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Vse kar je objavil/a čebelica01

  2. čebelica01

    Misel dneva
  3. čebelica01

    Misel dneva
  4. Winding your way down on Baker Street Light in your head, and dead on your feet Well another crazy day You drink the night away And forget about everything This city desert makes you feel so cold, Its got so many people but its got no soul And it's taken you so long to find out you were wrong When you thought it held everything You used to think that it was so easy You used to say that it was so easy But you're tryin', you're tryin' now Another year and then you'd be happy Just one more year and then you'd be happy But you're cryin', you're cryin' now Way down the street there's a light in his place He opens the door He's got that look on his face And he asks you where you've been You tell him who you've seen And you talk about anything He's got this dream about buyin' some land He's gonna give up the booze and the one night stands And then he'll settle down It's a quiet little town And forget about everything But you know he'll always keep movin' You know he's never gonna stop movin' 'Cause he's rollin' He's the rolling stone And when you wake up it's a new mornin' The sun is shining it's a new mornin' And you're going, you're going home
  5. Gospod Silver, pa vi ste strasten opazovalec zvezdic. Imate obilo pripomočkov za prepoznavanje ozvezdja (knjige, številne vrtljive zvezdne karte, daljnogled in celo teleskop-to je dost huda reč). Fajn je, če ima člouk eno tako strast do nečesa. Jaz tega nimam.
  6. Čist tko by the way, jaz sem si dol potegnila sky map, .... uuuuuuuu, zelooo fajn aplikacija (vidim svetle zvezdice in planetke). Čakam na burjo, da razžene meglo in oblake. Pa daljnogled moram najdet porkagate. Kje se dobi vrtljivo zvezdno karto? Sam tko me zanima.
  7. Silver, lepa tema. Čist hudo. Vedno so me fascinirale zvezde na nočnem nebu (v njih vidim neki magičnega), ampak se nisem nikoli poglabljala v njih. Sploh ne vem, kak se to gleda? Kje se začne? Na obali so kopasti oblaki. Nič se ne vidi.
  9. Zanija. Zaneslo me je v spiralo pozitivnih čustev.
  10. Gledala film "dekle z bisernim uhanom" in to že tretjič. Fulll lep film. Zlo so mi všeč starinsko umetniški filmi.
  12. Sijoče dekle s cekini v mošnjičku pod mostovjem v čolniču sedi, kjer onkraj poti, javor cveti, ter se kuža podi in metuljčke lovi. Gospod mu žogico da in kosmatinec po luži taca in z repom miglja. Otroci smeje, gugajo se, fantki in punčke zazrejo se v modrino neba proti vrhu drevja, saj ptički pojo in kljunčkajo se. Vetrič piha in bilke niha, sonce spušča se v zaton in pomaha v slovo, noč zajame del sveta, kjer ljudje strmo v zarjo jutranjo. (Čebelica01)
  13. Give any one species too much rope and they'll fuck it up ... (RW)
  14. Pa, da povem še ene sanje. Čakam na avtobusni postaji. Pride bus (bil je tak zlo čuden ... zdi se mi, da je bil iz keramike in narisane je imel neke čudne simbole, nikol vidla v lajfu), pa vse šipe je imel razpokane, vstopim notri in vsi potniki so bli nagi (sami moški), šofer je imel na buči klobuk sombrero. Meni je blo malo nerodno in sem se poskušala čim manj ozirat na njih. Neki se mi zdi zanimivo, včasih se mi sanje tudi ponavljajo.
  15. Včeraj sem sanjala, da sem sedela na klopci z najboljšim prijateljem. Spomnim se, da me je objel in da mi je nežno položil roko na levo joško. Pa nič me ni motlo, se nisem upirala, nisem bla jezna. Leva stran je srčna.
  18. Čudovita pesem. Ganljiva. Dream Theater - The Spirit Carries On Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die? What lies beyond And what lay before? Is anything certain in life? They say, "Life is too short," "The here and the now" And "You're only given one shot" But could there be more, Have I lived before, Or could this be all that we've got? If I die tomorrow I'd be allright Because I believe That after we're gone The spirit carries on I used to be frightened of dying I used to think death was the end But that was before I'm not scared anymore I know that my soul will transcend I may never find all the answers I may never understand why I may never prove What I know to be true But I know that I still have to try If I die tomorrow I'd be allright Because I believe That after we're gone The spirit carries on "Move on, be brave Don't weep at my grave Because I am no longer here But please never let Your memory of me disappear" Safe in the light that surrounds me Free of the fear and the pain My questioning mind Has helped me to find The meaning in my life again Victoria's real I finally feel At peace with the girl in my dreams And now that I'm here It's perfectly clear I found out what all of this means If I die tomorrow I'd be allright Because I believe That after we're gone The spirit carries on
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