who am
of the green earth and the white
moon among the stars and the mysteries of the
waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come
unto me. For I am the soul of nature that gives
life to the universe. From Me all things proceed
and unto Me they must return. Let My worship be in
the heart that rejoices, for behold -- all acts of
love and pleasure are My rituals. Let there be
beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor
and humility,
Bila bi nesramna, če ga ne bi omenila. Pač.
Tada ga poslušam, ko poje; še raje pa gledam. Ni mi pa do pogovora z njim
Jan Plestenjak
Njegova Soba 102....me spomni na nekaj lepega
Burning Times In the cool of the evening They used to gather 'Neath the stars in the meadow circle Near an old oak tree At the times appointed by the seasons Of the Earth and the phases of her Moon In the center often stood a woman Equal with the others And respected for her worth One of the many we called the witches The healers and the teachers Of the wisdom of the Earth And the people grew With the knowledge she gave them Herbs to heal their bodies Smells to make their spirits whole Hear them
V zanosu magične besede
se ptice umaknejo v visoke krošnje...
Vode pospešijo tempo
in drevesne krošnje zašumijo...
Dvigam roke k nebu, zakričim...
Naj se zgrnejo oblaki,
naj se razbohoti tema...
Bliski naj zaplešejo z gromi
Pokaži moč, Gromovnik,
Razgrni plašč in sprejmi,
kar ti s Skale Sveta kličem
in se ne oziraj, ko ti vzamem,
kar se v ognju je kalilo...
Razbesni strašne nevihte
in dvigni divje, razbesnele vode,
stresi mogočna drevesa
in morja naj besnijo od obale do obale,
Eh, brez njegove glasbe tudi ne gre. Pa še tip je huda faca
Ko mi je hudo si dam pa tole gor:
Come join with us in our rune tonight
And feel the circle spin
Let your spirit soar in the lunar light
As the Spiral Dance begins
Come with us speeding through the night
As fast as any bird in flight
Silhouettes against the Mother Moon
We will be there soon
When the spinning ceases you can dance no more
Kiss the silent earth
We will tell our children of the Ancient Lore
At the moment of their birth
Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna