kaj samo meni napiše to ko kliknem nove objave ali vsim? isto pri danes aktivne teme There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here. Error Returned mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ibf_search_results (id,search_date,post_max,sort_key,sort_order,member_id,ip_address,query_cache) VALUES('897dbc726895a241186f22194e1d33b6',1174230034,26,'last_post','desc',6188,'','SELECT t.*, t.title as topic_title FROM ibf_topics t WHERE t.approved=1 AND t.state != \'link\' AND t.forum_id IN(50,51,52,64,45,54,55,62,68,63,4,5,6,3,12,13,15,23,25,26,32,40,42,46,41,47,7,8 ,9,10,11,21,27,65,22,29,67,33,19,28,38,36,39,56,16,17,20,37,34,57,58,59,60,61) AND t.last_post > 1174212529 ORDER BY t.last_post DESC') SQL error: Can't open file: 'ibf_search_results.MYI' (errno: 145) SQL error code: Date: Sunday 18th 2007f March 2007 04:00:34 PM