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  1. Kiss me Threesome Little shy Speed kills I love sunrises What ? Made in China ?! Lovely couple High five or I kill you ! No high five True beauty is a heavy one
  2. I was walking down the street with my wife earlier, when she accused me of being ashamed to be seen with her. "That's total bollocks" I replied. By text, from across the road.
  3. krokodil

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Ne, prijateljev. Šest tednov je star, kakšen šele bo
  4. krokodil

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Something smells bad King of the prairies Where is the toilet ?!!! That's one small step for dog, one giant leap for dogkind What a perfect day
  5. When the missus left, I was sad upset and lonely. Since then I've got a dog, bought a new bike, shagged two women and blown a grand on hard drink and cocaine. She'll go fucking mental when she gets home from work.
  6. All my troubles seemed so far away Subzero tenderness Vitamin C fight back !
  7. A bloke in a wheelchair stole my camaflouge jacket. He can hide but he can't run .
  8. I found my girlfriend dead this morning. She just lay there lifeless. So I decided to fuck her one last time. Then all of a sudden she jumped up and shouted BOO ! Some people are just sick in the head...
  9. krokodil

    Pravi zame?

    No, krasno. Prejšnji je bil niger, ta je mladoleten, kaj šele sledi
  10. Ravno mi je pricvrčal mimo balkona... Giant, indeed ! I see you too Burn, burn ! Time to say goodbye...
  11. Yellow continent Premature Spider with sunglasses on Off the duty Overload Waiting for the perfect
  12. My girlfriend thinks that I'm a stalker. Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet.
  13. krokodil

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Monster is out there ! Who, me ? I smell something Right here Grrr Go away... Stop tickling me After hard work...drink Shadow is my pleasure
  14. I accidentally filled my blow-up doll with helium... Now the bitch is playing hard to get !
  15. High five ! Blond hair, horse character. Miss eyelashes Thinking... I'm gonna spit... Hey, why long face ?!
  16. krokodil


    Včeraj mi je petletni nečak na pikniku rekel: "A veš, da sem jaz dvakrat pametnejši od tebe ?" Sem rekel, ma daj, kako to....? Pravi on : "Veš, jaz štekam vse kar ti štekaš, pa še štekam vse kar jaz štekam"
  17. krokodil


    Tile so mi na dopustu delali družbo: Kung-Fu Master Lunch time So, what do you think? Pearl eyes Fucki'n wind, bro ! Gru, gru Bingo !
  18. Jaz sem si pa včeraj kupil keramični pekač, s pokrovom. Pa okroglega sem vzel, da ne bo nikoli in nikdar prašen po kotih Danes preizkusim
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