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  1. Ascendentalne pozicije: torej gre se za update po kakshnih 11 000 let... Venera v Zmijonoscu zhe odhaja.... Torej poleg Lune in Merkurja v Sextansu, Marsa v Cetus-u, Sonca v Ophiucus, kot primer navajamo Venero v Ophiucus. Text na taljanschini je za primorce;) Navajamo tudi Merkur v Sextant-u. Luno v posebnih ozvezdjih smo mnda zhe imeli? = Merkur v Sextantu = © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Ena osnovnih in posebno zanimivih pozicij natalnega Merkurja je seveda merkur v Sextantu. Ti resni ljudje so narejeni za bogatenje, avanture, revolucije, marxizem, daljine. vedno so nekakor `od zunaj shkatle', neodvisno se ozirajo na dogodke. Sextant je ozvezdje blizo Kristove zvezde Regulus (Lev konstelacija). Pogosto se Luna najde z Merkurjem v tej konstelaciji. Srechnezhi malo potrpijo, punca bo nekakor dalech, ljubezen potuje, pisma in komunikacije se dokaj vlechejo zaradi razdalje. Na ljudje z to pozicijo lahko rachunamo ko se gre za neodvisno oceno. najbrzh bojo novinari in poslovni ljudje, pa tle najdemo tudi mantike, mage, astrologe, grafologe in celo vrstico ved katere monitorirajo druge vede. = Mercurio in Sestante = astrologia basilare © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Tra le varie constellazioni nelle quali troviamo la Luna ed il pianeta Mercurio, ecco una presentazione di astroligia elementare ossia il Mercurio natale nella constellazione del Sestante. Si sa che il Sestante e una delle molte constellazioni basilari nella quale moltissimi italiani (specialmente colti) hanno la Luna natale, oppure il Mercurio. E possibile avere percio la Luna _e_ il pianeta Mercurio nella constellazione del Sestante (o in altre constellazioni). Il Sestante e una constellazione vicino a Rigel del Leone, la stella del Cristo. La Luna, il Mercurio o alteri oggetti (comete, centauri, transnettuni giganti) in questa constellazione contribuiscono ad un attegiamento serio, distante, tranquillo, pero anche communista, rivoluzionario, affaristico, avventuriero. La posizione del Mercurio un po `spostata' attinge alle anime avventuriere, i viaggiatori, esuli, persone indipendenti, circospette; e trattandosi di una posizione divinatoria, qui troviamo astrologhi, grafologhi e magi /1/. /1/ Siccome non c'e traccia d'astrologia (o magia) in Italia, oltre a povere buffonate, sicuramente il significato d' astrologia sfuggera al lettore. E da anni che s'osserva una triste mancanza di cultura astrologica e generale e un rifiuto alla tale. Colpa anche del publico. = Mercury in Sextans = This article is part of the MatriX Practice Kit, an O5 event. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Not only the Moon, but also Mercury, and of course comets and asteroids, can figure out in less known constellations in your own horoscope. In this case we want to discuss the character of Mercury in Sextans constellation. The wheel chart will fool you as it did with the Moon and you'll think it's in Leo or Cancer when it's not. Out of bound planets dwell in less known constellations. This special position for Mercury features an optimistic mind possibly revolutionary (left wing) and brave. Whatever is the task of such a Mercury, the issue is a happy one, although in the pursuit there will be emotional wounds and separations. Comradeship is paramount. The beloved is far away since this position alludes to letters sent and unsent and people who have physical difficulties in communication. One's in a special state of isolation, perhaps a mission, polar cape, isolated country and so on. The emotinal life might suffer, but one's optimism eventually (surely) makes up for much discomfort. This Mercury is far from the `normal' zodiacal constellations (such as neighboring Leo), but not _too_ far. It's a stand by position. One should wisely use astrogeography to profit from this Mercury's placement. Let us remind the reader than the cardinal points should be _oriented_ for best performance: east = ascendant, south = M.C. (we have to rotate the map). As a leader, this person is bound to lead people to their rights even in a guerilla war and a successful one. Smecking of maoist ideas, this person is nevertheless brave and nurturing. Perhaps being a little apart and triangulating his own Guardian Angel from some comfortable distance, this person ultimately begins to love our biological legacy instead of just machines and compasses. Encompassing empathy would make for an independent analytical mind. This is the classical `out of the box' O5 exercise, where one takes the position of an uninterested observerer (steps #3 and #4 in O5 Futurechanger Technique), excellent features of independent journalism. As businessman, this person is circumspect and fairly independent. Mercury in Sextans means being rich. VIP connections might abound and helpful ministers, particullary those dealing with national minorities. The struggle is one `to tears' and one might even have to sacrifice his emotional life for some time due to geographical distance. This is a slanted position for an emigrant or one who holds a special office perhaps in a foreign country. Andorra is one such special country bordering with Spain and France and a part of the swiss territory responds to this position, namely the original cantons having nothing to do with french or italian influences (therefore leo influence, the neighboring constellation). © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. See also our `The Moon in the 17 Constellations' article. ___ Just hacked the MatriX. O5 In short, O5 is a surprising little technique, at first amusing, then overhellming, majikal, shattering, divine. One of the major surprises the beginner goes through is that his wishes come true in mere hours or minutes on this physical plane! SnowCrash ™. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. matriX time: ~ Sun Jul 06 11:18:08 GMT 2003 = Venus in Ophiucus = This article is part of the MatriX Practice Kit, an O5 event. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Venus spends her time in Ophiucus constellaton roughly from Nov 9th to Nov 23rd 2003. This is a special constellation for Venus to be in. Venus starts it's entry with a very close Ixion conjunction, passing `below' Quaoar and Pluto. It exits Ophiucus with a 2002 MS4 conjunction. Here some general portents. Students face setbacks and hardship as it seems impossible to get ahead. Students may do well to a wait and study in quiet during this venomous passage. The time is not good for marriage, although persons of the same sex will go together well towards the end of the period. The first part of the period looks sad and bitter (Venus is not at home in this sign!). hard work, health problems, bitter resentment, the breaking of relationships, ... as you see, Venus in Ophiucus is generally not a happy omen at all! Relationships suffer and one whose significator is such a Venus is bound to be `second best'. Particullary sensitive people and those with Moon Uranus (or even Venus Neptune) afflictions (whether in transit, direction, nativity or even horary) may even start a homosexual relationship with likeminded persons who make them happy. One has suffered too much dissapointments from the opposite sex (perhaps a divorce!) and settles for narcisism in the form of `better the devil of the same sex'. Of course only the _very_ sensitive will feel this sinister (dexter?) call from Venus in Ophiucus this year, but if the directions are Moon Uranus afflictions, you can count on the second part of this period as concerns a kinky but merry time. Some asteroids can conjunct special stars in this constellation, reinforcing this or that (mostly negative) aspect of Ophiucus in general astrology. It is possible to have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and various other objects in this constellation, presently haunted by Quaoar and Pluto. ___ Just hacked the MatriX. O5 In short, O5 is a surprising little technique, at first amusing, then overhellming, majikal, shattering, divine. One of the major surprises the beginner goes through is that his wishes come true in mere hours or minutes on this physical plane! SnowCrash ™. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. matriX time: ~ Sun Jul 06 16:59:52 GMT 2003
  2. Venera v Zmijonoscu Torej poleg Lune in Merckurja v sextansu, Marsa v Cetus-u, Sonca v Ophiucus, kot primer navajamo Venero v Ohiucus. Text na taljanschini je za primorce;) Navajamo tudi Merkur v Sextant-u. Luno v posebnih ozvezdjih smo mnda zhe imeli? = Merkur v Sextantu = © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Ena osnovnih in posebno zanimivih pozicij natalnega Merkurja je seveda merkur v Sextantu. Ti resni ljudje so narejeni za bogatenje, avanture, revolucije, marxizem, daljine. vedno so nekakor `od zunaj shkatle', neodvisno se ozirajo na dogodke. Sextant je ozvezdje blizo Kristove zvezde Regulus (Lev konstelacija). Pogosto se Luna najde z Merkurjem v tej konstelaciji. Srechnezhi malo potrpijo, punca bo nekakor dalech, ljubezen potuje, pisma in komunikacije se dokaj vlechejo zaradi razdalje. Na ljudje z to pozicijo lahko rachunamo ko se gre za neodvisno oceno. najbrzh bojo novinari in poslovni ljudje, pa tle najdemo tudi mantike, mage, astrologe, grafologe in celo vrstico ved katere monitorirajo druge vede. = Mercurio in Sestante = astrologia basilare © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Tra le varie constellazioni nelle quali troviamo la Luna ed il pianeta Mercurio, ecco una presentazione di astroligia elementare ossia il Mercurio natale nella constellazione del Sestante. Si sa che il Sestante e una delle molte constellazioni basilari nella quale moltissimi italiani (specialmente colti) hanno la Luna natale, oppure il Mercurio. E possibile avere percio la Luna _e_ il pianeta Mercurio nella constellazione del Sestante (o in altre constellazioni). Il Sestante e una constellazione vicino a Rigel del Leone, la stella del Cristo. La Luna, il Mercurio o alteri oggetti (comete, centauri, transnettuni giganti) in questa constellazione contribuiscono ad un attegiamento serio, distante, tranquillo, pero anche communista, rivoluzionario, affaristico, avventuriero. La posizione del Mercurio un po `spostata' attinge alle anime avventuriere, i viaggiatori, esuli, persone indipendenti, circospette; e trattandosi di una posizione divinatoria, qui troviamo astrologhi, grafologhi e magi /1/. /1/ Siccome non c'e traccia d'astrologia (o magia) in Italia, oltre a povere buffonate, sicuramente il significato d' astrologia sfuggera al lettore. E da anni che s'osserva una triste mancanza di cultura astrologica e generale e un rifiuto alla tale. Colpa anche del publico. = Mercury in Sextans = This article is part of the MatriX Practice Kit, an O5 event. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Not only the Moon, but also Mercury, and of course comets and asteroids, can figure out in less known constellations in your own horoscope. In this case we want to discuss the character of Mercury in Sextans constellation. The wheel chart will fool you as it did with the Moon and you'll think it's in Leo or Cancer when it's not. Out of bound planets dwell in less known constellations. This special position for Mercury features an optimistic mind possibly revolutionary (left wing) and brave. Whatever is the task of such a Mercury, the issue is a happy one, although in the pursuit there will be emotional wounds and separations. Comradeship is paramount. The beloved is far away since this position alludes to letters sent and unsent and people who have physical difficulties in communication. One's in a special state of isolation, perhaps a mission, polar cape, isolated country and so on. The emotinal life might suffer, but one's optimism eventually (surely) makes up for much discomfort. This Mercury is far from the `normal' zodiacal constellations (such as neighboring Leo), but not _too_ far. It's a stand by position. One should wisely use astrogeography to profit from this Mercury's placement. Let us remind the reader than the cardinal points should be _oriented_ for best performance: east = ascendant, south = M.C. (we have to rotate the map). As a leader, this person is bound to lead people to their rights even in a guerilla war and a successful one. Smecking of maoist ideas, this person is nevertheless brave and nurturing. Perhaps being a little apart and triangulating his own Guardian Angel from some comfortable distance, this person ultimately begins to love our biological legacy instead of just machines and compasses. Encompassing empathy would make for an independent analytical mind. This is the classical `out of the box' O5 exercise, where one takes the position of an uninterested observerer (steps #3 and #4 in O5 Futurechanger Technique), excellent features of independent journalism. As businessman, this person is circumspect and fairly independent. Mercury in Sextans means being rich. VIP connections might abound and helpful ministers, particullary those dealing with national minorities. The struggle is one `to tears' and one might even have to sacrifice his emotional life for some time due to geographical distance. This is a slanted position for an emigrant or one who holds a special office perhaps in a foreign country. Andorra is one such special country bordering with Spain and France and a part of the swiss territory responds to this position, namely the original cantons having nothing to do with french or italian influences (therefore leo influence, the neighboring constellation). © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. See also our `The Moon in the 17 Constellations' article. ___ Just hacked the MatriX. O5 In short, O5 is a surprising little technique, at first amusing, then overhellming, majikal, shattering, divine. One of the major surprises the beginner goes through is that his wishes come true in mere hours or minutes on this physical plane! SnowCrash . © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. matriX time: ~ Sun Jul 06 11:18:08 GMT 2003 = Venus in Ophiucus = This article is part of the MatriX Practice Kit, an O5 event. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. O5 !nside Hack the MatriX frOm the in5ide! Venus spends her time in Ophiucus constellaton roughly from Nov 9th to Nov 23rd 2003. This is a special constellation for Venus to be in. Venus starts it's entry with a very close Ixion conjunction, passing `below' Quaoar and Pluto. It exits Ophiucus with a 2002 MS4 conjunction. Here some general portents. Students face setbacks and hardship as it seems impossible to get ahead. Students may do well to a wait and study in quiet during this venomous passage. The time is not good for marriage, although persons of the same sex will go together well towards the end of the period. The first part of the period looks sad and bitter (Venus is not at home in this sign!). hard work, health problems, bitter resentment, the breaking of relationships, ... as you see, Venus in Ophiucus is generally not a happy omen at all! Relationships suffer and one whose significator is such a Venus is bound to be `second best'. Particullary sensitive people and those with Moon Uranus (or even Venus Neptune) afflictions (whether in transit, direction, nativity or even horary) may even start a homosexual relationship with likeminded persons who make them happy. One has suffered too much dissapointments from the opposite sex (perhaps a divorce!) and settles for narcisism in the form of `better the devil of the same sex'. Of course only the _very_ sensitive will feel this sinister (dexter?) call from Venus in Ophiucus this year, but if the directions are Moon Uranus afflictions, you can count on the second part of this period as concerns a kinky but merry time. Some asteroids can conjunct special stars in this constellation, reinforcing this or that (mostly negative) aspect of Ophiucus in general astrology. It is possible to have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and various other objects in this constellation, presently haunted by Quaoar and Pluto. ___ Just hacked the MatriX. O5 In short, O5 is a surprising little technique, at first amusing, then overhellming, majikal, shattering, divine. One of the major surprises the beginner goes through is that his wishes come true in mere hours or minutes on this physical plane! SnowCrash . © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. matriX time: ~ Sun Jul 06 16:59:52 GMT 2003
  3. intruder

    Napoved prihodnosti

    Niki. Ne obstaja letni horoskop. O.K. napovedi morajo biti natanchne na sekundo. Oziroma na dan. Pobrskaj po nebotichniku, saj bosh najdla boljshih astrologov;) Preveri che ih je nekaj v lokalni pizzeriji!
  4. intruder

    Pluton na Soncu Quaoar in Pluton sta v Zmojonoscu (a sem to prav sloshpeloval?). Shpela to boljshe spela. 2002 MS4 je kult TNO transneptun, intn....
  5. A Lublanska sprejema Citibank cheques? Ja seveda na sekundo lahko rihtamo to pa loterijo in tako naprej;) Numerologija je komplicirana astrologija torej GEMATRIA prenesena na planete (Bith = Merkur itn), rabini to seveda sem pa tja (Ancona, Ghetto ebreo de Vinissia delajo). vcheraj sem se mudil v getu bom malo povprashal, mam eno prijatl'cuo (ISIDA BOOK STORE, SAO POLO, Calle Moro Lin) katera konzultira rajshe rabija iz Ankone (talismani?).
  6. Seveda vse to vemo. Ali kdo bi verjel. a zanima kjerga? Denimo a zanima kjerga kjer se nahaja Saturn? Bog (to bi raje privat) mogoche ni benevolentan kakor si mislimo, ... seveda lahko vse benechke cerkve obidemo pa ne vemo "kjer je". Che mu doniramo 1/2 eurja, mogoche nam nekaj pove. Pravzaprav vse pove pa chlovek odpove. Hmmm. Ne bi Vam b'lo vshech da resnico spoznate. Celo v astrologiji vsi se izognejo pogleda v nebo (nekaj bolj naravnega ne obstaja), kjer pa kakshneg shtudija, matemat'ke, nekaj astronomije: celo imate "shole" katere ne vejo lastne natalne pozicije, kjer pa da bi informirale (saj ne rabi, dezinformacija je bolj ... "in")... tjah zdej naj bog ne bi bil "sweet lord" katerega si eden predstavlja: ta bogoznalec bi napadel celo sveca, a ste kdaj slishali da so sveci dejali kjer in kakshen naj bi "gospod" bil? ENKI? eagle? manitu? IHShVH? Amon-Ra? Isis? p.s. found saturn: Saturn is at roughly ETA GEMINI (videsh!?!, a se bo kdo strinjal? seveda ne!) _____ I walk up the mornin' got myself a beer (Franziskaner Weisse)
  7. intruder

    Human design system

    A so she online? Gre se za simpaztichno amatersko druzhino na nivoju "mountainastrologer" torej neobvezna popularna brskanja. Seveda fantje pojma nimajo kaj naj bi sabianski i ching bil intknprj namrech pravi sistem je zahteven kar morash vposhevati zvezde (tega se namrech ne bojo lotili, to je toomuch za zabavno astrologiko) ... drugach obstaja pa je © hehehe (sabian2iching2tropical) hehehe site je (oziroma bil je v 1996 blef pa vseeno mogoche motivira na nekaj seveda ne na resno astrologijo (to itak...) ali na i ching...
  8. Morash se inicirati za to- Na ta nachin dobish moksha mantro. Swami Brahmajnanananda sem pa tja inicira. Swami Maheshwarananda podari molitev katero vrtijo pet let preden kdo zaishche (?) moksha mantro. Ne se hecati z mantrami, niti che 'zrachunash lunino mantro (takih knjig je okoli). Perdvsem se izogni TM goljufanja. Ananta
  9. = Sodobna Astrologija = /slovenija © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Naj se ta astrokronologija zachne 1992 , kadar v astroloshke mape vstavljamo ta prvi transneptun (1992 QB1). Chiron, Nessus in Pholus so znani od kentavrjev in vse se zdi mogoche. Od tedaj se veliko tega zgodilo in nove klase objektov dominirajo astroloshko analizo. Drugje na tem postrezhniku pa na forumu je veliko podatkov o sodobni astrologiji. Kentavrji postajajo zanimivi, dokaj so `blizo' in delujejo kot eni adjutanti ali pa arkangeli med Jupiterjem in Neptunom, saj so prvi transneptuni nekakor mejhni in teshko je srechati nekogar da nekaj ve o njimi. Komaj z expanzijo Internet-a se srechamo z niti ne velik kolegov, mogoche tri rusa, dva shvicarca, dva bavarca, nekaj americhanov pa en bistveni kostarikanac in to je vse. She vedno se ne gre za eno temo za mnozhice, saj so mi na ta zadnje edini kolege NASA staff. Osebno pishem delineacije (opise) za vechno kentavrjev, pa z chasom vidim da je bodochnost v transneptunskem svetu. Na rojstni dan otkri se Varuna, pol pa Ixion in gigantski Quaoar. Veliko pishem o vsem trema in kolikor vem so te `delineacije' she vedno edine na Internet-u. Redno publiciram `update'. Danes se zhe gre za dnevni update. Astrolog naj bi pogosto preveril che je kaj bistveno novega, torej ne bo se na vsako kometo oziral, pa se vseeno mora zavedati vechjih transneptunov pa kentavrjev (kentavrji so sploshna kultura) in nekaj `scattered disk objects'. Leta 2003 imamo veliko kometo ... Pa she zanimivosti. Tri lune se srechata ob tem hipu. Cruithne in 2002 AA29 niso prave lune, Cruithne je trojan, 2002 AA29 je kvazi luna, pa vseeno se gre za zanimive fenomene. Sploshni horoskop naj bi vposhteval glavne kentavrje in transneptune. Torej dodamo vsaj nekaj imenovanih velikih objetov kot Quaoar, Ixion in Varuna kot glavne zastopnike transneptunskog obmochja, pa nekaj najvechjih imenovanih kentavrjev kot Chariklo, Chiron in Pholus, naj le-ti simbolizirajo pasije in povezave med planetami! V Sloveniji je za ta pravo astrologijo odprt forum kjer je Marsa administrator, kateri tudi grejo zasluge za prvo promocijo nove astrologije na Slovenskem. je nastal kot drugi magichni forum v U.S.A. in she vedno promovira napredno magijo in filozofijo. V kompaktno mini tehniko O5 je zapakirano vse delo online in offline velikega shtevila praktikantov (developers) na internacionalnem nivoju, saj je O5 uradno scientoloshka (ali post-scientoloshka) kategorija in newsgroup news:alt.clearing.O5 Che bo interesa za nekaj vech kot chisto enostavno vsakdnevno astrologijo morda bi online pa tudi v zhivo lahko dodatno informirali vesele mnozhice. Klaudio Zic © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
  10. zakaj mislish da je mash v biku? ja potem kar v atlantido ce ne gre! jaz mam radi 17stoletje benetke... ...che zhivish v preteklosti, pol pa..kvalitetno!!! '
  11. traja ta hip, eno inuto kot vsi,...vidi she , pa je v redu, to je superaspekt... |||::| za delo potovnja ljubezvestnost, in dalj it od ... kakrshnih, no zberu si nvo ta ravo staro drushtvo in bo! ::||||
  12. intruder

    Napoved prihodnosti

    direkcije so enostavno seshtevanje... 9-5=4 pa to, seveda jih je velik in vech kot 250...klapa je vredu, sempatja bi se ahko zavedai da svetski ... avtoriteti..prineroma london lodge ali pa kepler res niajo pojm, srca zmanjka, tudi matematke zmanjka, klaa e,..zelo fejn;)
  13. moch ne-misli, ali a nenavadnih muesli je pravi um naade misli o avadni hudicev um... default
  14. metle pa hudichi celo se vedno obstahajo v Devonshire... pred nekaj so eno coprnico... obsodili... oiznaa he da je imeka kontjte z hudichem.. to naj bi b'le diaboleros, pa cas mnda ne zanima -taka- popularna ali malo negativna aktivnist? ccastaneda a frabato imajo boljge ideje..kaj pa vi?
  15. intruder

    666, 999

    obstaja zrcalnost...sanje so zdaj in mi na en nacin vidimo vushje nivoje v ribniku... ...tebe pravzaprav ta prave sanje zanesejo?... to je vech kot vredu!
  16. a si zhe oniline? ja skoraj da sem videl energijo tega kotka, na ta zadnje,'mam neverjetne intuicija, ja pomaga najti kotek, celo improvizirsti, morda tudi zapisati rutualchek, ... namen se bo ostvaril ...
  17. ti kot Ti nimash problemov vseeno gre se za nivoje odlochitve 3rd ali 5th attention INTENTido odloke so na vishjih nivojih zato se tudi rekreirajo v sproschchenem ambijentu najdi si ambijent za odloke in jih naredi tam! o5dlochi! to bo dovolj.
  18. intruder

    666, 999

    Gre se za 333 (Pluton, DA'aTh) Horonzon. 666 je denimo angel anahata cakra-e. 999 ni pomemban. Gre se za 37 krat ... Seveda ta "duhovnik" samo prodaja film... P.S. Seveda nasprotnik (voladero, hudich, anorganski intruder) ni kodiran gematrijski. On pash kodira um katerega vsi imajo za lastni. V tem je problem, duhovnik...
  19. intruder

    Napoved prihodnosti

    Napovedi so seveda VEDNO natanchne na sekundo. Verjetno imach napachne guruje, likalne in globalne. Nich hud'ga *)+<
  20. intruder


    Nekaj (5) novih kentavrjev je imenovano, pa en transneptun. Che kliknesch na Chiron je she vedno eden vechjih, pa ne najvechji (punca Chariklo je vechja). Opisi na tem forumu.
  21. Ne gre se za to ali obstaja prejshnje. a obstaja sploh tole? Che obstaja ali pa ne (advaita vedanta pa castaneda nimajo to varijanto, nimajo je niti zhidi, pa kristijani, cheprav so teorije gilgalim). Baje naj bi vzela severni lunarni vozel za ascendent .... Saj v zachetku vsak pozkusi. So tudi ... delineacije ... vech al'mn'j goljufarija najbrzh da je Uran v 11 enako kot Uran v 11 natalno ... V Ljubljani je vech Napoleonov in Kleopatrov, to izhaja iz popularneh 69 rakcoigrca kot greva she eno zhivljenje nazaj. Previdno xperimentiraj pa brez lublanskih re...birth...gress... Zakaj pa it va smeti che lahko zhivich za neskonschnost?
  22. intruder


    che se ne gre za denimo pluton saturn durekcijo, ni problema; eni so hudi, jupiter mars 180, vebera beptun in podobno, vsekakor vse pohujsajo "astrologi"...
  23. z usodo se da nekaj narest pa rabi celo zhivljenje in vech
  24. intruder

    4. junij 2003

    v itakiji ne obstaja niti 1 eden astrolg, ostani na tem forumu;9
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