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Vse kar je objavil/a krokodil

  1. Breakfast at dusk Tribute to the Sun Hope Heat is on Somewhere Now Here Movie Star There ! Nobody touch my hair I'm taking this to my place
  2. Jaz sem po brezbroju različnih probiotikih v več letih poskusil Molkosan (tekočino), povedano na kratko, brez konkurence. Cena sitnica, edino okus ima po kravjem urinu.
  3. Flying with the fishes Rest the Soul Lassie, a you getting old ? Electricity goes to sleep
  4. Pravi en robot drugemu: "Čujem, da se ti roditelji rastavljaju...."
  5. Celo življenje ti že okolica govori, da nimaš srca....a ti ni nikoli kapnilo, da si ROBOT !
  6. I'm not saying my wife's fat... ... but when she got her Dolphin tattoo, they did it life size.
  7. Florence + The Machine - No Light, No Light
  8. Breaking news about Nelson Mandela : He has a new sponsorship deal from Duracell.
  9. Florence + The Machine "Dog Days Are Over"
  10. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (George Barnett Cover)
  11. krokodil

    Hišni ljubljenčki

    Tole je pa moj muc, zagotovo najbolj optimističen maček na svetu. Whiskey.Tango.Foxtrot
  12. I've been told I'm not ambitious enough. If only there was an olympic sport for being a lazy bastard. That bronze medal would be mine !
  13. James Gandolfini walks into an Italian bar and asks
  14. Kdo bo pa dvignil slušalko človeku, ki še vejic ne postavlja pravilno...
  15. krokodil

    Fotke (3)

    480 horsepowers. Plus one.
  16. There are times when I wish I'd never got married. AM and PM.
  17. krokodil


    To ni ravno kompliment. Ker, najlepše ženske v Angliji so... ....turistke.
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