kind of "friend" nedolocnik is the principal verb do, to work, to go......these are all infinitives.... and english uses them a lot, only without "to" I go to work, I clean, I study.... In slovene, all infinitives end with -ti iti, cistiti, studirati..... Citiraj What you resist, persists. What you can't be with, won't let you be. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
pokowc 2. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 I allways wanted to send you something, something I always wanted to give you. But how in the whole world do you send a hug. Give me your love give me your heart, give me yourself, baybe please just be my. Give me one chance, give me some time I'll prove to you baybe I'm telling no lies. I asked god for a flower and he gave me a garden, I asked for a tree and he gave me a forest, I asked for an angel and he gave me you. FROM... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Natasha 2. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 Poki, those last two lines I've got from my best friend for Valentin's day. Very beautiful . Free and Katty the fish.... quick corect my lines Have a nice evening, and sweet dreams. Citiraj Če vam ne uspe prvič, vam gre v povprečju tako kot drugim.M. H. Alderson Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 2. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 ribica Katja pravi: Thanks free. The thing is, I might have lost a friend due to a communication failure.... This is what I'm concerned about. And my doubts are, that that person is not who I thought it was. Maybe that person won't be willing to understand the whole context of my words....this is what I am afraid of.... But on the other hand, if it is like that, screw him Who needs that kind of "friend" nedolocnik is the principal verb do, to work, to go......these are all infinitives.... and english uses them a lot, only without "to" I go to work, I clean, I study.... In slovene, all infinitives end with -ti iti, cistiti, studirati..... thanks to you too!! If he will not understand, that's his problem.Your conscience is clean and pure and you do not have to worry about others opinion and thoughts.If they have a problem, they should ask you to resolve their doupts; because if they have any doubts it is their problem;if you have any doubts it is your problem, not others problem.So you should take action to resolve the problem, as they should do actions to resolve the problem, if they're willing to.In thate case, I usualy call the person and ask her or him about my doubts. simple. I'm writting. I'm writting this sentence.I'm crazy but not lazy so I'm studying english. And this are infinitives. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 2. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. marec 2004 Naky pravi: Poki, those last two lines I've got from my best friend for Valentin's day. Very beautiful . Free and Katty the fish.... quick corect my lines Have a nice evening, and sweet dreams.I don't think that should be corrected at all!? Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Natasha 3. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 3. marec 2004 Yeaaaaaaaah....... My english teacher would be proud of me . So what's up today? And don't tell me that is everything down! I'm so ful of energy, that I could dancing on the ceiling......... ......... uf..... what a feeling....... One mwa for all of you Citiraj Če vam ne uspe prvič, vam gre v povprečju tako kot drugim.M. H. Alderson Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 5. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 5. marec 2004 What the .uck, it's already 22.57 :xx!: _____time is passing by ... even if you cry,you are searching for the way out, you can't deny. desire is burning in youdesire is burning in youand you don't know what to do,and you don't know what to do. some voices are calling you and you wont belive ityou're lost somewhere in time which is ..._____...when the moon is in the 7(th) house, and .......... this is a glory of the age of aquariouse, age of aquarioooooooouse, aquarioooooooouse, aquariooooouse..._____ I should buy a better bicycle soon.The sun is comming, the sun is comming... and the night is dark again.The full moon is coming in the 7(th) house, the full moon is coming in my 7(th) house,my sun house will be full, my sun house will be full.My fish will want to get connected in the 7 house 7(th) house, my 7(th) house... Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 7. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 7. marec 2004 bua vaaaaaaa bla is another day. I'm listenig musik from Lau Laursen - Gentle rain.quite cool sounds. relaxed musik for easy saturday I was also clining my room. especialy assorting old files and articles about the health.Interesting how easly i could throw out the old notes and articles, which i configureed as unusefull.Some time ago I was thinking of them as very important and that i should kept them anyway, this days when our sun spin around the pisces sign, are wery interesting .. to me.some peacefull energy become present at the beginig of the february, particularly at the 19 of february. Do you felt this as well?? so, how you find yourself when the sun is in the pisces? Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
bogglefreak20 7. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 7. marec 2004 free pravi: please, can somebody tell me when to use THE ?or: does anybody could tell me, when to use THE ?Use THE whenever you are talking about a specific item/person/... If you say for example "I picked a flower for my mother" you don't have to add anything. It's a legitimate sentence. But if you say "I picked the flower for my mother" you need to explain exactly which flower you mean. You can say for instance "I picked the flower that was growing by the tree for my mother." If you use THE you have to be more specific. Otherwise people wont understand what you're trying to tell them. And another thing: "please, can somebody tell me when to use THE ?" is OK."does anybody could tell me, when to use THE ?" is not OK. Try "could anybody tell me..." or "can anybody tell me..." Citiraj Beatus, qui venit in nomine Domini! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Volk K.L. 10. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 10. marec 2004 aakhut pravi: KRAJ BEJBI KRAJ,PUT D FINGER IN JOR AJ... 666 mischief.... Ju nou, ju ar vrajting lajk Vuk Karadžić. Kud ju bi mor spesifik, pliz. Dis iz a lesn from ingliš langviđ. Ekspres jorself lajk Šekspir. Citiraj Ja sam ka mali pao s lipe Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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