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Vse kar je objavil/a krokodil

  1. No human beings were harmed in the making of this photo Mali ščinkavec je padel z gnezda. Na njegovo srečo sem bil hitrejši od mačka.
  2. Zato policaj vedno seksa na balkonu.
  3. What's got four legs and an arm? A Boston terrier.
  4. Osrednja/južna Italia Green ! The first sun Batman, Robin, Angry bird Love is in the air Freshen Up Lookout T(a)inted love The portal is open Up ! Woof Medicine heaven Praise The Lord !
  5. My dyslexic mate has been told that he's lactose intolerant. Now he wont go near clothes with a crocodile logo!
  6. How do you know when Stephen Hawking isn't listening to you? His screen saver comes on.
  7. Da če ima minico, ne smeš vreči kulija na tla, da bi ga pobrala. Ker če se bo sklonila, jo bo štihnilo v križu.
  8. Da takole javno o njenem spolnem življenju Sem ti dal minus.
  9. Whenever I see people crying on their roofs during a flood, I tend to think... 'If anything, you're just making it worse'.
  10. I saw a homeless man sleeping inside a big cardboard box outside the train station this morning. Not wanting to disturb him, I crept over and put a Starbucks coffee cup on top of his box. He immediately woke up and said, "Thank you." "No problem." I smiled. He looked at me again and said, "It's empty." I said, "I know, it's meant to be a chimney."
  11. verjetnost: 98% dispepsija (može se srediti) 1% rak (ženo, nije ti spasa) 1% vnetje trebušne slinavke (da se ne ponavljam, ženo,...)
  12. Autumn diamonds Purity Small universe Ignition Weightless Thru Other side Sparks Last moment Crowd
  13. krokodil


    -Do kolk lahko ti prešteješ ? "Do dvesto, potem imam pa tako suha usta, da ne gre več..."
  14. You can always tell a guy masturbates a lot, by his hands. If you look closely, you'll see a wedding ring.
  15. Fake vs. real Wooo.....f Religion's decline Catching the sun Fusion Space ! Tranquility Born to be wild ! Come to momma I got you under my skin Hip Hop Fake hippo Ramona, thirteen years Lust for life ! Cool, black, mean Night Syren Not me Emotion In motion Top five Joy Double earrings Attitude Double mist The voice Mine ! Hope
  16. After ending up in jail and being bum fucked all night I just couldnt help thinking, my uncle takes playing monopoly far too seriously.
  17. krokodil

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Nope, od hišnih živali imam trenutno samo kakšno muho enodnevnico al pa črva v breskvi
  18. krokodil

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Summer time... ...big time Turtle style Twice as hot I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe Champagne time !
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