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Vse kar je objavil/a Ksantipa007

  1. Kako vsklajena sta vidva! A sta prepričana da se nista že šla kdaj kaj tazga?
  2. Sej se zadržujem, z obema rokama se za mizo držim sam vseen so tili tvoji sunki od Da me ne bo odneslo!
  3. Se ne daš motit v nobenem primeru!
  4. Nothing Compares to You ~ Sinead O'Connor It's been seven hours and fifteen days Since you took your love away I go out every night and sleep all day Since you took your love away Since you been gone I can do whatever I want I can see whomever I choose I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant But nothing ... I said nothing can take away these blues, 'Cause nothing compares ... Nothing compares to you It's been so lonely without you here Like a bird without a song Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling Tell me baby where did I go wrong? I could put my arms around every boy I see But they'd only remind me of you went to the doctor guess what he told me Guess what he told me? He said, girl, you better have fun No matter what you do But he's a fool ... 'Cause nothing compares ... Nothing compares to you ... All the flowers that you planted, mama In the back yard All died when you went away I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard But I'm willing to give it another try 'Cause nothing compares ... Nothing compares to you
  5. Lia Maš point! Sam da ne bo predolg trohnel in usmrajal okolico!
  6. Every place that we ever knew Just a time we held on to Every space that we ever made Just a piece of ourselves we saved Every light that we ever held Just the fire from a dark, dark spell Every love that we ever crave Just a thing to be kept and caged (And sometimes) Ooh, you take it all Like the sea takes the land from under my feet Every dream that we ever ride Just a place for our souls to hide Every fear that we ever chase Just the fear of the truth we face
  7. Kaj nardit, ko te nekdo razočara tok močno, da bi mu najrajši polomil noge? Pa mu jih ne boš, ker bi bil kaznovan za neki brezveznega!
  8. Verjetn maš prav Ksenia! Sploh ne, sam viharje v meni moram najprej umirit, drugače je lahko katastrofa.
  9. Poleti rumena, svetlo modra, pistacija zelena, oranžna, rdeča. Pozimi črna, olivno zelena.
  10. Hvala Si eden izmed tistih ki vejo, da nisem tako bad girl!
  11. Bullshit! Anthony kako lahko verjameš kaj tazga? In to Nols?
  12. A year ago today we stood Above this same awakening world I held you... You never wanted me to know Another year ago today Before this same awakening world I held you... I never meant to let you go There was a moment There always is When time stood still And always was this... One endless moment You turn in pain And I always let you go Over and over again... A year ago tonight we lay Below this same remembering sky I kissed you You never wanted me to know... Another year ago tonight Behind this same remembering sky I kissed you... I never meant to let you go Another moment There always is As time stands still and always is this... One endless moment You tell me all And I hold you and I kiss you And I never let you go I never let you go...
  13. 5 tipov mi je zlo sami vejo kateri so Pri ženskah je malo težje, rečmo da jih 6 ne prenesem, ne štekamo se in konc! Ostali ste pa nekaj vmes!
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