Kiss me Threesome Little shy Speed kills I love sunrises What ? Made in China ?! Lovely couple High five or I kill you ! No high five True beauty is a heavy one
I was walking down the street with my wife earlier, when she accused me of being ashamed to be seen with her. "That's total bollocks" I replied. By text, from across the road.
When the missus left, I was sad upset and lonely. Since then I've got a dog, bought a new bike, shagged two women and blown a grand on hard drink and cocaine. She'll go fucking mental when she gets home from work.
I found my girlfriend dead this morning. She just lay there lifeless. So I decided to fuck her one last time. Then all of a sudden she jumped up and shouted BOO ! Some people are just sick in the head...
Včeraj mi je petletni nečak na pikniku rekel: "A veš, da sem jaz dvakrat pametnejši od tebe ?" Sem rekel, ma daj, kako to....? Pravi on : "Veš, jaz štekam vse kar ti štekaš, pa še štekam vse kar jaz štekam"