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triple x

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Vse kar je objavil/a triple x

  1. Kva to konc? Z nasprotnga pola ga težk dožvim!
  2. Kak bi temu reku solidarn mouk! Za crknt!
  3. Todi bi rada d se vsi kezimo okol nje, a?
  4. Not bad at all sam traja pa ne! kr neki sladkih beybik sn spoznou!
  5. triple x

    Fotke (3)

    Kaj zaj, bo kej al nou nč? Kaka sexy rita!
  6. Devil's Dance-Metalicca Yeah, I feel you too Feel, those things you do In your eyes I see a fire that burns to free the you That's wanting through Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow One day you will see And dare to come down to me Yes, come on, come on now take the chance That's right Let's dance! Snake, I am a snake Tempting, that bite to take Let me free your mind, leave yourself behind Be not afraid I got what you need, hunger I will feed One day you will see And dare to come down to me Yeah, come on, come on now take a chance That's right, come dance Come dancing One day you will see And dare to come down to me Yeah, come on, come on now take a chance That's right Hey, I feel you too Feel, those things you do In your eyes I see a fire that burns to free the you That's wanting through Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow One day you will see And dare to come down to me Yeah, come on, come on now take a chance That's right, we'll dance It's nice to see you here Haha
  7. triple x

    Fotke (3)

    Heh sn šu gledat če je Todi spet kako fotko gor dala, je že par dni ni!
  8. Hehehe! Grem delat naprej! Dobr spi! Mick ti pa ne gnjav tok svoje sogovornce, ne sme bit tok na internetu, jo bo spet glava bolela! Lepo jo pozdrav-sogovornco!! Ajd, mejte se!
  9. Kak naj bi bla love in to! Skušnjave so zato d se jih branmo!
  10. Pol pa neki ne špila Vem kaj je rekla K. in vrjetn se ni hecala!
  11. Kokr za koga! Zate al zanjo?
  12. Vem the je to wish sam ne vem če sn zlata ribca! Prej barakuda ham, pa te ni!
  13. Glede na to, da sva si v teh zadevah zlo podobna! Auč! Bejžte piške!
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