Take vrste ki bi bil plod tvojega notranjega raziskovanja, v sanskrtu se temu reče manan..pa da še jaz pripopam nekaj: Manan (Sanskrit: मनन, pronounced "munun", also spelled Mannan and Manana) means deep thought or contemplation or profound reflection. The root of the word is man (Sanskrit मन) — the mind — i.e., the faculty that produces thoughts and feelings. In Vedanta group of Hindu philosophical traditions, there are three steps to self-realization: (1) "shravana" i.e., careful listening to the teaching of the Vedanta, (2) "manana" i.e., repeatedly and deeply reflecting on or contemplating what is learned from those teachings, and (3) "nididhyasana" i.e., becoming completely absorbed in contemplation that no other thought enters the mind. V bistvu je to forum za izmenjavo lastnih mnenj, ki naj bi bile produkt opazovanja lastnega življenja in razmišljanja o le tem, o tem sprašujem.