he he.. ste smesni... ja, itak mas Mushi prav! jst to zadevo gledam in pogledam tut iz strani! Marsa, nbeno paniko ne zganjam, sam mi je tolk z a n i m i v o!! no, mal jo, priznam, ampak, zato k sm v tem. pa tudi zato, ker se cutim deloma odgovornega tudi tistim, ki sem jim kdaj predlagal uzivanje spiruline. to pa razumes. (he he, hitr neki sklepas... glede goh pa to.. ) sploh pa, menim da je prej kot dobrodoslo da neke vsebine preberemo tu, kakor da jih v kakem cajtngu 500x bolj napihnjene in neprimerne. sicer pa te mam cist rat! sicer pa cetudi poskocim ob taki informacijo, je zato, ker imam se vedno premalo znanja!! jst priznam. ampak, zato mam pa se svojo intuicijo zraven! sploh pa, sm govoril ze z Iztokom in drugimi kaj mislijo o tem... spirulina je ze tolkim pomagala, da je skoraj brezveze oaniko delat, ker ce gledamo 1 povprecje, ima vecina ljudi samo koristi od nje in se nisem slisal primera, ki bi rekel, da mu skodi. pa se nekaj, kar vas, nas bo zanimalo: spirulina sama naredi tisto bakterijo. zakaj jo naredi, je vprasanje. morda je to njen obrambni mehanizem (kakor nam je znano ga imajo tudi rastline), ali pakaj drugega. sploh menim, da zadeva lahko m o g o c e skodi le tistim, ki so zelo sibki, oslabljeni; pa se tistim verjetno ne, saj ima ob tej bakteriji spirulina ogromno odlicnih sestavin, konec koncev, saj je 1 od svetovni s u p e r z i v l !! pa se nove informacije institutov: A team of researchers from Scotland, Sweden and the U.S.A. recently published their report about the neurotoxin, BMAA (beta-N- methylamino-L-alanine). This report was published on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS (USA) on the 4th of April 2005. According to these researchers, BMAA is widely produced by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) from throughout the world. BMAA is a non-protein amino acid and a neurotoxin that has been found to cause ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimers. According to Dr. Paul Alan Cox, one of the researchers, BMAA enters the brain and spinal cord incorporated into proteins. It is only as the protein breaks down many years after the initial dietary exposure that the unbound BMAA exerts its toxic effects in the brain and spinal cord. Spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria that thrives in marine water and can also be grown in a controlled environment. Professor Birgitta Bergman, one of the researchers coming from Sweden’s Stockholm University claims that since Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, and since Spirulina is sold everywhere in the form of juices, food ingredients and dietary supplements, people should be informed properly of the outcome of the research. Consumers should know that the researchers did come up with the findings that BMAA was indeed detected in marine cyanobacteria as well as in fresh water cyanobacteria . The researchers therefore concluded that BMAA maybe produced by all known groups of cyanobacteria in terrestrial, fresh water, brackish water and marine environments and that there is a potential for wide-spread human exposure (PNAS website, Diverse taxa of Cyanobacteria produce B-N-methyl-L-alanine, a neurotoxic amino acid). Dr. Cox stressed though that due to the preliminary nature of the findings, no definite conclusions could be made. The Swedish National Food Administration and a team of researchers at the University of Stockholm is now carrying out a BMAA risk assessment research on Spirulina and other products containing cyanobacteria (Swedish National Food Administration and Stockhol Unitversity Press Releases). Amor Margarita Klippmark Product Developer GENERATIONS OF HEALTH