ananta 26. november 2006 Prijavi Deli 26. november 2006 Eris u Astrologiji Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Planeti Patuljci Odlukom Internacionalne Astronomske Unije nastala je nova klasa objekata koja je nazvana (ne postoji još službeni hrvatski prijevod) patuljasti planeti ili planeti patuljci, u talijanskom prevodu “pianeti nani”; “planeti patulji” po slovenski. Do sada smo imali klase cubewano, SDO, plutino; centaur, TNO, EKO, KBO, main belt, damocloid, Oort, Apoheles, Earth coorbitals itd. Novom odlukom “vuk će spavati sa ovcom”, no mi ćemo se naravno i dalje držati dobrih starih podjela objekata solarnog i drugih sustava. Eris - Patuljasti Planet Planet patuljak? Eto imali smo sedamnaest “tamnih planeta” (dark planets), planete drugih sustava, smedje patuljke, a sada imamo novu klasu patuljastih planeta u koje za sada spadaju samo Eris, Pluton i Ceres. Eris i nije tako patuljasta pošto je veća od Plutona. Za razliku od Plutona koji sa Charon-om tvori neku vrstu binarnog sustava, Eris ima pravi mjesec zvan Dysnomia. U doba kad se Eris zvala Xena taj mjesec smo računali kao Gabrielle. Mnogo malih planeta (minor planets) ima svoj mjesec ili mjesece tako na primjer duguljasti 2003 EL61 ima čak dva mjeseca. Taj transneptunski div ipak neće biti klasificiran kao patuljasti planet jednostavno zato što nije okrugao već ima oblik rugby lopte ili odebljeg vretena. Logos je posebna priča i naše slijedeće izdanje u pripremi. Eris - Publikacije Prva Eris publikacija prodana je prvoga kolovoza 2005, dakle tek par dana po objavi. U startu smo odredili tzv. X zodijak ili (tada) novi zodijak baziran na kretanju novog planeta Eris. Pred godinu dana se smatralo da je Eris novi deseti planet. Stare Eris publikacije nose ime 2003 UB313 kako se tada Eris (ili “Xena”) nazivala. Preko tražilice na web poslužitelju vrlo lako ćete naći obilat izbor “UB 313” tj. Eris publikacija. Eris naravno otvara svijet nepoznatih zodijakalnih sazvježdja te precesiranih ascendenata. Dijete naime može imati Eris na ascendentu u Cetus-u. Jedno takvo dijete je Alisa rodjena ljeti 2004 sa Eris na ascendentu u Cetus, Mjesecom u Cetus, Merkurom u Sextans-u, Venerom u Orion-u, Juno u Scutum te naravno Plutonom u Serpens Cauda. Kao što vidite slika na nebu je poprilično različita od slike “u glavi” jer postoji instanca koja prati realno nebo bez grešaka ili “općeprihvaćenog” sujevjerja. Eris - Pozicija Eris je najveći patuljasti planet. Veća je od Plutona i Ceres. Nalazi se u zodijakalnom sazvježdju Cetus (Levijatan) ispod Riba. Prethodne generacije imale su Eris u Sculptor te Phoenix sazvježdjima ili konstelacijama. Ako je neobično da Eris stoluje u zodijakalnom Cetus-u, tad znajmo da Pluton nikada ne ulazi u Ribe (Pisces) ili Ovna (Aries) već se kreće upravo kroz Cetus gdje ponekad ima bliski susret sa Eris osobno. Cetus je zodijakalano sazvježđe jer sve planete ulaze u to veliko zvježđe ili “trbuh kita”. (*) Eris i Zodijak Eris se odlično uklapa u postojeći astronomski zodijak pošto se nalazi u zodijakalnom sazvježdju koje je usput i ascendentalno. Ascendenti nemaju naravno inače veze sa zodijakom pošto ih je trenutno samo 16. Zodijakalnih sazvježđa je 22. Eris uglavnom vrijeme provodi u extrazodijakalnim sazvježdjima, primjerice U.S.A. ima Eris u Pavo. Klaudio Zic +385911528964 Appendixes N Zodijak Da bi odredili prave pozicije planeta na nebu koristimo Neptunski zodijak. Ovaj astronomski zodijak ima 22 sazvježđa. Kao što je poznato Sunce ulazi u 13 sazvježđa. Ophiuchus je bilo Atonovo i Jahvino sazvježđe kao i Kristovo. Sunce je svakoga prosinca u Ophiuchus-u po NASA efemeridama. No manje je poznato da na primjer Mjesec ulazi u Auriga, Cetus, Orion i mnogo drugih sazvježđa. Venera određuje zdijak svojim putanjama od Pegasus do Hydra. Venera je ovog ljeta bila u Orionu a sljedećeg je u Hydra. Djeca rođena sa Venerom u Hydri smo nazvali “Hydra Kids”. Radi se o djeci sa posebnim moćima. Ta tema je obrađena u kojih pedesetak publikacija. Astronomski Zodijak Reformirani astronomski zodijak ima 22 sazvježdja. Do pred godinu dana imali smo silom prilika N, P te X zodijak. N zodijak je preživio kao najpraktičniji. Pošto Pluton više nije planet, prošireni P zodijak je stvar prošlosti, no koristimo ga npr. za generacije sedamdesetih i osamdesetih te za današnje. Pluton je tada bio u Coma Berenices i Bootes a trenutno je u Serpens, tako da ga obradjujemo upravo tamo na nebu gdje se i nalazi. Popularni zodijaci uopće ne prikazuju pravo stanje na nebu pa su dakako neupotrebljivi. Istočni Ascendent Pravi istočni ascendent se mjeri na točnom istočnom horizontu. Primjerice U.S.A. imaju Serpens ascendent. Trenutno imamo samo 16 istočnih ascendenata, no u predhodnim epohama bilo je dvostruko i više sazvježdja na istočnom obzoru. Zanimljivo je da na primjer Ovan trenutno uopće ne može izaći na istoku. Ascendent Ovan time ne postoji. (*) Cetus Papa nas je napustio sa Venerom u Cetus 2005 kad je i London uzdrman s Marsom u Cetus-u. Na tisuće članaka o apokaliptičnim dogadjajima našlo se skupljeno u publikacijama posvećenim religijskim te političkim prevratima u ovim teškim vremenima. Osobita pažnja je pri tome posvećena ulasku Venere u sazvježdje Hydra. Eris Izlazak Eris izlazi u 17:18 (u Rijeci) prvoga studenoga 2006 u sazvježđu Cetus. Beba rođena sa Eris na ascendentu ima “podznak” Cetus ili Kit. Pošto podznak nije ispravan izraz radije koristimo internacionalni “ascendent”. Za razliku od sujevjerja sazvježđe Kit-a doista izlazi na istoku pa sretni roditelji mogu i da ga vide! O Astrologiji U ovom času dostupnost astronomskog materijala dostiže kulminaciju. U isto vrijeme ljudi nemaju pojma gdje im je natalno Sunce u horoskopu. Bezskrupolozni falsifikatri proizvode programe koji očitacvaju nepostojeće nebo. Greške se vuku već 3000 godina, dakle autoriteta uopće nie ni bilo na ovome području. U jednom pisu Sai Baba-i navodimo da je avataru natalno Sunce u Vagi. Sai Baba ima opservatorij do kuće a rođen je dvadesettrećega studenoga. Greške u raunanju su nevjerojatne tako da ljudi rođeni sa Suncem u Djevici misle (to jest nestručni programi sugeriraju) da imaju “Sunce u Škorpiji”. Sunce provede u Scorpius tek tjedan dana prije ulaska u Ophiuchus, dok u Djevici stoluje oko 45 dana. Ta velika razlika uopće nije poznata široj publici. Patuljasti Planeti za Kršćane Pošto nas kršćane uče da govorimo istinu odlučili smo se za astronomski pristup Bogu. U tom smislu se naše publikacije razlikuju od đavoljih, tj. pseudo-astroloških ili samo astro-loših. U smislu širenja istine uveliko smo koristili biblijski materijal. NASA JPL nam je pomagala u svemu a bilo je i učestale obostrane suradnje na polju transneptuna. Od svjetskih stručnjaka konzultirali smo se i sa Korado Korlević-em iz Istre. Općenito bi popularizacija naučnog pristupa astrologiji koristila vjernicima te dušama novorođenih.Inicijacija u Astrologiju Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Nebo Jedino nebo koje imamo je upravo ono koje vidimo. Ova jednostavna činjenica jednostavno nije jasna svima. U jednoj prilici zaustavili smo se posmatrajući izlazak Mjeseca. Djevojka je iznijela laptop iz džipa te ustanovila da će “Mjesec izaći za 45 minuta”. Do te mjere smo se izopačili da ne vidimo vlastitim očima. Zodijak Zodijak je bio i ostao misterija. Od Venere u Pegazu mora da je Majama i Šumerijancima zastajao dah kao i kršćanima slijedeće godine sa Venerom u Hydra-i. Općenito se misli da zodijak ima 13 sazvježđa no to važi trenutno samo za Sunce. I planete se kreću kroz zodijak tako da imamo Jupiter u Ophiuchus u 2007 godini. Pred nekoliko godina imali smo Saturn u Orionu. Ovo su važni planeti i moćne pozicije koje izmiču PC programima. Obavještenost Ako znamo da PC programi ne mogu niti približno pogoditi poziciju natalnog Sunca tada se nećemo čuditi fantastičnim greškama koje rade takozvani najbolji proizvodi na tržištu. U jednom slučaju mjerenja takvog superiornog programa ustanovili smo fantastičnih 270 stupnjeva greške no to je bio tek početag naše istrage. Efemeride služe samozavaravanju ošto pozicije planeta koje tamo pišu nikada nisu postojale. Na našem poslužitelju svatko može da se informira o poziciji Sunca, Mjeseca, Venere i Eris te mnogih drugih objekata. Istraga se zaključila posvemašnjim odbacivanjem bilo kakvih programčića za popularno sujevjerje. Ako ljudi hoće neka vjeruju no zloduh i istina ne idu skupa. Ascendent Nebo se mijenja i prividno sporo okreće zbog fenomena precesije. Time je jasno da sazvježđa koja izlaze na istoku nisi ista za svaku generaciju. U ovom periodu imamo samo 16 izlazećih sazvježđa dok smo za vrijeme Egipta imali dvostruko više tipova ljudi. Danas dakle živimo bez mašte što naša arhitektura i dokazuje. Ljudi obično zaključuju na temelju podataka kao što su sunčani znak te podznak. Ascendent je nepoznat djelomično zato što nitko ne zna osnove kretanja neba. Tako djeca sa posebnim talentima prolaze neviđeno. Ovo je opasno iz dva razloga. 1) Kao što smo vidjeli u slučaju Alise, posebnim talentima se nameće prosjek.2) Vatikan nije siguran sa svakim djetetom rođenim sa Venerom u Hydra. Dakle dok u jednom slučaju propust uništava talent, u drugom đavo kristi grešku koju je sam nametnuo u umove ljudi koje posjeduje da bi se infiltrirao u Vatikan u 2007 godini. Natalni Horoskop Već na prvi pogled je jasno da novac i sujevjerje idu skupa s đavolom i laži. Zbog razloga poznatih samo đavolu ljudima rođenim u svetom znaku Djevice razni PC programi govore da su “Škorpije”. Jedna žena (*) je cijeli život trpila poniženja zbog svog ascendenta “Jarac”. Jarac je navodno gadan znak. Radosno smo joj pokazali da su Ribe izlazile na istoku. Jarac usput odavno ne može uopće niti izići na istoku pa ni ne spada u ascendente za ovaj period. Ne radi se o malim pogreškama kao što će neki istočno-zapadni filozofi misliti. Greška nije u 24 stupnja, greške su posvuda pa i kod Indijaca. (**) Cova je NASA Svi naši proračuni su rađeni direktno na UNIX uređaju u Pasadini, Kalifornija. Osobna suradnja sa NASA stručnjacima bila je oduvijek vrlo ugodna te promptna. Što su ljudi učeniji to su ugodniji. (*) Donedavno se kod nas pisalo “xena”. (**) U Indiji su nam u tom smislu dodjeljene tri Vedske nagrade na nivou države. Copyright © 2006 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Web site Dwarf Planet Eris Publications. The Neptunian zodiac and Precessed Ascendant are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Eris delineation and scientific astrology resources © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Venus in Special Constellations is © 1995 – 2007 Klaudio Zic. Scientific Astrology is © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Klaudio Zic can be reached via e-mail for consultation as well as special service and publication.The Precessed Ascendant and Astronomic Zodiac are Copyright © 1996 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The X Zodiac is Copyright © 2005 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. Eris, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna and all TNO delineation with H < 5 are Copyright © 1995 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for the dwarf planets is © 2006 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY5 are © 2006 by Klaudio Zic. The Night and Day 12/24 House System is Copyright © 1999 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for comets Wild; C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) and recent centaurs are Copyright © 2004 – 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The 2006 HW51 materials are © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. The Personal Cosmic Secretary is © 2005 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. O5 is © 1987 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. True Mind Distiller/SnowCrash are © 1996 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Sani 30. november 2006 Prijavi Deli 30. november 2006 Tvoji prispevki so najboljši od vseh na forumu, sam jih jaz osebno moram dvakrat prebrat, da jih razumem. A imaš ti res tok znanja o astrologiji, a to sam z nekje prepišeš? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 24. december 2006 Avtor Prijavi Deli 24. december 2006 Novi Eris web Eris Web Site Sun, December 24, 2006 - 3:52 AM Is the new Eris web site! Merry Xmas to all! Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 15. april 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 15. april 2008 To do readings one has to know the position of the planet. Unfortunately neither sidereal, nor Vedic programs are able to account for the position of the sun, not to mention tropical astrology and its derivate, Thus to divine or even pretend to cure by such systems is not only superstition, it is murder. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007, Copyright © 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. AN ALTERNATIVE HOROSCOPE Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. of your own horoscope? Perhaps you never had one! After reading our proposal, you will surely have a different view of the universe, horoscope and everything. Would you agree that the natal ascendant is the eastern star? The constellation rising over the eastern horizon at birth is the natal ascendant. If we have agreed upon thus point, let us proceed into determining your natal ascendant. Everybody knows that we don’t need astrology in order to perform miracles in daily life, but in the case we want to perform some serious future changing we often scan the future in order to know when to avert the bad transits that will thus never come. How is the eastern rising constellation determined? The easiest way is to use a compass to determine the east point. Astronomers use observation or simulation. The simulation of the starry sky is provided by any astronomic program for the PC. What will the program show at east? That depends on when do we set the time of the nativity. If we assume a recent birth then the program will show one among the constellations that rise at due east at the present epoch. If it is acceptable to you that the starry skies are not only changing due to Earth’s daily rotation but also across long periods of time, then you are ready to accept a basic astronomic phenomenon known as precession.It is due to precession that different periods of human history that we call epochs display a variety of constellations over the eastern horizon. It must be exciting to discover one’s true ascendant for the first time! There are precisely 16 constellations rising over the eastern horizon for the present epoch. Some of these constellations are familiar to astrologers but some are less known to the public. One of the known ascendants is Pisces while Cetus may be less known to the wider public. The set of eastern ascendants has nothing to do with the zodiac. The academic zodiac has been carefully measured as a separate set consisting of 22 IAU constellations. The academic zodiac has 22 constellations, while the present ascendant set has only 16. Some of the constellation feature in both sets; thus, Cetus is both an eastern ascendant for the epoch, and zodiacal constellation. As concern planet Earth, the zodiac is a fixed set of constellations, while the ascendant set is a variable. We consider the 16 rising eastern constellations to be valid for the present epoch, while other epochs can have a completely different set of ascendants. King Arthur could have Aries ascending while a knight on Sangraal pursuit could have had Crater ascending. A cowardly pharaoh could have Lepus ascending while the most probable ascendant for the present epoch is Virgo. Since Virgo is such a long constellation, it is easily understandable why the majority of human beings on this planet are born with sun in Virgo. Some well-known zodiacal constellations are not ascending at due east at the current epoch, namely Aries, Scorpius and others. Nevertheless, those constellations are sometimes considered as "ecliptic ascendants". An ecliptic ascendant is not rising at due east. In the example of the horoscope of the U.S.A., we have Ophiuchus ascending as measured on the ecliptic, roughly eastwards. The category of the ecliptic ascendant was devised mostly for didactic purposes. The alternative ascendants feature the galactic ascendant or galax, which for the U.S.A. is Cygnus. Finally, we have a query by the financial astrologer. Are the southern stars the same as those ascending at east? The set of meridian constellations is not the same as the precessed ascendants set for the epoch. Those constellations like Phoenix have been delineated separately during the early phase of our zodiacal reformation. Klaudio ZicCopyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from © 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007, Copyright © 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. ZODIACAL PUBLICATIONS ACADEMIC ZODIAC & PRECESSED ASCENDANT SETCopyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. mystery of the zodiac has haunted authors since Hipparchus. An orderly dissemination of the zodiacal constellations is a matter of observation and culture.Already Hipparchus used to rebuke the contemporary authors because of their lack of observation and therefore poor adjustment for precession. Today we know that the skies are apparently rotating due to the phenomenon of precession. The rising constellations are thus distributed into different sets covering an appropriate epoch. The ascendant set defines the racial initiation for the epoch, thus at the time of King Arthur; Aries ascending meant a hero was born, while Crater ascending called for Grail pursuit in a knight’s horoscope. Crater rising in the horoscope of a king alternatively meant baptism. Monarchs like King Clovis could be baptized under the portents of Crater. Nowadays Aries is no longer rising at due east, thus "No more heroes anymore." At the time cursed with a cowardly pharaoh, Lepus rising in his horoscope would define the fall of a dynasty. Thus, the ascendants determine the zeitgeist, rather than only individual horoscopes. The rich history of the zodiac (or should we say "zodiacs"?) has been documented through many experiments and errors of the past, from the Arabian lunar zodiac to its Vedic elaboration. The known and unknown drawbacks of the various zodiacal systems were present due to poor following of the laws of nature and astronomy.The zodiac has been finally defined in August 2006 after perhaps 3000 years of blunder. The academic zodiac has its counterpart in the set of precessed ascendants. The number of the eastern ascendants for the present epoch is 16, while the zodiacal constellations are 22 in number.Why do we have 22 instead of just 13 or 12 constellations of the zodiac? The zodiacal constellations as defined by the sun’s path along the ecliptic are 13 in number. Ophiuchus is the 13th constellation of the solar zodiac. The zodiac is traditionally defined by the path of the sun, the planets and the moon. Venus is the primary determinator of the zodiac, while the moon adds a constellation. In order to define the zodiac all we have to do is track the positions of Venus, since this eccentric planet defines 21 zodiacal constellations. The moon contributes with the 22nd constellation of the academic zodiac, namely Auriga. It must be said that only the moon enters Auriga much as only Venus enters Pegasus. Some constellations are less exclusive than that, most prominently Ophiuchus, Orion and Cetus. The zodiac is a complex matter of study as there is no telling at first sight whether a planet will enter a zodiacal constellation such as Cetus this year, the next or only after a longer period. If Mars was in Cetus this year, will it repeat its entrance into Cetus on its return? Complex zodiacal inquiries like this have yet to be solved mathematically.The academic zodiac being defined does not mean Venus will enter Scutum every time it brushes by Sagittarius, but Jupiter will surely enter Ophiuchus every 12 years. Ophiuchus could be the first familiar constellation to the zodiacal astrologer since it hosts the sun and the planets on regular basis. Orion and Cetus could follow suit as the astrologer gradually works out his way through the complex constellations of the zodiac. The ascendant set requires extended attention when working with horoscopes as set in other epochs. The present epoch will render 16 eastern ascendants while other epoch will probably have much more ascendants. Such abundance of information is liable to puzzle the novice. A solid knowledge of the IAU constellations is only possible with some basic astronomic tuition. Some astrological programs will display primitive planetarium, which can be perhaps recommended for the first steps.As the lower limb of the sun touches upon IAU Orion and its precession is measured near to Cetus, we have experimentally included the hypothetical positions of sun in Orion and sun in Cetus. Albeit experimental in an IAU environment, those positions are historically correct. That applies especially to Egypt where sun in Orion makes sense as concern chthonic religion. As concern our IAU convention, the sun brushes by Orion and Cetus. The Orion Days are a special treatise about sun in Orion much as the Age of Cetus elaborates on a subdivision of the Age of Pisces.As a further contribution to chthonic religions, we have separated the ascendants and zodiacal constellations according to our own western psychological standards. Monoceros lives in the nether regions, thus representing a chthonian ascendant. The academic zodiac cradles the WMAP cold spot within our Witchållow series. Any astrologer armed with scientific curiosity is welcome to inspect the rich world of the academic zodiac and precessed ascendant set, whether on this planet or out in the alien space. Planetocentric Astrology introduces experimental delineation such as sun in Cygnus, the galactic ascendant of the U.S.A. Klaudio ZicCopyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from © 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 19. januar 2010 Avtor Prijavi Deli 19. januar 2010 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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