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triple x

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Vse kar je objavil/a triple x

  1. Bi mogu najprej slišat, pol bi lohk šele povedu kok sn lev!
  2. Midhnight in Chelsea The kids 'round here look just like sticks They trade old licks with a beat up six I just smile and catch the groove Gothic girls all dress in black Serious as heart attacks It takes a little bit of getting used to The old man with the whiskey stains Lost the night forgot his name His poor wife will sleep alone again And it ain't hard to understand Why she's holding on to her own hand Chorus: It's midnight in Chelsea, midnight in Chelsea No one's asking me for favors No one's looking for a savoir They're too busy saving me (Repeat Chorus) I've seen a lone,sloane ranger drive seems her chauffeur took a dive And sold her secrets to the sun And later in a magazine I finally figured what it means To be a saint, not a queen Two lustful lovers catch a spark And chase their shadows in the dark Someone's getting off tonight Of a big red bus that's packed so tight It disappears in a trail of light Somewhere someone's dreaming baby it's all right... Chorus: It's midnight in Chelsea, midnight in Chelsea No one's asking me for favors No one's looking for a savoir They're too busy saving me Midnight in Chelsea, midnight in Chelsea No one's pinned dreams on me No one's asking me to bleed I'm the man I want to be When Chelsea girls sing... It's morning when I go to sleep In the distant dawn a church bell rings Another day is coming on A baby's born, an old man dies Somewhere young lovers kiss good-bye I leave my soul and just move on And wish that I was there to sing this song Chorus: It's midnight in Chelsea, midnight in Chelsea No one's asking me for favors No one's looking for a savoir They're too busy saving me It's midnight in Chelsea, midnight in Chelsea No one's pinned dreams on me No one's asking me to bleed I'm the man I want to be The man I want to be,the man I want to be Midnight in Chelsea
  3. triple x

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    U zdej si pa me! Kratkodlaka angleška pasma, sam sn pozabu kak se reče! Tkole se pa uleže koj na Kajin prostor, sam d dobi prilko! Zanč jo je hotla celo umit, še dobr d smo vidl, drgač bi ji vrjetn še kožo dol posnel!
  4. triple x

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Sami mačonarji tle! Evo mojo Kseno!
  5. Če bi te jz pogreu, te neb nkol več zebl!
  6. Zmer dogaja, če sn pa jz zravn pa sploh! Kere to? Mi boš zaupu?
  7. In zdej ti je žou k si spustila rozine? Sej lohk nadoknadš!
  8. Najbl smešni smo kdr sedimo na wc-ju pa ne gre tko kt bi moral it! Pomaga če si tko predstavlaš koga k ga ne maraš preveč, med kakim čvekom s to persono, pol ti začnejo usta kr sama gor lest! Un pa študira če si kej spiu al si sam tok prfuknen!
  9. Če pa ti pridš pol bom pa tud jz! matr bo gužva, a bova sploh folgala Mick?
  10. Todika a viš kaj dela pozna ura, tipom se fuzla!
  11. Ja sej po en stran si spihaš dušo! Marsa mogoč si odkrila novo besedo!
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