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Dve sta v Coma Berenices, ena je v Cetus.


List of largest transneptunian asteroids, updated 1/1/2006


Copyright © 2005 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Minor Planet H




2003 UB313 -1.16


2005 FY9 -0.13


2003 EL61 0.23




Sedna 1.58


Orcus 2.30


Quaoar 2.72




2002 TX300 3.10


Vesta 3.20


2002 AW197 3.27


Ixion 3.33


Ceres 3.34


Varuna 3.55


2002 UX25 3.60


2004 GV9 3.68




2003 AZ84 3.82


2002 MS4 3.85


2002 TC302 3.85


2001 UR163 3.97


The site provides delineation in the 12 N&D astrological houses for the enlisted objects, as well as several transneptunian objects with H < 5 whether named or unnamed, major comets, centaurs, Earth trojan moons and a variety of objects.


All calculations made using IAU compatible astronomic zodiac with precessed ascendant.



Coma Berenices in Cetus sta zodijakalna ozvezdja. Coma je pricheska Veronike, nekaj odzgoraj Virgo, Cetus je od spodaj Pisces.


2003 EL61 se vrti kot rugby žoga in je te oblike, ima dve lune.

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so planeti ali asteroidi? :inocent:


Mene pa zanimajo stopinje.Na katerih stopinjah ,določenih znamenj,se nahajajo.

Ananta ,se lahko tole prečekira na



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Ta prva tri so planeti.


Mal odchvekani sicer, zgledajo tudi kot rugby žoge, pa so vechji od Plutona seveda... sicer $e tvegamo..


List of the new planets and largest transneptunian asteroids, updated 1/1/2006


Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Minor Planet H Zodiacal IAU Constellation Status


2003 UB313 -1.16 Cetus New Planet


2005 FY9 -0.13 Coma Berenices Planet?


2003 EL61 0.23 Coma Berenices/Bootes Planet?



Sedna 1.58 Cetus

Orcus 2.30 Hydra

Quaoar 2.72 Ophiuchus

2002 TX300 3.10 Pegasus

2002 AW197 3.27 Cancer/Hydra

Ixion 3.33 Ophiuchus

Varuna 3.55 Gemini


2002 UX25 3.60 Pisces

2004 GV9 3.68 Hydra

2003 AZ84 3.82 Gemini

2002 MS4 3.85 Serpens/Ophiuchus (with Pluto/Charon in Serpens)

2002 TC302 3.85 Pisces/Aries


All calculations made using IAU compatible astronomic zodiac with precessed ascendant.

The site provides delineation in the 12 astrological houses for the enlisted objects, as well as several transneptunian objects with H < 5 whether named or unnamed, major comets, centaurs, Earth trojan moons and all new and potential planets.

The scientific zodiac has 24 zodiacal constellations. Coma Berenices and Bootes became zodiacal on Pluto’s discovery.

The new planet expands the zodiac into X Zodiac. 2005 has been marked with many zodiacal events happening in Cetus, thus the pope gave us his last blessing with Venus in Cetus and the London bombing happened with Mars in Cetus. While Cetus and Ophiuchus are among the well known zodiacal constellations, since all planets transit Cetus and Ophiuchus, some zodiacal constellations are generally less known. In the year 2007 Venus is in Hydra conjunct Orcus. Hydra is also one of the 16 current ascendants, thus children will be born with Hydra ascending and Venus conjunct Orcus in Hydra. Pluto in Coma Berenices and Bootes characterizes the seventies. Pluto was conjunct Uranus in Virgo for a period. Pluto is in Bootes around 1979, with Uranus far away in Libra: the revolution is over. In this way astrologers reckon. Since Pluto in Bootes is a rare albeit regular position for this object, astrologers reckon special events are in stock. The U.S.A. was founded with Serpens constellation rising in Philadelphia, while the ecliptic cu the horizon in Ophiuchus. Thus the eastern ascendant for the U.S.A. is Serpens Cauda, while the ecliptic ascendant is Ophiuchus. With the present transit of Pluto in Serpens, astrologers predict great changes in the U.S.A. Another example is the coincidence of Moon in Orion as found in Osama bin Laden’s natal chart as well as in the horoscope for the WTC impact. Children born with special planetary positions are invited towards independent self-development as well as emancipation from superstition. Scientific astrology can detect cases such as one of Alice born in August 2004 with Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans, Venus in Orion, Juno in Scutum and of course Pluto in Serpens.

The scientific approach to astrology is possible by using the astronomic zodiac and set of ascendants for the current epoch. There is lot to do in the field of astrology as concerns the basic education of the astrologer. The first step is to instruct on the Sun’s position. Sai Baba has been born Nov 23rd with Sun in Libra. After spending a week in Scorpius, the Sun moves into Ophiuchus. The general public as well as talented astrologer easily absorbs such basic astronomic facts. As above so below.

Klaudio Zic

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lahko po$ljem NASA efemerde na naslov ko bom imel cajta. Imena imajo provizorna, ne pa $e uradna. Coma Berenices je zodijakalno ozvezdje, primeroma je Pluton bil v Coma Berenices v sedamdesetih letih. Vpliv sem opisal v publikacijami v 12 hi$.


Lpuma, Klaudio




Crna puma ali Gwenzihwar je tudi virtual pet in astralni prijatelj drewa, črnega vilovnjaka...

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Ananta verjamem,da se trudiš ampak tolk mi je jasno kot mi je bilo pred dnevom objave tele teme.



Meni sistem,kakršnega nas uči moderna oz.tradicionalna astrologija,funkcionira.Tudi na primerih.


Kaj naj rečem?


Vseeno hvala :palec:



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Ananta verjamem,da se trudiš ampak tolk mi je jasno kot mi je bilo pred dnevom objave tele teme.



Meni sistem,kakršnega nas uči moderna oz.tradicionalna astrologija,funkcionira.Tudi na primerih.


Kaj naj rečem?


Vseeno hvala :palec:




:palec: x:Dx No vidiš Čveka, tle pa jest roke gor, čist nč mi ni jasno. Zato je boljš, da se držiš tistega, kar ti je znano, tole samo bega. x;)x

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