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Back From The UK!


Good day to all of you!


I just returned from a long trip to the UK this week. While there I was assessing the restrictions that have been placed on Stevia but, more importantly all supplements, herbs and vitamins. We ship quite a bit of stevia to the UK and so far we have only lost on shipment.


Recent UK proposals could ban around 200 supplements from sale and under the EU Food Supplements Directive, due to come into effect in December, supplements will only be able to include vitamins and minerals taken from an approved list. The ban had been challenged by the ANH, the Health Food Manufacturers' Association (HFMA) and the National Association of Health Stores (NAHS). They argued the legislation would be too restrictive, and would threaten thousands of perfectly safe products.


The directive was first approved by EU governments in 2002 and was designed to tighten controls on the growing market in products sold under the health food heading - natural remedies, vitamin supplements and mineral plant extracts.


If you wish to preserve your right to purchase natural remedies, vitamin supplements and mineral plant extracts with out a doctors prescription, I suggest you contact you local legislators and become proactive. As for Steviva Brands, we will continue our efforts to push the FDA to loosen restrictions on stevia as a sweetener and we will always deliver the finest stevia available on the market.


To show you our appreciation, I am offering Kilos of stevia for $100 and I will even pay the shipping. This is the first time we have offered this and probably won't again for a while. A Kilo retails for $145.00 plus shipping and if you click here and order today it will cost you $100 and shipping is FREE! But, you must use the coupon code KILO when ordering.


Thank all of you for your patronage. Have an excellent day.


Thom King


Steviva Brands, Inc.




Zanimiv clanek o Stevia and Candida Albicans za vse, ki imate tezave z Candido Albicans.


vec clankov:


stevia v prodaji


Kaj menijo drugi in opis:

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..jebat ga..kapital... :vragec:

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Guest sstane

Zakaj kapital, samega sebe x:Dx

Surogati so v veliki modi, cukr brez cukra, sol brez soli, meso iz soje, soja iz ovsa ..... x:Dx

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Pa še en link:


Že par dni tam, sicer pa v reviji Karma plus.


Avtor je sicer napisan Uredništvo (?!), ampak kar naj bo, čeprav kar moj drugače.


(Če ga jaz gledam, ni šumnikov, ampak ena čudna koda -?! MITJA!!! - Škoda, ker članek je kar berljiv in polemičen sicer.)



mogoče bi glede tega javil v temo uredništvo...

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ne nakladite. stevia v tekocini je 100% naravna, kokr jst vem! dosti bolj naravna kakor sladkor, ki je preciscen.

- Mam tudi jaz doma in je izvrstnega okusa, seveda pa so okusi razlicni. prahu ne poznam.


verjetno za vse substance na zemlji obstaja identicna substanca ali vec njih.


Stevio poznam, prah imamo doma, ampak je ful zanič, prav čuti se umetnost okusa in vsaka hrana ima prou čuden okus. Cukr je bolši, pa čeprou mal manj zdrav.
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Ko je bilo na TV od stevie sem vse skupaj zelo pozorno poslušala. Fajn bi blo če bi kje dobili točno sestavo te rastline. Meni se vse skupaj zdi, tko kot je že nekdo nekje zapisal, da je določen lobi ki je dal ven informacijo da je stevia na daljši rok škodljiva če ne celo strupena. Je tud res da so neke rastline v naravi strupene, tudi če je res vse naravno. Pa vendar je možno da se proizvajalci sladkorja bojijo. xsrcx

Preteklost obstaja le v mislih in na način, za katerega se v mislih odločimo.

Živimo v sedanjem trenutku. Čutimo v sedanjem trenutku.

Doživljamo sedanji trenutek.

Kar počnemo v sedanjem trenutku, ustvarja temelje za jutrišnji dan.

Torej se odločimo v sedanjem trenutku. Jutri ne moremo storiti ničesar in tudi včeraj ne.

Samo danes lahko delujemo.

Pomembno je, kaj se odločimo misliti, verjeti in reči sedaj.

Luis L. Hay - Moč je v tebi

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  • 2 years later...


A kdo uživa stevio sladkor in kakšni so učinki. Stevia sladkor naj bi bil bistveno močnejši in bolj zdrav kot navadni sladkor, naj nebi povzročal odvisnosti ter zobne gnilobe. V Evropi mislim da ni legalen v USA ga dobite v dodatkih za prehrano, najbol se pa uporablja na Japonskem kjer ga baje redno uporabljajo. je pa baje v ozadju prepovedi prodaje prehrambena industrija ki bi zgubila "baje". Me zanima če ma kdo osebne izkušnje v zvezi s tem?

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"STEVIA DARILO NARAVE - V SLOVENIJI(v celoti) IN EU (delno) PREPOVEDANAPresladka in prezdrava, da bi jo odobrili?


Naravna rastlina Poznana od leta 1887

Posušeni listi so do 4ox slajši od saharoze

ekstrakt Steviozid do300 x slajši od saharoze


Pozitivni učinki na zdravje:

Stimulira izločanje inzulina in s tem ugodno vpliva na nivo krvnega sladkorja , kar je odločilno pri zdravljenju diabetesa.Pomaga pri obolenju dlesni in zob, pomaga pri kožnih obolenjih, pomaga pri okužbah s Kandido, ugodno vpliva na krvni tlak, pomaga pri odvisnostih, idealno pri hujšanju, ker je popolnoma nekalorično in zmanjšuje željo po sladkem.Listi imajo veliko vitaminov in visok antioksidativen učinek.Deluje baktericidno in je dober ojačevalec okusa.Stabilnost tudi pri segrevanju čez 200oC

Na Japonskem že od leta 1970 nadomešča umetna sladila v več tisoč tonah. V rodnem Paragvaju v uporabi že stoletja.

Več 100 znanstvenih laboratorijskih raziskav o pozitivnem vplivu na zdravje!

Ni nobenih dokazanih stranskih uč zdravje. Nekaj domnev o škodljivih posledicah za zdravje na osnovi nestrokovno izvedenih laboratorijskih raziskav (finančno močno podprtih s strani proizvajalcev umetnih sladil)"


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Da se dobiti sadike, vendar zelo težko, tu pa tam jo ima kakšna vrtnarija ali kak vrtičkar.


Pred kakšnim letom sem nekje na internetu zasledila, da so farmacevtski koncerni komisiji za odobravanje zdravil predložili zahtevek naj prepove uporabo zdravilnih zelišč, z utemeljitvijo, da imaje le-te stranske učinke xrolleyesx :vragec: :vragec:



Če sedaj to prenesemo na stevio, potem ni treba pretirano ugibati zakaj je prepovedana. Seveda imajo tu prste vmes lobiji, ki jim je v velik interes, da se ljudje še naprej zastrupljajo z belim sladkorjem. Samo pomislite kdo vse ima "koristi" od tega. Če jih naštejem samo nekaj - živilska industrija, zdravstvo, farmacija... :vragec: :vragec: :vragec:

... ljubi življenje in življenje bo ljubilo tebe...
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  • 4 months later...

Stevio imam (v prahu; imel sem tudi rastlino) in sem zelo zadovoljen. Treba se je le navaditi na doziranje. Nabava ni problem. Če me ne bo kakšna inšpekcija lovila jo lahko nabavim še več.

Kar se pa tiče škodljivosti/koristnosti: danes nas že itak za vsako stvar prepričujejo, da je kancerogena (od paradižnika do hibridnega avtomobila). Samo da nam preusmerijo pozornost z resnično nevarnih snovi!

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  • 2 years later...

A ni stevija škodljiva za zdravje? Jaz še vedno bolj zaupam medu in neraf. sladkorju. Že zdavnaj sem nehal iskat neke bližnjice do vitkosti ker jih ni in mozak rabi samo cukr.




kam pa to zmešeš, da se ti tko dogaja? :palec: x:Dx

sploh nimam besed... miiiissslllmmmmmm....
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Študije so pokazale, da stevia znižuje previsok krvni tlak, na normalen krvni tlak pa ne vpliva. Stevia preprečuje rast in reprodukcijo nekaterih bakterij in drugih mikroorganizmov, vključujoč bakterije, ki povzročajo karies, bolezni dlesni in krvavitve dlesni.


Stevia je izvrstni pomočnik v procesu odpravljanja odvečne telesne teže, saj ne vsebuje kalorij in ima tendenco zmanjševanja zalog v naših maščobnih skladiščih ter odpravlja željo po sladki in mastni hrani. Stevia uravnava apetit pri ljudeh, ki imajo porušen odnos in povezavo med hipotalamusom in želodcem.

Diabetiki, ki konzumirajo stevijo ob vsakem obroku, so opazili, da se jim v relativno kratkem času regulira nivo sladkorja.



Zanimivo pa je, da je v Švici, kjer je skrb za ekologijo... in zdrav način življenja na zelo visokem nivoju, stevia priznana kot zelo zdravo sladilo.


Ni pa še povsem raziskano, vendar naj bi bila lahko toksična in kancerogena ter obstaja sum, da zmanjšuje plodnost pri moških.

Na stevio moramo še malce počakati, da bo dovoljena tudi pri nas.


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Though Liu Bei was outnumbered by Cao Cao's troops in the Xinye battle, Liu defeated Cao thanks to the smart tactic he had resorted to. Cao soon commanded an army of 500,000 to take his revenge. When Liu Bei and his force of 3,000 got to Dangyang County, they were stopped by Cao's troops. A bitter fight lasted until dawn and the Liu army narrowly managed to eLüde the chasing enemy.

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  As day broke,wedding dresses General Zhao Yun discovered that Liu Bei's wife and son were missing. Zhao gathered 30 troops and fought his way back onto the battlefield to look for Liu's wife, Madam Mi, and son, A Dou. With the help of a middle-aged woman, Zhao Yun found Madam Mi and A Dou by the side of a dry well behind a collapsed wall. Madam Mi said: “A Dou is safe now with you, General. I'd rather die than encumber you.” When Zhao Yun was not looking her way, Madam Mi threw herself into the well. Suddenly, Cao troops came charging toward Zhao Yun. With tears in his eyes, Zhao Yun pushed down what remained of the collapsed wall to cover the dry well.

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He then held A Dou against his chest and rode his horse onward as hefoughtoffattackers. cheap aion kinahIt took Zhao Yun three rounds of combat to fight off the chasing enemy. At one point Zhao was engaged by General Zhang He and a unit of Cao's troops. Zhao and Zhang fought a dozen rounds and Zhao tried to break the siege. But Zhao Yun and his horse unexpectedly fell into a trap. Just as Zhang He charged to pierce Zhao Yun with his spear, Zhao's horse leapt out of the trap.

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Zhang He was taken aback by the sudden move and his horse backed off several gaits. flyff penyaZhao Yun fought Cao's generals and troops single-handedly. No one could get close to him. Cao Cao, who was watching the battle from a nearby hilltop, ordered that Zhao Yun be captured alive. Zhao Yun made the most of Cao's no-kill order and broke through the siege in the end. When he returned to his camp, Zhao Yun handed the young master to Liu Bei.

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At Cao Cao's instruction,maple story mesos Liu Bei was about to set off for a punitive expedition against Yuan Shu. Before he left, Liu Bei worried about the defence of Xuzhou City. When Zhang Fei volünteered to take the task, Liu said, “How can I feel assured, when you're so fond of drinking and after drinking you always flog your soldiers for no reason? And you're such a hot-tempered person and frequently you refuse to take advice.”

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He entrusted the task upon Zhang only after the latter's repeated entreatments and resolütions to mend his ways.flyff penya For safety, he left consultant Chen Deng to assist Zhang . One day Zhang invited his subordinate officers over. “My elder brother instructed me before he left to stay away from wine for fear I may fail my duties to guard the city. Let's have an final drinking party today, and starting from tomorrow, we will quit drinking and concentrate on the job .” With these words said, he began toasting everyone. When neither of his toasts was accepted by Cao Bao, Zhang flared up , By then , Zhang was already drunk. He had Cao flogged fifty times.

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After the party was over,flyff penya the resentful Cao sent one of his men to Lü Bu, the enemy general, asking him to attack the city that night while Zhang was drunk. Lü came with 500 horsemen. They successfully took the city. When Zhang woke up with a start, the city was gone. He fought his way out of the enemy troops and fled the city, leaving his elder brother's family behind. When he met Liu, he felt so shame-faced that he unsheathed his sword meaning to commit suicide, only to be stopped by his elder brother.

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