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Vse kar je objavil/a Ksantipa007

  1. i've been looking so long at these pictures of you that i almost belive that they're real i've been living so long with my pictures of you that i almost believe that the pictures are all i can feel remembering you standing quiet in the rain as i ran to your heart to be near and we kissed as the sky fell in holding you close how i always held close in your fear remembering you running soft through the night you were bigger and brighter than the snow and screamed at the make-believe screamed at the sky and you finally found all your courage to let it all go remembering you fallen into my arms crying for the death of your heart you were stone white so delicate lost in the cold you were always so lost in the dark remembering you how you used to be slow drowned you were angels so much more than everything oh hold for the last time then slip away quietly open my eyes but i never see anything if only i had thought of the right words i could have hold on to your heart if only i'd thought of the right words i wouldn't be breaking apart all my pictures of you Looking So long at these pictures of you but i never hold on to your heart looking so long for the words to be true but always just breaking apart my pictures of you there was nothing in the world that i ever wanted more than to feel you deep in my heart there was nothing in the world that i ever wanted more than to never feel the breaking apart all my pictures of you
  2. Tell me who doesn't love What can never come back You can never forget how it used to feel The illusion is deep Its as deep as the night I can tell by your tears you remember it all I am paralysed by the blood of Christ Though it clouds my eyes I can never stop How it feels to be dry Walking bare in the sun Every mirage I see is a mirage of you As I cool in the twilight Taste the salt on my skin I recall all the tears All the broken words I am paralysed by the blood of Christ Though it clouds my eyes I can never stop When the sunsets glow drifts away from you You'll no longer know If any of this was really true at all
  3. Ksantipa007


    Scarred Your back was turned Curled like an embryo Take another face You will be kissed again I was cold as I mouthed the words And crawled across the mirror I wait Await the next breath Your name Like ice into my heart A shallow grave A monument to the ruined age Ice in my eyes And eyes like ice don't move Screaming at the moon Another past time Your name Like ice into my heart Everything as cold as life Can no one save you? Everything As cold as silence And you never say a word
  4. You wear your smile Like it was going out of fashion Dress to inflame But douse any ideas of passion You carry your love in a trinket Hanging round your throat Always inviting Always exciting But I must not take off my coat Well I'm tired of hanging around I want somebody new I'm not sure who I've got in mind But I know That it's not you That it's not you You ask me questions That I never wanted to hear I am the only one Just until you finish this year I would murder you If I had the alibi Here in my hand And you just laugh 'cause you don't understand That I'm tired of hanging around I want somebody new I'm not sure Who I've got in mind But I know that it's not you
  5. Bi blo zanimivo videt sploh razplet!
  6. Ksantipa007


    Ojla ribice! Bolj malo pišem tu se imam bolj za škorpijo, čeprav sonce v ribah. Letos bo še nekaj posebnega, glede na to, da me retro v rikverc vleče!
  7. Ksantipa007

    Fotke (3)

    Ena opolzka sweet sixteen, ko še nisem vedla al bi bla temna al blond! To pa je v wc-ju poleti 2006!
  8. Sigurn je bil retro Merkur ko sta se pojavla!
  9. Moj rd tud še ravno not padm! Zato mi gre vse bolj v rikverc še dobr da nisem rakica! Prodaja ali nakup avta verjetno v tem cajtu odpade? Moram rečt fotru, da ga ne pobiksa!
  10. Gaia hvala! Šele zdaj sem videla tvoj odgovor, ko sem mislila, da ga ne bo. Res si me šokirala s takim drobnogledom, kar do sape nisem prišla neki časa. Torej grščina sploh ni vprašanje? Fotr, ja zmeri odsoten, ko pa me je enkrat ornk pogledal pa presenečen look, da nism več njegova majhna punčka, ampak ženska. verjetno je še zmeri v šoku! Trenutno totalna zbrka v lifu, se probam skulirat, pa ne rata vedno. Praviš da bo. Pol že verjamem v to!
  11. Doreen Virtue ima dobre zadeve za pucanje čaker.
  12. I'm mad at you, because af all the things you do I want you to see the way your games are hurting me So why did I ever fall in love with you You're all of my nightmares and dreams come true What can I do to make you talk this problem through You said you've nothing to hide So let me hear your feelings inside I never dreamed that I'd see this kind of thing in my life So baby, plase let me go, let me go Whatever you do to me Somebody else will do to you However you break my heart Somebody else will break yours too All I can see are staring eyes of mistery I've tried to look behind before you take my dignity and pride We sit and talk all night, still you never seem to lose your height You believe in yourself, I hope I'm never gonna need your help Whatever you do to me Somebody else will do to you However you break my heart Somebody else will break yours too You don't want me, you don't need me, I got news now Cos baby I'm watching you Whatever you do to me Somebody else will do to you However you break my heart Somebody else will break yours too
  13. Vse pod živčni sistem. Nerv center, ne spomnim se prave besede pa se nahaja v malih možganih in je povezan tud z notranjim ušesom in z ravnotežjem. Nimam kam pogledat zdajle, vem pa da je prav. Kje je sonce? Popoldne imam plane in hočem sonce!
  14. Brezveze kako bi se pa drgač smilila sama seb! Nič slabga ne mislim, preber kaj pametnega, tega ni nikol preveč! Jaz se pa s šefom podjebavam :xx!: kdo mu je kriv če ga ni konkretno namoču in se rab prepucavat na šihtu :xx!:
  15. Tudi bom, samo da se šiht konča. Grem v Atlantis!
  16. Bruderja Naslednji mesec grem gor, ima Kaja eno leto!
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