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  1. intruder

    Astro novice

    Hahaha FULKRAT (ta je dobra)! 'Mam nekaj na slovenshchini za spostat tlele. Lahko bi zorganizirali en edini thread (nitko) pa bi vse v eno spostal, OK? Astro Novice ali EXTRAzodijakalna astrologija.... Sextans bo sem pa tja na ascendentu za Novo Leto;) Pravzaprav vsepovsod na planeti 1/1/2003 bo sem pa tja kakshna extrazodijakalnost na ascendentu. Sextans, pa Hydra (Tiamut), Monoceros, itn. Delal semz 42 N (in 7 N) in spreminjal West in East longitude. Torej tudi ob tem chasu lahko zrihtamo kjer na Slovenskem izhaja (denimo) Hydra (okultno). 'mamo Hydro v Noumest! Najnovejshi BIG ONE je 2003 VS2 plutino. P.S. Mal bom editiral ko bo cajta, saj vse zapacam, a ne? Ko bo naslednji o5 techaj v Lublani se oglasim, ok! Xiaou da Padua, Claudio.
  2. intruder

    Astro novice

    Nish hud'ga, saj se nimash za kaj opravichevat! Prav za flike se gre! Hahaha! Kot da so jo divje muce brskale! Nekaj cajta sem bil na relativno nehitri konexion, pa se nisem oglasil. Vidim novice. Se vidva! Chao Mitja! Previdno za eklipso! Zhe deluje (nish normalnega se mi ne dogaja) itak;) Za I Ching... samo ovoj che sken.. che poshljesh (a ga porabish?).. Klaudio Zic, Ivekoviceva 4, 5100 Rijeka Pravzaprav bi najprej rab'lo shtudirati (ko so) extremne deklinacije (out of bound planets), potem pa extrazodijakalnost... Ko so extremne deklinacije se dogajajo extremi;) denimo bojevnik naj bi 'mel extremno marsovo deklinacijo (in potemtukaj magar tudi Mars v extrazodijakalni poziciji)... (zahtevna temat'ka, komaj nekjer Avgusta sem razvil koncept...
  3. Eno "extrazodijakalno" ozvezdje je zanimivo ko je na ta pravem ascendentu. Gre se za Sextans. To ozvezdje na ascendentu lahko imajo osebe katere (mislijo da) imajo nekaj kot 15 stopinj Device na ascendentu (pa ni tako enostavno!). Ascendent Sextant: Masonerija, preciznost, arhitektura, samozhivost. Omenjene osebe imajo tendenco da ostanejo svoje. To lahko pomeni da nimajo banalno socijalizacijo. Tudi same lahko ostanejo! V Sextansu ima Neo (Keanu Reeves) Merkur, tamo je lahko Venera, Mesec bo, itn. Sextans je nekakor od spodaj Leo skupaj z Corvus in celo kolpico demonov-ministrov Hidre (Tiamat, Hydra constellation)...
  4. intruder

    Astro novice

    madona pa si kar zrav'n! Pust'bom jaz kar unzipal! Na ta zadnje srecham osebe z Venera v Cetus, Sextans ascendent, torej "redke zveri". Pa se samo zdi. Namrech okoli 1970 vsi imajo Pluton v Coma Berenices in tako naprej (in nazaj). A bo snezhevalo v Lublani? Na morju se pripravlja zimska eklipsica |:|::: Marsa! A mi skenirash un I Ching, pishem knjigo in sem ga omenil kot posebno senzacijo;))) P.S. MatriX je predvajan z Luna v Cetus, pravzaprav Luna nekaj deklinira navzdol, pa gre v Pisces. Mi seveda rachunamo tropickalno (saj tudi to rata). Trailer za "Looking for NEMO" ima kita notr.
  5. intruder

    Astro novice

    Ravnokrat sem predlagal Marsi da bi 'meli mal bolj urejeno rubriko taful odshtekanih novic. A veste kulk je objektov vechjih kot Ceres kar z ta druge strani Neptuna? A zhe veste kjer se nahajajo Vashi najljubshi kentavrji? zaenkrat novice Nekaj zhe pishem na slovenshchini (spet!). Claudio P.S. Pochasi magar lahko uvedemo nekaj prav nove astrologije, takoimenovane EXTRAzodijakalne astrologije (za hec, za kvajastvem experiment, ok?). Jaz namrech razvijam tudi program za to vejo. Na ta zadnje... Odkrili smo en kolp novih objektov iz klase kentavrjev. Najnovejshi je 2003 UA118. Mrk se zgodi po Mesecu v Cetus. Mesec gre iz Vodnara v Cetus prav ko izide Matrix Revolutions. Opis Lune v Cetus je skoraj natanchni opis filma! news:// Zaradi veliko dokumentacije vsmerjam na tadva linka. Lep pozdrav, Klaudio. P.S. Pa she dodam nekaj navodil. Za faze eklipse oglejte si "EclipseVE 95" Za Luna v Cetus (Kit), glej: November Moon in Cetus. Na ta zadnje je Luna enkrat na mesec v Cetusu, torej extremno juzhna deklinacija. Za Mawangdui I Ching Aspektarijan oglejte si celi kolp "work in progress" materijala. Nekaj fotografij na Aquatic his Horns :::|:| Tle so ene hecne: Ko surfate lahko kar pustite da se sajt odrola sam. Marsa extrazodijakalne pozicije sam mejlal? Upam ok?
  6. intruder

    Primer horoskopa

    Konchno predidem na total "novi" sistem, torej iztok, zapad, sever, jug in zenit. Kdo se hoche z tem maltrat ima na newsgroup:
  7. intruder

    Primer horoskopa

    Seveda to velja za one bogove kateri imajo svobodno voljo in odgovornost.
  8. intruder

    Primer horoskopa

    Zhivujo! Astrolog pravzaprav sam izbere primerne objekte. kar nekaj jih je na zalogi. Najvechji so (poleg Plutona) seveda Quaoar in ostali transneptunerji. Nekaj kentavrjev je zanimivo. Pol pa 'mamo nashe mes'ce (Cruithne, ...), objekt kater nas je skoraj trkal 2003 SQ222. Seveda ne rabimo vsega, pa je chlovek radoveden, a ne? Ko odkrijesh nebo kakshno je resnichno, pozabish na saj vech "navadne" shtose. Vseeno se z "normalno" astrologijo naredi tudi prevech. Che ti shlajfa desno kolo gwatebriga che se gre za 2003 SQ222 ali pa kar "navadno luno". Saj itak nimamo cajta za vse. Jaz sem pred letoma delal z 50 objektov (ni bilo veliko objektov) potem so kentavrje kar enkrat na ... mesec (skoraj) dobili, ... transneptunov je ? 700 ? ... enga po enga. Saj smo imeli Quaoar, a ne, pa vse te shtose. nekaj pishem (book) I Ching in 360 stopinj, pa she I Ching Aspektarijan, pa Extrazodijakalno Astrologijo. Ne bo me nekaj cajta. Marso bom zhical (opa se ne upam) magar oktagonalno knjigo I Ching (ne vem, kaj vse pishe notr). I Ching seveda lazhje porabimo, pa nam astrologija da bolj natanchni tajming. Kjer naj se zachne expanzija? Moral' bi direkcije delat pridno nekaj chasa, pa tranzitchke. Potem se vse rashirja. Primeroma Pallas je v Cetus in tamo so tranzitirali ogromen 2002 TX300, 2003 SQ222 in Luna. Vse je to zahtevno. Cheprav je Luna v Cetus, tudi NASA ima konvencionalne longitude. Astrolomski se ponavadi delča z RA/decl, ko delash na mayanski/egiptjanski nachin she meridian, azimut, pa to. Zdej delam novi sistem hish (kotangensi, fant, kotangensi) kater nima M.C., temvech Zenit in "due eastern ascendant", pravi ascendent (denimo Sextant je lahko ascendent). To sicer komplicira zadevo, pa je natanchno kakor gori takjle dolika. nekaj nisem vadil slovenhchino na ta zadnje Lep pozdrav vsem! claudio
  9. Anorganska bitja in podobno ne bojo kar tako odshla. Za clearing pri tem porabimo mal vech kot samo navadne "new age" tehnike. Gre se za paralelni svet kater ima svoje zakone. Seveda roparji smo tudi mi ko postenemo magiki. Energije nikoli dovolj. Larve so vsepovsod, pa tudi bolj inteligentna (demoni) bitja iz paralele. Ko delate clearing boste opazili da sredstvo mora biti chisto. VILEDA = A DEVIL
  10. Vsaka stopinja ima I Ching omen, Franz Bardon spirit-star, sabianske in celo tarot simbole. Lahko torej I Ching kodiramo vsak horoskop. Konjunkcije RA ali long lahko vidimo iz simulacij. Niso vse knjunkcije namrech konjunkcije, pa se zdi v enostavnem okrozhju.
  11. Primer horoskopa: ________ Books (work in progress): © 2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. To mail me click on: Our newsgroup:news:// Ciesa dea Madalena
  12. Najprej kjer je luna? To ni enostavno. Potem kjer progresira? Lahko progresira v Cetus, Ophiucus, Sextans, Virgo, ... in ... celo Corvus... Primer (sicer za Venero):
  13. Neverjetni gifi! Samoizdelava???
  14. Seveda. Zhe 'majo horoskope. Gre se tudi za to da je velik tega za narest. Smeti proch. Koncentracija. Teoretichno vsak vstvarja dogodke pa edino chisti resnichno. Torej se nekakor tehnika shchiti sama. Zavedam se tega kar si omenil. Nekaj je b'lo tudi... saj vesh... dogodkov... jaz sem verjel da je dovolj dobra volja pa moja opozoritev, pa dokler vlechemo ego (hudichevo inshtalazijo = um #2) in nismo mi resnichno mi (um #1)... saj vesh. Tudi sadakha guruji (savikalpa samadhi) imajo nekaj ega. A se spomnesh kako se Crowley-u vrnil ego, pride nazaj, otide, gre se za non-stop fight. Seveda to zaenkrat ni vash problem, pa enega dne... zaschne se RESNO.. madona povem ti... hudo je! Seveda Nasprotnik "ima" tvoje telo, default um (on ga je zmislil za te), praktichno materiajni svet (lord of this planet), ... ti pa 'mash tishino, koncentracijo, ... hmmm Lahko tudi diskreiramo planetarne duhove, to pa ne bi bila zachetnischka varijanta... Na en nachin tudi che kjerga inicirasch v astrologijo... a vesh kjerga.. a 'ma aspekte? A bo resan? ... Che pa ne inicirash a si naredil O.K.? ... Videsh... ...
  15. Zelo enostavno. To je chlovek kater je zgubil um. Nima standardni um. Ima pa ta pravi um. Ni jih seveda okol, pa se najdejo sem pa tja tudi vn Indije... poznam jih nekaj.. Namrech yogi in magik diskreira ta uma kater se zdi da je lastni (pa ni). Chlovek ima "dve dushe", dva uma, eden je odzunaj inshtaliral hudich, drugi je pa resnichno Tvoj, magichnotroshki, zgubimo ga ponavadi okol 3ga leta zhivljenja. Saj vesh kakor starshi otroke .. maltrajo ...
  16. Spoved je tehnika. Ko izkomunicirash, ... gre vn! Nekaj bomo v zhivo delali v MB pa LJ v tem smislu; kreirali bomo dogodke, pa to... Ko izpovesh si nekakor zhe prechischena in je PROSTOR (vakuum) nastal v katerega sprozhish kreacijo ali pa kar dogodek!
  17. Torej zdaj ko poznamo nahitro izrachunati leto dogodka, pa she dan in uro; kaj lahko pochnemo? Kreiramo ga. Ali ga kar diskreiramo vnaprej, preden se zgodi! Seveda obstajajo metode za inicirane in manj. Talismani so nekaj manj dostopni, sicer se vecinima gre za zlato in posvechenje katere naredi chista in iztrenirana dusha; nekaj je pach metod katere vporabljajo manj inicirani... O tej temi bo beseda na seminarju v Oktobru v Ljubljani. Sicer se ne gre za astrologijo, temvech za kreiranje dogodkov.
  18. intruder

    Kompozitna venera

    Nezvestobo imash ko se direktirajo Venera pa Neptun.
  19. intruder

    Kitajski horoskop

    Ne obstaja machka. Mislesh na BELEGA ZAJCHKA na Mesecu? Mislem a je mucamaca zajec? Komplement je seveda Vrana... Gre se za belega zajchka, a ne? Podobno fenix postane petelin, a ne?
  20. intruder


    Pravzaprav je 12 planetov za 12 znamenj. O tem smo zhe. Tiamat je problem pa jo pridamo Zemlji ali asteroidnemu pasu in podobno. Vladarji Tiamut so Hydra ali pa alternativno Devica.
  21. intruder


    When she looks at the horizon, she sees Monoceros rising. That's a beautiful constellation and she knows a centaur will be there soon. The Unicorn constellation is her natal one. It was rising at the time of her birth. True. Her firends have different rising constellations. Some of them are quite outstanding. An architect woman she knows has Hydra rising with Moon in Sextans, a perfect reliable friend, constructor, designer, psychic, quiet personal angel. One learns to rely on Moon in Sextans people, indeed! So you have been told what was ascending at the time of your birth. Nothing can be further than that! Your TRUE ASCENDANT is one below. TRUE NATAL ASCENDANT Which of these is your TRUE natal eastern ASCENDANT constelation? Some of the constellations not appearing in the first scan below are Equuleus, Canis Minor, Taurus, Crater, Libra. One's emotional insecurity can spring from an underdog Canis Minor ascendant, while your topdogish behavior can reflect in Ursa Major at the northern horizon. Know yourself and your astral body better with Nu Astrology! CONSTELLAZIONI ASCENDENTALI ORA PER ORA Hydra Constellation Currently Rising in Venice. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. = Nu 24h = Astrology Reloaded: Sep 12th 2003 Venice, Italy (E) CET DST = UT + 2 Constellations ascending at due east. Some of the ascending constellations don't figure in this scan, see table below. The Moon is in Cetus, Pluto in Ophiucus, i.e. `extrazodiacal'. 6 SEXTANS 7 LEO 8 VIRGO 9 VIRGO 10 VIRGO 11 SERPENS CAPUT 12 SERPENS CAPUT 13 OPHIUCUS 14 SERPENS CAUDA 15 AQUILA 16 AQUILA 16 AQUILA 17 AQUARIUS 18 AQUARIUS 19 PISCES 20 PISCES 21 CETUS 22 CETUS 23 CETUS 24 ERIDANUS 01 ORION 02 ORION 03 MONOCEROS 04 HYDRA 05 HYDRA 06 SEXTANS = Clear Skies! = news:// Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven||| © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. ASTROLOGY RELOADED © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Simply the East! True Eastern Ascendant = True Rising Constellations = Reload here: What is your true eastern constellation? Here are your possible true ascendants with short commentaries and delineations by ORION Orion is all over our site, since it marks the Northern Stargate and is tied to all major stellar achievments of the old civilisations. This constellation is particullary well studied and it's every star is a special portent. /dalai.lama /stargate It is important to note that the `Chi stars' of Orion are especially indicative (the Moon was there at WTC Sep 11th 2001), marking periods of danger (Saturn in Orion 1914 1945 1973 2003), while milder stars (Dalai Lama) might be favorable. It is not the same which portion of Orion rises in particular periods of history, CINGVLA ORIONIS or Xi2. MONOCEROS The Unicorn is a portentous constellation for the british. /prince.charles /monoceros /prince.william If you happen to have this constellation (the equivalent in the old system is roughly around the 15th tropical degree of `tropical Leo') you will always tend to have initiative, since you were born with an undomable pioneering nature, very YANG in terms of taoist philosophy. Suggested book by Roger Zelazny `The Sign of the Unicorn' (newsgroup news:alt.books.roger-zelazny) from the excellent (O5!) Amber series. CANIS MINOR Funny as it seems, I have been experimenting with Davison relationship charts and the new system pointed to Canis Major as Northern constellation where the couple in question had a strange english bulldog. Canis Minor means little dog. I hope bulldog lovers will pardon this one. This is a somewhat rare position, bearing some indecision in the emotional life. HYDRA Hydra was Tiamat in old Shumerian tradition, bearing it's sattelites & monsters on it's back. Corvus and Crater are two of those allies `riding' Hydra to this day. Venus and 2002 AW197 (giant transneptunian) will meet in Hydra, as this constellation is generally well studied on account of it's lenght and ascension time. When notorious Aleister Crowly sat to channel the Book of Law, it was Hydra's Head rising at Cairo's eastern horizon. Get ready your kundalini manual, because this constellation will keep busy the astrotantric community in the years to come! SEXTANS Keanu Reeves with Mercury in Sextans is one of the `slanted' examples of this fine position. The Moon, Mercury and Venus visit this constellation rather often in their retrogradation. I'm skipping a little part of LEO, insignificant for the purposes of this article. CRATER can barely figure as an ascendant, but I suggest one takes mystical favors into account, because we're talking about a sort of Holy Grail here. The beautiful centauress-nymph Chariklo is in this constellation at this time, always bestowing unearthly beauty to the lucky owner of this presently very rare ascendant. In a couple of years Venus will rise with Chariklo in Hydra; dangerous beauty, indeed! VIRGO Virgo is a very large, positive and all-present constellation, containing the special lucky star Spica Virginis (tropical astrologers think this star is around the 23rd degree of `their Libra'). Virgo seems to be present in every aeon and must be very studied and known to man since his first inspections of the eastern horizon. Virgo is perhaps the most familiar constellation, arranging for a homely atmosphere and cosy starry nights. LIBRA The part of Libra that can appear as due eastern ascendant contains a critical star, but it is rather unlikely or rare to have this ascendant. SERPENS CAPUT This is the legendary devil's part of the sky. See our extrazodiacal section for delineations such as `Pluto in Serpens Caput' and it's main star Unuk-al-Hay / The Head (or Heart) of the Snake rising meant destroying the geomantic question (or even the tool) and postponing the divinatory process. This talented people are dangeros for their surroundings. OPHIUCUS This is a wide constellation and it is most likely that you or your dear ones have many planets in Ophiucus. The delieneations for the planets, as well as examples of positions are available online from SERPENS CAUDA Pluto will enter this constellation after it's sojourn in Ophiucus. This cluster of stars is less dangerous than Serpens Caput. AQUILA Americans will love this constellation since it is akin to their spread eagle and it's most intriguing symbolism. An all-american ascendant, we could say! EQUULEUS This rare and gentle ascendant bestows a friendly nature as this rare people follow their friends in the pursuit of pleasure. AQUARIUS and PISCES are well known to siderealists but our own delineations may vary slightly due to the difference between the new system we're proposing and the 12 sign system that was in use. CETUS The Leviathan is a serious water monster that rules evolution and subconsciousness. Deep analysis requires this ascendant, possibly with the Moon in Cetus. You can have many planets in Cetus, too! I'll skip here the small part of TAURUS that comes after CETUS. ERIDANUS This constellation marks the area from which the new system comes, since this river (Po) is just south of Venice. Phaethon (also an interesting type of asteroid) fell into this river. The Comet moves from Lepus to Eridanus towards 2012. Eridanus is a large constellation making for extendend `hospitality' afforded to asteroids and comets. There's `water flowing underground'. Besides this constellations, still wider worlds open in the future and the past when e.g. Crater or Aries would normaly rise in the East. The new system uses the E W + N S & SW NE horizons, thus expanding into a whole new world as concerns natal, relationship and horary astrology. Klaudio Zic = Clear Skies! = news:// Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven||| © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. delienations for your extrazodiacals Western Constellation: Sextans Sat Aug 09 21:08:56 GMT 2003 ~ Tue Aug 19 07:05:48 GMT 2003 Planets, centaurs and other classes of objects in your true eastern natal constellation or at other progressed horizons. This article requires some introduction in extrazodiacal astrology © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. = Nu #1 = NU Horizons It is comparatively easy to determine whether one has a natal or progressed planet in the ascendental constellation, even and particullry when it's an extrazodiacal constellation. Moon in Cetus ascending happens all of the time. Many will be born in 2008-2012 with Moon in Sextans ascending. Special beauties and lamias will be born in 2007 with Venus Chariklo conjunct in Hydra ascending. To have Sun Mars Venus Mercury Pluto and the Moon in Ophiucus ascending is also possible (e.g. 1998). Many planets in Cetus are possible, as we have seen scanning notorious and great personalities from Dali to Hitler for extrazodiacal natal and progressed positions. Even when no planet is in your ascendental constellation, a special object of importance might be (and usually is) there, such as centaur Thereus in Orion or comet NEAT in Eridanus (towards 2012). Your other horizons, such as northern and southern may hide some interesting object, such as 2002 AA29 in Puppis. Your southern horizon can thus contain two major Earth's `moons' or trojans, Cruithne and 2002 AA29. NU HORIZONS is the only true horoscope of your ASTRAL BODY. Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven||| © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. ~ Mon Aug 25 14:08:14 GMT 2003 So you have your HOROSCOPE done. Now check this out and see! © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. = Nu Personal Skies = NU Horizons TRUE ASCENDANT Discover your true ascendental constellation. You can have Moon in Cetus at the ascendant, giant comet NEAT in Eridanus or Mercury in Sextans. The ascendant calculated is due east. SEVENTH HOUSE Don't be so sure about planets in houses. A known error has swindled millions of people. That planet could be in the 6th house instead of 7th and vice versa. The same applies to the 12th and 1st houses. Famous astrologers had and still have this error but you won't have it any more. Check it out! MOON What is your true local Moon's position? They have calculated it for some improbable geocentrical position. If you have been born on the surface of this planet, let the Moon be calculated for the exact place of birth. Further on, let us check it's true constellation, since it might be in Orion, Ophiucus, Cetus, ... NU HORIZONS is the only true horoscope of your ASTRAL BODY. Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven||| © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. ~ Mon Aug 25 14:32:32 GMT 2003 = Astrological Troubleshooting = NU © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. ASTROLOGICAL TROUBLESHOOTING There are several ways to help your astrologer, but since there's more than a fair chance you actually have better natal astrological aspects than he has (you're reading this), why not start on your own? HOUSE PLACEMENTS Will the planet be in the 7th or in the 6th house? Don't trust that program and observe the horizon. A planet above the horizon is in the seventh house. Don't divorce. Check that Neptune in the seventh, it is very likely in 6th. The same applies for 1/12 6/7. ASCENDANT She has Hydra rising with Moon in Sextans. We like her because she's reliable and faithful, a rare character feature nowdays as ever. Moon in Sextans are great supporters of occult pursuit. DIRECTIONS Now you have a horoscope with Moon in Cetus, Monoceros rising, Venus in Sextans and Uranus in Ophiucus. The Moon has been calculated with genuine precision for the location. Still the directions don't yield results? Try the primary directions. EXTRAZODIACALS Extrazodiacals tend to be very important and here's an example: How can you have Pluto ascending at this time when Pluto is in Ophiucus? technically, one of these days you can have Pluto on or just above or below the horizon in Ophiucus with Serpens Cauda or Ophiucus rising. Pluto is (very) roughly midway between the east point and the `usual' ascendant. MOON Or moons? It is possible to determine the correct position of the moon. Many an error will spring from a `geocentrical' or elsewise miscalculated Moon. Is your Moon in an extrazodiacal constellation or approaches one by secondary progression? The Moon is the local Moon, not some London Moon or Middle Earth Moon. But we have news for you. Why not check on the OTHER MOONS we have? Yes, we do. We have at least three more! No, not the often miscalculated liliths, darkmoons trivia or even mysterious Cassini Lilit. we are talking about Earth's quasi-sattelites or trojans, Cruithne, 2000 PH5 and 2002 AA29. PROGRESSIONS Among the many directions (possibly over 250 types of) we have tamed the `transits' and the `secondary progressions'. Use them secondaries (reverse and direct) when dealing with extrazodiacal positions. Our examples vary from Richie Sambora to Adolf Hitler. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. TEN THINGS YOUR ASTROLOGER DID NOT KNOW - 2003 Version © 2003 Klaudio Zic 1. HOW MANY MOONS DOES PLANET EARTH HAVE? Earth has one moon, but a `trojan' named Cruithne is often called `Earth's second Moon'. Cruithne as part or an astrological analysis may be linked to special gifts in some powerful women shamans and sacred sexuality in general. 2002 AA29 is the third moon and there might be other resources for our space mining projects in the years to come. Muad Dib is the nickname for this third moon, now part of every analysis. Moreover, 2000 PH5 is included as auxilliary Moon in our simscans. 2. WHICH ASTEROID IS THE LARGEST ONE? Quaoar is the largest asteroid. Here the list: H Pluto Quaoar 1.8 2002TX300 3.1 Ixion 3.2 2002AW197 3.2 Vesta 3.2 Ceres 3.34 2002TC302 3.4 2002UX25 3.6 Varuna 3.7 Pallas 4.13 2001UR163 4.2 2001QF298 4.4 Updated Nov 16th 2002. 3. WHICH DEGREE IS HELD BY MY MOON? The calculations of most popular web sites and magazines erroneousely assume geocentrical position, but since we are not born in the centre of our planet (but somewhere on the surface), we must assume the `topocentrical' position. This means quite a revision of your natal and horary data base. Many a Moon is not void of course at all, and vice versa, and perhaps in the neighboring house. The Moon is not necessarely in Leo or Cancer, as siderealists (jyotish, vedic) or tropical astrologers would want it to be. It may stray close to Sextant constellation. Vivian Robson has something to say about constellations and for good reasons. 4. IS MY MARS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE? It depends on the latitude. The wheel chart is not a reliable slice of information. Your Mars might be in the 6th house. Examples with (apparently) 6th house planets in 7th (and vice versa) as well as 12th/1st switch are given on the site, Allan Leo's and dane Rudhyar's case including. 5. DO MY TRANSNEPTUNES HAVE A LATITUDE? They do. Since 1992. All (half a thousand) transneptune objects, cubewanos, plutinos, SDO (Scattered Disk Objects) do have a latitude. The hypotheticals don't have one. Avestans, dark planets and hamburgers (or `uranian's) are theoretical planets. Perhaps some of them are discovered, which question remains open. Some `retrograde' avestans seem to have their counterpart in real `backward moving' objects, and Cupido may have it's real minor planet, but the matter has yet to be ascertained. 6. WHO IS AN ASTROLOGER? Sun trine Uranus Saturn, Moon conjunct Neptune, Mercury sextile Jupiter Spica, Sun sextile Uranus, Uranus M.C. or prominent. A good aspect to Uranus makes for an astrologer, like Jupiter trine Uranus, even Venus trine Uranus; Mercury in good aspect with Jupiter makes for correct judgement (the square the opposite), objective analysis and communicating skills (ingenious writing); Moon trine Neptune makes for `intuition'; Saturn adds up to some extra astronomical background. Mercury should be in good aspect, since calculation and judgement must be perfect. This is of course just a few strong hints as concerns this subject. Sun opposite Uranus bstows quite some gift and Saturn square Uranus with some difficulty; Mars square Uranus is too rash; Mars square Venus deconcentrates and so on. Other positions can be taken into consideration. Neptune (possibly with Jupiter) on the ascendant make for an outlandish intuition on the part of the astrologer. This subject is most likely to be happily disputed among astrologers siderealists or non. 7. WHAT ARE THE DARK PLANETS Lutz Rathke is the inventor of a set of 17 planets I nicked `dark'. The Rathke Planets are a compact set of 17 hypotheticals elaborated years ago in Bavaria, Europe. Another set known as the `uranians' was invented in Hamburg, and there is a russian set of `avestans'. 8. I CHING IS ASTROLOGY? Horary astrology was developed by Shao Yung. Further works and an aspectarian is available for directional use, e.g. I Ching works with transits. The eight diagrams are the Earth (ascendant) and seven planets. 9. IS THE FUTURE PREDICTABLE? The future seems predictable. The year, month, day, hour and even minute of the event was often predicted. It can also be changed in advance, since astrology is only one of the majikal initiations. 10. WHAT ARE THE DEGREES? The degrees emit energy rays and are conscious. One school wants them inorganic but alive. The stars sometimes communicate with evocational magickians. Every degree has it's mission and counter demon. They can be perhaps thought as `ascended masters'. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. The Secondary Extrazodiacal Progressions are © 2003 Klaudio Zic Venusian Secondary Extrazodiacal Progression - Orion Xi Stars © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. = Venus Progression = NU Horizons Our example shows an artist born Jun 21st 1972 14:25 LT, Venice. His Venus progresses into Orion constellation towards his 42nd year, passing by Xi1 star at age 44 and by especially dangerous star X2 at age 46. Thus around his 45th years of life he can expect unbeliavable emotional complications (to which he happens to be more than just prone). After the famous Xi stars of Orion, Venus stays 5 more years in that constellation, secondary progressed. Below is another example of Venusian Extrazodiacal Secondary Direction in the case Richie Sambora (Bon Jovi) progresses his Venus in Sextans. NU HORIZONS is the only true horoscope of your ASTRAL BODY. Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven||| © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. ~ Sun Aug 31 09:02:54 GMT 2003 ________ © 2003 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. To mail me click on: Our newsgroup:news:// Ciesa dea Madalena
  22. 6/6/2012 pa 21/12/2012 sta zanimiva. Nibiru je zhe blizo, se mi zdi. Nekaj definitivno moti predikcije. En udes sem previdel in sem ga vstavil mesec dni prej ko se zgodil (mimici od moje o5 asistentice). Nikoli se mi to ni zgodilo. Nekaj je narobe. Na ta zadnje (2 dni) sta odkrita she dva velika (Varuna size) objekta, pa nimamo vse parametre. Komaj brskamo. Jaz imam lastne teorije, kometa NAET in Pi3 Orionis, pa saturn v Orionu, pa she Al Nitak itd, prekomplicirano, hehe... a vprashamo nadlezhne? Mogoche tale obvlada: (saj ih izbiramo zato, a ne?): ali pa ta stari:
  23. intruder

    Polna luna

    Subject: .+ Ea Crose Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 08:29:20 GMT From: O5 <> Organization: o5 Newsgroups: © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. = Crucifixion = NU Horizons The Secondary Extrazodiacal Progressions are © 2003 Klaudio Zic The eastern constellation rising at crucifixion time is the Graal constellation of Crater. Is the Holy Grail a constellation? Possible. The date for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ /1/ is set for: Mar 30th 36, local full moon, Jerusalem. Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter and the Moon are in Virgo (brahmacarya, innocence, inorganic positive being, angel, Holy Mary, celibacy) constellation, while Mars and the Sun are in the Lamb constellation of Aries. Note that in our times neither Crater nor Aries can rise in due east. Mission completed? Saturn is trine Pluto. This world and it's lords /2/ are shown in nadiring Draco constellation, while Christ's aspiration fountains the stars of Dorado. Make a wish! The western (opponent) constellation is Pegasus |:|::: the proverbiary four white hooves omen. Was Nibiru eclipsing at the time? Mars and Uranus have a strong opposition, where Saturn joins, too. The Moon's coordinates should be 12h14 6S3 at 15:22:53 LT or 13:01 UT. The geocentrical calculus, however, yields 14:27 UT. /1/ Who was or was not Toutankhamon and was or was not crucifixed. /2/ Los Voladeros. NU HORIZONS is the only true horoscope of your ASTRAL BODY. Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven||| © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
  24. intruder

    Mars is free

    mars lahko zrachunash, marso ne:)
  25. intruder

    Kitajski horoskop

    kitajski nima pes, ima pa bunar, sobo, itn.. namrech gre se za 28 razlichnih lunarnih hish...
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