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  1. free

    Vesoljni dnevnik LNF 8

    svashta!! to pa je konkreten ZNAK, vsaj meni bi bil. kaksen pa ves ti najbolje! svashta svashta
  2. HA!! you said: 'am i' - what I was asking for at the page before!! thanks!! please, can somebody tell me when to use THE ? or: does anybody could tell me, when to use THE ?
  3. hejlouuuuuuu yes, my snow white! so, 'then gone out' - or ' 'then went out'?? go-went-gone I didn't went out yet :xx!:
  4. free

    Uran v Ribah

    hm, psiha je res 'cudna' zadeva. tesko posplosevati, se posebej pri ribah, za katere (vir: LN) je itak znano da so v svojih svetovih... in ce se zgodi kakor pravis je lahko morda se bolj ocitno? obcutljiva psiha... zdi se mi, da je recimo pri meni lahko zelo obcutljiva, hkrati pa povsem obratno... morda bo res, da je obdobje ze taksno. ze sam sneg in zunanji vpliv okolice da svojo noto! narava pa je mocno povezana z planeti (zemlja-vesolje). morda je to celo osnova astologije??
  5. free

    Uran v Ribah

    hvala!! ja itak, se pa kaze drugace, da iscem sluzbo, da se mi da bit discipliniran samo del dneva, etc... ampak sej gre. bo ze no!! kaj pa se bo ali kaj se prebuja pa nevem? neki bo ze ne! ne vrag, le sosed je mejak... mah, itak finance ne dopuscajo da bluzim prevec :xx!: kar pa je prav!
  6. hi hi, my heart is worm so, cosma, how was your day!?
  7. free

    LNF Vedeževalnica

    sem ze ta 2, ki te zdej sprasuje za job ... se kr u vrsto postavm! rabm job!!!, oz. dnar!! , ker za delat si itak najdem, sam se cash rabm! - kaj kaze, kdaj kaze, etc... hvala za tvoj cas in energy!!
  8. What a day! Full of snow and different thoughts... Kids are playing with the snow, making snowman, making tunels and they know everything .. That's cool! How strange that sometimes I could easier find peace inside if sorroundings become noisier and full of activities... Wish you all a peacefull day!
  9. free


    ja itak, sej vem... sej vem, da ves, da vem, da malo provociram hi hi...
  10. free

    Vesoljni dnevnik LNF 8

    thanks! navali narode na mecator skor zastojn astrologija!! pa ja, zakaj pa ne, tako si ona dela reklamo; folk bo itak hotel vec zvedet in bodo vedeli kam se obrniti, ne men gre sam se dnar po glavi :xx!: :xx!: k ga rabm itak a kdo ve za kaksen job??? karkol, lahko tudi 2 ali 4 ali 8 ali 12 ur..., vikende, praznike, ponoc... morm se odplacat prispevke za samozaposlene.. etc... pa ni mal casha no.. sicer pa koncno sem sp skenslu ti povem, ko sem sel iz DURS-a sem bil 100 kg lazji!! pa ze itak nimam kej dost kil , spolh ne vedu, da lahko tako obremenjuje.... prispevki pa prispevki pa prispevki pa ... roki pa roki pa roki ... :xx!:
  11. free

    Vesoljni dnevnik LNF 8

    thanks! navali narode na mecator skor zastojn astrologija!! pa ja, zakaj pa ne, tako si ona dela reklamo; folk bo itak hotel vec zvedet in bodo vedeli kam se obrniti, ne
  12. free


    kako tipicno za slovencke! polna usta besed in prazne hlace!! no ja, saj ne recem, da sem jaz zelo tiho ne toda vsaj nekaj pa sem vseeno postnil tule ne. ..potemtakem razumem, da mnogi dejansko niso toliko odprti kakor pravijo :xx!: al pa sem zelo naiven no.
  13. About SiO2 - it is already forwarded to a person, who could maybe know the answer. About that topic we could discusse at the other topic.
  14. why not!? it's OK just to practice. But if you're willing to corect mistakes that's even better and you're welcome. As well you'll practice your english by corecting our mistakes. Maybe we could give privilege to the english language not american, OK!? I have my dict. instaled on computer.
  15. sstane, we could discuss about the regularity of our work here as well; so we could correct mistakes to each other. If someone pop up here with the good knowlege of english, he or she would be most welcome too. 1) we could correct each other's mistakes or we could correct the mistakes of each other, but not to each other 2) if someone pops up, or if someone is to pop up, but not if someone pop up no, pa kaj naj jaz, ki ne morem v barvah tipkat? Finally someone to teach me!! You can make slovenian words bold or italic.
  16. free

    Vesoljni dnevnik LNF 8

    Hvala in ali jo meni laiku v znanju astrologije priporocas? oz. ali se ti zdi primerna glede na to, kolikor si jo prebrala? sicer si raje kupim 5 litar - yogurt! in ga spijem ob prebiranju LNF. sicerpa so jo imeli tudi v tus-u po seveda visji ceni (pribl. 1.500 SIT, brez dnevnika).
  17. Hey sstane! Thats looks like that you're expecting some visitors here, from another country! Of course, you should NOT forget to mentioned the 'goddess of the salt' , just to le them now of the goddess existence! Naturaly they will be very happy to know that!
  18. I agree. I was just passing London, so I don't have an idea how does realy looks like? Cool, hopefully I will read you opinion about the evening with your buddies!? yes. (I don't know, but I think the propriety words should be like that: 'seems to be' (not seem); I think you use 'seem' just for 1 person. And: I (do?) remember seeing The Buckingham palace and Tesco; ?? or: All that I (do) remember is seeing The Buckingham palace and Tesco.. m I right? - (kako se napise 'ali imam prav'?) ?? Anyway, your english is OK!!
  19. Prav lepa hvala. zanimivo tole... sicer pa sva si v enih pogledih podobna vse dobro!
  20. Yeah it was called 'Glenkoyn' or something... - the old whisky destilery! They've made whisky from the oat and it was the best whisky I ever drink!! The Glenkoyn destilery was placed in a beautiful nature sorroundings and it was very simple and modest but the real good old destilery! There was also some very old trees which reminded me on fairy-trees. Real trees with an fairy energy... I was at one castle too, visit it like a tourist. Like a tourist we did watch performance about the ghoosts of the castle :OO!: I prefer Scotland as well! All those fresh air and green breadth širina ... mmmmmmm At that time I was intend to live there forever, but... here I'm again...
  21. I was there nearly 1 year and a half. Actually in Glasgow. I did visit Edinburg (It was cultural metropolis of the world in that year), Lock ness and some other places. But when the monster form the lake almost eat me for his supper; I didn't have any wishes to visit other places there. There are lots of cultural places in Glasgow and Edinburg; very nice places; great museums of an old art and modern art; tons of pictures from the great masters of painting, the big transport museum with an old trains inside, etc... :0 and lots of interesting old cars. I went at the painting gallery about 3 or 4 times before I could saw all paintings there. I was lived near Kelwingrove park at the south side of Glasgow, whit a lots of squirrels , which were different than ours. As well I was enjoing sundays at the park, whatching students playing 'frizbi' and listening scotish bagpipe players, and that was fabulouse! Sometimes the bunch of drummers and bagpipe players wet on the street to lift up the city energy and to cleanup the place with their high energy from bagpipes. you can not to image this... After that I was usualy went at the cyber caffe learnig to use computer and to listen their local DJ. funny, but cyber caffes usualy had the best food in town. So, finnaly I went on the Byork concert at the beach. The event was not far away from Glasgow and it was occur in 1 big tent. Byork was fabulouse!! I still blame my self for my uncouragemnt, not to aproach her at the back stage but I was foreigner there, so I did have an excuse at that time. Do you know what was interesting at that time for me; ..I went at the centre of the city, I did got a new job in an hour. To compare this with the possibilities here in Slovenia; we could say that slovenians are the fearful nation ever seen. Although the english people are conservative, they're very open and relaxed about offering new jobs. But I could not say that for slovenians :xx!: Obviously we're to afraid and greedy to let people work and be payed enought for their work!? Anyway, it was just my experience. wish you happy day, love free
  22. js pa samo na 12. tocki vcasih, pa se za to mam dober izgovor
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