nekdo je danes ze navedel povezavo na to stran, katere delec podajam: ------------------ Karma Student: Do I have any Karma as a result of my past lives? Master: The only Karma you have is the Karma you choose to keep. We will discuss the full process of physical death later. It is presented in this section only in the context of Karma and judgment. Karma is the law of cause and effect. In this physical world, when you throw a rock into the air and it comes down on your head, you experience the law of cause and effect. The lump on your head is a result of your choice to throw the rock in such a manner that it would fall on your head. The lump is also a result of your choice not to get out of the way once the rock was thrown. There is a law of gravity in effect in this physical movie of reality, one agreed upon by most of the actors. But there is no law requiring you to stand in one place while the rock returns to earth. The same is true of Karma. What we have done in past movies, as well as what we are doing now, is causing energy vibrations to occur in the hologram. These vibrations are similar to the Newtonian Laws, one of which is the law of gravity. They cause a specific flow of energy and, like the rock in the air, that energy returns to its creator. All that we think, say, or do is the equivalent of throwing a rock into the air. Because we are holographic energy beings, each thought, word and deed creates energy vibrations that are felt throughout hologram. Because balance is, energy returns to its creator. What we project into the hologram is what returns to us. What we plant is what we will reap, if we choose to reap. You could have simply stepped out from under the falling rock. You can just as easily step out from under Karma. No one anywhere is requiring you to stay in one place while the law of Karma returns. No god is judging you, paying you back for past deeds, or rewarding you for your goodness. Even when you plant a fine garden, it is up to you to make the choice to harvest it. Why, then, do we harvest at all? It is because of our paradigm. Remember, our paradigm remains with us in this movie as well as in the next. As you have learned, these programs do not disappear at the moment of physical death. They reside in the energy of our whole being -- in our mind. When the physical body passes away, they arise with a knowing similar to the knowing you experienced when the movie in the cinema ended and you got up to leave. When the lights came back on in the cinema, you were launched out of your cinema experience and thrust back into the reality of the movie of "everyday life." That movie of everyday life was filtered out of your awareness and eliminated from your experience while the movie screen and the cinema was alive with sensory information. The everyday life reality came rushing back when the cinema experience, with all its sensory information, ended. Likewise, the awareness of the transpersonal realm is filtered out of your conscious awareness while you are in your consensus movie. It arises again when the sensory information you have been receiving is no longer available, when your movie of reality ends. This happens to all who experience a physical death. We enter our new movie with all the programs, patterns, and tendencies we have accumulated during your most recent physical experience. Our mind immediately begins to filter, refine, and present to our view screen of awareness an experience that fits our paradigm and meets our expectations. Our mind and Mind are One but, without Balance, we are not aware of this fact during our movie of consensus reality. We are aware only of what our mind has been presenting us. When our physical experience ends, for a brief instant, Mind emerges with all its intrinsic awareness. It appears as a luminosity without comparison, without form, without depth -- and brighter than anything in our recent physical experience. It appears as our very nature. It is Mind. It is The One in Balance. It has always been there, just behind the paradigm of our mind. In the next moment, our mind begins to interpret what is happening as an experience. It relates it to its most recent paradigm. In Balance in The One, all is available. But our mind now begins its task of presenting us with another experience. Remember, this is a description of the experience of passing from this movie of reality to the next without Balance. Without Balance, you may have been raised to believe in a judgment followed by a heaven or hell after death. Without Balance, your mind extracts this expectation from the presentation of Mind, filters and refines it through your paradigm, and presents it to you as part of your next movie. Your mind does this in exactly the same manner in which it is presenting you with your current experience. It appears out there, it is limited, and it contains meaning. Mind is presenting the reflection of your primordial self at this moment, but without Knowledge, Integration, and Balance, you have no way to know it. Your mind begins to interpret your previous performance, and it appears as judgment. Judgment, and the resulting Karma, are a product of our paradigm. We hold beliefs and expectations in place individually as well as through the laws of The Magic of Agreeing. The expectations of every belief system hold the potential for that expected reward or punishment. Therefor, every heaven, every hell, every believing group waiting for a second coming, every purgatory, every happy hunting ground, every experience imaginable is available. They are our own creation; they are projections of our beliefs and expectations. All that is necessary in order to access any one of them is the building of a paradigm, a matrix of limiting thought shrouded in belief and expectation -- and an end to this movie of consensus reality. This happens at the moment of physical death. Without Balance, we find ourselves looking through the limiting paradigm of past experience and are confronted with the same sense of good or bad, right or wrong that helped us play our parts. Even though we are no longer involved in consensus reality, our mind still holds the programs of its continual evaluation of how we were playing our part. We are constantly comparing ourselves to others, and to our interpretation of the script. We consider agreed upon social values -- the system of right and wrong by which actors present themselves -- and make adjustments daily. We are taught the rules of judgment and then teach them to our children. If we belong to a religious group, we accept its interpretation of right and wrong and make a constant effort to apply those principles to our life. Finding a place for our self and a meaning for our life is a constant effort. It becomes a program that runs on automatic. The result of this effort is called Ego. Ego is a product of the mind. It is the result of the continual self-judgment of the mind. It’s the attempt by the mind to fit us into the movie with the other actors. Ego is not what we are, but we soon begin to view ourselves in the light of this continual self-judgment. Ego is not who we think we are. Who we think we are does not often arise as we act our part in the movie of life. Ego is not who the other actors think we are. The other actors are interpreting our performance by comparing it to their paradigms. Ego is what we think the other actors think we are. As we perform, we evaluate the other actors performance according to our paradigm, and we adjust our part according to how we think they think we should act. Ego develops different programs for the different scenes and different actors in our movie. We may have a "Beer With the Boys" program, a "Talk With the Girls" program, an "At Work" program, an "In Church" program, and a "With Those Who Do Not Understand Our Program" program. Once they have been established, our mind switches these programs with every change of experience, running the proper program for each. It switches so quickly and easily that we hardly noticed happening. It is Ego’s attempt to make us fit into the script. Ego is continually judging and adjusting our paradigm so that we can act the way we think other actors think we should act for each and every scene. Ego is all happening in our mind. There is no need for Ego if there is no separation. There is no need for Ego if there is no limitation. There is no need for Ego if there is no meaning. The Ego program is necessary only in the illusion. But the Ego program is an emotional program designed for this movie of physical reality. It is a recent program that has been evolving since the time we set foot on stage. It is a repeated program that we run many, many times with each scene in our movie of reality. And now, as we are presented with the fullness of Mind and the presence of our very self, our mind is still running our Ego program. If we do not recognize what is taking place -- if we are not in Balance -- we find ourselves in judgment. We should know that all judgment is, without exception, the self-judgment of Ego. The presentation of judgment by our mind may be accompanied by a saint, a spirit, a loved one, or a light; the presentation depends on our expectations. When our Ego asks the question, what have you done with your life?, it comes from our mind. It is not from out there. We know, at that moment, it is self-judgment. We have many accounts of individuals who have had a near-death experience, or NDE. These are individuals who have experienced the process of physical death and returned to tell about it. There are accounts of NDEs from people around the world. Different cultures have accepted different beliefs yet, almost without exception, each report of judgment fits perfectly into the belief of the reporting individual. Each reporter sees exactly what fits into his or her belief and reality structure. And each report of judgment indicates that judgment did not come from the external presentation. The reporters invariably say that the presentation, in whatever form it has taken, is projecting feelings of total forgiveness and complete Love and understanding. At death, the mind presents our entire movie experience in brilliant detail and in a moment’s time. The presentation is holographic, and at that instant, we have the ability to perceive it holographically. We recall the relationship between the things we have done and their consequences. Even more, we recall the things that we could have done differently according to our belief and reality structure, or the things we could have done and did not do. All this is presented is in the context of our paradigm. Our belief system, if we have one, surfaces with astounding emotion. A strong belief system results in expectations that our mind now meets. We cannot have expectations without having limitations. Our mind is still filtering, refining, and projecting the illusion of separation, limitation, and meaning. Know now, we are not judged by God. We have always had the freedom to choose how we will interpret our part in the movie, and that freedom is without judgment. We know that it took each and every actor to make the illusion seem real. Yet, even while in the midst of the illusion, we have often judged the other actors according to our programs of good and bad, right and wrong. We are now presented the judgment of our mind in response to its Ego program, and it is presented in exactly the way we have judged others. We are experiencing the programs of our paradigm returning. But it took every actor playing every part to produce the movie of life. All the actors agreed on the script. Judgment cannot be external. All that is, is of The One. All potential resides there, including all experience as well as full awareness. There is not one part in this movie of reality that is not a potential held in The One. What we call good or bad is a comparison of these possibilities in our movie, and they are subjective. The concept of good and bad is a result of our paradigm, and nothing more. When we act our part in the movie and hold other actors in judgment, we are creating the programs by which the Ego in our mind judges us. Each and every time we assess the performance of the other actors and compare their interpretation of the script to our paradigm, we are adding to the program by which Ego presents judgment to us. What does stand out in detail in the NDE is the complete Love and acceptance of Mind, in whatever form the mind interprets it. Our self-judgment is presented in the Light of complete understanding and total Love. Because we are in the presence of Mind, every moment of our life is viewed in total Love. We come to know, in that moment, that Love is the very foundation of The One. Holographic Knowledge of the total absence of separation, limitation or meaning is presented in the radiance of Mind. We understand, in an instant, that the only things worth accomplishing in this movie of consensus reality must have their foundation in this Love. Anything else is simply of no value outside the limitations of our movie of reality. We should understand now that we are not in this movie of reality alone. As we have learned, each and every actor is just as important as the next. It does not matter if we think they have a good part or a bad part. All that is, is of The One. Modern masters often ask their students: Who is the most important actor in the New Testament? Most often, the students say it was Jesus. What would the life of Jesus have amounted to without Judas? Without Pilot? Without the soldiers that nailed Him to the cross? Would we have a church? Would anyone have written about Him? It took every actor to allow The Lord Jesus to perform His part. There was not one actor with a more important part than another, and Jesus knew it. Loving your neighbor as yourself requires Integration of the Knowledge that you and your neighbor, you and every actor playing every part, are One. Loving your neighbor as yourself requires Balance. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin, and the only Balance is in the center. Any variation either way is a product of the mind. Without Knowledge and Integration, our mind has no program available to present us with the fact that it took each and every actor playing each and every part to produce our movie of reality. The fact that there is no intrinsic good or bad, right or wrong in the movie is filtered and refined by our paradigm. We simply do not get the information. Our mind compares how we played our part according to its paradigm of good and bad, right and wrong. It then presents us with an illusion that meets our expectations of reward or punishment. Again, all judgment, without exception, is the self-judgment of Ego. When we seek Knowledge and Integrate it into our daily life, we do not judge. We live a life knowing that all that is, is of The One. We hold Balance. We know the source of separation, limitation, and meaning. Experience in this movie of reality is filled with emotion. Emotional love and hate are the two extremes of this spectrum. Emotional love and hate are reflections of good and bad. Good and bad are interpretations of experience made by the mind. The whole of our sensory experience is a constant struggle between the two. Perfect Love, the Love of Mind, is in the center -- in Balance. Perfect Love is not without emotion. Perfect Love is freedom from emotion. This freedom comes only from the Integration of Knowledge into our daily lives; freedom comes only from Balance. When we do not maintain Balance, we are overwhelmed by the emotions that our mind attaches to the illusion and are pulled into experience. When in Balance, we experience the emotions while remaining aware of their source and are able to return quickly to the center. This is freedom from emotion. The powerful program of self-judgment should be resolved now, here in our movie of consensus reality. We should Integrate the Knowledge of how our mind develops this program into every aspect of our life, every scene in our movie. We eliminate Karma and self-judgment by holding everyone in the Light of Balance in The One, knowing that they are a part of our movie of reality. When in Balance, we refuse to judge others and refuse to judge ourselves. We know that all is in Balance. Again, Knowledge, Integration, and Balance are the key -- and attention is the driving force. Copyright © 2000, Raissa Publishing, P.O. Box 295, Port Angeles, WA 98362 - This document may be reproduced and distributed by any means, freely or included in paid for material as long as this notice is preserved. You may edit, add to or delete from this document, but you may not restrict access to the base material.