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  1. kapica

    pridih zivljenja After waiting for over two weeks for his mate to return from the sea and relieve him of nest duty, this Adelie penguin's hunger helps him make the decision to abandon his egg in search of fish and krill in the sea. Photo taken December 12, 2002. Known populations of the Adelie penguin have dropped by 65% over the past 25 years.
  2. kapica

    pridih zivljenja A whale swims off the Valdes peninsula, Argentina. After summering in the Arctic, whales return to the southern seas each winter to reproduce. From July to November, whales mate and bear their young along the coasts of the Valdes Peninsula in Argentina. Until the 1950s, this migratory marine mammal was extensively hunted for its meat and the oil extracted from its fat, which brought it to the edge of extinction. Protective measures were adopted after international attention was focused on the problem in 1937. In 1982 a moratorium was declared on whale hunting for commercial purposes, and in 1994 the southern seas became a whale sanctuary. After decades of protection, 7 of the 13 whale species, of which only a few thousand remain (10 to 60 times fewer than in the early 20th century), are still endangered.
  3. kapica

    pridih zivljenja Cebergs and an Adelie penguin, Adelie Land, Antarctica. Antarctica, the sixth continent, is a unique observation point for atmospheric and climatic phenomena; its ancient ice, which trapped air when it was formed, contains evidence of the Earth's climate as it has changed and developed over the past millions of years.
  4. kapica

    ledeni kristali An ice cave near Palmer Station, Antarctica seen on July 24, 2000.
  5. kapica

    ledeni kristali The former Russian icebreaker and now cruiseliner Kapitan Khlebnikov breaks through the annual sea ice near the Oates Coast of Antarctica on January 29, 2005.
  6. kapica

    ledeni kristali The Commonwealth Glacier in the Transantarctic Mountains, seen on February 4, 2007. The glacier was named by the British Antarctic Expedition led by Robert Falcon Scott (1910-1913) after the Commonwealth of Australia. This glacier flows in a southeasterly direction, west of Mount Coleman, in Victoria Land.
  7. kapica

    ledeni kristali The Calkin Glacier, seen on November, 2003. The glacier is located in the Taylor Valley in Victoria Land, named for Parker Calkin, US Antarctic Program geologist who conducted research in the area during the 1960-61 and 1961-62 field seasons.
  8. kapica

    ledeni kristali Sculptured iceberg in North Bay, Antarctica.
  9. kapica

    nad globinami The setting sun glints off the Amazon River and numerous lakes in its floodplain in this astronaut photograph from August 19, 2008. About 150 kilometers of the Amazon is shown here, about 1,000 kilometers inland from the Atlantic Ocean. This image was acquired on August 19, 2008 by the by the Expedition 17 crew of the International Space Station.
  10. kapica

    nad globinami Steep Antarctic mountains channel the flowing ice sheet into a fast-moving river of ice named Byrd Glacier located near McMurdo Station. The glacier plunges through a deep, 15-mile-wide valley in the Transatlantic Mountains to create a 100-mile-long, rock-floored ice stream. This image, captured by the Landsat 7 satellite on December 24, 1999, shows part of the Byrd Glacier flowing through the Transatlantic Mountains.
  11. kapica

    nad globinami During the last ice age, Canada's Akimiski Island was buried under several thousand meters of ice, but since its retreat, the island has rebounded (risen in elevation) and new beach areas have emerged, streams and lakes have formed, and trees and other vegetation have colonized the new territory. This image of Akimiski Island was captured by the Landsat 7 satellite on August 9, 2000.
  12. kapica

    nad globinami Cloudless skies allowed a clear view of Tibet in mid-December 2008. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) flying onboard NASA's Terra satellite captured this true-color, image on December 18, 2008. Snow caps some mountain peaks, and ice partially covers some lakes in this high-altitude region, nicknamed the "Roof of the World."
  13. kapica

    nad globinami The Bear Glacier on the Kenai Peninsula along the Gulf of Alaska seen by the IKONOS satellite took this on August 8, 2005. This image shows the ablation zone where the glacier is primarily losing ice. Upslope from the lake, the foot of the glacier is riddled with crevasses - cracks in the ice caused by the glacier's movement over a rough surface. Down the middle of the glacier run dark gray stripes. As a glacier moves, it picks up dirt and debris from the rocks it passes.
  14. kapica

    nad globinami Mountainous countryside near Maelifellssandur, Iceland. Once the young lava fields of Iceland cool down, life begins anew little by little. Ice, wind and water flatten and carve out shapes to begin with, then, during the summer, bacteria, lichen and fungi prepare the soil for plants, in particular mosses which adapt to an environment which remains difficult. These plants colonise the most favourable sites and terrain little by little, forming a new ecosystem.
  15. kapica

    Slika dneva
  16. Safri Duo & Komodo - Fly Away
  17. kapica

    vprašaj me

    ta dans je ze vceraj... strah... izvira iz obcutka, ki pride, ko clovk stvari nima vec pod kontrolo al ko dela drobne korake negotovosti, tja cez vsakrsno varnost
  18. kapica

    Vesoljni dnevnik LNF 27

    lak namazes sam po nohtih! ne po blazinici prstov, ne po sklepih al pa kozici okol.... pol je pa priporocljivo bit potrpezljiv in pocakat, da se ornk posusi...
  19. moral...? nekje enkt... pa 0 hudga, ce se tle drugic al tretjic: kdo, kaj si? kje si? kaj delas, pocnes? kaj maras? s kom se druzis? kaj cutis, dozivljas? idt... in veckrat k si clovk postav ta skrajno preprosta vprasanja, veckrat lahk dobiva na ta ista najbl osnovna vprasanja globoke... mislm... drugacne odgovore... freaky lajf = jajcece + spermij
  20. kapica

    vprašaj me v duetu se odrect drugemu delu sebe, da lahk prvi del zivi al dovolit zivet drugemu delu sebe pa ceprav na racun prvega dela
  21. Faithless - miss U less, see U more
  22. kapica

    vprašaj me

    sport... je zame neke vrste umetnost... tk, da umetnost! iskati al biti iskan
  23. dj vato zamenji za konkretn filtr... vsak nj je, kr je vsecno njegovemu telesu! npr.: sosedu je fuuul vsec cokolada... pa je ne sme jest, ker je njegovo telo ne prenese... prvoten paradajzek v osnovi se kljub temu, deluje bazicno na organizem!!! K si lih tole izpostavla... se prav: prvoten paradiznik je kisel... in pri zdravih, normalnih organizmih deluje zdrava normalna kolicina tega prvotnega paradiznika bazicno na ludekovo telo... kr deluje kislo so pa to vecinoma strupi, ki so v njem... in ne paradajzek kt paradajzek... in fuuul zavisi spet od kolicine (to je tist k loc "zdravilo od strupa")! Z tono paradiznika al pa kej manj na dan, pa res lahk v organizem clovk vnese tud take kolicine strupa, da delujejo opazno na kislost organizma... in z to vecjo kolicino zauzitega paradiznika bi se nj povecala tud vsebnost cukra v krvi... js osebno, pr tej trditvi mal zmrznem... k pojma nimam od cesa... sj paradajz ne vsebuje cukrov v obliki skroba... ampk kkrkoli ze: paradiznik je se vseeno, vedno kisel in deluje bazicno na organizem!!!!!!!!!! ja...grrrrrr tele diete... od zdravnikov, ki jih predpisujejo bi blo ful lepo, ceb svoj cajt za natancnost in preudarnost preusmerl kam drugam! k tole je ze mal nepotrebno afnanje z njihove strani... pol je pa se tole: paradiznik je antioksidant in eno izmed naravnih antikancerogenih zivil!!! se enkt:paradajzek kt paradajzek je kisel ampk to ne pomen, da deluje na telo kislo! ampk deluje bazicno! kr je fajn... strupi v paradajzu (k jih je tekom rasti vsrkaval prek gnojil, skropil, zemlje,...) so pa bazicni in na telo delujejo kislo! kr pa ni fajn... (ampk zto ni kriv paradajzek... temvec civiliziran nacin proizvodnje le njega...)
  24. njeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... lusit buck paradiznik kt paradiznik je v svojem bistvu "kisel"... ampk na presnovo in celotn organizem... pa deluje, bazicno oz. alkalno!!! in da je toook enih ugibanj glede njega... cak... dayo: kdo deluje kislo?? paradiznik kt zelenjava... al strupi v njem, k jih tekom same rasti paradajz v olup in notranjost absorbira (preko skropiv, gnojil, zemlje,...)? pozim pa se ekstra... k mejhne paradajze piknejo z injekcijo in v piclih pol minutah se le-ta napihne, zraste in gre v prodajo... cudn, da ti ajurvedski mojstr ni "zapovedal" kr post...! kkrkoli ze... js ti pa "zapovedujem": poslus svoje telo!!! pij dost tekocine v obliki vode in dost se smej...
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