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Vse kar je objavil/a free

  1. ce se ti ljubi: Female :: 5.6.1972 ob 20.30 :: Novo Mesto Planetary positions planet sign degree house motion Sun Cancer 13°50'21 06 direct Moon Taurus 06°02'42 03 direct Mercury Leo 09°35'20 07 direct Venus Gemini 18°26'43 05 retrograde Mars Leo 04°31'14 07 direct Jupiter Capricorn 02°03'49 11/12 retrograde Jupiter is technically near the end of house 11 and is interpreted in house 12. Saturn Gemini 14°26'18 04/5 direct Saturn is technically near the end of house 4 and is interpreted in house 5. Uranus Libra 14°16'49 08 direct Neptune Sagittarius 02°52'30 10 retrograde Pluto Virgo 29°30'09 08 direct True Node Capricorn 26°04'25 12/1 retrograde True Node is technically near the end of house 12 and is interpreted in house 1. House positions (Placidus) Ascendant Capricorn 26°27'25 2nd House Pisces 16°58'02 3rd House Aries 27°09'23 Imum Coeli Taurus 23°55'55 5th House Gemini 14°27'21 6th House Cancer 03°37'09 Descendant Cancer 26°27'25 8th House Virgo 16°58'02 9th House Libra 27°09'23 Medium Coeli Scorpio 23°55'55 11th House Sagittarius 14°27'21 12th House Capricorn 03°37'09 Major aspects Sun Sextile Moon 7°48 Sun Square Uranus 0°26 Moon Square Mercury 3°33 Moon Square Mars 1°31 Moon Trine Jupiter 3°59 Mercury Conjunction Mars 5°04 Mercury Sextile Saturn 4°51 Mercury Sextile Uranus 4°41 Venus Conjunction Saturn 4°00 Venus Trine Uranus 4°10 Mars Quincunx Jupiter 2°27 Mars Trine Neptune 1°39 Mars Sextile Pluto 5°01 Jupiter Square Pluto 2°34 Saturn Trine Uranus 0°09 Neptune Sextile Pluto 3°22 Pluto Trine Ascendant 3°03
  2. Yeah, me to. good night all and wish you pleasant dreams!
  3. To speak scotlandish it is wery hard!! but if they're willing to speak english, than it is possible to understand them. But my opinion is that scotlandish is fabulous.
  4. WOU, it's really nice to read your post! I'm entirely and perfectly agree with you, that maybe we could express our selfs in english easier than in slovenian. The english is melodious, etc... the words could be softer and more suitable. thanks! I use to live in scotland, to use english daily or actually only english; but now I should renew it, because I'll need it. The idea for this forum comes from Mick ideas.
  5. free

    Uran v Ribah

    kako pa vidis kje mas oz. imam uran oz. ali ima sedaj konkreten vpliv na mene?
  6. free

    Uran v Ribah

    heh ja, narobe vidu , sorry! Uranus - Libra - 03°13'39 - 02 - retrograde Uzivaj!
  7. OK! but: my translation of that...
  8. maybe ?? the word comes from thought - think misliti (think, thought, thought) so I suppose that the 'although' should be correct one. I'm not sure?
  9. Ok , Ok... but: 'although' You should be punished for your mistakes! Give the Goddess 10 BIG kisses immediately!!
  10. sorry sorry... - 'Goddess of the salt' please accept my apologies to you!
  11. Cool! So, that would be nice place for you to practice! So, what's your level of english? mine it's not wery good. especialy I'm not good in grammar :xx!:
  12. ou, . I didn't know that. thanks! ssatne: you can not write about the salt here ; nevermind, I'm just joking
  13. free

    Uran v Ribah

    HA ?? jst mam ze itak uran v ribah u chartu! torej bo sedaj poudarjen.. hm, pa glih ko bi se nekako primerneje loteval bolj zemeljskih zadev al kako zdej to??
  14. and we say 'How was YOUR day'... don't we? Yeah!! I was correct my mistake already, thanks!! sstane!!: - that is what I was heaving in mind about correcting mistakes to each other!!
  15. ..just a little path I should walk a BIG 1.
  16. Cool! So, 'agreed' - means that you were agreed , isn't it so? torej si se strinjal If we agree at this moment, shouldn't we write: 'agree'? anyway, how was your day ? itak se morm prvo naucit pisat in ne spuscat crk
  17. sstane, we could discuss about the regularity of our work here as well; so we could correct mistakes to each other. If someone pop up here with the good knowlege of english, he or she would be most welcome too.
  18. hey! I'm happy seeing you here you can translate your message in slovenian only if you wish (sem pru napisu 'fish' ) so. yes, last time mick mentioned something about.. so here it is. I don't have the subject of discussion for now, but as well this could be like english version of the topic' Vesoljni dnevnik LNF. What you think? .. In reason that we could write about our 'normal' daily life, etc... so we could at first renew and repeat our knowlede of english. After that (if we become experts ) we could write about more profounded topics.
  19. Learn and write english (Ucenje anglescine na LNF) Hello. How are you today? My name is 'free' and I would like to learn english. Please join the conversation here in this likable forum You're most welcome to join us with your knowledge and presence. The only rule we have here is that you must write english in 1 colour (black) and interpretation (slovenian) in other color (blue). Thats's all for now. bye
  20. kot bivsa rokomodelka sem zelo za to kategorioj hi hi, miss rock & fu.king roll miss bitch miss mobitela (to bi mi lahk mobitel placu - idejo namrec ) miss uporabe interneta miss cistosti stanovanja miss kuhanja (priprave jedi) miss smajlijev miss ikonc miss ljubeznivosti miss duhovne modrosti miss ali bolje mister pregovorov in rekov miss pridnosti in marljivosti miss opravkov... miss slacenja miss spontanosti miss neznosti in miline miss angel face miss bubies miss ritka miss kidanja snega bla bla bla... marsa (sej ni tko hudo, oz. napredujes) hi hi lahko pa temu reces kot profesionalna deformacija, ki jo zahtevajo okoliscine
  21. free

    Šala dneva (2)

    mev 1 tip 3 jajca. samopomemben pristopi do drugega tipa in rece. 'a ves, da mava midva skupaj 5 jajc!?' tipo pa mu odgovori: 'kako? kwa mas ti sam enga?!
  22. miss privlacnosti miss simpaticnosti miss nakladanja in govorjenja (pisanja) miss inteligence miss pozelenja miss rok miss obraza miss telesa miss oci miss glasu miss energicnosti miss prizemljenosti miss odstekanosti miss umetnosti miss pohodnistva miss odlocnosti miss planetov (vsazga posebej) miss (izrazita predstavnica dolocenega planeta ali hise..) miss potavnja miss ... mister urejanja in slihtanja
  23. kdor ne dela, lopata. ja, sej res morm it delat (davcno .. :xx!: .. no, sej ni tko hudo, mal je tut cool!) lepo bodte!!
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