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Numerologija, indijska astrologija, točke polovice
intruder je komentiral/a topic od numnum v Astrologija
indiska astrolgija je kompatibilna, dokaj, z astronomijo, gematria je oa shumero-chaldean, torej kaldejska veda, numeroligija, lahko te inicira rabin, ali pa skchajno celo jaz;) -
dokaj zahtevno pri natalni aalizi, pa preverish _kdaj_ se sprozhijo z drekcijami oa tranziti, v tem orimeru so orbisi seveda 0. ba minuto denimo da je i.c. o sco, neptun 3 sco, morje je nevarno z 3 keta in tknaprej...
mdponti so pravzaprav "ekvidistantne direkcije". che ne gre z nornalnimi, ischemo "osrednjo tochko" ko dolocamo dogodek, tako da che so termini za poroke prezgdaj, ali pa prezamudni in podobno, lahko z midpoit ajdemo ta oravo leto za proke ali pa karkoli. gre se za eementarno a+b/2 matemat'ko p.s. vidi she "durekcije" na tem forumu *< p.s. thanks siol za obisk;9
Ti, lahko shlogam za vechino, pa rabi ponavadi uchit se natanchne kewl pa :\: bad days lahko z astrologijo nashtelamo, in seveda pomagamo z nasveti, ap vseeno, kar uchit se in verjet da bo vse v redu. Zakaj ne bi b'lo vse v redu? Che res mislish da nekaj, ne vema kaj ,hudich ali gwa, .. kar mentalno ga unichi (kot Duke Nukem) ... c.
Venera naj pride na mesto natalne lune. To naj bi b'lo dovolj. Torej che bi vse b'lo t'ko enostavno. Ti ne vem sploh che se Marsa strinja da kar t'ko nasvetujem na hit'r. Sepravi kdo daja nasvete na hitr in kdo ih sprejema... Hmmm. Itak investirati v kakshno bedarijo je veliko boljshe kot v nekaj resnega.
Prava odlochitev je vsaj na mentalnem nivoju. Ni jo lahko spremeniti, tudi che se je vech ne zavedamo in je napachna. Pridne punce pa bojo vseeno delale na tem in celo ustvarjale lastno bodochnost zelo hitro5. Claudio
lahko se navaidish Frabato (London lodge) Voodoo, nekaj enochiane, XAOC majik, O5 pa she tega. Jaz sem namrech (a kdo opazil) charovnik. Claudio
Leto 1974 +- v krizi te dne, eko primer zaeklipsane punce: http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar/eclipses/1974 text je na newsgroupu (odpre se sam) 1974....
Horusovo oko je pravzaprav matematichna finta (pomeni 64/63). Dva oka (Ra) sta dve solsticijske pozicije sonca. http://www.robert-temple.com Lahko na obchutek gremo na konjunkcijo na denimo 15 stopinj ali pa na ziher samo zelo natanchne konjunkcije. Pravzaprav niti ne rabimo aspektov pa to che nam se odpre "oko". (Se bo zhe!). Claudio
Čudeži in neverjetna naključja...
intruder je komentiral/a topic od Marsa v Duhovnost in osebna rast
Tale katera ni verjela nisi ti. Imava dva uma. Vsi imajo default (hudichev) um, pa nekateri domevajo da je she eden, ta pravi;) V tem primeru ni chudezhev, seveda, all life and death and inorganics is fine! Sri RamaKrsna swami. -
Nisem imel prejshnja zhivljenja pa sem "drunk with life" (or without). Zanimivo kaj se mi dogaja. Najdem plac katerega domachi ne poznajo, pa ga je Zakomo Kaxanova poznal. To sem na svom forumu tudi objavil. Nisem siguren da vemo kaj so sanje... --pokowc ne se solit .. charovnice se nikoli noso, gre se za to da je sol agent matrixa, zapomni se vse...
Ti kaku vesh da imam Kironja v 6ti? Kaj to pomeni?
Ah pa she to:
hahaha! Ne une zdravnishke! Te niti zdravilke ne vporabljajo! Prava zelena kot trava. Jaz delam samo "real estate" po 100 eurov na uro ali kar 500 eurov po horoskopu. Che te zanima http://puck.dhs.org/catalog.html Sploh ne vem kaj je tako kompliciranega. Mislim da nekjer na tem sajtu imash programchek za izrachun. A zmejlam efemeride Venere? Hahaha! Che pa porabish _minuto_ (dan lahko amater izve) za VELIKI DOGODEK, potem narochish kakshnem strokovnjaku (Gerkman?), mal blizhjemu. http://puck.dhs.org/venexia/bizart1 ha-ha-ha ... A gre to z tranzitimi drugach? Mislim vestevesh kaj so tranzitchki?
Smo je zhe.
Zato si vesela punca;) Shtekam. Astromedicina je en ... mislim, ... pesimistichka veja... Nekaj chasa so nam ljudje krivi, pa celi kontinenti, pa astrologija, pa se lotimo nekaj narest (rajshi). Hmmm ... teoretichno na nas pihajo nevidne sile (anorganici, "angeli", zvezde-duhovi)... pa ne moremo kar stat kot ... strashila na vetru ... in chakati da nas zadene... http://www.thematrix.com Marsa, tudi jaz ne nucam knjig, pa sem porabil Vivian robson nekaj na ta zadnje, namrech chlovek (ali Neo) ne more vedno vedati kaj naj bi to b'lo ozvezdje Kameleona ali pa Auriga-e. Po drugi vrsti, che ne znash sam dolochati ne pomaga ti 5 Robsona (Vivian je moshki, mislim). Pomagaj se pa ti bojo anorganska bitja pomagala?
Astrolog. Mislim astrolog lahko, pa tudi ti. Samo vidi kdaj bo Venera na poziciji natalne Lune. She je tega, pa bo dovolj. P.S. Rjuhe naj bojo zelene, seveda! :xx!:
Najbolj negativne lastnosti ljudi
intruder je komentiral/a topic od Pesnik v Duhovnost in osebna rast
Pravzaprav so retki resnichno _oni_. I = I Tako da so tudi "pozitivne" osebine ... nezazheljene. Ko bi mi bili resnichno mi, ... Za to se namrech gre. -
Pa she za Marso;) marsa verjamem da si brskala skozi kakshni Astromedicinski prirochnik. To pa je horror! Po temu sploh nima zdravih ljudi...
Vsak ali skoraj vsak aspekt deluje. Tudi resna punca prevari ko Neptun direktira Venero. Torej nich od natalne astrologije. Direkcije dolochajo dogodke. Zelo je komplicirano pojasniti kaj se sploh dogaja, veliko magije porabi da bi se to razumelo. Vsekakor projeciraj pozitivne bodochnosti in "diskreiraj" negativne aspekte PREDEEN se zgodijo. Kahuuna, O5 in podobne tehnike lahko diskreirajo-rekreirajo dogodke vnaprej, ali pa celo vstvarjajo instant dogotke. Temu se pravi da je "pravi um" mochnejshi (pochasi se emancipira, kot Neo) od napachnega (default) uma. Problem je v tem da vsi imamo ta napachni um. tema je zanimiva. Ta napachni um je vstrashen da ne bi bil odkrit. V tem primeru se sploh niti ne gre za astrologijo!
Tudi ko strokovnjaki (pregledi so po 10 000 eurjev) doloche da ni mogoche imeti otroke, lahko pomagamo z astrologijo in nekaj yog'ce;) Seveda trenutek koitusa dolochamo na minuto natanchno, ali pa vsaj na dan. Posebej O.K. je ko Venera zarotira okoli natalne lune (ni tako enostavno vedati kjer je Luna). Subject: Impregnacija Cro Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 08:11:22 +0100 From: Xiomara Onciloto <venier@sdf.lonestar.org> Organization: o5 Newsgroups: alt.clearing.O5 Value Added Futurechanging news://aurora.lightlink.com/alt.clearing.O5 Impregnacija ============ © 2003 Klaudio Zic, All rights reserved. http://puck.dhs.org Simbol impregnacije je :|:::| "planina prelijeche ponor", odnosno "zemljana" Venera ::| koja (direktira ili) tranzitira :|: Mjesec. Uz pomoch tehnika kao shto je to O5, te pomoch gurua (Swami Brahmajnanananda http://www.yogacentar.hr), uspjelo nam je ono shto nije lokalnim struchnjacima, naime beba se zachela u "nemoguchim uvjetima" (bar za lokalne struchnjake). Poznato je valjda vech vishe od 11 000 godina da Venera potiche rast ako tranzitira poziciju nalnog Mjeseca i slichno. Poziciju natalnog Mjeseca moguche je vrlo precizno izrachunati da bi se dobili tochni rezultati (minuta je dovoljna). Naime Mjesec je kod uobichajenih (dakle astroloshkih) programa redovito krivo izrachunat, tipichno 1/2 stupnja greshke, shto nam kvari ne samo elementarne prorachune, vech u ovom sluchaju ... natalitet. Value Added Futurechanging news://aurora.lightlink.com/alt.clearing.O5 P.S. Sam I Ching je diktirao temu koja Vam se, nadam ponovo svidjela! Value Added Futurechanging news://aurora.lightlink.com/alt.clearing.O5 = :|:::| = The "shaman boy" diagram has featured in many articles during this past seven years online. It was mostly associaded with popular impregnation themes, as written mostly for the following USENET newsgroups: alt.clearing.O5,alt.spiritual.enhancement,alt.astrology.moderated, alt.infertility,misc.health.infertility,alt.infertility.surrogacy, alt.infertility.secondary,alt.infertility.primary,alt.divination alt.infertility.pregnancy,alt.infertility.alternatives,alt.magick While shamans mostly enjoy their complete being, it seems that propagaton is at the core of human experience. In difficult cases we used O5 and "shumerian" astrology to draw the assemblage point to a successful impregnation. Diagram :|:::| meaning "mountain directed to the abyss" symbolically marked most of our efforts, in that "earthly" Venus (Venus is a metal planet in China) directs or transits the :|: Moon. What happens is initiation, impregnation, the birth of a new omen, event and in our case, a child. Value Added Futurechanging news://aurora.lightlink.com/alt.clearing.O5 Thu Feb 06 10:28:26 GMT 2003 P.S. Acting almost as an "impeccable warrior", I write on I Ching's suggestion. -- end of forwarded message --
= Luna v Ozvezdjih = http://puck.dhs.org/slovenija Luna se lahko nahaja v vech kot 12 konvencionalnih ozvezdjih! Natanchno lahko dolochimo che je v Sextantu, Aurigi, Ophiucusu, Orionu ali pa Cetusu. Vozar, Kit, Lovec, itn. so torej konstelacije v katerih Luna zazhivi posebne talente, natalno ali pa "magijski" horarno. K tem lahko prishtejemo lunarne hishe (27 ali pa 28 hish) in se odpremo na "holistichko" interpretacijo, denimo Chariklo v Crater-ju. puck.dhs.org astrologijo so namrech imenovali "holistichka". Luna v Auriga hitrost, reshevenje, nakup delinic po Internetu Luna v Ophiucus delo pri republishki vladi, popotovanja, Slovenija Luna v Orion pravnishki talenti, zmagovita karijera v sodstvu Luna v Cetus ekolog, exorcista, tajni agent, skrite operacije Luna v Sextant okultni talenti, rajchi sam kot z mnozhico = Moon in 17 Constellations = http://puck.dhs.org Modern Astrology For your _exact_ Moon's position, mail t8@puck.dhs.org /0/ © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. t8@puck.dhs.org MOON IN AURIGA © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. t8@puck.dhs.org Auriga stands for elastic teamwork, typically a team (or gang) of four, where the owner of the position breaks free and mounts above his ex co-workers. Unselfish and excellent performance! Auriga symbolizes a fast chariot. Horse burglars will be punished. One escapes car burglary, too /1/. Riches /2/ will be spent as soon as possible. Wars will finish in slaughters, disorder and the enemy will be pursued. The position is very good for astronomers and astral travel, as well as taoism. The owner of this position and horary chart can count on fast rescue from danger, but he's also likely to plunge in greater dangers after the rescue. The meditator will experience Savikalpa Samadhi. White hooves will symbolize eclipses. Goat milk is favorable. Fast military operations are favored. This is the "Blitzkrieg" position. with Moon in Auriga, our mind can turn to wayside marauders of all kinds. Be sure to associate with 100% honest people when the Moon is in Auriga! Carelessly letting evil people into your inner circle leads to personal losses, harms the student's character and one even risks losing his job! The position is favorable for fast profit, such as with purchasing stocks via the Internet. Recognition is possible, followed by deeper studies. One can be a good teacher with this position. Important consequences lead from the work performed while the Moon is in Auriga. Exposing dishonest people is our duty. Fresh surprising news come unexpectedly, bringing change, quick movement and resolutions. concentration is favored. Lawsuits possibly bring riches. Auriga means fast resolving of favorable business issues. Patients are also liable to recover very fast, indeed. Moon in Auriga is like a meditative night after a busy day. The flavor is like a separating aspect between the Moon and Mars. Be careful not to work as a slave. Auriga warns against extreme capitalistic exploatation. Even the fastest horse is a slave. You will work in a team. Do not confide with your three co-workers, in fact try and get rid of them, as soon as you notice any dishonest behavior. Turn around from dishonesty while there's still time. /00/ http://puck.dhs.org offers a standard interpretation based on the latest Carlos Castaneda work. The keyword is "voladero" and it's opposite is the True Mind/Self. http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html /0/ The Moon position is exact by longitude, according to the place of birth and possibly above-sea level (elevation), as well as the star/degree/head and nearest star/constellation. The astronomical position prefers RA or right ascension(/declination) to longitude (/latitude). It is also by RA that the Moon conjucts other objects. /1/ Very much likely so. But _do_ ensure the positive issue! /2/ The NYSE has asteroid Midas in this constellation. http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar/moon (Moon in Sextant, a wizard's horoscope) MOON IN SEXTANT © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. t8@puck.dhs.org This is a peculiar position of the Moon. One prefers quiet isolation from bad company. His car and guitar can become his home. The person has excellent timing and is a faithful silent follower. Discretion is paramount! This rare talent is interested in astronomy, mathematics, the occult and astrology. Precise, punctual, immaculate, clear minded, friendly, serious; a well ordered, methodical free mind. http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar/moon His other talents might include clairvoyance /1/; philosophical, as well as practical "kung fu", excellent divinatory performance (fast, precise, imaginative, inovating), fealty, perserverance, endurance. /1/ Especially checking with the Elipinon degree of Virgo, presently visited by transneptunian Huya, towering Spica Virginis. http://puck.dhs.org/tno/Huya MOON IN CETUS Ecology is favored, the restoration of the planet. A Xmas with this position is favorable. One comes back to his origin. True Men, aborgines. Bogeymen from Celebes. Nature photography or natural photograspy. Cetus is a watermonster. Travel is prophecised with this Moon's position. One must be careful with his left eye (masculine) or right eye (if the owner of the position/questioner is a woman), especially during eclipses. Secret agents may be recruited with this position. Surprise military operations capture the enemy's general, attacking the left flank by night. The assemblage point shifts to mythological oceans with monstrous topography. Borghes will swim by. The mythological bestiary awakens and resurfaces. Rebirthing, clearing, exorcism. This is a black magickal position so let the Moon's owner (significator) act as savior, redeemer, exorcist, rebirther, clear, messiah, prophet, secret agent, true magickian, uncompromising banisher of all and peculiar evil. The operation may include secret rituals with pentagrams, but can also make small if any use of symbols. One stalks his own errors, clears "his" mind /00/ and acts as blessing to the victims of the demon (whatever the plauge and interpretation). One is capable of leading special operations. The Great Work is accomplished! count on lucky rescue from big danger. If things are lost during this position, they're lost forever. This position is good for breaking a three day's fast. Don't starve, serve fish at table during this Moon's position! MOON IN OPHIUCUS The position is good for travel. Look forward for a good job for the government while the Moon is in this position. /1/ /1/ Around Xmas we had the opportunity to check for the "second moon" Cruithne, as it brushes by Quaoar transneptune. MOON IN ORION This belligerant position is good for lawsuits. Bellatrix and Betelgeuse are part of this Constellation. (To be continued on news://aurora.lightlink.com/alt.clearing.O5) © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. t8@puck.dhs.org Flowery language coupled with razor sharp precision encompassing all astral influences into a well defined reprogramable future. http://puck.dhs.org/ng.html http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck In 1997 there were only two occult mailing lists on the Internet. Pucklist is pioneering ever since. After enochiana & chaos magick we are able to present and develop majik in a nutshell, Oberon 5. alt.clearing.O5 newsgroup, dedicated to O5 clearing and futurechanging formula. SnowCrash your futurities fast! Create any wanted reality in minutes! Become the master of events! http://puck.dhs.org/alt.clearing.O5 Astronomical edge astrology for enhanced precision and update. I Ching futurity masterscanning = Indulge in questions! Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org MatriX time:Tue May 20 18:41:25 GMT 2003
= Transneptunerji = http://puck.dhs.org O5 exOrci5m Discreate MatriX spells with O5! You are the One! news://aurora.lightlink.com/alt.clearing.O5 © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. t8@puck.dhs.org Oglejte si she http://www.lunin.net /furum Najvechja novica na ta zadnje so transneptunski giganti. Velik je novic, pa je ta najvechja kar so pach tudi ti objekti ogromni. Ne gre se she za Nibiru, pa so vseeno Quaoar in ostali zelo veliki objekti. Tako veliki da se bo kmalu prenehalo vporabljati asteroide ta glavnega pasu. Pravzaprav Juno je zhe "weg", ostanejo Eunomia, Pallas pa seveda Vesta in Ceres. Transneptuni so namrech vechji od asteroida glavnega pasu. 1992-ga leta ni bilo tako, zdaj pa zhe. Ekskluzivne delineacije (opisi), podatki (dnevni update NASA Harvard) samo na http://puck.dhs.org /tno Katalog http://puck.dhs.org/catalog.html Slovenija: http://puck.dhs.org/slovenija © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. t8@puck.dhs.org Flowery language coupled with razor sharp precision encompassing all astral influences into a well defined reprogramable future. http://puck.dhs.org/ng.html http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck In 1997 there were only two occult mailing lists on the Internet. Pucklist is pioneering ever since. After enochiana & chaos magick we are able to present and develop majik in a nutshell, Oberon 5. alt.clearing.O5 newsgroup, dedicated to O5 clearing and futurechanging formula. SnowCrash your futurities fast! Create any wanted reality in minutes! Become the master of events! http://puck.dhs.org/alt.clearing.O5 Astronomical edge astrology for enhanced precision and update. I Ching futurity masterscanning = Indulge in questions! Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org MatriX time: Mon May 19 08:03:31 GMT 2003
Direkcije vladarja 3je pa 9te hishe, odvisno koliko je resan (advanced) studij,. Vladar 3je je osnovna shola pa to. Direktiraj vladarja. Ali pa nekaj tranzitiraj. Ali pa .. se uchi;)