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Vse kar je objavil/a free

  1. sej res... ... ceprav 'za skorpije' bi to tezje rekli -----------
  2. o prav lepa hvala za vase komentarje, ki so me nasmejali!!!
  3. ce mal bols razmislm, skorpij sploh opazil ne bi, ce se nebi tolk ven skos metale
  4. 1 meni fajni clanek s strani (veliko govori o odnosu otroka s strarsi... zato sem dal povezavo sem): NEVROZA - nerealne cloveske potrebe
  5. free


    The White Stag (beli jelen) Aquarius Eagle - brezveze :xx!: ----------
  6. Verjetno ste izvedeli ze pri vesteh, toda vseeno podam, ker je zelo dobra in pomembna novica. Prvazaprav pa ne vem zakaj so tko dolgo cakali Dear Friend: We're writing to share another victory in the fight against global poverty: This weekend, 184 world leaders stood up and signed on to the G8 plan for 100% debt cancellation for 38 of the world's poorest countries. At Washington meetings of the World Bank and IMF, top officials agreed to a plan for up to $55 billion in debt cancellation, funding that will get kids in school, build health clinics and put clean water into more communities. 18 countries will be the first to benefit, and others will also in the near future. What is debt cancellation? It means releasing poor countries from crushing debts, left over in many cases from loans stolen by corrupt dictators and negligent donors. It means honest leaders in some of the world's poorest countries will no longer have to choose between taking care of their people or repaying impossible debts. It means giving people the fresh start they need to create real opportunity and change lives. From meetings in church basements to the millions who took part in the Live 8 concerts, over 1.5 million of you joined people around the world to demand real action on debt cancellation. This weekend's historic agreement is what ONE is all about: you raised your voice as ONE, and decision makers answered your call and did more to save lives in the poorest countries. Would you like to invite a friend to be part of the next victory that makes a difference? Take a minute and ask them to join ONE today. Now, your voice is more important than ever, because our work together isn't done - we have to make sure the details are decided and promises become action. ONE will be there, watching as rich and poor countries work together to make sure the savings from debt cancellation are put to good use to help the world's poorest people. Together as ONE, we're gaining momentum all the time - and helping to rebuild futures in Africa and around the world with every victory. Thanks, The ONE Team P.S. Visit the ONE.ORG blog to learn more about the deal and how debt cancellation fights extreme poverty and global AIDS.
  7. Abundance From The Source Have you ever tried attracting what you want, but for some strange reason - it simply doesn't happen? You've used the Law of Attraction, you've done your affirming, set your goals, and a score of other techniques and methods. But something still isn't happening... So what do we do? How do you open up your "attraction circuits" so you can create what you want? Let's look at the possibilities... 1) Work harder and struggle? 2) Set different goals? 3) Ask yourself "Why am I being denied what I want?" 4) Say to yourself "I guess it's just not meant to be" and give up? Or... something far more powerful than "mind based" solutions. Something that transcends the ego layer of "wanting", "wishing" and "suffering" when we don't "get what we want". We can try to "push wet noodle up the hill", but it's far easier to align ourselves with the Source of all things. How do you connect with this Source? Through The Power Of Your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is your God-connection. You are Divine and are capable of things that would make your jaw drop in awe. Tuning into your Higher Self and letting IT do the manifesting for you (and allowing it to happen) is over 500% more effective than using willpower. The KEY is to step back and let your Higher Self speak to you in the language that you can understand. What is this language? Your feelings... Your feelings are your "inner compass" and they will never lead you astray. Here's the basic "rule of thumb" in how to trust your feelings and use them to guide you to manifest what you want, and to heal anything in your life that troubles you. Step 1 Learn to know the difference between a good feeling (high vibration) and a bad one (low vibration). "But what do I do then?" you say? If you know what makes you feel "bad", and you're truly aware of the feeling, just accept the feeling (rather than rejecting it - which just causes more inner resistance). Once you learn to accept the feeling, you open up vast amounts of energy that you can then focus your inner manifesting skills that are intuitive to you (the ones you've used all your life) to attract what you really want. Step 2 Once you've paid attention to how you're feeling, then remember a time when you felt really good - when you felt truly peaceful, really joyous or grateful for something or someone in your life. As you begin to recall the high vibrational feelings of: Joy Love Peace Bliss Gratefulness and allow yourself to feel them - in the moment, you begin to shift your core vibration from low (repelling what you want) to high (attracting what you want). Your Higher Self will guide you in this process - remember how? Through your feelings... If you feel better, you know you've "hooked up" with your Higher self once again. If on the other hand you still feel stuck, disappointed, or anything other than peace love joy or abundance, just tune into your feelings, take a deep breath and fully feel your feelings and just accept them in the moment. and you will be blessed with a profound gift of stillness and peace. So today my friend, take 5 minutes and do the above exercise. Check in with your feelings, and tune into your Higher Self - your "God Link". As you do, you'll feel gounded, connected and your "attraction circuits" will come "back on line" to create not just the things what you want for yourself - but a better life for those you love, for our planet, and for all life. And So It Is... To Your Dreams And Your Abundance, Paul vir:
  8. free

    Quotes of the week

    In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. – Robert Frost, 1874-1963, American Poet A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In this way he steadily raises his level of aspiration. – Kurt Lewin, 1890-1947, German-born Psychologist ena skorpijonska: : Defeat doesn't finish a man--quit does. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's finished when he quits. – Richard M. Nixon, 1913-1994, 37th President of the United States
  9. Active Colostrum je ez na tretjem mestu prodaje izdelkov GOH v Sloveniji (takoj za Active-H (zivo vodo-FHES) in ProShape (MAP)).
  10. Dear Friend: As our nation extends compassion and action to help those in the Gulf Coast, more than 170 world leaders are meeting today in New York to consider how we can also best help all of those most in need, around the world. The World Summit began yesterday, reviewing progress on agreed, international goals like getting every child into school, helping every community get clean water and fighting AIDS and malaria. These 'Millennium Development Goals' have the power to transform the hopes of a generation in the world's poorest countries. After much debate, world leaders are now considering continuing what the recent G8 Summit in Scotland proposed in July, a compact for development based on debt cancellation, trade reform and increased development assistance to countries which practice democracy and fight corruption. Even while our hearts and minds have been focused on the victims of Hurricane Katrina, tens of thousands of ONE supporters also took the time to write President Bush, asking him to attend the World Summit and reiterate America's support for making poverty history. President Bush did that in his speech delivered yesterday at the World Summit, pledging America's considerable energies toward achieving these goals. America standing by these measures will make a real difference. Over the coming days, as the world watches, leaders will discuss how they can do their share to meet these important goals. Whether it is rich countries donating, or poor countries building clinics and schoolhouses and training teachers and nurses, together we have the opportunity to help nations to educate, treat and trade their way to better lives for all of their people. If you want to learn more about real-life examples of effective international assistance and the Millennium Development Goals, you can tune in to 'The Diary of Angelina Jolie and Dr. Jeffrey Sachs in Africa' this Friday on MTV at 8pm. Together, we are all ONE when it comes to confronting extreme poverty -- whether set on us by a storm, or with us every day because of the storms created by disease, famine, corruption or anything that creates the conditions that challenge human dignity. Together, we can be the voice that makes the difference. Thank you, The ONE Team >>>President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly >>>UN Millennium Development Goals Summit
  11. Da, kakor vem sta onadva med prvimi v sloveniji, se posebej dr. medved, ki sta s tako terapijo pricela na nasem podrocju. Tudi sam sem bil pri ga. rome in je bilo zanimivo. povedala mi je na kateri dodatki prehrani gredo z mano v resonanco in kateri ne ter ce sem alergicen na dolocene sestavine s katerimi smo v stiku vsakodnevno. Lahko se izve se vec. No, s pomocjo BICOM predvsem alregije ipd... zaznajo, hkrati pa zdravijo tudi avricno polje s pomocjo frekvenc (kakor sem razumel...); in ker smo ravno v tej temi, naj omenjam, da parav dr. wohlamnn zdravi tudi alergije in to 98% uspesno. V nemciji ima preko 8000 pacientov. V Ljubljani bo odprta klinika z vec zdraviniki, ki bodo zdravili po sistemu dr. wohlmanna.
  12. Napoved za leto 2005, sem sele sedaj videl: zal ni prevedeno, pa tudi za zadnje avgustovsko sporocilo se nisem nasel pomoci.
  13. da, mene skoraj vedno zanima. sicer pa je ljudi ze vedno vec, ki so kupili HK in so z njim zadovoljni. ti javim tudi na OS. Izsla je tudi knjiga HRBTENICA; ce vas zanima mi pisite. Govori o novem in zelo ucinkovitem zdravljenju hrbtenice. cena: 3.600 SIT. strani: 100, velike crke. vec o knjigi na: uradni strani podjetja, ki trzi izdelke. --------
  14. o metodi BICOM, bos lahko zvedel na predavanjih... posredujem ti povezavo na povezavo, kjer pise (glej spodaj): -----------
  15. Lepo, uzivaj v divjini... za kaksen dan bi tut jst najraj u divjino usel... bi lahko rekel iz betonske divjine v 'pravo' divjino. ---------
  16. Dober vecer iscem prostovoljce, ki bi pomagali prevajati avgustovska sporocila in morda tudi kaksna se naprej.. interesirani sporocite na moj OS. Hvala
  17. dober dan ...po daljsem casu.... tokrat posredujem tele novice in zeli prijeten vecer. v bodoce si (tistega ki zanimajo) lahko ogleda na straneh, ki so navedene na zacetku teme, ali pa se enostavno na novice naroci. -------------------- Dear Friend: In the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty, there are historic opportunities when the world gathers together, rolls up our sleeves and works to find real, shared solutions to tough problems. On September 14th, leaders from more than 170 nations will meet in New York City. At the very heart of this largest gathering of world leaders in history will be progress on agreed, international goals like getting every child into school, helping every community get clean water and fighting AIDS and malaria. Simply put, achieving these "Millennium Development Goals" would transform the hopes of a generation. Today, you can take a seat at the negotiating table - by asking President Bush to take advantage of the World Summit and forge an historic partnership to help Africa and the poorest nations overcome global AIDS and extreme poverty. Sign on to the ONE letter to president Bush today, and ask him to do more to fight poverty at the World Summit. Millions of lives depend on whether the nations of the world agree to a practical, measurable plan to accomplish these goals. America has already made strong commitments to fighting poverty, disease and corruption, but we cannot accomplish these alone - ask President Bush today to ensure that the World Summit produces a meaningful agreement that every nation, rich or poor, will do its part to help the poorest people of the world. Please sign the letter to President Bush, and then ask 3 friends and family members to join you. Over 1.5 million Americans are uniting as ONE across political and religious divides, supporting a commitment to work with other countries to overcome the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. We need other nations, and they need us, to build a better future for us all. Reaching across differences, together, we can make poverty history. Thank you, The ONE Team P.S. You can learn more about the World Summit and the Millennium Development Goals on the ONE.ORG blog.
  18. se strinjam z vama, toda ce zelita preberita zadnje sporocilo, ki so ga poslali o uspehih kampanije!
  19. Strokovnajki soglašajo glede celotnih potreb po beljakovinah: dnevne »bruto potrebe« po beljakovinah so za odraslega človeka od 0,8 do 1,0 g na kilogram normalne (idealne) telesne teže. Toda organizem vseh užitih beljakovin ne izkoristi. Nekaj se jih pretvori v odpadke med prebavo, nato pa še v procesu celične presnove. Do nedavnega ni bilo znano, kolikšne so dejanske »neto« celične potrebe po beljakovinah. To je po več desetletjih kliničnih raziskav ugotovil dr. Maurizio Luca-Moretti, vodja inštituta INRC (International Nutrition Research Center). V člankih iz leta 1992 in 1998 je objavil strokovni javnosti danes nesporno dejstvo, da so dnevne neto potrebe po ustreznih aminokislinah bistveno manjše od bruto potreb: vsega 0,4 g na kilogram idealne telesne teže. Odkritje ni zanikalo dosedanjih stališč o razmeroma velikih (bruto) potrebah po beljakovinah. Razkrilo pa je, da so bistveni problem pri presnovi beljakovin dušični odpadki, saj se v presnovi pretežni del zaužitih beljakovin (v povprečju vsaj 50%) ne izkoristi, pač pa zelo obremenjuje izločala in s tem celoten organizem. Kako si izračunamo potrebno količino MAP: a. ugotovimo neto količino potrebnih beljakovin (tabela 1), b. ocenimo neto količino beljakovin, ki jo pridobimo z beljakovinskimi živili (tabela 2), c. neto primankljaj beljakovin [a minus b] je količina MAP, ki jo je potrebno užiti za popolno beljakovinsko prehranjenost. Primer izračuna: Denimo, da je vaša idealna telesna teža 75 kg. To pomeni (tabela 1), da bi dnevno potrebovali 30 g beljakovin neto (npr. 30 tablet MAP, če ne bi uživali drugih beljakovinskih živil). Če zaužijete na dan 125 g sira, si z njim (tabela 2) pokrijete že polovico dnevnih potreb po beljakovinah. Zato bi zadoščal dodatek 15 tablet MAP. Ker so v prehrani običajno tudi kruh, zelenjava in druga živila ki imajo tudi nekaj beljakovin, bi verjetno 10 tablet MAP v tem primeru zapolnilo beljakovinski primanjkljaj. Tisti, ki se ukvarjajo s športom ali fizično delajo, potrebujejo več beljakovin. Podobno velja za nosečnice, doječe matere in otroke.Tudi psihični stres povečuje oksidacijo in s tem tudi potrebo po dodatnih beljakovinah (ter mineralih in antioksidantih). Umirjeno, nedejavno življenje pa zmanjšuje potrebo po beljakovinah in hrani nasploh. Tabele in celotni clanek si lahko pogledas tukaj: :: Uporaba MAP - Prava mera Beljakovin ::
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