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Vse kar je objavil/a Ksantipa007

  1. Ksantipa007

    Fotke (3)

    Od včeraj prbita ko mina!
  2. Kake mate! A po sexu lohk zaspi, al je to že preveč podobno rutini?
  3. Če bi prej vedla, da kopel pomaga, juhu, ne boli me glava!
  4. Že skor eno uro točim vodo v jacuzzi, se grem potopit in ne pridem ven, dokler mi ne neha šumet v želodcu in glavi!
  5. Ksantipa007

    Dobre bejbe

    Tam pa res! Mi je tolk bolj všeč!
  6. Sem zjutraj blody mary popila, je blo nekaj časa bolje, po kosilu sploh zdaj pa mi je spet slabo.
  7. Jaz si jo nardim tkole! Se vid, da še ni šel alko iz mene! :xx!:
  8. I've been in and out of favour with lady luck I gotta tell you I've seen things i never wanted to see I've got to get back on my feet I feel like i've been sleeping Sweet, sweet time Has been a real good friend of mine Waiting for that change of season Oh the winter's been so long Searching for that rhyme or reason You've just got to Move on Hold it together, move on Life's so short, move on Only time will set you free You put your fears behind you Better get yourself where you wanna be I think of all the days and nights i spent crying And i move on I've been in and out of favour with love Because i gotta tell you I've been things i never wanted to be And then some angel called me up He told me i was sleeping Said don't waste time 'Cos even angels say goodbye Waiting for that change of season Oh the winter's been so long Searching for that rhyme or reason You've just got to Move on... And oh, there goes another season Getting hard to find a decent song to play But oh, i guess i got my reasons Everybody thinks i'm doing a.o.k They ought to know by now You put your tears behind you Better get yourself where you wanna be I think of all the days and nights i spent crying Before my angel set me free I'm gonna be lucky in love someday
  9. Sastojci: 4 cl Vodka, 1 dash Salt, 1 dash Pepper, 1 dash Tabasco sauce, 1 dash Worcestershire sauce, 1 cl Lemon juice, Tomato juice. Priprema: Direktno u casi Casa: Highball glass Dekoracija: Engleski celer Napomena: Sve sastojke redno sipati u Highball glass i promjesati !! Grem zdej to ruknit, pa če me takoj pobere, samo da se sestavim!
  10. Nobenga sončka ni al mam pa jaz meglo na očeh!
  11. Ne morem kozlat :xx!: ne morem pit :xx!: nič ne morem. Kdo ima recept za blody mary? Grem poiskat na netu?
  12. Kaj pomaga proti tigru? Buča boli in slaboooo! :xx!:
  13. Ksantipa007

    Dobre bejbe

    Zame full huda ženskica!
  14. Kako pa to zgleda? S srcem, čustveno zagrabiš profesorja za jajca in dobiš 10? Zame niso te ibunge imam raje 9 brez čohanja po jajcih! Zezam, ne zamert Čestitam!
  15. Če jih ne povejo naglas še ne pomen, da jih nimajo!
  16. Kaj pa veš, mogoče bi s kakšnim umetnim dihanjem uletela, pol bi ji pa glava odletela revci!
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